.NET Framework-Sample code used by LINQ9 class operators

Release: 2017-03-20 12:02:13
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Linq standardQueryOperator

Language set query Ganmge hteg.ratedQuw, LINQ, integrates the query syntax in the C# programming language, and can use the same Syntax for accessing different data sources. LINQ provides an abstraction layer for different data sources, so the same syntax can be used.

1Filter operator

Filter operator defines the conditions for returning elements.

##where Use predicates to return a Boolean valueOfType< TResult>Filter elements based on type
Filter operator Description
Application examples:

where Usage:

 var racers = from r in Formulal.Racers                         
 where r.Wins > 15 && r.Country == "Brazil" select r;
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OfType< New Object

Projection OperatorDescription

selectMany##Usage example:
object[] data = {"one", 2, "three", 4, 5, "six"};            
var rtnData = data.OfType<string>(); //返回类型为string的数据元素集合
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3 Sorting operatorChange the order of returned elements

select usage selectMany usage
var racers = from r in Formulal.Racers
                         where r.Wins > 15 && r.Country == "Brazil"
                         select new
                             Name = string.Format("{0} {1}", r.FirstName, r.LastName),
                             Country = r.Country,
                             Wins = r.Wins
                         };   //输出为含有Name,Country,Wins共计3个属性的对象集合
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Sort operator


OrderByAscending orderOrderByDescendingDescending sortThenByThe first sorting result is similar, use the second ascending sortThenByDescendingThe first sorting result is similar, use the second descending sortingReverseReverse the order of the elements in the setExample:
            var ferrariDrivers = Formulal.Racers.
            SelectMany(r => r.Cars,
            (r, c) => new { Racer = r, Car = c }).
            Where(r => r.Car == "Ferrari").
            OrderBy(r => r.Racer.LastName).
            Select(r => r.Racer.FirstName + " " + r.Racer.LastName);//筛选出驾驶法拉利的选手集合
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Operator is used to merge collections that are not directly related
4 connection

Join OperatorDescription

JoinJoins can be joined based on key selector functions 2 collectionsGroupJoinConnect two collections and combine the resultsResult: Racerj
    var racers = from r in Formulal.Racers                          
    where r.Country == "Brazil"
                          orderby r.Wins descending
                          select new
                              Name = string.Format("{0} {1}", r.FirstName, r.LastName),
                              Country = r.Country,
                              Wins = r.Wins
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##Yearj=2004Racerj=Michael SchumacherTeamj =FerrariYearj=2005Racerj=Fernando AlonsoTeamj =RenaultYearj=2006Racerj=Fernando AlonsoTeamj =RenaultRacerj=Kimi RäikkönenRacerj=Lewis HamiltonRacerj=Lewis HamiltonRacerj=Lewis Hamilton##Yearj=2009Racerj=Jenson ButtonTeamj =Brawn GPTeamj =Red Bull RacingTeamj =Red Bull RacingTeamj =Red Bull RacingTeamj =Red Bull Racing5 Combination OperatorPut data in groups
##Yearj= 2007
Teamj =FerrariYearj=2008
Teamj =FerrariYearj=2014
Teamj =Mercedes Yearj=2015
Teamj =Mercedes
##Yearj=2010Racerj=Sebastian Vettel
Yearj=2011Racerj=Sebastian Vettel
Yearj=2012 Racerj=Sebastian Vettel
Yearj=2013Racerj=Sebastian Vettel
Combining Operator Description


Group elements with a common keyGroupBy usage example: Result: ##Country Count
ToLookUpcombines elements by creating a one-to-many dictionary.
            var racer5 = from r in Formulal.Racers                
            from y in r.Years                
            where y > 2003
                select new
                    Year = y,
                    Name = string.Format("{0} {1}", r.FirstName, r.LastName)
                };            //获取冠军年份在2003年后的团队
            var team1 = from r in Formulal.ChampionTeams                         
            from y in r.Years                         
            where y > 2003
                         select new
                             Year = y,
                             Name = string.Format("{0}", r.Name)
                         };            //连接
            var racerAndTeams = from r in racer5                
            join t in team1 on r.Year equals t.Year                
            select new
                    Yearj= r.Year,
                    Racerj = r.Name,
                    Teamj = t.Name
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##BrazilFinland3Ifgrouping, it should be written like this: 6QuantifierOperatorIf the element sequence meets the specified conditions, the quantifier operator returns a Boolean value
needs to be based on multiple fields
 var countries = from r in Formulal.Racers                            
 group r by r.Country into g                            
 orderby g.Count() descending, g.Key                            
 where g.Count() > 2
                            select new 
                                Country = g.Key, 
                                Count = g.Count() 
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Composition operator


##AnyDetermine whether there is a Elements that satisfy the predicate function

AllDetermine whether all elements in the set satisfy the predicate functionContainsCheck whether an element exists in the collection
            List<int> intList1 = new List<int>(5) {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};           
            bool any3 = intList1.Any(r => r == 3);//确定集合中是否有3,返回true
            bool any0 = intList1.Any(r => r == 0);//确定集合中是否有0,返回false
            bool allMoreZero = intList1.All(r => r > 0);//确定序列中所有元素都满足大于0,返回true
            bool allMore2 = intList1.All(r => r > 2); //返回false
            bool contains3 = intList1.Contains(3); //元素3是否在集合中,true
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            int pageSize = 5;            
            int numberPages = (int)Math.Ceiling(Formulal.Racers.Count() / (double)pageSize);            
            for (int page = 0; page < numberPages; page++)
            {                var racersPartition =
                    (from r in Formulal.Racers                    
                     orderby r.LastName, r.FirstName                     
                     select r.FirstName + " " + r.LastName).Skip(page * pageSize).Take(pageSize);                       
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Page 0Fernando Alons
Mario Andretti
Alberto Ascari
Jack Brabham
Jenson ButtonPage 1Jim Clark
Juan Manuel Fa
Nino Farina
Emerson Fittipaldi
Mika Hakkinen
Page 2Lewis Hamilton
Mike Hawthorn
Damon Hill
Graham Hill
Phil Hill
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8集合操作符(Set operators)

集合操作符返回 一 个集合。除了Distinct之外,其他都需要2个集合。



            List<int> intList1 = new List<int>(5) {1, 2, 3, 4, 5,3};            
            List<int> intList2 = new List<int>(3) {2, 5, 0};            
            var delDuplic = intList1.Distinct(); //去重,结果{1,2,3,4,5}
            var unionList = intList1.Union(intList2); //并集,结果{1,2,3,4,5,0}
            var interList = intList1.Intersect(intList2); //交集,结果{2,5}
            var exceptList = intList1.Except(intList2);//差集,结果{1,3,4}
            var exceptList2 = intList2.Except(intList1);//差集,结果{0}
            var unionList2 = intList1.Zip(intList2,((i1, i2) => i1+", "+i2)); 结果:{{1,2}{2,5}{3,0}}
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9元素操作符(Element operators)

这些元素操作符仅返回一 个元素。



List<int> intList1 = new List<int>(5) { 1, 8, 3, 4, 5, 3 };
int firstMore1 = intList1.First(r => r > 1);//结果:8
int firstMore17 = intList1.FirstOrDefault(r => r > 17); //结果:0(因为不存在)
int lastMore3 = intList1.Last(r => r > 3); //结果5
int last = intList1.ElementAt(2); //结果3,(索引从0开始)
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10聚合操作符(Aggregate operators)

聚合操作符计算集合的一个值。利用这些聚合操作符 ,可 以计算所有值的总和、所有元
素的个数、值最大和最小的元素 ,以 及平均值等

            public class MyIntClass
            public string Name { get; set; }                
            public int Integar { get; set; }                
            public MyIntClass(string name, int i)
                this.Name = name;                    
                this.Integar = Integar;
            List<MyIntClass> intList1 = new List<MyIntClass>(5) 
                new MyIntClass("first",1),                
                new MyIntClass("second",8) ,                
                new MyIntClass("third",3) ,                
                new MyIntClass("fourth",4) ,                
                new MyIntClass("fifth",5) ,                
                new MyIntClass("sixth",3) 
            int count = intList1.Count;            
            int sum = intList1.Sum(r=>r.Integar);            
            int min = intList1.Min(r => r.Integar);            
            int max = intList1.Max(r => r.Integar);            
            double average = intList1.Average(r => r.Integar);
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11转换操作符(Conversion operators)

转换操作符将集合转换为数组 :IEnumberable、 IList, IDictionary 等。

Conversion operators描述
AsEnumerable返回类型为IEnumerable< T>
Cast< TResult>映射


         IEnumerable<MyIntClass> ienuList = from r in intList1 where r.Integar > 3 select r; //返回默认的IEnumerable集合
         List<MyIntClass> ienuList2 = (from r in intList1 where r.Integar > 3 select r).ToList(); //返回List
         MyIntClass[] ienuList2 = (from r in intList1 where r.Integar > 3 select r).ToArray();//返回数组
         var dict = (from r in intList1 where r.Integar > 3 select r).ToDictionary(r=>r.Name,r=>r.Integar); 
         //字典,key是name, value:Integar
         IEnumerable<MyIntClass> ienuList2 = (from r in intList1 where r.Integar > 3 select r).AsEnumerable();
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12生成操作符(Generation operators)

这些生成操作符返回 一 个新集合

Generation operators描述
IEnumerable<int> ints = Enumerable.Range(3, 10);
//{3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12}IEnumerable<int> emptyInts =  Enumerable.Empty<int>();
//生成一个空集合IEnumerable<int> ints2= Enumerable.Repeat(6,8);//生成8个6的集合
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   public class Racer 
    public Racer(string firstName = null, string lastName = null, 
    string country = null, int starts = 0,int wins = 0, IEnumerable<int> years = null, IEnumerable<string> cars = null)
        this.FirstName = firstName;            
        this.LastName = lastName;            
        this.Country = country;            
        this.Starts = starts;            
        this.Wins = wins;            
        var yearList = new List<int>();            
        if (years != null)
            foreach (var year in years)
                }                this.Years = yearList.ToArray();
            }            if (cars != null)
            {                var carList = new List<string>();                
            foreach (var car in cars)
                this.Cars = carList.ToArray();
            }           public string FirstName { get; set; }           
            public string LastName { get; set; }           //赢得比赛的次数
           public int Wins { get; set; }           //所属国家
           public string Country { get; set; }           //开始做的年龄
           public int Starts { get; set; }           //车型数组
           public string[] Cars { get; private set; }           //赢得冠军的年份
           public int[] Years { get; private set; }   
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        public static List<Racer> Racers = new List<Racer>(40)
                new Racer("Nino", "Farina", "Italy", 33, 5, new int[] { 1950 }, new string[] { "Alfa Romeo" }),                new Racer("Alberto", "Ascari", "Italy", 32, 10, new int[] { 1952, 1953 }, new string[] { "Ferrari" }),                new Racer("Juan Manuel", "Fangio", "Argentina", 51, 24, new int[] { 1951, 1954, 1955, 1956, 1957 }, new string[] { "Alfa Romeo", "Maserati", "Mercedes", "Ferrari" }),                new Racer("Mike", "Hawthorn", "UK", 45, 3, new int[] { 1958 }, new string[] { "Ferrari" }),                new Racer("Phil", "Hill", "USA", 48, 3, new int[] { 1961 }, new string[] { "Ferrari" }),                new Racer("John", "Surtees", "UK", 111, 6, new int[] { 1964 }, new string[] { "Ferrari" }),                new Racer("Jim", "Clark", "UK", 72, 25, new int[] { 1963, 1965 }, new string[] { "Lotus" }),                new Racer("Jack", "Brabham", "Australia", 125, 14, new int[] { 1959, 1960, 1966 }, new string[] { "Cooper", "Brabham" }),                new Racer("Denny", "Hulme", "New Zealand", 112, 8, new int[] { 1967 }, new string[] { "Brabham" }),                new Racer("Graham", "Hill", "UK", 176, 14, new int[] { 1962, 1968 }, new string[] { "BRM", "Lotus" }),                new Racer("Jochen", "Rindt", "Austria", 60, 6, new int[] { 1970 }, new string[] { "Lotus" }),                new Racer("Jackie", "Stewart", "UK", 99, 27, new int[] { 1969, 1971, 1973 }, new string[] { "Matra", "Tyrrell" }),                new Racer("Emerson", "Fittipaldi", "Brazil", 143, 14, new int[] { 1972, 1974 }, new string[] { "Lotus", "McLaren" }),                new Racer("James", "Hunt", "UK", 91, 10, new int[] { 1976 }, new string[] { "McLaren" }),                new Racer("Mario", "Andretti", "USA", 128, 12, new int[] { 1978 }, new string[] { "Lotus" }),                new Racer("Jody", "Scheckter", "South Africa", 112, 10, new int[] { 1979 }, new string[] { "Ferrari" }),                new Racer("Alan", "Jones", "Australia", 115, 12, new int[] { 1980 }, new string[] { "Williams" }),                new Racer("Keke", "Rosberg", "Finland", 114, 5, new int[] { 1982 }, new string[] { "Williams" }),                new Racer("Niki", "Lauda", "Austria", 173, 25, new int[] { 1975, 1977, 1984 }, new string[] { "Ferrari", "McLaren" }),                new Racer("Nelson", "Piquet", "Brazil", 204, 23, new int[] { 1981, 1983, 1987 }, new string[] { "Brabham", "Williams" }),                new Racer("Ayrton", "Senna", "Brazil", 161, 41, new int[] { 1988, 1990, 1991 }, new string[] { "McLaren" }),                new Racer("Nigel", "Mansell", "UK", 187, 31, new int[] { 1992 }, new string[] { "Williams" }),                new Racer("Alain", "Prost", "France", 197, 51, new int[] { 1985, 1986, 1989, 1993 }, new string[] { "McLaren", "Williams" }),                new Racer("Damon", "Hill", "UK", 114, 22, new int[] { 1996 }, new string[] { "Williams" }),                new Racer("Jacques", "Villeneuve", "Canada", 165, 11, new int[] { 1997 }, new string[] { "Williams" }),                new Racer("Mika", "Hakkinen", "Finland", 160, 20, new int[] { 1998, 1999 }, new string[] { "McLaren" }),                new Racer("Michael", "Schumacher", "Germany", 287, 91, new int[] { 1994, 1995, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 }, new string[] { "Benetton", "Ferrari" }),                new Racer("Fernando", "Alonso", "Spain", 252, 32, new int[] { 2005, 2006 }, new string[] { "Renault" }),                new Racer("Kimi", "Räikkönen", "Finland", 230, 20, new int[] { 2007 }, new string[] { "Ferrari" }),                new Racer("Lewis", "Hamilton", "UK", 166, 43, new int[] { 2008, 2014, 2015 }, new string[] { "McLaren", "Mercedes" }),                new Racer("Jenson", "Button", "UK", 283, 15, new int[] { 2009 }, new string[] { "Brawn GP" }),                new Racer("Sebastian", "Vettel", "Germany", 156, 42, new int[] { 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 }, new string[] { "Red Bull Racing" })

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    [Serializable]    public class Team
    {        public Team(string name, params int[] years)
        {            this.Name = name;            
        this.Years = years;
        }        public string Name { get; private set; }        
        public int[] Years { get; private set; }
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        public static List<Team> ChampionTeams = new List<Team>()
        {            new Team("Vanwall", 1958),            
        new Team("Cooper", 1959, 1960),            
        new Team("Ferrari", 1961, 1964, 1975, 1976, 1977, 1979, 1982, 1983, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2007, 
                       new Team("BRM", 1962),            
                       new Team("Lotus", 1963, 1965, 1968, 1970, 1972, 1973, 1978),            
                       new Team("Brabham", 1966, 1967),            
                       new Team("Matra", 1969),           
                        new Team("Tyrrell", 1971),           
                         new Team("McLaren", 1974, 1984, 1985, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1998),           
                          new Team("Williams", 1980, 1981, 1986, 1987, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1996, 1997),            
                          new Team("Benetton", 1995),            
                          new Team("Renault", 2005, 2006),            
                          new Team("Brawn GP", 2009),            
                          new Team("Red Bull Racing", 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013),           
                           new Team("Mercedes", 2014, 2015)
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