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Modular practice of css preprocessing language

Release: 2017-03-29 14:43:26
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Writing CSS is a common and frequent task in front-end work. Since CSS is not a language, the programming seems a bit crude. For small projects, the amount of CSS is not huge and the problem is not highlighted. However, if you want to develop and maintain a larger project, you need to manage and standardize CSS, otherwise irreversible consequences will occur ( Who are you trying to scare? ).


In the previous section [Talk about modularity from CSS], we optimized and improved the way CSS is written through normative constraints to form a sustainable development route. But something remains: redundancy. Although we euphemistically share the volume of common by defining public modules and private modules, the volume of common is still too large, and from a design perspective, we should refine as many public modules as possible to better achieve reuse. The most ideal situation is that all modules are stored in a common library, and they can be directly transferred from the library wherever they are needed. This beautiful wish is not unattainable. With the help of preprocessing language, we can easily accomplish this.

The preprocessing language is a CSS-like language. We know that CSS itself is not a language, and the preprocessing language was born to fill this part of the language function. It implements the definition of variables, functions, and mixes, as well as the functions of file reference, merging, and compression, making CSS object-oriented and able to cope with complex and huge businesses.

There are currently two popular preprocessing languages: less and sass. For study, you can get started with both, and for work, try to be familiar with one. I use sass more often, so the following content is introduced using sass as the basic language. The two have many similarities in features, so you don’t have to worry about any huge differences in implementation.


You can learn basic grammar on the official website (English) or w3cplus sass guide (Chinese). We will only go through it briefly here and talk about some of the content we need to use. We will not cover everything.

Sass has two suffix file names: one has the suffix name sass and does not use braces and semicolons; the other is the scss file we use here, which is similar to the css file format we usually write, using curly braces and semicolon. All sass files mentioned in this tutorial refer to files with the suffix scss. It is also recommended to use files with the suffix scss to avoid errors due to the strict format requirements of the sass suffix. ——Excerpted from w3cplus sass guide

1. Nesting (very important feature)

There are two types of nesting in Sass: one is the nesting of selectors; the other is the nesting of attributes. What we usually talk about or use is the nesting of selectors. ——Excerpted from w3cplus sass guide

Selector Nesting The so-called selector nesting refers to nesting another selector within a selector to achieve inheritance, thereby enhancing the structure and readability of the Sass file. In selector nesting, you can use & to represent the parent element selector. ——Excerpted from w3cplus sass guide

// index.scss

.g-index {

  .g-hd {

    .m-nav { ... }

  .g-bd {

    .m-news { ... }

  .g-ft {

    .m-copy_right { ... }

  .m-dialog {
    display: none;

    &.z-active {  // 留意此处&的用法
      display: block;
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After compilation:

/* index.css */

.g-index { ... }
.g-index .g-hd { ... }
.g-index .g-hd .m-nav { ... }

.g-index .g-bd { ... }
.g-index .g-bd .m-news { ... }

.g-index .g-ft { ... }
.g-index .g-ft .m-copy_right { ... }

.g-index .m-dialog {
  display: none;

.g-index .m-dialog.z-active {  // 留意此处&的编译结果
  display: block;
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Isn’t it cool? There is no need to copy and modify a lot of selectors over and over again, and there is no need to sort out the relationships between them. You only need to nest them, and all relationships are as simple and clear as looking at the DOM directly! Free your hands, free your eyes, and increase efficiency at the same time. It is worth noting that when we write Sass, we should try to keep the nesting order of Sass consistent with the DOM. Note that the nesting order is consistent, not the level, because not all elements in the DOM need to be styled.

Let’s mention another scenario to illustrate that the nested writing method of sass is easy to maintain. Assume that there is originally a module m-article_box under g-bd. Now we want to migrate m-article_box from g-bd to g-hd (of course this requirement is somewhat Unreasonable~), let’s look at the original code:

<!-- index.html -->

<!DOCTYPE html>
  <p class="g-index">
    <p class="g-bd">
      <p class="m-article_box">
        <p class="hd">
        <p class="bd">
          <p class="list">
            <p class="item">
              <img class="cover" />
              <p class="info">
                <p class="title">
                  <a href="#">文章标题</a>
                <p class="desc">文章简介</p>
        <p class="ft">
          <p class="page">
            <a href="#" class="pg">1</a>
            <a href="#" class="pg">2</a>
            <a href="#" class="pg">3</a>
            <a href="#" class="pg">4</a>
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.g-bd { ... }
.g-bd .m-article_box { ... }
.g-bd .m-article_box .hd { ... }

.g-bd .m-article_box .bd { ... }
.g-bd .m-article_box .bd .list { ... }
.g-bd .m-article_box .bd .list .item { ... }
.g-bd .m-article_box .bd .list .item .cover { ... }
.g-bd .m-article_box .bd .list .item .info { ... }
.g-bd .m-article_box .bd .list .item .info .title { ... }
.g-bd .m-article_box .bd .list .item .info .desc { ... }

.g-bd .m-article_box .ft { ... }
.g-bd .m-article_box .ft .page { ... }
.g-bd .m-article_box .ft .page .pg { ... }
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According to the css method, we need to copy all the parts related to m-article_box from g-bd to g-hd. This is still under the condition that the writing of the module complies with the specifications. If the writing of the module does not comply with the specifications and does not hang all the structures under the m-article_box class, it will really be a disaster~ But now using sass, we only need to Just cut the entire block of m-article_box from g-bd to g-hd (in order to highlight the heavy workload of modification, I specially wrote the entire module structure - not to make up the word count... ):

// 修改前
.g-hd { ... }

.g-bd {
  .m-article_box {
    .hd { ... }
    .bd {
      .list {
        .item {
          .cover {

          .info {
            .title {

            .desc {

    .ft {
      .page {
        .pg { ... }

// 修改后
.g-hd {
  .m-article_box {
    .hd { ... }
    .bd {
      .list {
        .item {
          .cover {

          .info {
            .title {

            .desc {

    .ft {
      .page {
        .pg { ... }

.g-bd { ... }
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Very convenient and less error-prone.

2. Variable

Let’s go directly to the code:

// index.scss

$fontSize: 16px;
$grey: #ccc;

.m-nav {
  font-size: $fontSize;
  color: $grey;
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Compilation result:

/* index.css */

.m-nav {
  font-size: 16px;
  color: #ccc;
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Anyone who has written code is familiar with the usage of parameter. It is too simple and straightforward. I don’t want to say too much. Just understand it yourself.

3. Function

// pixels to rems

@function rem($px) {
    @return $px / 640 * 16rem;
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It's too simple and straightforward. I don't want to say too much. Just understand it yourself.




/* common.css */

.m-nav { ... }
.m-news { ... }
.m-copy_right { ... }
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// common.scss

@mixin m-nav {
  .m-nav { ... }

@mixin m-news {
  .m-news { ... }

@mixin m-copy_right {
  .m-copy_right { ... }

// index.scss

.g-index {
  @include m-nav;
  @include m-news;
  @include m-copy_right;
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  1. 只有import一个.sass/.scss文件的时候,才可以省去后缀名,如果是直接import一个.css文件,要补全文件名;

  2. import之后的分号;不要漏写,会报错;

  3. sass如果import的是一个.css文件的话,那它的作用就跟css原生的import作用一样,只有import一个sass文件的时候,才是合并文件。


// index.scss
@import &#39;common&#39;;
@import &#39;a.css&#39;;
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/* index.scss */

.m-nav { ... }
.m-news { ... }
.m-copy_right { ... }

@import url(&#39;a.css&#39;);
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css的import之所以没有被普遍使用是有原因的。我们可以大概猜到它的工作原理:a.css import b.css以后,当浏览器加载到页面中的a.css的时候,已经准备按照a.css的内容来渲染页面了,刚解析到第一行,发现a.css居然还import了一个b.css,于是它不得不先放下a.css(既阻塞a.css),去加载b.css,直到b.css加载完,并且优先解析它,然后才开始回来解析a.css——鬼知道b.css会不会又import了c.css……这直接导致了渲染工作滞后,引发性能问题。






  1. 冗余 体积庞大的common;

  2. 使用cm-模块区别m-模块,使得后期开发过程中,m-模块向cm-模块转变过程比较繁琐;



为了方便,在这里我们把每个页面所对应的scss文件叫做 页面scss;把变量、函数、混合等(没有被引用或者执行的情况下)编译后不产生实际内容的代码叫做 定义类代码 ,那么相对应的其他内容就是 实际内容代码。






/* common.css */

.m-nav { ... }
.m-news { ... }
.m-copy_right { ... }
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// common.scss

@mixin m-nav {
  .m-nav { ... }

@mixin m-news {
  .m-news { ... }

@mixin m-copy_right {
  .m-copy_right { ... }
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// index.scss

@import &#39;common&#39;; // 记得先引入common

.g-index {
  @include m-nav;
  @include m-news;
  @include m-copy_right;
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原本我们会在每个需要用到公共模块的页面中,先引用common,然后再引用页面css,而现在,我们只需要在页面scss中直接@import common;就可以了。


<!-- index.html -->

<!DOCTYPE html>
  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="./style/common.css">
  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="./style/index.css">
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// index.scss
@import &#39;common&#39;;
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<!-- index.html -->

<!DOCTYPE html>
  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="./style/index.css">
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我们思考一个问题,common除了存放模块之外,还有没有其他内容?答案是肯定的,大家一定知道有个东西叫做css reset(或者normalize.css),这肯定是全局的;另外,如果是做后台管理系统的话,可能还会有bootstrap。当然,还有一些自定义的全局的样式,比如常见的.clearfix,等等。



原本我们会在每个需要用到公共模块的页面中,先引用common,然后再引用页面css,而现在,我们只需要在页面scss中直接@import mixin;就可以了。


// index.scss
@import &#39;common&#39;;  // 引入common,如果有需要,common里一样可以引入mixin
@import 'mixin';  // 引入mixin

.g-index {
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<!-- index.html -->

<!DOCTYPE html>
  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="./style/index.css">
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2.1、css reset(normalize)



html, body, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, p, dl, dt, dd, ul, ol, li, p {
  margin: 0;
  padding: 0;
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很好,没毛病。我们把这些统称为css reset,然后再统一封装到一个叫做reset.css的文件中,然后每个页面都引用。









// common.scss

@import &#39;./reset&#39;;
@import &#39;./bootstrap.min&#39;;
@import &#39;./mixin&#39;;
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事实上,如果我们不需要使用到 mixin.scss 中的变量和mixin的话,我们可以不引用它。


// index.scss

@import &#39;./common&#39;;
@import &#39;./mixin&#39;;

.g-index {
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Scenario 1: There are three files in the project: mixin.scss, a.scss (assuming this is a certain function file), and index.scss. A variable $fontSize: 16px; is defined in mixin, and a variable $color is defined in a. : #ccc;, we reference these two files at the same time in the index, then we can directly use the two variables $fontSize and $color in the index - I mean, although we do not see it in the index to the declaration and definition of these two variables, but they just exist.

Is this a good thing or a bad thing? My gut tells me there might be something wrong with this. Yes, is this similar to the pollution we discussed before? It's just that after we referenced common before, index had already occupied many module names before writing anything. Now, because other files are referenced, many variable names of index are occupied. In addition, from a maintenance perspective, this is also problematic. If I don't tell you in advance, or you don't read the mixin and a in advance, do you know where the $color in the index comes from? Suppose we need the font size, do you know which file to modify? In addition, how do you ensure that when you reference mixin and a at the same time, is it possible that there are variables with the same name between them? So who covers whom? These problems may seem small, but when the scale of your project is large, it may be an irreversible disaster (who are you scaring???).

Scenario 2: Suppose our project has a theme color. The border, tab background, navigation bar background, font color, etc. are all this theme color. For the convenience of use, we don’t want to always use the color picker to get the value, so we Define a global variable $color: #ff9900 in the mixin, and then you can happily use it everywhere!

After the entire website was developed, a month later, the designer suddenly came over and said to you: "The boss said that this theme color needs to be changed. It's a bit earthy. Let's change it to bright red." So you looked reluctant but secretly opened it with joy. mixin, change the value of $color to bright red, and then proudly said to the designer: "Fortunately, I have prepared it. It's done. Just take a look." Save it, open the page and see, the designer and your My face turned green, why is the page so ugly? Some words were originally in the theme color, but the background was red, but now after changing it, the whole block became red, and the content was difficult to see clearly. Some borders were originally red, but The font is the original theme color, but now it has been changed, and the border and font have become red.

Designer: "No, no, no, I just want to change the background color."
You: "Didn't you say to change the theme color? That's all."
Designer: "No, just change the background."
You: "No way..."
Designer: "Why not? Can't we just change the background color? Just change it back according to how you set it."
You: "It's not as simple as you think..."


Okay, I'm just here to scare you. If you're really good at it, then this won't be a big deal.

So we need to manage (global) variables, just like how we managed mixins. We can't define them wherever we want, nor can we modify a global variable at every turn:

  1. Global variables are only defined in the mixin. Variables defined in other scss files (whether exposed to the global or local) are only regarded as local variables and are not used outside the current file (even if they can be referenced, avoid use);

  2. Where global variables need to be used, directly import mixin;

  3. Generally speaking, you should be careful when defining global variables, and the number of global variables should be as small as possible;

  4. Keep it as unchanged as possible. If the requirements change, unless the purpose is very certain, please add a global variable to gradually replace the parts that need to be modified;

  5. Do not use too general nouns as global variables, such as color. It is recommended to use the description of the color value directly, such as $orange: #ff9900. This makes it easier for us to maintain and expand. If the color value needs to be modified, but it is not All places need to be modified, then we can define a new variable to expand it, such as $red: red.

These points sound a bit erratic. In fact, it is really difficult to explain why we should do this. After all, they are all summaries of experience, so you might as well get familiar with using Sass for a period of time before thinking about these issues in detail.

Note that the above are not rigid rules. At some point, this specification needs to be adjusted based on actual projects, such as the SPA we will talk about later. There is no perfect project, nor is there a development model that can be applied to all projects. Only by adapting measures to local conditions can we better solve problems. Moreover, none of the problems we have mentioned so far are fatal. The fatal problems were avoided when we formulated the specifications in the previous section.

Call module

Question, where to call the module?

Answer, page scss.




// index.scss

@import &#39;./common&#39;;
@import &#39;./mixin&#39;;

@include m-nav;
@include m-news;
@include m-copy_right;

.g-index {
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// index.scss

@import &#39;./common&#39;;
@import &#39;./mixin&#39;;

.g-index {
  @include m-nav;
  @include m-news;
  @include m-copy_right;

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// common.scss

@import &#39;./reset&#39;;
@import &#39;./bootstrap.min&#39;;
@import &#39;./mixin&#39;;
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// index.scss

@import &#39;./mixin&#39;;

.g-index {
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代码压缩是优化工作中最基本的一步,css的压缩空间是很大的,尤其是我们这种 垂直的书写方式 ,压缩起来是相当高效的。




我不会讲如何去安装和配置sass环境,因为这些w3cplus sass guide有详细的介绍了,建议使用nodejs的方式,不会捣鼓nodejs/npm的前端不是好前端。


The above is the detailed content of Modular practice of css preprocessing language. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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