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Detailed explanation of using DBGPavim to debug PHP/Python programs in Vim

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This article mainly introduces how to use VIM + XDebugDebugPHP program, although there are many articles introducing how to use Eclipse + XDebug to debug PHP on the developer's work machine, there are still relatively few articles on how to configure VIM + The setting articles all use an older plug-in. Here we mainly introduce a new plug-in, DBGPavim, which has many advantages over some old plug-ins. At the same time, this plug-in can be perfectly used for debugging Python programs. VIM + XDebug also has many advantages over Eclipse + XDebug, which will be described in the article

Implementation principle

Detailed explanation of using DBGPavim to debug PHP/Python programs in Vim

##DBGp is ​​the debugger background and debugger interface. A protocol for communication, used for debugging of multiple script languages. Such a plug-in enables VIM to accept DBGp requests and send DBGp commands for debugging purposes. The name of DBGPavim comes from DBGp@VIM

ActiveState provides a DBGp implementation for debugging Python/Ruby. Remote Debugging Package, a later section will talk about how to make it interoperable with VIM to debug Python. Users will be able to use this method to debug scripting languages ​​​​such as ruby/node

js. #Configuring XDebug

      XDebug can be found at http://xdebug.org/docs/install. ##Edit php.ini and add the following two lines:
    1. zend_extension=/path/to/xdebug.so
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      Edit your httpd.conf and add the following lines:

       php_value xdebug.remote_autostart 1
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    2. Note: This line is not necessary. If you do not add this line, you need to add XDEBUG_
    3. SESSION
    _START=1 to the URL to access the HTTP server. Parameters, such as: http://localhost/index.php?XDEBUG_SESSION_START=1.
      1. ##If multiple developers need to debug different VirtualHosts at the same time, they can Add the following lines to your VirtualHost section:

         php_value xdebug.remote_port 9009
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        Note: 9009 here is the port that VIM should listen to as a DBGp server. Different developers use different port numbers in different VirtualHosts. This port number must be consistent with the dbgPavimPort mentioned in the next section. Without this line, the default port number is 9000. Finally, you can check whether your XDebug configuration is correct through

      2. .php. You must be able to see the values ​​of the following lines as follows (mainly the first two columns):
      xdebug.remote_autostart	On	Off
       xdebug.remote_enable	On	On
       xdebug.remote_handler	dbgp	dbgp
       xdebug.remote_port	9009	9000
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    phpinfo The content of the .php file is as follows:
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Configuring VIM + DBGPavim

The DBGPavim plug-in itself is implemented in Python, so your VIM needs to support Python 2.7. Open your VIM and enter the command

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If you can see "+python", it means your VIM supports Python. If you see "-python", it means that your VIM does not support Python. You can compile your own VIM as follows:

Install Python 2.7

export path=/path/to/python2.7/bin:$PATH

  1. Compile VIM with the following command:

  2.  ./configure --prefix=/opt/vim --enable-pythoninterp --with-python-config-dir=/usr/lib/python2.7/config
     make install
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  3. Note: The /usr/lib/python2.7/config here depends on where you installed Python2.7.

    Download DBGPavim from here or here, put it in your ~/.vim directory, and edit your ~/.vimrc, add the following two lines:
  4. let g:dbgPavimPort = 9009
    let g:dbgPavimBreakAtEntry = 0
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  5. Note: here 9009 must be consistent with 9009 in the previous section. If xdebug.remote_port was not configured in the previous section, there is no need to configure it here, because they will use the default 9000. dbgPavimBreakAtEntry=0 tells VIM not to stop at the entry, so it will only stop at the breakpoint.

    You can restart VIM and press F5 to check whether your DBGPavim configuration is correct. If you configure it successfully, you will see the following prompt information in the lower right corner of the VIM window:
  6. bap-LISN-9009
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It means that VIM is currently listening to port 9009, bap means that it will only stop at the breakpoint, other prompts The information format is as follows:

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bae Break At Entry,在入口处停下
bap Break only At breakPoints,只在断点处停下
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Debugger Status

LISN	调试器已启动,正处于监听状态。
PEND-n	调试器已捕捉到连接请求,可以按F5进入调试模式了。
CONN	VIM正处于调试模式中。
CLSD	调试器已停止。
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Debugging PHP in the Apache environment

Now after confirming that the configuration is correct, you can use VIM to open the file you need to debug, jump to the line you need to debug, press F10 to set the current behavior

breakpoint, and press F5 to start the debugger.

  • 用浏览器访问会调用相应PHP文件的URL,你会看到VIM状态栏里的的提示信息变成:

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    1. 它告诉你已经有一个连接被拦截,可以按F5开始调试了。Detailed explanation of using DBGPavim to debug PHP/Python programs in Vim

    2. 按F5进入调试模式,你会看到VIM窗口被分成三部分:左上为源码窗口,右上为变量查看窗口,下方为调用堆栈窗口。Detailed explanation of using DBGPavim to debug PHP/Python programs in Vim在源码窗口里,把光标定位到某一个变量上面按F12,在变量查看窗口就能看到该变量的值,如果该变量不是简单变量,其成员也会显示出来。如果该变量的某个成员仍不是简单变量,该行后面会出现一个加号,在该行按回车键,该成员的值将被继续展开。如果你想直接查看某个变量的成员变量,可以按v切换到visual模式,选中该成员再按F12,比如$this->login。在堆栈窗口,当你在某一行按回车,将跳到该层。最上面一行是最底层,最下面一行是最顶层。切换调用堆栈的层次,可以帮助你查看各个层次的变量,比如有些全局变量只有在最顶层才能看到。对于源码中没有出现的变量,你可以通过命令:Pg来查看,比如:

        g $this->memberShip
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    1. 你可以开始你的调试了,随时按F1可调出帮助窗口,再次F1就关闭帮助窗口。Detailed explanation of using DBGPavim to debug PHP/Python programs in Vim



    php -dxdebug.remote_autostart=1 -dxdebug.remote_port=9009 test.php
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    如果你的命令行使用的ini和apache中php5_module使用的ini是一样的(通常情况是这样的),你不需要在参数中再来做这些设置。但如果你在ini中的设置是放在某个virtualhost段里,你仍然需要加上这些设置。 你可以通过命令行:

    php --ini
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    php -r "phpinfo();"|grep xdebug.remote_
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    1. 用VIM打开你需要调试的PHP文件,F10设置断点,F5启动调试监听。

    2. 从命令行运行php程序如上。

    3. 回到你的VIM窗口,将看到提示信息为PEND-1。

    4. 按F5进入调试模式。



    前面说过VIM + DBGPavim作为DBGp协议的服务器,可以与XDebug协同工作,也可以与ActiveState提供的Komodo Python Remote Debugging Client协同工作,实现Python程序的调试,具体步骤如下:

    1. 从这里下载安装Komodo Python Remote Debugging Client,把解压后的bin目录加到你的PATH路径中,注意bin目录下的pydbgp文件。

    2. 用VIM打开你需要调试的Python文件,F10设置断点,F5启动调试监听。

    3. 通过pydbgp运行你的Python程序,如

       pydbgp -d test.py
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    4. 上面的:Dp命令同样适用于Python调试,下图为Windows 7下用GVIM + pydbgp调试Python的截图。 Detailed explanation of using DBGPavim to debug PHP/Python programs in Vim

      VIM + DBGPavim相对于Eclipse + XDebug的优势

      大多数服务器不会启动XServer,无法在服务器上启动Eclipse。如果在开发人员工作机上启动Eclipse + XDebug,就相当于把DBGp服务器在工作机上运行,你需要设置路径映射,也就是HTTP Server执行的一份代码在服务器上,Eclipse调试时打开的是一份代码,在工作机上,要保证这两份代码能对应上需要映射路径。当程序规模不大时,问题不大,当程序规模大时,会比较麻烦,而且要保证代码的同步,否则会串行。


      VIM + DBGPavim也是支持远程调试的,但同样避免不了路径映射的设置,如下:

      let g:dbgPavimPathMap = [[&#39;D:/works/php&#39;,&#39;/var/www&#39;],]
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      1. 注:这里的9009端口就相当于上面为PHP调试时设置的xdebug.remote_port,需要和dbgPavimPort保持一致。

      2. 回到你的VIM窗口,将看到提示信息为PEND-1。

      3. 按F5进入调试模式。



    DBGPavim会监听所有来自DBGp客户端如XDebug、pydbgp的DBGp连接,不像其它插件只能捕获第一个连接。这对于大规模的WEB程序是必须的,因为现在的一次网页加载通常会触发多个HTTP请求,而我们需要调试的可能来自其中的任何一个。 同时DBGPavim支持只在断点处停下,其它的插件都是在入口处停下,需要程序员一步步跟踪进去。这省了开发人员很大的麻烦,而且避免出错后一次次的重启调试。



    VIM normal模式下

    F5	启动调试监听,或者有可调试连接时进入调试模式。
    F6	停止调试监听。
    F8	切换dbgPavimBreakAtEntry的值,按这个键你可以看到状态栏提示信息在bae和bap之间切换,即是否在PHP程序入口处停下。
    F10	在当前行设置或删除断点,在调试模式下同样适用。
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    F1	打开或关闭帮助窗口
    F2	单步进入
    F3	单步跳过
    F4	单步退出
    F5	继续执行直到下一个断点,如果后续没有断点就退出调试模式。
    F6	停止调试,这个按键就导致VIM退出调试模式,并且停止调试监听。
    F7	调试时执行php语句,按下F7后,用户可在变量查看窗口输入php语句,回车后执行。
    F9	最大化某个子窗口,或者重置窗口布局。
    F11	查看当前执行环境下的所有变量的值,在不同的堆栈层次,会有不同的结果。
    F12	查看光标下的变量的值。
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    let g:dbgPavimKeyRun = &#39;<F8>&#39;
    let g:dbgPavimKeyStepOver = &#39;<F10>&#39;
    let g:dbgPavimKeyStepInto = &#39;<F11>&#39;
    let g:dbgPavimKeyStepOut = &#39;<F12>&#39;
    let g:dbgPavimKeyPropertyGet = &#39;<F3>&#39;
    let g:dbgPavimKeyContextGet = &#39;<F4>&#39;
    let g:dbgPavimKeyToggleBp = &#39;<F9>&#39;
    let g:dbgPavimKeyToggleBae = &#39;<F5>&#39;
    let g:dbgPavimKeyRelayout = &#39;<F2>&#39;
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    :Bl	列出所有断点
    :Bp	与F10功能相同  p	这个命令可用于快速调试当前文件,它实现了如下功能:
        1. 检查命令行下XDebug/pydbgp的设置是否正确
        2. 启动调试器监听
        3. 用php/pydbgp执行当前文件  g <longfoo>	查看较长变量的值,比如:Pg $this->savings[3]
    :Up	调用堆栈往上一级  n	调用堆栈往下一级
    :Wc [$foo]	打开/关闭对变量$foo的监视。如果没有参数,就监视当前执行环境下的所有变量。
    :We <foo>	打开/关闭对语句foo的监视,即每一单步后自动执行foo语句。
    :Wl	列出所有被监视的变量或语句。
    :Children <n>	对于数组默认显示前1024个元素,这个命令可以修改。  epth <n>	对于复杂变量,默认只显示下一层成员,这个命令可以设置限制多层。
    :Length <n>	对于字符串变量,默认执行显示前1024个字符,这个命令可以设置显示长度。
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    The above is the detailed content of Detailed explanation of using DBGPavim to debug PHP/Python programs in Vim. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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