The editor below will bring you a summary of the use of Binlog logs in the Mysql database (a must-read article). The editor thinks it is quite good, so I will share it with you now and give it as a reference for everyone. Let’s follow the editor and take a look.
binlog How important the binary log is to the mysql database, I won’t say more here. The following is a summary of the use of binlog logs based on my daily operating experience and combined with online reference materials:
1. Introduction to binlog logs
# #1) What is binlogThe binlog log is used to record all statements that update data or have potentially updated data (for example, a
DELETE that does not match any row). Statements are saved as "events", which describe data changes.
2) Binlog functionBecause there is a binlog for data updates, it can be used for real-time backup and combined with master/slave master-slave replication.
3) Parameters related to binlog
##Setting this parameter means enabling the binlog function and specifying the path name
Setting this parameter specifies the path and name of the binary index file
This parameter indicates that only the binary log of the specified database is recorded
This parameter indicates that the binary log of the specified database is not recorded
This parameter indicates the maximum size of memory used by binlog
This parameter indicates the memory size used by binlog, which can be used to help test through the
variablesbinlog_cache_use and binlog_cache_disk_use.
The number of transactions using the binary log cache
Use the binary log cache but exceed the binlog_cache_size value and Use temporary files to save the number of transactions for statements in a transaction
Binlog maximum, maximum and default values are 1GB, this setting is not strict Control the size of the Binlog, especially when the Binlog is close to the maximum value and encounters a relatively large transaction. In order to ensure the integrity of the transaction, it is impossible to switch the log. All SQL of the transaction can only be recorded in the current log. , until the end of the transaction
This parameter directly affects the performance and integrity of mysql
After the transaction is submitted, Mysql only writes the data in binlog_cache to the Binlog file, but does not execute disk synchronization instructions such as fsync to notify the file system
Filesystem decide when to synchronize. This has the best performance.
The default setting in Mysql is sync_binlog=0, which means no mandatory disk refresh instructions are made. At this time, the performance is the best, but the risk is also the greatest. Once the system crashes, all Binlog information in the file system cache will be lost
Delete binlog
Binlog can be deleted manually or automatically:
a) Automatically delete binlog
through the binlog parameter ( expire_logs_days) to realize mysql automatic deletion of binlog
mysql> show binary logs;
mysql> show variables like 'expire_logs_days';
mysql> set global expire_logs_days=3;
b) Manual deletion of binlog
mysql> reset master; //删除master的binlog,即手动删除所有的binlog日志
mysql> reset slave; //删除slave的中继日志
mysql> purge master logs before '2012-03-30 17:20:00'; //删除指定日期以前的日志索引中binlog日志文件
mysql> purge master logs to 'binlog.000002'; //删除指定日志文件的日志索引中binlog日志文件
mysql> set sql_log_bin=1/0; //如果用户有super权限,可以启用或禁用当前会话的binlog记录
mysql> show master logs; //查看master的binlog日志列表
mysql> show binary logs; //查看master的binlog日志文件大小
mysql> show master status; //用于提供master二进制日志文件的状态信息
mysql> show slave hosts; //显示当前注册的slave的列表。不以--report-host=slave_name选项为开头的slave不会显示在本列表中
mysql> flush logs; //产生一个新的binlog日志文件
mysql binlog log automatic cleaning and manual deletion case description:
当开启MySQL数据库主从时,会产生大量如mysql-bin.00000* log的文件,这会大量耗费您的硬盘空间。
[root@huqniupc ~]# vim /etc/my.cnf //注释掉log-bin和binlog_format
# Replication Master Server (default)
# binary logging is required for replication
# log-bin=mysql-bin
# binary logging format - mixed recommended
# binlog_format=mixed
[root@huqniupc ~]# vim /etc/my.cnf //修改expire_logs_days,x是自动删除的天数,一般将x设置为短点,如10
expire_logs_days = x //二进制日志自动删除的天数。默认值为0,表示“没有自动删除”
> show binary logs;
> show variables like '%log%';
> set global expire_logs_days = 10;
3.手动清除binlog文件,(比如Mysql> PURGE MASTER LOGS TO ‘MySQL-bin.010′;)
[root@huqniupc ~]# /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql -u root -p
> show master logs;
# /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql -u root -p
> reset master; //附录3有清除binlog时,对从mysql的影响说明
删除指定的日志或日期之前的日志索引中的所有二进制日志。这些日志也会从记录在日志索引文件中的清单中被删除MySQL BIN-LOG 日志,这样被给定的日志成为第一个。
> PURGE MASTER LOGS TO 'MySQL-bin.010'; //清除MySQL-bin.010日志
> PURGE MASTER LOGS BEFORE '2008-06-22 13:00:00'; //清除2008-06-22 13:00:00前binlog日志
> PURGE MASTER LOGS BEFORE DATE_SUB( NOW( ), INTERVAL 3 DAY); //清除3天前binlog日志BEFORE,变量的date自变量可以为'YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss'格式。
如果有一个活跃的slave从属服务器,该服务器当前正在读取您正在试图删除的日志之一,则本语句不会起作用,而是会失败,并伴随一个错误;不过如果slave从属服务器是关闭的(或master-slave主从关系关闭),并且碰巧清理了其想要读取的日志之一,则slave从属服务器启动后不能复制;当从属服务器正在复制时,本语句可以安全运行,不需要停止它们。 6)binglog的查看 通过mysqlbinlog命令可以查看binlog的内容 解析binlog格式: 位置 位于文件中的位置,“at 196”说明“事件”的起点,是以第196字节开始;“end_log_pos 294”说明以第294字节结束 事件发生的时间戳:“120330 17:54:46” 事件执行时间 事件执行花费的时间:"exec_time=28" 错误码 错误码为:“error_code=0” 服务器的标识 服务器的标识id:“server id 1” 注意下面几点: 1.mysql的日志切不可想象是可以恢复到任何时间的状态,这个恢复是有前提的! 既然是回放操作,那么就得注意了,如果是执行了两次恢复那就相当于是回放了两次,后果可想而知。 所以: 1)恢复前务必先备份数据. 2)由于二进制文件多,并且需要恢复的数据跨度大,可以考虑将日志文件合并在恢复. 2. 开启binlog日志功能 要想通过日志恢复数据库,必须首先在my.cnf文件里定义,log-bin=mysql-bin,这样产生的binlog日志名就是以mysql-bin命名的 3.什么时候会生成新的binlog文件 1)在备份的时候加入--flush-logs 2)重新启动mysql服务的时候 特别提示,mysql每次启动都会重新生成一个类似mysql-bin.00000n的文件,如果你的mysql每天都要重新启动一次的话,这时候你就要特别注意不要选错日志文件了。 二、binlog日志格式介绍 (1)Mysql binlog日志有三种格式,分别是Statement、MiXED、ROW 1)Statement:每一条会修改数据的sql都会记录在binlog中 优点:不需要记录每一行的变化,减少了binlog日志量,节约了IO,提高性能。(相比row能节约多少性能与日志量,这个取决于应用的SQL情况,正常同一条记录修改或者插入row格式所产生的日志量还小于Statement产生的日志量,但是考虑到如果带条件的update操作,以及整表删除,alter表等操作,ROW格式会产生大量日志,因此在考虑是否使用ROW格式日志时应该跟据应用的实际情况,其所产生的日志量会增加多少,以及带来的IO性能问题。) 缺点:由于记录的只是执行语句,为了这些语句能在slave上正确运行,因此还必须记录每条语句在执行的时候的一些相关信息,以保证所有语句能在slave得到和在master端执行时候相同 的结果。另外mysql 的复制,像一些特定函数功能,slave可与master上要保持一致会有很多相关问题(如sleep()函数, last_insert_id(),以及user-defined functions(udf)会出现问题). 使用以下函数的语句也无法被复制: * LOAD_FILE() 同时在INSERT ...SELECT 会产生比 RBR 更多的行级锁 2)Row:不记录sql语句上下文相关信息,仅保存哪条记录被修改 优点: binlog中可以不记录执行的sql语句的上下文相关的信息,仅需要记录那一条记录被修改成什么了。所以rowlevel的日志内容会非常清楚的记录下每一行数据修改的细节。而且不会出现某些特定情况下的存储过程,或function,以及trigger的调用和触发无法被正确复制的问题 缺点:所有的执行的语句当记录到日志中的时候,都将以每行记录的修改来记录,这样可能会产生大量的日志内容,比如一条update语句,修改多条记录,则binlog中每一条修改都会有记录,这样造成binlog日志量会很大,特别是当执行alter table之类的语句的时候,由于表结构修改,每条记录都发生改变,那么该表每一条记录都会记录到日志中。 3)Mixedlevel: 是以上两种level的混合使用,一般的语句修改使用statment格式保存binlog,如一些函数,statement无法完成主从复制的操作,则采用row格式保存binlog,MySQL会根据执行的每一条具体的sql语句来区分对待记录的日志形式,也就是在Statement和Row之间选择一种.新版本的MySQL中队row level模式也被做了优化,并不是所有的修改都会以row level来记录,像遇到表结构变更的时候就会以statement模式来记录。至于update或者delete等修改数据的语句,还是会记录所有行的变更。 Mixed日志说明: 在slave日志同步过程中,对于使用now这样的时间函数,MIXED日志格式,会在日志中产生对应的unix_timestamp()*1000的时间字符串,slave在完成同步时,取用的是sqlEvent发生的时间来保证数据的准确性。另外对于一些功能性函数slave能完成相应的数据同步,而对于上面指定的一些类似于UDF函数,导致Slave无法知晓的情况,则会采用ROW格式存储这些Binlog,以保证产生的Binlog可以供Slave完成数据同步。 (2)binlog基本配制与格式设定 1)基本配制 binlog日志格式可以通过mysql的my.cnf文件的属性binlog_format指定。如以下: binlog-do-db=需要备份的数据库名,如果备份多个数据库,重复设置这个选项即可 2)Binlog日志格式选择 Mysql默认是使用Statement日志格式,推荐使用MIXED. 3)mysqlbinlog格式选择 mysql对于日志格式的选定原则:如果是采用 INSERT,UPDATE,DELETE 等直接操作表的情况,则日志格式根据 binlog_format 的设定而记录,如果是采用 GRANT,REVOKE,SET PASSWORD 等管理语句来做的话,那么无论如何 都采用 SBR 模式记录 (3)Mysql Binlog日志分析 通过MysqlBinlog指令查看具体的mysql日志,如下: 1.开始事物的时间: SET TIMESTAMP=1350355892/*!*/; BEGIN 2.sqlevent起点 #at 1643330 :为事件的起点,是以1643330字节开始。 3.sqlevent 发生的时间点 #121016 10:51:32:是事件发生的时间, 4.serverId server id 1 :为master 的serverId 5.sqlevent终点及花费时间,错误码 end_log_pos 1643885:为事件的终点,是以1643885 字节结束。 execTime 0: 花费的时间 error_code=0:错误码 Xid:事件指示提交的XA事务 三、mysql日志(重点binlog日志)的优化说明 MySQL系统的伸缩性很强,既可以在充足的硬件资源环境下高效运行,也可以在极少资源环境下很好的运行, 下面着重分析一下MySQL的日志(主要是Binlog)对系统性能的影响,并根据日志的相关特性得出相应的优化思路。 1)日志产生的性能影响 MySQL的日志主要包括错误日志(ErrorLog),更新日志(UpdateLog),二进制日志(Binlog),查询日志(QueryLog),慢查询日志(SlowQueryLog)等。 在默认情况下,系统仅仅打开错误日志,关闭了其他所有日志,以达到尽可能减少IO损耗提高系统性能的目的。 一般情况下,在生产系统中很少有系统会打开查询日志。因为查询日志打开之后会将MySQL中执行的每一条Query都记录到日志中,会该系统带来比较大的IO负担,而带来的实际效益却并不是非常大。一般只有在开发测试环境中,为了定位某些功能具体使用了哪些SQL语句的时候,才会在短时间段内打开该日志来做相应的分析。 2)Binlog 相关参数及优化策略 我们首先看看Binlog的相关参数,通过执行如下命令可以获得关于Binlog的相关参数。 “binlog_cache_size":在事务过程中容纳二进制日志SQL语句的缓存大小。二进制日志缓存是服务器支持事务存储引擎并且服务器启用了二进制日志(—log-bin选项)的前提下为每个客户端分配的内存,注意,是每个Client都可以分配设置大小的binlogcache空间。如果读者朋友的系统中经常会出现多语句事务的华,可以尝试增加该值的大小,以获得更有的性能。当然,我们可以通过MySQL的以下两个状态变量来判断当前的binlog_cache_size的状况:Binlog_cache_use和Binlog_cache_disk_use。 “max_binlog_cache_size”:和"binlog_cache_size"相对应,但是所代表的是binlog能够使用的最大cache内存大小。当我们执行多语句事务的时候,max_binlog_cache_size如果不够大的话,系统可能会报出“Multi-statementtransactionrequiredmorethan'max_binlog_cache_size'bytesofstorage”的错误。 “max_binlog_size”:Binlog日志最大值,一般来说设置为512M或者1G,但不能超过1G。该大小并不能非常严格控制Binlog大小,尤其是当到达Binlog比较靠近尾部而又遇到一个较大事务的时候,系统为了保证事务的完整性,不可能做切换日志的动作,只能将该事务的所有SQL都记录进入当前日志,直到该事务结束。这一点和Oracle的Redo日志有点不一样,因为Oracle的Redo日志所记录的是数据文件的物理位置的变化,而且里面同时记录了Redo和Undo相关的信息,所以同一个事务是否在一个日志中对Oracle来说并不关键。而MySQL在Binlog中所记录的是数据库逻辑变化信息,MySQL称之为Event,实际上就是带来数据库变化的DML之类的Query语句。 “sync_binlog”:这个参数是对于MySQL系统来说是至关重要的,他不仅影响到Binlog对MySQL所带来的性能损耗,而且还影响到MySQL中数据的完整性。对于“sync_binlog”参数的各种设置的说明如下: sync_binlog=0,当事务提交之后,MySQL不做fsync之类的磁盘同步指令刷新binlog_cache中的信息到磁盘,而让Filesystem自行决定什么时候来做同步,或者cache满了之后才同步到磁盘。 sync_binlog=n, after every n transaction submissions, MySQL will perform a disk synchronization instruction such as fsync to force the data in binlog_cache to be written to the disk. In MySQL, the system default setting is sync_binlog=0, which means no mandatory disk refresh instructions are performed. The performance at this time is the best, but the risk is also the greatest. Because once the system crashes, all binlog information in binlog_cache will be lost. When set to "1", it is the safest setting but has the greatest performance loss. Because when set to 1, even if the system crashes, at most one unfinished transaction in binlog_cache will be lost, without any substantial impact on the actual data. Judging from past experience and related tests, for systems with high concurrent transactions, the write performance gap between systems with "sync_binlog" set to 0 and set to 1 may be as high as 5 times or more. Another: MySQL replication (Replication) is actually to copy the Binlog on the Master side to the Slave side through the network through the IO thread, and then use SQL This is achieved by parsing the logs in Binlog by threads and then applying them to the database. Therefore, the size of the Binlog will have a direct impact on the IO thread and the network between the Msater and the Slave. The amount of Binlog generated in MySQL cannot be changed. As long as our Query changes the data in the database, the Event corresponding to the Query must be recorded in the Binlog. So is there no way we can optimize replication? Of course not. In the MySQL replication environment, there are actually 8 parameters that allow us to control the DB or Table that need to be copied or ignored without copying, respectively: Binlog_Do_DB: Set which databases (Schema) need to record Binlog; Binlog_Ignore_DB: Set which databases (Schema) do not need to record Binlog; Replicate_Do_DB: Set the database (Schema) that needs to be copied. Multiple DBs are separated by commas (","); Replicate_Ignore_DB: Set the database (Schema) that can be ignored; Replicate_Do_Table: Set the Table that needs to be copied; Replicate_Ignore_Table: Set the Table that can be ignored; Replicate_Wild_Do_Table: The function is the same as Replicate_Do_Table, but it can be set with wildcard character ; Replicate_Wild_Ignore_Table: The function is the same as Replicate_Ignore_Table, but it can be set with wildcard character; In fact, the first two of the above eight parameters are set on the Master side, while the last six parameters are set on the Slave side. Although the first two parameters and the last six parameters are not very directly related in function, they can all enable similar functions for optimizing MySQL Replication. Of course, there are certain differences. The main differences are as follows: If you set the first two parameters on the Master side, it will not only reduce the amount of IO caused by the Binlog record on the Master side, but also reduce the IO thread on the Master side. This can reduce the amount of Binlog reading, and the amount of Binlog passed to the IO thread on the Slave side will naturally be less. The advantage of this is that it can reduce network IO, reduce the IO volume of the slave-side IO thread, and reduce the workload of the slave-side SQL thread, thereby maximizing the optimization of replication performance. Of course, there are certain drawbacks to setting up on the Master side, because MySQL determines whether an Event needs to be copied not based on the DB where the data 而如果是在Slave端设置后面的六个参数,在性能优化方面可能比在Master端要稍微逊色一点,因为不管是需要还是不需要复制的Event都被会被IO线程读取到Slave端,这样不仅仅增加了网络IO量,也给Slave端的IO线程增加了RelayLog的写入量。但是仍然可以减少Slave的SQL线程在Slave端的日志应用量。虽然性能方面稍有逊色,但是在Slave端设置复制过滤机制,可以保证不会出现因为默认Schema的问题而造成Slave和Master数据不一致或者复制出错的问题。 3)慢查询日志Query Log 相关参数及使用建议 “log_slow_queries”参数显示了系统是否已经打开SlowQueryLog功能,而“long_query_time”参数则告诉我们当前系统设置的SlowQuery记录执行时间超过多长的Query。在MySQLAB发行的MySQL版本中SlowQueryLog可以设置的最短慢查询时间为1秒,这在有些时候可能没办法完全满足我们的要求,如果希望能够进一步缩短慢查询的时间限制,可以使用Percona提供的microslow-patch(件成为mslPatch)来突破该限制。mslpatch不仅仅能将慢查询时间减小到毫秒级别,同时还能通过一些特定的规则来过滤记录的SQL,如仅记录涉及到某个表的SlowQuery等等附加功能。 打开SlowQueryLog功能对系统性能的整体影响没有Binlog那么大,毕竟SlowQueryLog的数据量比较小,带来的IO损耗也就较小,但是,系统需要计算每一条Query的执行时间,所以消耗总是会有一些的,主要是CPU方面的消耗。如果大家的系统在CPU资源足够丰富的时候,可以不必在乎这一点点损耗,毕竟他可能会给我们带来更大性能优化的收获。但如果我们的CPU资源也比较紧张的时候,也完全可以在大部分时候关闭该功能,而只需要间断性的打开SlowQueryLog功能来定位可能存在的慢查询。 MySQL的其他日志由于使用很少(QueryLog)或者性能影响很少,在此就不做过多分析了。[root@localhost ~]# mysqlbinlog /home/mysql/binlog/binlog.000003 | more
/*!40019 SET @@session.max_insert_delayed_threads=0*/;
# at 4
#120330 16:51:46 server id 1 end_log_pos 98 Start: binlog v 4, server v 5.0.45-log created 120330 1
# Warning: this binlog was not closed properly. Most probably mysqld crashed writing it.
# at 196
#120330 17:54:15 server id 1 end_log_pos 294 Query thread_id=3 exec_time=2 error_code=0
SET TIMESTAMP=1333101255/*!*/;
insert into tt7 select * from tt7/*!*/;
# at 294
#120330 17:54:46 server id 1 end_log_pos 388 Query thread_id=3 exec_time=28 error_code=0
SET TIMESTAMP=1333101286/*!*/;
alter table tt7 engine=innodb/*!*/;
* UUID()
* USER()
* SYSDATE() (除非启动时启用了 --sysdate-is-now 选项)binlog_format = MIXED
log_bin =目录/mysql-bin.log
expire_logs_days = 7
max_binlog_size 100m
SET TIMESTAMP=1350355892/*!*/;
# at 1643330
#121016 10:51:32 server id 1 end_log_pos 1643885 Query thread_id=272571 exec_time=0 error_code=0
SET TIMESTAMP=1350355892/*!*/;
Insert into T_test….)
# at 1643885
#121016 10:51:32 server id 1 end_log_pos 1643912 Xid = 0
当然,其中也显示出了“innodb_locks_unsafe_for_binlog”这个Innodb存储引擎特有的与Binlog相关的参数:mysql> show variables like '%binlog%';
| Variable_name | Value |
| binlog_cache_size | 16777216 |
| binlog_checksum | CRC32 |
| binlog_direct_non_transactional_updates | OFF |
| binlog_error_action | IGNORE_ERROR |
| binlog_format | MIXED |
| binlog_gtid_simple_recovery | OFF |
| binlog_max_flush_queue_time | 0 |
| binlog_order_commits | ON |
| binlog_row_image | FULL |
| binlog_rows_query_log_events | OFF |
| binlog_stmt_cache_size | 32768 |
| binlogging_impossible_mode | IGNORE_ERROR |
| innodb_api_enable_binlog | OFF |
| innodb_locks_unsafe_for_binlog | OFF |
| max_binlog_cache_size | 18446744073709547520 |
| max_binlog_size | 1073741824 |
| max_binlog_stmt_cache_size | 18446744073709547520 |
| simplified_binlog_gtid_recovery | OFF |
| sync_binlog | 1 |
19 rows in set (0.00 sec)
Through the above eight parameters, we can very conveniently control the amount of Binlog from the Master to the Slave as little as possible according to actual needs, thereby reducing the network traffic from the Master to the Slave and reducing the number of IO threads. The amount of IO can also reduce the number of SQL threads parsing and applying SQL, ultimately improving the data delay problem on the Slave.
is changed by the Query that generated the Event, but based on the execution The default Schema where Query is located at the moment is the DB specified when we log in or the DB specified when running "USEDATABASE". Only when the current default DB completely matches the DB set in the configuration will the IO thread read the Event to the Slave's IO thread. Therefore, if the default DB and the DB set to be copied are different in the system, and the data of a certain Table in the DB that needs to be copied is changed, the Event will not be copied to the Slave, so This will cause the data on the Slave side to be inconsistent with the data on the Master side. Similarly, if the data in the Schema that does not need to be copied is changed under the default Schema, it will be copied to the Slave side. When the Slave side does not have the Schema, an error will occur and the replication will stop.
再来看看SlowQueryLog的相关参数配置。有些时候,我们为了定位系统中效率比较地下的Query语句,则需要打开慢查询日志,也就是SlowQueryLog。我们可以如下查看系统慢查询日志的相关设置:mysql> show variables like 'log_slow%';
| Variable_name | Value |
| log_slow_queries | ON |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
mysql> show variables like 'long_query%';
| Variable_name | Value |
| long_query_time | 1 |
1 row in set (0.01 sec)
The above is the detailed content of Detailed explanation of Mysql database Binlog log usage code summary. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!