The following editor will bring you an article on how to use the character classchar in the C# language (summary). The editor thinks it is quite good, so I will share it with you now and give it as a reference for everyone. Let’s follow the editor and take a look.
The char class represents a unicode character in C#. It is these unicode characters that constitute the string. Unicode characters are currently a common character encoding in computers. It sets a unified binary encoding for each character in different languages and is used to meet cross-language and cross-platform text conversion and processing requirements. The definition of char is very simple, as follows:
char ch1=‘z’;
However, char can only define one unicode character.
The following are common usage methods and instructions of the char class
iscontrol Indicates whether the specified unicode character is a control character Category
isdigit Indicates whether a certain unicode character belongs to the decimal digit category
ishighsurrogate Indicates the specified charObjectWhether it is a high surrogate item
isletter Indicates whether a certain unicode character belongs to the alphabetic category
isletterordigit Indicates whether a unicode character belongs to the alphabetical category or the decimal numeric category
islower Indicates whether a unicode character belongs to the lowercase alphabetic category
islowsurrogate Indicates whether the specified char object is a low surrogate item
isnumber Indicates whether a certain unicode character belongs to the numeric category
ispunctuation Indicates a certain Whether a unicode character belongs to the punctuation mark category
isseparator Indicates whether a unicode character belongs to the separator category
issurrogate Indicates whether a unicode character Belongs to surrogate characters
issurrogatepair Indicates whether two specified char objects form
issymbol Indicates whether a certain unicode character belongs to the symbol category
isupper Indicates whether a certain unicode character belongs to the uppercase category
iswhitespace Indicates whether a certain unicode character belongs to the whitespace category
parse Convert the value of the specified string to its equivalent unicode character
tolower Convert the value of the unicode string to its lowercase equivalent
tolowerinvariant Convert the value of a unicode character to its lowercase equivalent using the fixed culture's case rules
tostring Convert the value of this instance to Its equivalent string representation
toupper Converts the value of a unicode character to its uppercase equivalent
toupperinvariant Use a fixed culture Converts the value of a unicode character to its uppercase equivalent using the case rules
tryparse Converts the value of the specified string to its equivalent unicode character
The following are common escape characters in C
#\n Carriage return and line feed
\f Page feed
\t Horizontal jump to the next tab position
\\ Backslash character
\v Vertical tab
\' Single quote character
\b Backspace
\ddd Characters represented by 1~3 octal digits
\r Enter
\xhh 1~2 hexadecimal digits The character represented by the number
The above is the detailed content of Detailed introduction to the use of character class char in C# language summary. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!