1. Basic concepts and classifications of sorting
The so-called sorting is to arrange a string of records in increasing or decreasing order according to the size of one or some keywords in it. Get up operation. Sorting algorithm is how to arrange records as required.
Stability of sorting:
After a certain sorting, if the serial numbers of two records are the same, and the order of the two records in the original unordered record remains inconsistent, changes, the sorting method used is said to be stable, otherwise it is unstable.
Internal sorting and external sorting
Internal sorting: During the sorting process, all records to be sorted are placed in memory
External sorting: Sorting During the process, external storage is used.
Usually what is discussed is internal sorting.
Three factors that affect the performance of the internal sorting algorithm:
Time complexity: that is, time performance, an efficient sorting algorithm should have as few keywords as possible Number of comparisons and number of recorded moves
Space complexity: mainly the auxiliary space required to execute the algorithm, the less, the better.
Algorithm complexity. Mainly refers to the complexity of the code.
According to the main operations used in the sorting process, internal sorting can be divided into:
Insertion sort
Exchange sort
Selection sort
Merge sort
can be divided into two categories according to algorithm complexity:
Simple algorithm: including bubble sort, simple selection sort and Direct insertion sort
Improved algorithms: including Hill sort, heap sort, merge sort and quick sort
The following seven sorting algorithms are just the most classic of all sorting algorithms and do not represent all.
2. Bubble sorting
Bubble sorting (Bubble sort): time complexity O(n^2)
A kind of exchange sorting. The core idea is: compare the keywords of adjacent records pairwise, and exchange them if they are in reverse order, until there are no records in reverse order.
The implementation details can be different, such as the following three:
1. The simplest sorting implementation: bubble_sort_simple
2. Bubble sorting: bubble_sort
3. Improved bubble sort: bubble_sort_advance
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- # Author: Liu Jiang # Python 3.5 # 冒泡排序算法 class SQList: def init(self, lis=None): self.r = lis def swap(self, i, j): """定义一个交换元素的方法,方便后面调用。""" temp = self.r[i] self.r[i] = self.r[j] self.r[j] = temp def bubble_sort_simple(self): """ 最简单的交换排序,时间复杂度O(n^2) """ lis = self.r length = len(self.r) for i in range(length): for j in range(i+1, length): if lis[i] > lis[j]: self.swap(i, j) def bubble_sort(self): """ 冒泡排序,时间复杂度O(n^2) """ lis = self.r length = len(self.r) for i in range(length): j = length-2 while j >= i: if lis[j] > lis[j+1]: self.swap(j, j+1) j -= 1 def bubble_sort_advance(self): """ 冒泡排序改进算法,时间复杂度O(n^2) 设置flag,当一轮比较中未发生交换动作,则说明后面的元素其实已经有序排列了。 对于比较规整的元素集合,可提高一定的排序效率。 """ lis = self.r length = len(self.r) flag = True i = 0 while i < length and flag: flag = False j = length - 2 while j >= i: if lis[j] > lis[j + 1]: self.swap(j, j + 1) flag = True j -= 1 i += 1 def str(self): ret = "" for i in self.r: ret += " %s" % i return ret if name == 'main': sqlist = SQList([4,1,7,3,8,5,9,2,6]) # sqlist.bubble_sort_simple() # sqlist.bubble_sort() sqlist.bubble_sort_advance() print(sqlist)
3. Simple selection sort
Simple selection sort (simple selection sort): Time complexity O(n^2)
Through n-i comparisons between keywords, select the record with the smallest keyword from n-i+1 records, and combine it with the i-th (1<=i<=n) records are exchanged.
In layman's terms, all the elements that have not been sorted are compared from beginning to end, and the subscript of the smallest element is recorded, which is the position of the element. Then swap the element to the front of the current traversal. The efficiency lies in the fact that each round is compared many times but only exchanged once. Therefore, although its time complexity is also O(n^2), it is still better than the bubble algorithm.
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- # Author: Liu Jiang # Python 3.5 # 简单选择排序 class SQList: def init(self, lis=None): self.r = lis def swap(self, i, j): """定义一个交换元素的方法,方便后面调用。""" temp = self.r[i] self.r[i] = self.r[j] self.r[j] = temp def select_sort(self): """ 简单选择排序,时间复杂度O(n^2) """ lis = self.r length = len(self.r) for i in range(length): minimum = i for j in range(i+1, length): if lis[minimum] > lis[j]: minimum = j if i != minimum: self.swap(i, minimum) def str(self): ret = "" for i in self.r: ret += " %s" % i return ret if name == 'main': sqlist = SQList([4, 1, 7, 3, 8, 5, 9, 2, 6, 0]) sqlist.select_sort() print(sqlist)
4. Direct Insertion Sort
Straight Insertion Sort: Time complexity O( n^2)
The basic operation is to insert a record into an already sorted ordered list, thereby obtaining a new ordered list with the number of records increased by 1.
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- # Author: Liu Jiang # Python 3.5 # 直接插入排序 class SQList: def init(self, lis=None): self.r = lis def insert_sort(self): lis = self.r length = len(self.r) # 下标从1开始 for i in range(1, length): if lis[i] < lis[i-1]: temp = lis[i] j = i-1 while lis[j] > temp and j >= 0: lis[j+1] = lis[j] j -= 1 lis[j+1] = temp def str(self): ret = "" for i in self.r: ret += " %s" % i return ret if name == 'main': sqlist = SQList([4, 1, 7, 3, 8, 5, 9, 2, 6, 0]) sqlist.insert_sort() print(sqlist)
This algorithm requires auxiliary space for a record. In the best case, when the original data is in order, only one round of comparison is needed and no records need to be moved. In this case, the time complexity is O(n). However, this is basically a fantasy.
5. Shell Sort
Shell Sort is an improved version of insertion sort. Its core idea is Divide the original data set into several subsequences, and then perform direct insertion sorting on the subsequences respectively to make the subsequences basically orderly. Finally, perform a direct insertion sorting on all records.
The most critical thing here is the strategy of jumping and segmentation, that is, how we want to segment the data and how big the interval is. Usually records that are separated by a certain "increment" are formed into a subsequence, so as to ensure that the results obtained after direct insertion sorting within the subsequence are basically ordered rather than partially ordered. In the following example, the value of "increment" is determined by: increment = int(increment/3)+1.
The time complexity of Hill sorting is: O(n^(3/2))
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- # Author: Liu Jiang # Python 3.5 # 希尔排序 class SQList: def init(self, lis=None): self.r = lis def shell_sort(self): """希尔排序""" lis = self.r length = len(lis) increment = len(lis) while increment > 1: increment = int(increment/3)+1 for i in range(increment+1, length): if lis[i] < lis[i - increment]: temp = lis[i] j = i - increment while j >= 0 and temp < lis[j]: lis[j+increment] = lis[j] j -= increment lis[j+increment] = temp def str(self): ret = "" for i in self.r: ret += " %s" % i return ret if name == 'main': sqlist = SQList([4, 1, 7, 3, 8, 5, 9, 2, 6, 0,123,22]) sqlist.shell_sort() print(sqlist)
堆排序(Heap Sort)就是利用大顶堆或小顶堆的性质进行排序的方法。堆排序的总体时间复杂度为O(nlogn)。(下面采用大顶堆的方式)
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- # Author: Liu Jiang # Python 3.5 # 堆排序 class SQList: def init(self, lis=None): self.r = lis def swap(self, i, j): """定义一个交换元素的方法,方便后面调用。""" temp = self.r[i] self.r[i] = self.r[j] self.r[j] = temp def heap_sort(self): length = len(self.r) i = int(length/2) # 将原始序列构造成一个大顶堆 # 遍历从中间开始,到0结束,其实这些是堆的分支节点。 while i >= 0: self.heap_adjust(i, length-1) i -= 1 # 逆序遍历整个序列,不断取出根节点的值,完成实际的排序。 j = length-1 while j > 0: # 将当前根节点,也就是列表最开头,下标为0的值,交换到最后面j处 self.swap(0, j) # 将发生变化的序列重新构造成大顶堆 self.heap_adjust(0, j-1) j -= 1 def heap_adjust(self, s, m): """核心的大顶堆构造方法,维持序列的堆结构。""" lis = self.r temp = lis[s] i = 2*s while i <= m: if i < m and lis[i] < lis[i+1]: i += 1 if temp >= lis[i]: break lis[s] = lis[i] s = i i *= 2 lis[s] = temp def str(self): ret = "" for i in self.r: ret += " %s" % i return ret if name == 'main': sqlist = SQList([4, 1, 7, 3, 8, 5, 9, 2, 6, 0, 123, 22]) sqlist.heap_sort() print(sqlist)
归并排序(Merging Sort):建立在归并操作上的一种有效的排序算法,该算法是采用分治法(pide and Conquer)的一个非常典型的应用。将已有序的子序列合并,得到完全有序的序列;即先使每个子序列有序,再使子序列段间有序。若将两个有序表合并成一个有序表,称为二路归并。
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- # Author: Liu Jiang # Python 3.5 # 归并排序 class SQList: def init(self, lis=None): self.r = lis def swap(self, i, j): """定义一个交换元素的方法,方便后面调用。""" temp = self.r[i] self.r[i] = self.r[j] self.r[j] = temp def merge_sort(self): self.msort(self.r, self.r, 0, len(self.r)-1) def msort(self, list_sr, list_tr, s, t): temp = [None for i in range(0, len(list_sr))] if s == t: list_tr[s] = list_sr[s] else: m = int((s+t)/2) self.msort(list_sr, temp, s, m) self.msort(list_sr, temp, m+1, t) self.merge(temp, list_tr, s, m, t) def merge(self, list_sr, list_tr, i, m, n): j = m+1 k = i while i <= m and j <= n: if list_sr[i] < list_sr[j]: list_tr[k] = list_sr[i] i += 1 else: list_tr[k] = list_sr[j] j += 1 k += 1 if i <= m: for l in range(0, m-i+1): list_tr[k+l] = list_sr[i+l] if j <= n: for l in range(0, n-j+1): list_tr[k+l] = list_sr[j+l] def str(self): ret = "" for i in self.r: ret += " %s" % i return ret if name == 'main': sqlist = SQList([4, 1, 7, 3, 8, 5, 9, 2, 6, 0, 12, 77, 34, 23]) sqlist.merge_sort() print(sqlist)
快速排序(Quick Sort)由图灵奖获得者Tony Hoare发明,被列为20世纪十大算法之一。冒泡排序的升级版,交换排序的一种。快速排序的时间复杂度为O(nlog(n))。
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- # Author: Liu Jiang # Python 3.5 # 快速排序 class SQList: def init(self, lis=None): self.r = lis def swap(self, i, j): """定义一个交换元素的方法,方便后面调用。""" temp = self.r[i] self.r[i] = self.r[j] self.r[j] = temp def quick_sort(self): """调用入口""" self.qsort(0, len(self.r)-1) def qsort(self, low, high): """递归调用""" if low < high: pivot = self.partition(low, high) self.qsort(low, pivot-1) self.qsort(pivot+1, high) def partition(self, low, high): """ 快速排序的核心代码。 其实就是将选取的pivot_key不断交换,将比它小的换到左边,将比它大的换到右边。 它自己也在交换中不断变换自己的位置,直到完成所有的交换为止。 但在函数调用的过程中,pivot_key的值始终不变。 :param low:左边界下标 :param high:右边界下标 :return:分完左右区后pivot_key所在位置的下标 """ lis = self.r pivot_key = lis[low] while low < high: while low < high and lis[high] >= pivot_key: high -= 1 self.swap(low, high) while low < high and lis[low] <= pivot_key: low += 1 self.swap(low, high) return low def str(self): ret = "" for i in self.r: ret += " %s" % i return ret if name == 'main': sqlist = SQList([4, 1, 7, 3, 8, 5, 9, 2, 6, 0, 123, 22]) sqlist.quick_sort() print(sqlist)
1. 优化选取的pivot_key
为了保证pivot_key选取的尽可能适中,采取选取序列左中右三个特殊位置的值中,处于中间值的那个数为pivot_key,通常会比直接用lis[low]要好一点。在代码中,在原来的pivot_key = lis[low]这一行前面增加下面的代码:
m = low + int((high-low)/2) if lis[low] > lis[high]: self.swap(low, high) if lis[m] > lis[high]: self.swap(high, m) if lis[m] > lis[low]: self.swap(m, low)
2. 减少不必要的交换
def partition(self, low, high): lis = self.r m = low + int((high-low)/2) if lis[low] > lis[high]: self.swap(low, high) if lis[m] > lis[high]: self.swap(high, m) if lis[m] > lis[low]: self.swap(m, low) pivot_key = lis[low] # temp暂存pivot_key的值 temp = pivot_key while low < high: while low < high and lis[high] >= pivot_key: high -= 1 # 直接替换,而不交换了 lis[low] = lis[high] while low < high and lis[low] <= pivot_key: low += 1 lis[high] = lis[low] lis[low] = temp return low
3. 优化小数组时的排序
def qsort(self, low, high): """根据序列长短,选择使用快速排序还是简单插入排序""" # 7是一个经验值,可根据实际情况自行决定该数值。 MAX_LENGTH = 7 if high-low < MAX_LENGTH: if low < high: pivot = self.partition(low, high) self.qsort(low, pivot - 1) self.qsort(pivot + 1, high) else: # insert_sort方法是我们前面写过的简单插入排序算法 self.insert_sort()
4. 优化递归操作
def qsort(self, low, high): """根据序列长短,选择使用快速排序还是简单插入排序""" # 7是一个经验值,可根据实际情况自行决定该数值。 MAX_LENGTH = 7 if high-low < MAX_LENGTH: # 改用while循环 while low < high: pivot = self.partition(low, high) self.qsort(low, pivot - 1) # 采用了尾递归的方式 low = pivot + 1 else: # insert_sort方法是我们前面写过的简单插入排序算法 self.insert_sort()
The above is the detailed content of Detailed introduction to seven classic sorting algorithms based on Python. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!