BreakpointUpload, which is more reliable in java. Generally, Flex is used. I admit that I have just touched upon it and am not proficient in it. HTML 5 has a Blob object (the File object inherits it), and this object has a method slice method. A file can be fragmented. In addition, the File API and WebStorage of HTML 5 have been used.
The code is relatively complicated. After dividing a file into small pieces, Each upload will put the uploaded bytes into LocalStorage. For how to clear the cache in LocalStorage, please refer to Chrome - HTML 5 Local Storage. If the upload is paused or the browser is closed next time, The upload will start from that node.
PS: For demo operation, please establish the WS connection first, and then select file upload
Please accept the code:
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>使用WebSocket实现断点续传文件</title> <meta charset="utf-8"> </head> <script type="text/javascript" src="demo.js"></script> <body onload="init();"> <button onclick="webSocketConn();">创建连接</button>(step1) <div class="row"> <label for="fileToUpload">Select a File to Upload</label> <input type="file" name="fileToUpload" id="fileToUpload" onchange="fileSelected();"/>(step2) </div> <div id="fileName"></div> <div id="fileSize"></div> <div id="fileType"></div> <div class="row"> <button onclick="sendFileName();uploadFile()">上传</button>(step3) <button onclick="pauseUpload()">暂停</button> <label id="progressNumber"></label> </div> <div id="msg" style="max-height: 400px; overflow:auto;min-height: 100px;"> </div> </body> </html>
####### 断点续传 ###### author:linrb createTime: 2012-08-22 QQ: 569830404 */ var websocket = null; //websocket var msg = null; //日志 var paragraph = 10240; //每次分片传输文件的大小 10KB var blob = null;// 分片数据的载体Blob对象 var file = null; //传输的文件 var startSize,endSize = 0; //分片的始终字节点 var uploadState = 0; // 0: 无上传/取消, 1: 上传中, 2: 暂停 //初始化消息框 function init(){ msg = document.getElementById("msg"); } /** * 分片上传文件 */ function uploadFile() { if(file){ //将上传状态设置成1 uploadState = 1; endSize = getLastestUploadEndSize(file); var reader = new FileReader(); reader.onload = function loaded(evt) { var ArrayBuffer =; websocket.send(ArrayBuffer); uploadProgress(endSize); }; if(endSize < file.size){ //先发送文件名称 //websocket.send(; //处理文件发送(字节) startSize = endSize; if(paragraph > (file.size - endSize)){ endSize = file.size; }else{ endSize += paragraph ; } if (file.webkitSlice) { //webkit浏览器 blob = file.webkitSlice(startSize, endSize); }else blob = file.slice(startSize, endSize); reader.readAsArrayBuffer(blob); } } } //显示处理进程 function uploadProgress(uploadLen) { var percentComplete = Math.round(uploadLen * 100 / file.size); document.getElementById('progressNumber').innerHTML = percentComplete.toString() + '%'; //保存到LocalStorage一边下次传输,可以记忆起这个断点 localStorage.setItem(file.lastModifiedDate + "_" +, uploadLen); } //WebSocket连接 function webSocketConn(){ try{ var readyState = new Array("正在连接", "已建立连接", "正在关闭连接" , "已关闭连接"); var host = "ws://localhost:8000"; websocket = new WebSocket(host); websocket.onopen = function(){ msg.innerHTML += "<p>Socket状态: " + readyState[websocket.readyState] + "</p>"; }; websocket.onmessage = function(event){ //每上传一个分片之后,等待介绍了服务端的提示之后再做下一个分片上传 if("ok") != -1 && uploadState == 1){ if(endSize == file.size){ localStorage.removeItem(file.lastModifiedDate + "_" +; msg.innerHTML += "<p>上传完成!!</p>"; websocket.close();//结束上传 }else{ uploadFile(); } } }; websocket.onclose = function(){ msg.innerHTML += "<p>Socket状态: " + readyState[websocket.readyState] + "</p>"; }; msg.innerHTML += "<p>Socket状态: " + readyState[websocket.readyState] + "</p>"; }catch(exception){ msg.innerHTML += "<p>有错误发生</p>"; return; } } /* 暂停上传 */ function pauseUpload(){ uploadState = 2; } /** * 从localStorage检查最后一次上传的字节 */ function getLastestUploadEndSize(uploadFile){ var lastestLen = localStorage.getItem(uploadFile.lastModifiedDate + "_" +; if(lastestLen){ return parseInt(lastestLen); }else{ return 0; } } /* 发送文件名 */ function sendFileName(){ websocket.send(; } /** * 选择文件之后触发事件 */ function fileSelected() { file = document.getElementById('fileToUpload').files[0]; if (file) { var fileSize = 0; if (file.size > 1024 * 1024) fileSize = (Math.round(file.size * 100 / (1024 * 1024)) / 100).toString() + 'MB'; else fileSize = (Math.round(file.size * 100 / 1024) / 100).toString() + 'KB'; document.getElementById('fileName').innerHTML = 'Name: ' +; document.getElementById('fileSize').innerHTML = 'Size: ' + fileSize; document.getElementById('fileType').innerHTML = 'Type: ' + file.type; } }
package fileUpload; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.nio.charset.Charset; import; public class UploadServer { private int port = 8000; private ServerSocket serverSocket; public UploadServer() throws IOException { serverSocket = new ServerSocket(port); System.out.println("服务器启动"); } private void service() { Socket socket = null; while (true) { try { socket = serverSocket.accept(); Thread workThread = new Thread(new Handler(socket)); workThread.start(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } class Handler implements Runnable { private Socket socket; private boolean hasHandshake = false; Charset charset = Charset.forName("UTF-8"); private File file = null; private FileOutputStream fileOut = null; public Handler(Socket socket) { this.socket = socket; } private PrintWriter getWriter(Socket socket) throws IOException { OutputStream socketOut = socket.getOutputStream(); return new PrintWriter(socketOut, true); } public String echo(String msg) { return "echo:" + msg; } public void run() { try { System.out.println("New connection accepted" + socket.getInetAddress() + ":" + socket.getPort()); InputStream in = socket.getInputStream(); PrintWriter pw = getWriter(socket); //读入缓存 byte[] buf = new byte[1024]; //读到字节 int len =, 0, 1024); //读到字节数组 byte[] res = new byte[len]; System.arraycopy(buf, 0, res, 0, len); String key = new String(res); if(!hasHandshake && key.indexOf("Key") > 0){ key = key.substring(0, key.indexOf("==") + 2); key = key.substring(key.indexOf("Key") + 4, key.length()).trim(); key+= "258EAFA5-E914-47DA-95CA-C5AB0DC85B11"; MessageDigest md = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-1"); md.update(key.getBytes("utf-8"), 0, key.length()); byte[] sha1Hash = md.digest(); sun.misc.BASE64Encoder encoder = new sun.misc.BASE64Encoder(); key = encoder.encode(sha1Hash); pw.println("HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols"); pw.println("Upgrade: websocket"); pw.println("Connection: Upgrade"); pw.println("Sec-WebSocket-Accept: " + key); pw.println(); pw.flush(); hasHandshake = true; //接收数据 byte[] first = new byte[1]; int read =, 0, 1); while(read > 0){ int b = first[0] & 0xFF; //boolean fin = (b & 0x80) > 0; // int rsv = (b & 0x70) >>> 4; byte opCode = (byte) (b & 0x0F); if(opCode == 8){ socket.getOutputStream().close(); file = null; fileOut.flush(); fileOut.close(); fileOut = null; break; } b =; int payloadLength = b & 0x7F; if (payloadLength == 126) { byte[] extended = new byte[2];, 0, 2); int shift = 0; payloadLength = 0; for (int i = extended.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { payloadLength = payloadLength + ((extended[i] & 0xFF) << shift); shift += 8; } } else if (payloadLength == 127) { byte[] extended = new byte[8];, 0, 8); int shift = 0; payloadLength = 0; for (int i = extended.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { payloadLength = payloadLength + ((extended[i] & 0xFF) << shift); shift += 8; } } //掩码 byte[] mask = new byte[4];, 0, 4); int readThisFragment = 1; ByteBuffer byteBuf = ByteBuffer.allocate(payloadLength); while(payloadLength > 0){ int masked =; masked = masked ^ (mask[(int) ((readThisFragment - 1) % 4)] & 0xFF); byteBuf.put((byte) masked); payloadLength--; readThisFragment++; } byteBuf.flip(); if(opCode == 1){ getChar(byteBuf.array()); }else outFile(byteBuf.array());, 0, 1); } } in.close(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { try { if (socket != null) socket.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } private void responseClient(boolean finalFragment) throws IOException { ByteBuffer byteBuf = ByteBuffer.allocate(10); byteBuf.put("ok".getBytes("UTF-8")); OutputStream out = socket.getOutputStream(); int first = 0x00; //是否是输出最后的WebSocket响应片段,默认 if (finalFragment) { first = first + 0x80; first = first + 0x1; } out.write(first); if (byteBuf.limit() < 126) { out.write(byteBuf.limit()); } else if (byteBuf.limit() < 65536) { out.write(126); out.write(byteBuf.limit() >>> 8); out.write(byteBuf.limit() & 0xFF); } else { // Will never be more than 2^31-1 out.write(127); out.write(0); out.write(0); out.write(0); out.write(0); out.write(byteBuf.limit() >>> 24); out.write(byteBuf.limit() >>> 16); out.write(byteBuf.limit() >>> 8); out.write(byteBuf.limit() & 0xFF); } // Write the content out.write(byteBuf.array(), 0, byteBuf.limit()); out.flush(); } /** * 方法说明: * @开发:linrb * @创建时间:2012-8-21 * @param array * @throws IOException */ private void getChar(byte[] array) throws IOException { ByteArrayInputStream byteIn = new ByteArrayInputStream(array); InputStreamReader reader = new InputStreamReader(byteIn, charset.newDecoder()); int b = 0; String res = ""; try { while((b = > 0){ res += (char)b; } } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } file = new File("C:/" + res); } /** * 方法说明: * @开发:linrb * @创建时间:2012-8-14 * @param array * @throws IOException */ private void outFile(byte[] array) throws IOException { if(fileOut == null){ fileOut = new FileOutputStream(file, true); } fileOut.write(array); responseClient(true); } } public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { new UploadServer().service(); } }
The above is the detailed content of HTML5 breakpoint resume upload sample code sharing. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!