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Detailed explanation of MySQL PXC's method of building a new node that only requires IST transmission

Release: 2017-04-18 11:29:27
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The following editor will bring you an articleMySQL PXC method of building a new node that only requires IST transmission (recommended). The editor thinks it is quite good, so I will share it with you now and give it as a reference for everyone. Let’s follow the editor and take a look.

Demand scenario: The original pxc environment has a relatively large amount of data. The newly purchased server needs to be added to this cluster. How to make it use IST for transmission instead of SST? .

PXC has two ways to transmit data:

IST: Incremental State Transfer incremental synchronization
SST: State Snapshot Transfer full amount Conditions for synchronization

IST to occur: This is done using caching mechanism on nodes (that is, only the node data that occurred in the previous cluster is still in the cache)

Judgment method:

mysql> show global status like 'wsrep_local_cached_downto';
| Variable_name       | Value |
| wsrep_local_cached_downto | 1   |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
Copy after login

This value is smaller than the seqno of the newly opened node:

[root@zejin241 I6000]# cat grastate.dat 
# GALERA saved state
version: 2.1
uuid:  6c86dc17-246f-11e6-9955-ae4d7e89eed2
seqno:  4
Copy after login

So our idea is to back up the data of the nodes in a cluster , restore to the new node, and forge a grastate.dat to record the seqno of the backup data, so that when the new node starts, it will automatically use the IST method instead of SST (note that gcache.size should have sufficient capacity To ensure that all newly generated data during the backup and recovery period are cached)

galera.cache: This file is used as a main writeset store. It's implemented as a permanent ring-buffer file
that is preallocated on disk when the node is initialized. File size can be controlled with the variable
gcache.size. If this value is bigger, more writesets are cached and chances are better that the rejoining node will get IST instead of SST.
Filename can be changed with the gcache.name variable.
Copy after login

The following are the steps for this operation:

node240: -- The existing cluster node
node241: -- The cluster node that will be added

step1: Start the first step in the new cluster A node

/usr/local/pxc_56/bin/mysqld_safe --defaults-file=/home/mysql/pxc6000.cnf --ledir=/usr/local/pxc_56/ bin/ --wsrep-new-cluster &

The configuration file is as follows:

[root@zejin240 I6000]
# cat /home/mysql/pxc6000.cnf
port      = 6000socket     = /home/mysql/I6000/mysql.sockdefault-character-set=utf8
[mysqld]basedir = /usr/local/pxc_56datadir = /home/mysql/I6000pid-file    = /home/mysql/I6000/mysql.
pidcharacter-set-server=utf8init_connect = 'SET NAMES utf8'log-bin=/home/mysql/I6000/log_binserver-id = 9816000innodb_buffer_pool_size = 
100Minnodb_data_file_path = ibdata1:10M:autoextendinnodb_data_home_dir = /home/mysql/I6000innodb_file_per_table=1skip-name-resolveport      = 
6000socket     = /home/mysql/I6000/mysql.sockuser=mysqllog_error=/home/mysql/I6000/mysql_error.log
#pxcuser=mysqllog_error=error.logbinlog_format=ROW#6000 for mysqld port, 6020 for sst port, 6031 for ist port, 6030 for cluster communication 
wsrep_node_address= = "gmcast.listen_addr=tcp://;ist.recv_addr=;
Copy after login
mysql> use zejin;
mysql> select * from t1;
| id | name |
| 1 | chen |
| 2 | li  |
| 3 | zhang |
3 rows in set (0.01 sec)mysql> update mysql.user set password=password('123');mysql> flush privileges;
mysql> show master status;
| File      | Position | Binlog_Do_DB | Binlog_Ignore_DB | Executed_Gtid_Set |
| log_bin.000003 |   2772 |       |         |          |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
Copy after login

step2: Use innobackupex to back up node240 data:

[root@zejin240 mysql]# innobackupex --user=root --password=123 --port=6000 --host= 
--defaults-file=/home/mysql/pxc6000.cnf /home/mysql/InnoDB Backup Utility v1.5.1-xtrabackup; 
Copyright 2003, 2009 Innobase Oyand Percona LLC and/or its affiliates 2009-2013. All Rights Reserved.This software is published 
underthe GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 2, June 1991.Get the latest version of Percona XtraBackup, documentation, and help 
resources:percona.com/xb/p160528 09:39:07 innobackupex: Executing a version check against the server...160528 09:39:07 
innobackupex: Connecting to MySQL server with DSN 'dbi:mysql:;mysql_read_default_file=/home/mysql/pxc6000.cnf;
port=6000' as 'root' (using password: YES).160528 09:39:07 innobackupex: Connected to MySQL server160528 09:39:07 
innobackupex: Done.160528 09:39:07 innobackupex: Connecting to MySQL server with DSN 'dbi:mysql:;
mysql_read_default_group=xtrabackup;host=;port=6000' as 'root' (using password: YES).160528 09:39:07 
innobackupex: Connected to MySQL server160528 09:39:07 innobackupex: Starting the backup operationIMPORTANT: 
Please check that the backup run completes successfully.      
At the end of a successful backup run innobackupex      
prints "completed OK!".innobackupex: Using server version 5.6.26-74.0-25.12-loginnobackupex: 
Created backup directory /home/mysql/2016-05-28_09-39-07160528 09:39:07 innobackupex: Starting ibbackup with command: 
xtrabackup --defaults-file="/home/mysql/pxc6000.cnf" --defaults-group="mysqld" --backup 
--suspend-at-end --target-dir=/home/mysql/2016-05-28_09-39-07 --innodb_log_file_size="50331648"
 --tmpdir=/tmp --extra-lsndir='/tmp'innobackupex: Waiting for ibbackup (pid=30280) to suspendinnobackupex: 
 Suspend file '/home/mysql/2016-05-28_09-39-07/xtrabackup_suspended_2'xtrabackup 
 version 2.2.11 based on MySQL server 5.6.24 Linux (x86_64) (revision id: )xtrabackup: uses 
 posix_fadvise().xtrabackup: cd to /home/mysql/I6000xtrabackup: open files limit requested 0, set to 1024xtrabackup: 
 using the following InnoDB configuration:xtrabackup:  innodb_data_home_dir = /home/mysql/I6000xtrabackup:  
 innodb_data_file_path = ibdata1:10M:autoextendxtrabackup:  innodb_log_group_home_dir = ./xtrabackup:  
 innodb_log_files_in_group = 2xtrabackup:  innodb_log_file_size = 50331648>> log scanned up to (1637591)xtrabackup: 
 Generating a list of tablespaces[01] Copying /home/mysql/I6000/ibdata1 to /home/mysql/2016-05-28_09-39-07/ibdata1>> 
 log scanned up to (1637591)[01]    ...done[01] Copying ./zejin/t1.ibd to /home/mysql/2016-05-28_09-39-07/zejin/t1.ibd[01]   
  ...done[01] Copying ./mysql/innodb_table_stats.ibd to /home/mysql/2016-05-28_09-39-07/mysql/innodb_table_stats.ibd[01]   
   ...done[01] Copying ./mysql/slave_master_info.ibd to /home/mysql/2016-05-28_09-39-07/mysql/slave_master_info.ibd[01]   
   ...done[01] Copying ./mysql/slave_relay_log_info.ibd to /home/mysql/2016-05-28_09-39-07/mysql/slave_relay_log_info.ibd[01]    
   ...done[01] Copying ./mysql/slave_worker_info.ibd to /home/mysql/2016-05-28_09-39-07/mysql/slave_worker_info.ibd[01]   
    ...done[01] Copying ./mysql/innodb_index_stats.ibd to /home/mysql/2016-05-28_09-39-07/mysql/innodb_index_stats.ibd[01]    
    ...done>> log scanned up to (1637591)xtrabackup: Creating suspend file '/home/mysql/2016-05-28_09-39-07/xtrabackup_suspended_2' 
    with pid '30280'160528 09:39:10 innobackupex: Continuing after ibbackup has suspended160528 09:39:10 
    innobackupex: Executing LOCK TABLES FOR BACKUP...160528 09:39:10 innobackupex: Backup tables lock acquired160528 09:39:10 
    innobackupex: Starting to backup non-InnoDB tables and filesinnobackupex: in subdirectories of '/home/mysql/I6000/'
    innobackupex: Backing up files '/home/mysql/I6000//performance_schema
    /*.{frm,isl,MYD,MYI,MAD,MAI,MRG,TRG,TRN,ARM,ARZ,CSM,CSV,opt,par}' (53 files)>> log scanned up to (1637598)
    innobackupex: Backing up file '/home/mysql/I6000//zejin/db.opt'innobackupex: Backing up file '/home/mysql/I6000//zejin/t1.frm'
    innobackupex: Backing up files '/home/mysql/I6000//mysql/*.{frm,isl,MYD,MYI,MAD,MAI,MRG,TRG,TRN,ARM,ARZ,CSM,CSV,opt,par}' (74 files)160528 09:39:11
     innobackupex: Finished backing up non-InnoDB tables and files160528 09:39:11 innobackupex: Executing LOCK BINLOG FOR BACKUP...160528
      09:39:11 innobackupex: Executing FLUSH NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG ENGINE LOGS...160528 09:39:11 innobackupex: Waiting for log copying to 
      finishxtrabackup: The latest check point (for incremental): '1637598'xtrabackup: Stopping log copying thread..>> log scanned up
       to (1637598)xtrabackup: Creating suspend file '/home/mysql/2016-05-28_09-39-07/xtrabackup_log_copied' with pid '30280'xtrabackup:
        Transaction log of lsn (1637591) to (1637598) was copied.160528 09:39:12 innobackupex: Executing UNLOCK BINLOG160528 
        09:39:12 innobackupex: Executing UNLOCK TABLES160528 09:39:12 innobackupex: All tables unlockedinnobackupex: Backup 
        created in directory '/home/mysql/2016-05-28_09-39-07'innobackupex: MySQL binlog position: filename 'log_bin.000003', 
        position 2772160528 09:39:12 innobackupex: Connection to database server closed160528 09:39:12 innobackupex: completed OK!
[root@zejin240 2016-05-28_09-39-07]
# lltotal 75812-rw-r--r--. 1 root root   
358 May 28 09:39 backup-my.cnf-rw-r-----. 
1 root root 77594624 May 28 09:39 ibdata1drwx------. 
2 root root   4096 May 28 09:39 mysqldrwxr-xr-x. 
2 root root   4096 May 28 09:39 performance_schema-rw-r--r--. 
1 root root    20 May 28 09:39 xtrabackup_binlog_info-rw-r-----. 
1 root root    89 May 28 09:39 xtrabackup_checkpoints-rw-r--r--. 
1 root root   635 May 28 09:39 xtrabackup_info-rw-r-----. 
1 root root   2560 May 28 09:39 xtrabackup_logfiledrwx------. 
2 root root   4096 May 28 09:39 zejin
Copy after login

#step3: At this point we add some more data to node240:

mysql> use zejin;
mysql> insert into t1(name) values('lin');
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.06 sec)
mysql> insert into t1(name) values('liang');
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)
mysql> select * from t1;
| id | name |
| 1 | chen |
| 2 | li  |
| 3 | zhang |
| 4 | lin  |
| 5 | liang |
5 rows in set (0.00 sec)
Copy after login

step4: Transfer the backed up data to node241 and restore:

[root@zejin241 mysql]
# innobackupex --apply-log 2016-05-28_09-39-07/InnoDB Backup Utility v1.5.1-xtrabackup; 
Copyright 2003, 2009 Innobase Oyand Percona LLC and/or its affiliates 2009-2013. 
All Rights Reserved.This software is published underthe GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 
2, June 1991.Get the latest version of Percona XtraBackup, documentation, and help resources:percona.com 09:54:01 
innobackupex: Starting the apply-log operationIMPORTANT: Please check that the apply-log run completes successfully.      
At the end of a successful apply-log run innobackupex      
prints "completed OK!".160528 09:54:01 innobackupex: Starting ibbackup with 
command: xtrabackup --defaults-file="/home/mysql/2016-05-28_09-39-07/backup-my.cnf" --defaults-group="mysqld" --prepare 
--target-dir=/home/mysql/2016-05-28_09-39-07xtrabackup version 2.2.11 based on MySQL server 5.6.24 Linux (x86_64) 
(revision id: )xtrabackup: cd to /home/mysql/2016-05-28_09-39-07xtrabackup: This target seems to be not prepared yet.xtrabackup: 
xtrabackup_logfile detected: size=2097152, start_lsn=(1637591)xtrabackup: using the following InnoDB configuration for recovery:xtrabackup:  
innodb_data_home_dir = ./xtrabackup:  innodb_data_file_path = ibdata1:10M:autoextendxtrabackup:  innodb_log_group_home_dir = ./xtrabackup:  
innodb_log_files_in_group = 1xtrabackup:  innodb_log_file_size = 2097152xtrabackup: 
using the following InnoDB configuration for recovery:xtrabackup:  innodb_data_home_dir = ./xtrabackup:  
innodb_data_file_path = ibdata1:10M:autoextendxtrabackup:  innodb_log_group_home_dir = ./xtrabackup:  
innodb_log_files_in_group = 1xtrabackup:  
innodb_log_file_size = 2097152xtrabackup: Starting InnoDB instance for recovery.xtrabackup: 
Using 104857600 bytes for buffer pool (set by --use-memory parameter)InnoDB: Using atomics to ref count buffer pool 
pagesInnoDB: The InnoDB memory heap is disabledInnoDB: Mutexes and rw_locks use GCC atomic builtinsInnoDB: Memory barrier is not 
usedInnoDB: Compressed tables use zlib 1.2.3InnoDB: Using CPU crc32 instructionsInnoDB: Initializing buffer pool, 
size = 100.0MInnoDB: Completed initialization of buffer poolInnoDB: Highest supported file format is 
Barracuda.InnoDB: Log scan progressed past the checkpoint lsn 1637591InnoDB: Database was not shutdown 
normally!InnoDB: Starting crash recovery.InnoDB: Reading tablespace information from the .ibd files...InnoDB: 
Restoring possible half-written data pages InnoDB: from the doublewrite buffer...InnoDB: Doing recovery: 
scanned up to log sequence number 1637598 (0%)InnoDB: Last MySQL binlog file position 0 2772, 
file name log_bin.000003InnoDB: 128 rollback segment(s) are active.InnoDB: Waiting for purge to startInnoDB: 5.6.24 started; 
log sequence number 1637598[notice (again)] If you use binary log and don't use any hack of group commit, 
the binary log position seems to be:InnoDB: Last MySQL binlog file position 0 2772, file name log_bin.000003xtrabackup: 
Recovered WSREP position: 6c86dc17-246f-11e6-9955-ae4d7e89eed2:8xtrabackup: starting shutdown
 with innodb_fast_shutdown = 1InnoDB: FTS optimize thread exiting.InnoDB: Starting shutdown...InnoDB: Shutdown completed; 
 log sequence number 1637608160528 09:54:03 innobackupex: Restarting xtrabackup with command: xtrabackup 
 --defaults-file="/home/mysql/2016-05-28_09-39-07/backup-my.cnf" --defaults-group="mysqld" --prepare 
 --target-dir=/home/mysql/2016-05-28_09-39-07for creating ib_logfile*xtrabackup version 2.2.11 based on MySQL server 5.6.24 
 Linux (x86_64) (revision id: )xtrabackup: cd to /home/mysql/2016-05-28_09-39-07xtrabackup: 
 This target seems to be already prepared.xtrabackup: notice: xtrabackup_logfile 
 was already used to '--prepare'.xtrabackup: using the following InnoDB configuration for recovery:xtrabackup:  
 innodb_data_home_dir = ./xtrabackup:  innodb_data_file_path = ibdata1:10M:autoextendxtrabackup:  
 innodb_log_group_home_dir = ./xtrabackup:  innodb_log_files_in_group = 2xtrabackup:  
 innodb_log_file_size = 50331648xtrabackup: using the following InnoDB configuration for recovery:xtrabackup: 
  innodb_data_home_dir = ./xtrabackup:  innodb_data_file_path = ibdata1:10M:autoextendxtrabackup:  
  innodb_log_group_home_dir = ./xtrabackup:  innodb_log_files_in_group = 2xtrabackup:  
  innodb_log_file_size = 50331648xtrabackup: Starting InnoDB instance for recovery.xtrabackup:
   Using 104857600 bytes for buffer pool (set by --use-memory parameter)InnoDB: 
   Using atomics to ref count buffer pool pagesInnoDB: 
   The InnoDB memory heap is disabledInnoDB: Mutexes and rw_locks use GCC atomic builtinsInnoDB: Memory barrier is not usedInnoDB: 
   Compressed tables use zlib 1.2.3InnoDB: Using CPU crc32 instructionsInnoDB: Initializing buffer pool, size = 100.0MInnoDB: 
   Completed initialization of buffer poolInnoDB: Setting log file ./ib_logfile101 size to 48 MBInnoDB: Setting log file ./ib_logfile1 
   size to 48 MBInnoDB: Renaming log file ./ib_logfile101 to ./ib_logfile0InnoDB: New log files created, 
   LSN=1637608InnoDB: Highest supported file format is Barracuda.InnoDB: 128 rollback segment(s) are active.InnoDB: 
   Waiting for purge to startInnoDB: 5.6.24 started; log sequence number 1637900[notice (again)] 
   If you use binary log and don't use any hack of group commit, the binary log position seems to be:InnoDB: 
   Last MySQL binlog file position 0 2772, file name log_bin.000003xtrabackup: 
   starting shutdown with innodb_fast_shutdown = 1InnoDB: FTS optimize thread exiting.InnoDB: Starting shutdown...InnoDB: 
   Shutdown completed; log sequence number 1637910160528 09:54:06 innobackupex: completed OK!
[root@zejin240 2016-05-28_09-39-07]# lltotal 176168-rw-r--r--. 
1 root root   
358 May 28 09:39 backup-my.cnf-rw-r-----. 
1 root root 77594624 May 28 09:54 ibdata1-rw-r--r--. 
1 root root 50331648 May 28 09:54 ib_logfile0-rw-r--r--. 
1 root root 50331648 May 28 09:54 ib_logfile1drwx------. 
2 root root   4096 May 28 09:39 mysqldrwxr-xr-x. 
2 root root   4096 May 28 09:39 performance_schema-rw-r--r--. 
1 root root    20 May 28 09:39 xtrabackup_binlog_info-rw-r--r--. 
1 root root    20 May 28 09:54 xtrabackup_binlog_pos_innodb-rw-r-----. 
1 root root    89 May 28 09:54 xtrabackup_checkpoints-rw-r--r--. 
1 root root    38 May 28 09:54 xtrabackup_galera_info-rw-r--r--. 
1 root root   635 May 28 09:39 xtrabackup_info-rw-r-----. 
1 root root 2097152 May 28 09:54 xtrabackup_logfiledrwx------. 
2 root root   4096 May 28 09:39 zejin
Copy after login

#step5: Find the location of Xid

There are two methods

Method 1: View the file xtrabackup_galera_info

[root @zejin241 I6000]# cat xtrabackup_galera_info6c86dc17-246f-11e6-9955-ae4d7e89eed2:8

Method 2: Find by binlog location:

[root@zejin241 I6000]# cat xtrabackup_binlog_infolog_bin.000003 2772
That is, the backup point location during backup is log_bin.000003 2772

We will go to the main library to find the xid corresponding to this binlog

[root@zejin240 I6000]# mysqlbinlog -vv log_bin.000003 | grep Xid#160528 9:02:59 server id 9816000 end_log_pos 947 CRC32 0x37371b3e Xid = 7#160528 10:03:04 server id 981600 0 end_log_pos 2969 CRC32 0xf7973829 Xid = 9#160528 10:03:13 server id 9816000 end_log_pos 3168 CRC32 0x8db2aa41 Xid = 10

It was found that there is no xid at this location. The reason is that we are at the topUpdate mysql.user table, and this table is a myisam table, there will be no Xid record. In this case, we set the Xid to 8

#step6: on node241 Forge a grastate.dat file (copy it from node240 and change the seqno):

# GALERA saved stateversion: 2.1uuid: 6c86dc17-246f-11e6-9955-ae4d7e89eed2seqno: 8cert_index:

step7: Start new node:


启动node241:[root@zejin241 mysql]# /usr/local/pxc_56/bin/mysqld_safe --defaults-file=/home/mysql/pxc6000.cnf --ledir=/usr/local/pxc_56/bin/ & 
[1] 56425[root@zejin241 mysql]# 160528 11:06:03 mysqld_safe Logging to '/home/mysql/I6000/error.log'.160528 11:06:03 
mysqld_safe Starting mysqld daemon with databases from /home/mysql/I6000160528 11:06:03 mysqld_safe Skipping wsrep-recover
 for 6c86dc17-246f-11e6-9955-ae4d7e89eed2:8 pair160528 11:06:03 mysqld_safe Assigning 6c86dc17-246f-11e6-9955-ae4d7e89eed2:8 to
 wsrep_start_position查看下启动过程的日志:[root@zejin241 I6000]# cat error.log 160528 11:06:03 mysqld_safe Starting mysqld daemon
  with databases from /home/mysql/I6000160528 11:06:03 mysqld_safe Skipping wsrep-recover for 6c86dc17-246f-11e6-9955-ae4d7e89eed2:8
   pair160528 11:06:03 mysqld_safe Assigning 6c86dc17-246f-11e6-9955-ae4d7e89eed2:8 to wsrep_start_position2016-05-28 11:06:19 0 
   [Warning] TIMESTAMP with implicit DEFAULT value is deprecated. Please use --explicit_defaults_for_timestamp server option 
   (see documentation for more details).2016-05-28 11:06:19 0 [Note] /usr/local/pxc_56/bin//mysqld (mysqld 5.6.26-74.0-25.12-log) 
   starting as process 56931 ...2016-05-28 11:06:19 56931 [Note] WSREP: Read nil XID from storage engines, skipping position 
   init2016-05-28 11:06:19 56931 [Note] WSREP: wsrep_load(): loading provider library '/usr/local/pxc_56/lib/libgalera_smm.so'2016-05-28 
   11:06:20 56931 [Note] WSREP: wsrep_load(): Galera 3.12.2(rf3e626d) by Codership Oy <info@codership.com> loaded successfully.2016-05-28 
   11:06:20 56931 [Note] WSREP: CRC-32C: using hardware acceleration.2016-05-28 11:06:20 56931 [Note] WSREP: Found saved state:
    6c86dc17-246f-11e6-9955-ae4d7e89eed2:82016-05-28 11:06:20 56931 [Note] WSREP: Passing config to GCS: base_dir = /home/mysql/I6000/; 
    base_host =; base_port = 6000; cert.log_conflicts = no; debug = no; evs.auto_evict = 0; evs.delay_margin = PT1S;
     evs.delayed_keep_period = PT30S; evs.inactive_check_period = PT0.5S; evs.inactive_timeout = PT15S; evs.join_retrans_period = PT1S;
      evs.max_install_timeouts = 3; evs.send_window = 4; evs.stats_report_period = PT1M; evs.suspect_timeout = PT5S;
       evs.user_send_window = 2; evs.view_forget_timeout = PT24H; gcache.dir = /home/mysql/I6000/; gcache.keep_pages_count = 0; 
       gcache.keep_pages_size = 0; gcache.mem_size = 0; gcache.name = /home/mysql/I6000//galera.cache; gcache.page_size = 128M; 
       gcache.size = 128M; gcs.fc_debug = 0; gcs.fc_factor = 1.0; gcs.fc_limit = 16; gcs.fc_master_slave = no; 
       gcs.max_packet_size = 64500; gcs.max_throttle = 0.25; gcs.recv_q_hard_limit = 9223372036854775807; 
       gcs.recv_q_soft_limit = 0.25; gcs.sync_donor = no; gmcast.listen_addr = tcp://; 
       gmcast.segment = 0; gmcast.version = 0; 
       ist.recv_a2016-05-28 11:06:21 56931 [Note] WSREP: Service thread queue flushed.2016-05-28 11:06:21 56931 [Note] WSREP:
        Assign initial position for certification: 8, protocol version: -12016-05-28 11:06:21 56931 [Note] WSREP: 
        wsrep_sst_grab()2016-05-28 11:06:21 56931 [Note] WSREP: Start replication2016-05-28 11:06:21 56931 [Note] WSREP: 
        Setting initial position to 6c86dc17-246f-11e6-9955-ae4d7e89eed2:82016-05-28 11:06:21 56931 [Note] WSREP: protonet 
        asio version 02016-05-28 11:06:21 56931 [Note] WSREP: Using CRC-32C for message checksums.2016-05-28 11:06:21 56931
         [Note] WSREP: backend: asio2016-05-28 11:06:21 56931 [Warning] WSREP: access file(/home/mysql/I6000//gvwstate.dat)
          failed(No such file or directory)2016-05-28 11:06:21 56931 [Note] WSREP: restore pc from disk failed2016-05-28
           11:06:21 56931 [Note] WSREP: GMCast version 02016-05-28 11:06:21 56931 [Note] WSREP: (275a2ebd, &#39;tcp://;) 
           listening at tcp:// 11:06:21 56931 [Note] WSREP: (275a2ebd, &#39;tcp://;) multicast: ,
            ttl: 12016-05-28 11:06:21 56931 [Note] WSREP: EVS version 02016-05-28 11:06:21 56931 [Note] WSREP: 
            gcomm: connecting to group &#39;pxc_zejin&#39;, peer &#39;,,;2016-05-28 
            11:06:21 56931 [Note] WSREP: (275a2ebd, &#39;tcp://;) turning message relay requesting on, 
            nonlive peers: 2016-05-28 11:06:21 56931 [Note] WSREP: declaring 6c48c86c at tcp://
             stable2016-05-28 11:06:21 56931 [Note] WSREP: Node 6c48c86c state prim2016-05-28 11:06:21 56931 [Note] 
             WSREP: view(view_id(PRIM,275a2ebd,2) memb {  275a2ebd,0  6c48c86c,0} joined {} left {} partitioned {})2016-05-28
              11:06:21 56931 [Note] WSREP: save pc into disk2016-05-28 11:06:21 56931 [Note] WSREP: discarding pending addr 
              without UUID: tcp:// 11:06:22 56931 [Note] WSREP: gcomm: connected2016-05-28 11:06:22
               56931 [Note] WSREP: Changing maximum packet size to 64500, resulting msg size: 326362016-05-28 11:06:22 56931
                [Note] WSREP: Shifting CLOSED -> OPEN (TO: 0)2016-05-28 11:06:22 56931 [Note] WSREP: Opened channel 
                &#39;pxc_zejin&#39;2016-05-28 11:06:22 56931 [Note] WSREP: Waiting for SST to complete.2016-05-28 11:06:22 56931 
                [Note] WSREP: New COMPONENT: primary = yes, bootstrap = no, my_idx = 0, memb_num = 22016-05-28 
                11:06:22 56931 [Note] WSREP: STATE_EXCHANGE: sent state UUID: 2800468f-2481-11e6-8c7c-de1ade51709a2016-05-28 
                11:06:22 56931 [Note] WSREP: STATE EXCHANGE: sent state msg: 2800468f-2481-11e6-8c7c-de1ade51709a2016-05-28 11:06:22
                 56931 [Note] WSREP: STATE EXCHANGE: got state msg: 2800468f-2481-11e6-8c7c-de1ade51709a from 0 (node6000_241)2016-05-28 11:06:22 56931 [Note] WSREP: STATE EXCHANGE: got state msg: 2800468f-2481-11e6-8c7c-de1ade51709a from 1 (node6000_240)2016-05-28 11:06:22 56931 [Note] WSREP: Quorum results:  version  = 3,  component = PRIMARY,  conf_id  = 1,  members  = 1/2 (joined/total),  act_id   = 10,  last_appl. = -1,  protocols = 0/7/3 (gcs/repl/appl),  group UUID = 6c86dc17-246f-11e6-9955-ae4d7e89eed22016-05-28 11:06:22 56931 [Note] WSREP: Flow-control interval: [23, 23]2016-05-28 11:06:22 56931 [Note] WSREP: Shifting OPEN -> PRIMARY (TO: 10)2016-05-28 11:06:22 56931 [Note] WSREP: State transfer required:   Group state: 6c86dc17-246f-11e6-9955-ae4d7e89eed2:10  Local state: 6c86dc17-246f-11e6-9955-ae4d7e89eed2:82016-05-28 11:06:22 56931 [Note] WSREP: New cluster view: global state: 6c86dc17-246f-11e6-9955-ae4d7e89eed2:10, view# 2: Primary, number of nodes: 2, my index: 0, protocol version 32016-05-28 11:06:22 56931 [Warning] WSREP: Gap in state sequence. Need state transfer.2016-05-28 11:06:22 56931 [Note] WSREP: Running: &#39;wsrep_sst_xtrabackup-v2 --role &#39;joiner&#39; --address &#39;; --datadir &#39;/home/mysql/I6000/&#39; --defaults-file &#39;/home/mysql/pxc6000.cnf&#39; --defaults-group-suffix &#39;&#39; --parent &#39;56931&#39; &#39;&#39; &#39;2016-05-28 11:06:24 56931 [Note] WSREP: (275a2ebd, &#39;tcp://;) turning message relay requesting offWSREP_SST: [INFO] Streaming with xbstream (20160528 11:06:25.322)WSREP_SST: [INFO] Using socat as streamer (20160528 11:06:25.324)WSREP_SST: [INFO] Evaluating timeout -s9 100 socat -u TCP-LISTEN:6020,reuseaddr stdio | xbstream -x; RC=( ${PIPESTATUS[@]} ) (20160528 11:06:25.891)2016-05-28 11:06:27 56931 [Note] WSREP: Prepared SST request: xtrabackup-v2| 11:06:27 56931 [Note] WSREP: wsrep_notify_cmd is not defined, skipping notification.2016-05-28 11:06:27 56931 [Note] WSREP: REPL Protocols: 7 (3, 2)2016-05-28 11:06:27 56931 [Note] WSREP: Service thread queue flushed.2016-05-28 11:06:27 56931 [Note] WSREP: Assign initial position for certification: 10, protocol version: 32016-05-28 11:06:27 56931 [Note] WSREP: Service thread queue flushed.2016-05-28 11:06:27 56931 [Note] WSREP: Prepared IST receiver, listening at: tcp:// 11:06:27 56931 [Note] WSREP: Member 0.0 (node6000_241) requested state transfer from &#39;*any*&#39;. Selected 1.0 (node6000_240)(SYNCED) as donor.2016-05-28 11:06:27 56931 [Note] WSREP: Shifting PRIMARY -> JOINER (TO: 10)2016-05-28 11:06:27 56931 [Note] WSREP: Requesting state transfer: success, donor: 12016-05-28 11:06:31 56931 [Note] WSREP: 1.0 (node6000_240): State transfer to 0.0 (node6000_241) complete.2016-05-28 11:06:31 56931 [Note] WSREP: Member 1.0 (node6000_240) synced with group.WSREP_SST: [INFO] xtrabackup_ist received from donor: Running IST (20160528 11:06:31.257)WSREP_SST: [INFO] Galera co-ords from recovery: 6c86dc17-246f-11e6-9955-ae4d7e89eed2:8 (20160528 11:06:31.261)WSREP_SST: [INFO] Total time on joiner: 0 seconds (20160528 11:06:31.265)WSREP_SST: [INFO] Removing the sst_in_progress file (20160528 11:06:31.268)2016-05-28 11:06:31 56931 [Note] WSREP: SST complete, seqno: 82016-05-28 11:06:31 56931 [Note] Plugin &#39;FEDERATED&#39; is disabled.2016-05-28 11:06:31 56931 [Note] InnoDB: Using atomics to ref count buffer pool pages2016-05-28 11:06:31 56931 [Note] InnoDB: The InnoDB memory heap is disabled2016-05-28 11:06:31 56931 [Note] InnoDB: Mutexes and rw_locks use GCC atomic builtins2016-05-28 11:06:31 56931 [Note] InnoDB: Memory barrier is not used2016-05-28 11:06:31 56931 [Note] InnoDB: Compressed tables use zlib 1.2.32016-05-28 11:06:31 56931 [Note] InnoDB: Using Linux native AIO2016-05-28 11:06:31 56931 [Note] InnoDB: Using CPU crc32 instructions2016-05-28 11:06:31 56931 [Note] InnoDB: Initializing buffer pool, size = 100.0M2016-05-28 11:06:31 56931 [Note] InnoDB: Completed initialization of buffer pool2016-05-28 11:06:32 56931 [Note] InnoDB: Highest supported file format is Barracuda.2016-05-28 11:06:32 56931 [Note] InnoDB: 128 rollback segment(s) are active.2016-05-28 11:06:32 56931 [Note] InnoDB: Waiting for purge to start2016-05-28 11:06:33 56931 [Note] InnoDB: Percona XtraDB (percona.com) 5.6.26-74.0 started; log sequence number 16379102016-05-28 11:06:33 56931 [Warning] No existing UUID has been found, so we assume that this is the first time that this server has been started. Generating a new UUID: 2e7b3e12-2481-11e6-8fe4-000c2973aa48.2016-05-28 11:06:33 56931 [Note] RSA private key file not found: /home/mysql/I6000//private_key.pem. Some authentication plugins will not work.2016-05-28 11:06:33 56931 [Note] RSA public key file not found: /home/mysql/I6000//public_key.pem. Some authentication plugins will not work.2016-05-28 11:06:33 56931 [Note] Server hostname (bind-address): &#39;*&#39;; port: 60002016-05-28 11:06:33 56931 [Note] IPv6 is available.2016-05-28 11:06:33 56931 [Note]  - &#39;::&#39; resolves to &#39;::&#39;;2016-05-28 11:06:33 56931 [Note] Server socket created on IP: &#39;::&#39;.2016-05-28 11:06:33 56931 [Warning] &#39;user&#39; entry &#39;root@zejin240&#39; ignored in --skip-name-resolve mode.2016-05-28 11:06:33 56931 [Warning] &#39;user&#39; entry &#39;@zejin240&#39; ignored in --skip-name-resolve mode.2016-05-28 11:06:33 56931 [Warning] &#39;proxies_priv&#39; entry &#39;@ root@zejin240&#39; ignored in --skip-name-resolve mode.2016-05-28 11:06:33 56931 [Note] Event Scheduler: Loaded 0 events2016-05-28 11:06:33 56931 [Note] WSREP: Signalling provider to continue.2016-05-28 11:06:33 56931 [Note] WSREP: Initialized wsrep sidno 22016-05-28 11:06:33 56931 [Note] WSREP: SST received: 6c86dc17-246f-11e6-9955-ae4d7e89eed2:82016-05-28 11:06:33 56931 [Note] WSREP: Receiving IST: 2 writesets, seqnos 8-102016-05-28 11:06:33 56931 [Note] /usr/local/pxc_56/bin//mysqld: ready for connections.Version: &#39;5.6.26-74.0-25.12-log&#39; socket: &#39;/home/mysql/I6000/mysql.sock&#39; port: 6000 Percona XtraDB Cluster binary (GPL) 5.6.26-25.12, Revision 624ef81, wsrep_25.122016-05-28 11:06:33 56931 [Note] WSREP: IST received: 6c86dc17-246f-11e6-9955-ae4d7e89eed2:102016-05-28 11:06:33 56931 [Note] WSREP: 0.0 (node6000_241): State transfer from 1.0 (node6000_240) complete.2016-05-28 11:06:33 56931 [Note] WSREP: Shifting JOINER -> JOINED (TO: 10)2016-05-28 11:06:33 56931 [Note] WSREP: Member 0.0 (node6000_241) synced with group.2016-05-28 11:06:33 56931 [Note] WSREP: Shifting JOINED -> SYNCED (TO: 10)2016-05-28 11:06:33 56931 [Note] WSREP: Synchronized with group, ready for connections2016-05-28 11:06:33 56931 [Note] WSREP: wsrep_notify_cmd is not defined, skipping notification.
Copy after login

Successfully restored using IST .

#step8 Log in to the new node node241 and check whether the data is normal:

[root@zejin241 I6000]# /usr/local/pxc_56/bin/mysql -uroot -p -h127.0.0.1 -P6000Enter password: Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g.Your MySQL connection id is 4Server version: 5.6.26-74.0-25.12-log Percona XtraDB Cluster binary (GPL) 5.6.26-25.12, Revision 624ef81, wsrep_25.12Copyright (c) 2009-2015 Percona LLC and/or its affiliatesCopyright (c) 2000, 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or itsaffiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respectiveowners.Type &#39;help;&#39; or &#39;\h&#39; for help. Type &#39;\c&#39; to clear the current input statement.mysql> show databases;+--------------------+| Database      |+--------------------+| information_schema || mysql       || performance_schema || zejin       |+--------------------+4 rows in set (0.12 sec)mysql> use zejin;Reading table information for completion of table and column namesYou can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -ADatabase changedmysql> select * from t1;+----+-------+| id | name |+----+-------+| 1 | chen || 2 | li  || 3 | zhang || 4 | lin  || 5 | liang |+----+-------+5 rows in set (0.01 sec)
Copy after login

Found the data All have been synchronized.

#step9: Log output when comparing SST:

[root@zejin241 I6000]# /usr/local/pxc_56/bin/mysqld_safe --defaults-file=/home/mysql/pxc6000.cnf --ledir=/usr/local/pxc_56/bin &[1] 3861[root@zejin241 I6000]# 160528 15:32:57 mysqld_safe Logging to &#39;/home/mysql/I6000/error.log&#39;.160528 15:32:57 mysqld_safe Starting mysqld daemon with databases from /home/mysql/I6000160528 15:32:57 mysqld_safe Skipping wsrep-recover for empty datadir: /home/mysql/I6000160528 15:32:57 mysqld_safe Assigning 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000:-1 to wsrep_start_position查看错误日志:[root@zejin241 I6000]# cat error.log 160528 15:32:57 mysqld_safe Starting mysqld daemon with databases from /home/mysql/I6000160528 15:32:57 mysqld_safe Skipping wsrep-recover for empty datadir: /home/mysql/I6000160528 15:32:57 mysqld_safe Assigning 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000:-1 to wsrep_start_position2016-05-28 15:32:58 0 [Warning] TIMESTAMP with implicit DEFAULT value is deprecated. Please use --explicit_defaults_for_timestamp server option (see documentation for more details).2016-05-28 15:32:58 0 [Note] /usr/local/pxc_56/bin/mysqld (mysqld 5.6.26-74.0-25.12-log) starting as process 4359 ...2016-05-28 15:32:58 4359 [Note] WSREP: Read nil XID from storage engines, skipping position init2016-05-28 15:32:58 4359 [Note] WSREP: wsrep_load(): loading provider library &#39;/usr/local/pxc_56/lib/libgalera_smm.so&#39;2016-05-28 15:32:58 4359 [Note] WSREP: wsrep_load(): Galera 3.12.2(rf3e626d) by Codership Oy <info@codership.com> loaded successfully.2016-05-28 15:32:58 4359 [Note] WSREP: CRC-32C: using hardware acceleration.2016-05-28 15:32:58 4359 [Warning] WSREP: Could not open state file for reading: &#39;/home/mysql/I6000//grastate.dat&#39;2016-05-28 15:32:58 4359 [Note] WSREP: Found saved state: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000:-12016-05-28 15:32:58 4359 [Note] WSREP: Passing config to GCS: base_dir = /home/mysql/I6000/; base_host =; base_port = 6000; cert.log_conflicts = no; debug = no; evs.auto_evict = 0; evs.delay_margin = PT1S; evs.delayed_keep_period = PT30S; evs.inactive_check_period = PT0.5S; evs.inactive_timeout = PT15S; evs.join_retrans_period = PT1S; evs.max_install_timeouts = 3; evs.send_window = 4; evs.stats_report_period = PT1M; evs.suspect_timeout = PT5S; evs.user_send_window = 2; evs.view_forget_timeout = PT24H; gcache.dir = /home/mysql/I6000/; gcache.keep_pages_count = 0; gcache.keep_pages_size = 0; gcache.mem_size = 0; gcache.name = /home/mysql/I6000//galera.cache; gcache.page_size = 128M; gcache.size = 128M; gcs.fc_debug = 0; gcs.fc_factor = 1.0; gcs.fc_limit = 16; gcs.fc_master_slave = no; gcs.max_packet_size = 64500; gcs.max_throttle = 0.25; gcs.recv_q_hard_limit = 9223372036854775807; gcs.recv_q_soft_limit = 0.25; gcs.sync_donor = no; gmcast.listen_addr = tcp://; gmcast.segment = 0; gmcast.version = 0; ist.recv_a2016-05-28 15:32:58 4359 [Note] WSREP: Service thread queue flushed.2016-05-28 15:32:58 4359 [Note] WSREP: Assign initial position for certification: -1, protocol version: -12016-05-28 15:32:58 4359 [Note] WSREP: wsrep_sst_grab()2016-05-28 15:32:58 4359 [Note] WSREP: Start replication2016-05-28 15:32:58 4359 [Note] WSREP: Setting initial position to 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000:-12016-05-28 15:32:58 4359 [Note] WSREP: protonet asio version 02016-05-28 15:32:58 4359 [Note] WSREP: Using CRC-32C for message checksums.2016-05-28 15:32:58 4359 [Note] WSREP: backend: asio2016-05-28 15:32:58 4359 [Warning] WSREP: access file(/home/mysql/I6000//gvwstate.dat) failed(No such file or directory)2016-05-28 15:32:58 4359 [Note] WSREP: restore pc from disk failed2016-05-28 15:32:58 4359 [Note] WSREP: GMCast version 02016-05-28 15:32:58 4359 [Note] WSREP: (666e7891, &#39;tcp://;) listening at tcp:// 15:32:58 4359 [Note] WSREP: (666e7891, &#39;tcp://;) multicast: , ttl: 12016-05-28 15:32:58 4359 [Note] WSREP: EVS version 02016-05-28 15:32:58 4359 [Note] WSREP: gcomm: connecting to group &#39;pxc_zejin&#39;, peer &#39;,,;2016-05-28 15:32:58 4359 [Note] WSREP: (666e7891, &#39;tcp://;) turning message relay requesting on, nonlive peers: 2016-05-28 15:32:58 4359 [Note] WSREP: declaring 2cadc8a9 at tcp:// stable2016-05-28 15:32:58 4359 [Note] WSREP: Node 2cadc8a9 state prim2016-05-28 15:32:58 4359 [Note] WSREP: view(view_id(PRIM,2cadc8a9,2) memb {  2cadc8a9,0  666e7891,0} joined {} left {} partitioned {})2016-05-28 15:32:58 4359 [Note] WSREP: save pc into disk2016-05-28 15:32:58 4359 [Note] WSREP: discarding pending addr without UUID: tcp:// 15:32:58 4359 [Note] WSREP: discarding pending addr proto entry 0x30f95602016-05-28 15:32:59 4359 [Note] WSREP: gcomm: connected2016-05-28 15:32:59 4359 [Note] WSREP: Changing maximum packet size to 64500, resulting msg size: 326362016-05-28 15:32:59 4359 [Note] WSREP: Shifting CLOSED -> OPEN (TO: 0)2016-05-28 15:32:59 4359 [Note] WSREP: Opened channel &#39;pxc_zejin&#39;2016-05-28 15:32:59 4359 [Note] WSREP: Waiting for SST to complete.2016-05-28 15:32:59 4359 [Note] WSREP: New COMPONENT: primary = yes, bootstrap = no, my_idx = 1, memb_num = 22016-05-28 15:32:59 4359 [Note] WSREP: STATE EXCHANGE: Waiting for state UUID.2016-05-28 15:32:59 4359 [Note] WSREP: STATE EXCHANGE: sent state msg: 66ae3372-24a6-11e6-8d13-c77d57a8c6322016-05-28 15:32:59 4359 [Note] WSREP: STATE EXCHANGE: got state msg: 66ae3372-24a6-11e6-8d13-c77d57a8c632 from 0 (node6000_240)2016-05-28 15:32:59 4359 [Note] WSREP: STATE EXCHANGE: got state msg: 66ae3372-24a6-11e6-8d13-c77d57a8c632 from 1 (node6000_241)2016-05-28 15:32:59 4359 [Note] WSREP: Quorum results:  version  = 3,  component = PRIMARY,  conf_id  = 1,  members  = 1/2 (joined/total),  act_id   = 12,  last_appl. = -1,  protocols = 0/7/3 (gcs/repl/appl),  group UUID = 6c86dc17-246f-11e6-9955-ae4d7e89eed22016-05-28 15:32:59 4359 [Note] WSREP: Flow-control interval: [23, 23]2016-05-28 15:32:59 4359 [Note] WSREP: Shifting OPEN -> PRIMARY (TO: 12)2016-05-28 15:32:59 4359 [Note] WSREP: State transfer required:   Group state: 6c86dc17-246f-11e6-9955-ae4d7e89eed2:12  Local state: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000:-12016-05-28 15:32:59 4359 [Note] WSREP: New cluster view: global state: 6c86dc17-246f-11e6-9955-ae4d7e89eed2:12, view# 2: Primary, number of nodes: 2, my index: 1, protocol version 32016-05-28 15:32:59 4359 [Warning] WSREP: Gap in state sequence. Need state transfer.2016-05-28 15:32:59 4359 [Note] WSREP: Running: &#39;wsrep_sst_xtrabackup-v2 --role &#39;joiner&#39; --address &#39;; --datadir &#39;/home/mysql/I6000/&#39; --defaults-file &#39;/home/mysql/pxc6000.cnf&#39; --defaults-group-suffix &#39;&#39; --parent &#39;4359&#39; &#39;&#39; &#39;WSREP_SST: [INFO] Streaming with xbstream (20160528 15:32:59.795)WSREP_SST: [INFO] Using socat as streamer (20160528 15:32:59.797)WSREP_SST: [INFO] Evaluating timeout -s9 100 socat -u TCP-LISTEN:6020,reuseaddr stdio | xbstream -x; RC=( ${PIPESTATUS[@]} ) (20160528 15:32:59.840)2016-05-28 15:33:00 4359 [Note] WSREP: Prepared SST request: xtrabackup-v2| 15:33:00 4359 [Note] WSREP: wsrep_notify_cmd is not defined, skipping notification.2016-05-28 15:33:00 4359 [Note] WSREP: REPL Protocols: 7 (3, 2)2016-05-28 15:33:00 4359 [Note] WSREP: Service thread queue flushed.2016-05-28 15:33:00 4359 [Note] WSREP: Assign initial position for certification: 12, protocol version: 32016-05-28 15:33:00 4359 [Note] WSREP: Service thread queue flushed.2016-05-28 15:33:00 4359 [Warning] WSREP: Failed to prepare for incremental state transfer: Local state UUID (00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000) does not match group state UUID (6c86dc17-246f-11e6-9955-ae4d7e89eed2): 1 (Operation not permitted)   at galera/src/replicator_str.cpp:prepare_for_IST():482. IST will be unavailable.2016-05-28 15:33:00 4359 [Note] WSREP: Member 1.0 (node6000_241) requested state transfer from &#39;*any*&#39;. Selected 0.0 (node6000_240)(SYNCED) as donor.2016-05-28 15:33:00 4359 [Note] WSREP: Shifting PRIMARY -> JOINER (TO: 12)2016-05-28 15:33:00 4359 [Note] WSREP: Requesting state transfer: success, donor: 0WSREP_SST: [INFO] Proceeding with SST (20160528 15:33:00.512)WSREP_SST: [INFO] Evaluating socat -u TCP-LISTEN:6020,reuseaddr stdio | xbstream -x; RC=( ${PIPESTATUS[@]} ) (20160528 15:33:00.515)WSREP_SST: [INFO] Cleaning the existing datadir and innodb-data/log directories (20160528 15:33:00.517)removed `/home/mysql/I6000/ib_logfile0&#39;removed `/home/mysql/I6000/ib_logfile1&#39;removed `/home/mysql/I6000/xtrabackup_info&#39;removed `/home/mysql/I6000/xtrabackup_checkpoints&#39;removed `/home/mysql/I6000/performance_schema/rwlock_instances.frm&#39;removed `/home/mysql/I6000/performance_schema/db.opt&#39;removed `/home/mysql/I6000/performance_schema/session_account_connect_attrs.frm&#39;removed `/home/mysql/I6000/performance_schema/performance_timers.frm&#39;removed `/home/mysql/I6000/performance_schema/setup_objects.frm&#39;removed `/home/mysql/I6000/performance_schema/events_statements_summary_by_user_by_event_name.frm&#39;removed `/home/mysql/I6000/performance_schema/events_statements_summary_by_digest.frm&#39;removed `/home/mysql/I6000/performance_schema/events_stages_history.frm&#39;removed `/home/mysql/I6000/performance_schema/events_waits_summary_by_user_by_event_name.frm&#39;removed `/home/mysql/I6000/performance_schema/setup_timers.frm&#39;removed `/home/mysql/I6000/performance_schema/events_waits_summary_by_account_by_event_name.frm&#39;removed `/home/mysql/I6000/performance_schema/events_waits_summary_by_thread_by_event_name.frm&#39;removed `/home/mysql/I6000/performance_schema/session_connect_attrs.frm&#39;removed `/home/mysql/I6000/performance_schema/events_stages_history_long.frm&#39;removed `/home/mysql/I6000/performance_schema/table_io_waits_summary_by_index_usage.frm&#39;removed `/home/mysql/I6000/performance_schema/table_io_waits_summary_by_table.frm&#39;removed `/home/mysql/I6000/performance_schema/host_cache.frm&#39;removed `/home/mysql/I6000/performance_schema/events_waits_summary_global_by_event_name.frm&#39;removed `/home/mysql/I6000/performance_schema/events_statements_summary_by_host_by_event_name.frm&#39;removed `/home/mysql/I6000/performance_schema/events_statements_current.frm&#39;removed `/home/mysql/I6000/performance_schema/events_statements_summary_by_thread_by_event_name.frm&#39;removed `/home/mysql/I6000/performance_schema/mutex_instances.frm&#39;removed `/home/mysql/I6000/performance_schema/events_waits_summary_by_host_by_event_name.frm&#39;removed `/home/mysql/I6000/performance_schema/objects_summary_global_by_type.frm&#39;removed `/home/mysql/I6000/performance_schema/events_waits_current.frm&#39;removed `/home/mysql/I6000/performance_schema/events_stages_summary_global_by_event_name.frm&#39;removed `/home/mysql/I6000/performance_schema/threads.frm&#39;removed `/home/mysql/I6000/performance_schema/events_statements_history.frm&#39;removed `/home/mysql/I6000/performance_schema/file_summary_by_instance.frm&#39;removed `/home/mysql/I6000/performance_schema/table_lock_waits_summary_by_table.frm&#39;removed `/home/mysql/I6000/performance_schema/setup_instruments.frm&#39;removed `/home/mysql/I6000/performance_schema/events_stages_summary_by_thread_by_event_name.frm&#39;removed `/home/mysql/I6000/performance_schema/users.frm&#39;removed `/home/mysql/I6000/performance_schema/socket_summary_by_instance.frm&#39;removed `/home/mysql/I6000/performance_schema/socket_instances.frm&#39;removed `/home/mysql/I6000/performance_schema/setup_consumers.frm&#39;removed `/home/mysql/I6000/performance_schema/events_stages_summary_by_host_by_event_name.frm&#39;removed `/home/mysql/I6000/performance_schema/events_waits_summary_by_instance.frm&#39;removed `/home/mysql/I6000/performance_schema/events_stages_current.frm&#39;removed `/home/mysql/I6000/performance_schema/socket_summary_by_event_name.frm&#39;removed `/home/mysql/I6000/performance_schema/events_statements_history_long.frm&#39;removed `/home/mysql/I6000/performance_schema/cond_instances.frm&#39;removed `/home/mysql/I6000/performance_schema/events_waits_history_long.frm&#39;removed `/home/mysql/I6000/performance_schema/events_waits_history.frm&#39;removed `/home/mysql/I6000/performance_schema/events_statements_summary_by_account_by_event_name.frm&#39;removed `/home/mysql/I6000/performance_schema/events_statements_summary_global_by_event_name.frm&#39;removed `/home/mysql/I6000/performance_schema/events_stages_summary_by_account_by_event_name.frm&#39;removed `/home/mysql/I6000/performance_schema/file_instances.frm&#39;removed `/home/mysql/I6000/performance_schema/hosts.frm&#39;removed `/home/mysql/I6000/performance_schema/setup_actors.frm&#39;removed `/home/mysql/I6000/performance_schema/events_stages_summary_by_user_by_event_name.frm&#39;removed `/home/mysql/I6000/performance_schema/accounts.frm&#39;removed `/home/mysql/I6000/performance_schema/file_summary_by_event_name.frm&#39;removed directory: `/home/mysql/I6000/performance_schema&#39;removed `/home/mysql/I6000/zejin/db.opt&#39;removed `/home/mysql/I6000/zejin/t1.ibd&#39;removed `/home/mysql/I6000/zejin/t1.frm&#39;removed directory: `/home/mysql/I6000/zejin&#39;removed `/home/mysql/I6000/xtrabackup_binlog_info&#39;removed `/home/mysql/I6000/backup-my.cnf&#39;removed `/home/mysql/I6000/xtrabackup_binlog_pos_innodb&#39;removed `/home/mysql/I6000/mysql/time_zone_transition_type.MYI&#39;removed `/home/mysql/I6000/mysql/time_zone_transition.MYI&#39;removed `/home/mysql/I6000/mysql/servers.MYD&#39;removed `/home/mysql/I6000/mysql/ndb_binlog_index.frm&#39;removed `/home/mysql/I6000/mysql/servers.MYI&#39;removed `/home/mysql/I6000/mysql/plugin.frm&#39;removed `/home/mysql/I6000/mysql/time_zone_transition_type.MYD&#39;removed `/home/mysql/I6000/mysql/proxies_priv.MYD&#39;removed `/home/mysql/I6000/mysql/proxies_priv.frm&#39;removed `/home/mysql/I6000/mysql/columns_priv.frm&#39;removed `/home/mysql/I6000/mysql/help_keyword.MYI&#39;removed `/home/mysql/I6000/mysql/func.frm&#39;removed `/home/mysql/I6000/mysql/proc.frm&#39;removed `/home/mysql/I6000/mysql/innodb_table_stats.ibd&#39;removed `/home/mysql/I6000/mysql/help_topic.frm&#39;removed `/home/mysql/I6000/mysql/slow_log.CSM&#39;removed `/home/mysql/I6000/mysql/help_relation.MYD&#39;removed `/home/mysql/I6000/mysql/proc.MYD&#39;removed `/home/mysql/I6000/mysql/help_category.MYD&#39;removed `/home/mysql/I6000/mysql/help_category.frm&#39;removed `/home/mysql/I6000/mysql/columns_priv.MYI&#39;removed `/home/mysql/I6000/mysql/help_topic.MYI&#39;removed `/home/mysql/I6000/mysql/event.frm&#39;removed `/home/mysql/I6000/mysql/db.frm&#39;removed `/home/mysql/I6000/mysql/columns_priv.MYD&#39;removed `/home/mysql/I6000/mysql/time_zone_transition.MYD&#39;removed `/home/mysql/I6000/mysql/innodb_index_stats.frm&#39;removed `/home/mysql/I6000/mysql/time_zone.MYI&#39;removed `/home/mysql/I6000/mysql/event.MYD&#39;removed `/home/mysql/I6000/mysql/slave_master_info.ibd&#39;removed `/home/mysql/I6000/mysql/help_topic.MYD&#39;removed `/home/mysql/I6000/mysql/help_relation.MYI&#39;removed `/home/mysql/I6000/mysql/db.MYD&#39;removed `/home/mysql/I6000/mysql/slave_relay_log_info.ibd&#39;removed `/home/mysql/I6000/mysql/user.MYI&#39;removed `/home/mysql/I6000/mysql/plugin.MYI&#39;removed `/home/mysql/I6000/mysql/proc.MYI&#39;removed `/home/mysql/I6000/mysql/help_relation.frm&#39;removed `/home/mysql/I6000/mysql/time_zone_name.MYD&#39;removed `/home/mysql/I6000/mysql/innodb_table_stats.frm&#39;removed `/home/mysql/I6000/mysql/time_zone.frm&#39;removed `/home/mysql/I6000/mysql/servers.frm&#39;removed `/home/mysql/I6000/mysql/general_log.CSV&#39;removed `/home/mysql/I6000/mysql/ndb_binlog_index.MYI&#39;removed `/home/mysql/I6000/mysql/func.MYD&#39;removed `/home/mysql/I6000/mysql/slave_worker_info.ibd&#39;removed `/home/mysql/I6000/mysql/innodb_index_stats.ibd&#39;removed `/home/mysql/I6000/mysql/time_zone_name.frm&#39;removed `/home/mysql/I6000/mysql/proxies_priv.MYI&#39;removed `/home/mysql/I6000/mysql/slow_log.frm&#39;removed `/home/mysql/I6000/mysql/tables_priv.MYI&#39;removed `/home/mysql/I6000/mysql/tables_priv.MYD&#39;removed `/home/mysql/I6000/mysql/procs_priv.frm&#39;removed `/home/mysql/I6000/mysql/help_keyword.MYD&#39;removed `/home/mysql/I6000/mysql/time_zone_leap_second.MYD&#39;removed `/home/mysql/I6000/mysql/tables_priv.frm&#39;removed `/home/mysql/I6000/mysql/ndb_binlog_index.MYD&#39;removed `/home/mysql/I6000/mysql/slow_log.CSV&#39;removed `/home/mysql/I6000/mysql/time_zone.MYD&#39;removed `/home/mysql/I6000/mysql/procs_priv.MYD&#39;removed `/home/mysql/I6000/mysql/slave_master_info.frm&#39;removed `/home/mysql/I6000/mysql/general_log.frm&#39;removed `/home/mysql/I6000/mysql/help_keyword.frm&#39;removed `/home/mysql/I6000/mysql/time_zone_transition_type.frm&#39;removed `/home/mysql/I6000/mysql/general_log.CSM&#39;removed `/home/mysql/I6000/mysql/time_zone_transition.frm&#39;removed `/home/mysql/I6000/mysql/time_zone_name.MYI&#39;removed `/home/mysql/I6000/mysql/event.MYI&#39;removed `/home/mysql/I6000/mysql/time_zone_leap_second.frm&#39;removed `/home/mysql/I6000/mysql/plugin.MYD&#39;removed `/home/mysql/I6000/mysql/slave_relay_log_info.frm&#39;removed `/home/mysql/I6000/mysql/help_category.MYI&#39;removed `/home/mysql/I6000/mysql/user.frm&#39;removed `/home/mysql/I6000/mysql/user.MYD&#39;removed `/home/mysql/I6000/mysql/procs_priv.MYI&#39;removed `/home/mysql/I6000/mysql/db.MYI&#39;removed `/home/mysql/I6000/mysql/time_zone_leap_second.MYI&#39;removed `/home/mysql/I6000/mysql/slave_worker_info.frm&#39;removed `/home/mysql/I6000/mysql/func.MYI&#39;removed directory: `/home/mysql/I6000/mysql&#39;removed `/home/mysql/I6000/ibdata1&#39;WSREP_SST: [INFO] Cleaning the binlog directory /home/mysql/I6000 as well (20160528 15:33:00.540)rm: cannot remove `/home/mysql/I6000/*.index&#39;: No such file or directoryWSREP_SST: [INFO] Waiting for SST streaming to complete! (20160528 15:33:00.547)2016-05-28 15:33:01 4359 [Note] WSREP: (666e7891, &#39;tcp://;) turning message relay requesting off2016-05-28 15:33:15 4359 [Note] WSREP: 0.0 (node6000_240): State transfer to 1.0 (node6000_241) complete.2016-05-28 15:33:15 4359 [Note] WSREP: Member 0.0 (node6000_240) synced with group.WSREP_SST: [INFO] Preparing the backup at /home/mysql/I6000//.sst (20160528 15:33:15.588)WSREP_SST: [INFO] Evaluating innobackupex --no-version-check --apply-log $rebuildcmd ${DATA} &>${DATA}/innobackup.prepare.log (20160528 15:33:15.591)rm: cannot remove `/home/mysql/I6000//innobackup.prepare.log&#39;: No such file or directoryrm: cannot remove `/home/mysql/I6000//innobackup.move.log&#39;: No such file or directoryWSREP_SST: [INFO] Moving the backup to /home/mysql/I6000/ (20160528 15:33:20.551)WSREP_SST: [INFO] Evaluating innobackupex --defaults-file=/home/mysql/pxc6000.cnf --defaults-group=mysqld --no-version-check  --move-back --force-non-empty-directories ${DATA} &>${DATA}/innobackup.move.log (20160528 15:33:20.554)WSREP_SST: [INFO] Move successful, removing /home/mysql/I6000//.sst (20160528 15:33:20.848)WSREP_SST: [INFO] Galera co-ords from recovery: 6c86dc17-246f-11e6-9955-ae4d7e89eed2:12 (20160528 15:33:20.854)WSREP_SST: [INFO] Total time on joiner: 0 seconds (20160528 15:33:20.857)WSREP_SST: [INFO] Removing the sst_in_progress file (20160528 15:33:20.860)2016-05-28 15:33:20 4359 [Note] WSREP: SST complete, seqno: 122016-05-28 15:33:20 4359 [Note] Plugin &#39;FEDERATED&#39; is disabled.2016-05-28 15:33:20 4359 [Note] InnoDB: Using atomics to ref count buffer pool pages2016-05-28 15:33:20 4359 [Note] InnoDB: The InnoDB memory heap is disabled2016-05-28 15:33:20 4359 [Note] InnoDB: Mutexes and rw_locks use GCC atomic builtins2016-05-28 15:33:20 4359 [Note] InnoDB: Memory barrier is not used2016-05-28 15:33:20 4359 [Note] InnoDB: Compressed tables use zlib 1.2.32016-05-28 15:33:20 4359 [Note] InnoDB: Using Linux native AIO2016-05-28 15:33:20 4359 [Note] InnoDB: Using CPU crc32 instructions2016-05-28 15:33:20 4359 [Note] InnoDB: Initializing buffer pool, size = 100.0M2016-05-28 15:33:20 4359 [Note] InnoDB: Completed initialization of buffer pool2016-05-28 15:33:20 4359 [Note] InnoDB: Highest supported file format is Barracuda.2016-05-28 15:33:20 4359 [Note] InnoDB: 128 rollback segment(s) are active.2016-05-28 15:33:20 4359 [Note] InnoDB: Waiting for purge to start2016-05-28 15:33:21 4359 [Note] InnoDB: Percona XtraDB (percona.com) 5.6.26-74.0 started; log sequence number 16501982016-05-28 15:33:21 4359 [Warning] No existing UUID has been found, so we assume that this is the first time that this server has been started. Generating a new UUID: 73f9a99b-24a6-11e6-a163-000c2973aa48.2016-05-28 15:33:21 4359 [Note] RSA private key file not found: /home/mysql/I6000//private_key.pem. Some authentication plugins will not work.2016-05-28 15:33:21 4359 [Note] RSA public key file not found: /home/mysql/I6000//public_key.pem. Some authentication plugins will not work.2016-05-28 15:33:21 4359 [Note] Server hostname (bind-address): &#39;*&#39;; port: 60002016-05-28 15:33:21 4359 [Note] IPv6 is available.2016-05-28 15:33:21 4359 [Note]  - &#39;::&#39; resolves to &#39;::&#39;;2016-05-28 15:33:21 4359 [Note] Server socket created on IP: &#39;::&#39;.2016-05-28 15:33:21 4359 [Warning] &#39;user&#39; entry &#39;root@zejin240&#39; ignored in --skip-name-resolve mode.2016-05-28 15:33:21 4359 [Warning] &#39;user&#39; entry &#39;@zejin240&#39; ignored in --skip-name-resolve mode.2016-05-28 15:33:21 4359 [Warning] &#39;proxies_priv&#39; entry &#39;@ root@zejin240&#39; ignored in --skip-name-resolve mode.2016-05-28 15:33:21 4359 [Note] Event Scheduler: Loaded 0 events2016-05-28 15:33:21 4359 [Note] WSREP: Signalling provider to continue.2016-05-28 15:33:21 4359 [Note] WSREP: Initialized wsrep sidno 22016-05-28 15:33:21 4359 [Note] WSREP: SST received: 6c86dc17-246f-11e6-9955-ae4d7e89eed2:122016-05-28 15:33:21 4359 [Note] /usr/local/pxc_56/bin/mysqld: ready for connections.Version: &#39;5.6.26-74.0-25.12-log&#39; socket: &#39;/home/mysql/I6000/mysql.sock&#39; port: 6000 Percona XtraDB Cluster binary (GPL) 5.6.26-25.12, Revision 624ef81, wsrep_25.122016-05-28 15:33:21 4359 [Note] WSREP: 1.0 (node6000_241): State transfer from 0.0 (node6000_240) complete.2016-05-28 15:33:21 4359 [Note] WSREP: Shifting JOINER -> JOINED (TO: 12)2016-05-28 15:33:21 4359 [Note] WSREP: Member 1.0 (node6000_241) synced with group.2016-05-28 15:33:21 4359 [Note] WSREP: Shifting JOINED -> SYNCED (TO: 12)2016-05-28 15:33:21 4359 [Note] WSREP: Synchronized with group, ready for connections2016-05-28 15:33:21 4359 [Note] WSREP: wsrep_notify_cmd is not defined, skipping notification.
Copy after login

You can see that there are a large number of removed operations, it will

DeleteAll the files in the data folder, and then obtain the data from the master node through SST Official instructions:

XtraBackup SST works in two stages:   • Stage I on joiner checks if it is SST or IST based on presence of xtrabackup_ist file.   • In Stage II it starts the data transfer, if it&#39;s SST, it empties the data directory sans few files (galera.cache, sst_in_progress, grastate.dat) and then proceed with the SST or if it&#39;s IST, proceeds as before.
Copy after login
So far we have completed the method to avoid the need for SST when new nodes are added in the pxc environment , when the amount of data is large, SST will occupy a large amount of resources. The configured gcache.size is enough to accommodate the amount of data generated by the master node during the period from backup to recovery. It is recommended to implement this new node through scripts during low business peak periods. Join operation.

The above is the detailed content of Detailed explanation of MySQL PXC's method of building a new node that only requires IST transmission. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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