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Mobile front-end adaptive solutions for well-known websites and comparison

Release: 2017-04-03 14:52:42
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How many adaptive solutions are there on the Internet? As far as I know from personal practice, there are several solutions:

  1. Fix a certain width, use a pattern, and add a few media query solutions

  2. Use flexbox solution

  3. Use percentage plus media query

  4. Use


Taobao’s recent open source framework is similar to NetEase’s framework. They all use

rem to solve all settings adaptation in one draft. Before this solution came out, there were quite a few people who took the first approach. Similar to the hook net mentioned below. Take a look at Liuyun Zhuge’s article.

The following is excerpted from: Thinking about the front-end design draft and workflow from the font-size of NetEase and Taobao

1. Simple solutions to simple problems

I think there are some

web app does not have to be complicated, such as Lagou.com, you can see how its page looks on iPhone4, iPhone6, iPad:

Mobile front-end adaptive solutions for well-known websites and comparisonMobile front-end adaptive solutions for well-known websites and comparison

Mobile front-end adaptive solutions for well-known websites and comparison

Its page has a characteristic, that is:

  • No matter how the resolution changes, the height and position of the bars at the top and bottom will remain the same. Unchanged

  • No matter how the resolution changes for each recruitment information in the middle, the recruiting company’s icon and other information are located on the left side of the entry, and the salary is located on the right side

This kind of app is a typical elastic layout: the height, width and position of the key elements remain unchanged, and only the container element is undergoing scaling. For this type of app, just remember one development principle: text flow, control flexibility, and image scaling. Describe with pictures:

Mobile front-end adaptive solutions for well-known websites and comparison

This rule is a set of basic adaptation rules, which is enough for this simple app, and it is also what I will talk about later

The basis of rem layout. In addition, for apps like Lagou, additional media queries may be needed to adjust the layout for small screen devices. For example, many design drafts are now based on the size of the iPhone 6, and the logical pixels of the iphone 6 device width are 375px, while the logical pixels of the iPhone 4 are 320 pixels, so if you make something based on the design draft, it will It may not be displayed in iPhone 4. For example, the download box at the bottom of Lagou.com can be seen by comparing it. This is 4:

Mobile front-end adaptive solutions for well-known websites and comparison

This is 6:

Mobile front-end adaptive solutions for well-known websites and comparison

#6 The distance between the two sides below is much larger than 4, which means that the hook must have been adapted to 4. This can also be confirmed from the


Mobile front-end adaptive solutions for well-known websites and comparison

But if you get the design draft based on 4, then there is no problem. Devices with a larger resolution than 4 will definitely be able to display the size of 4 s things.

One more thing, in this case, just use px as the css size unit. Do not use rem to avoid increasing complexity.

2. NetEase’s approach

Let’s first take a look at NetEase’s effects at different resolutions:

Mobile front-end adaptive solutions for well-known websites and comparisonMobile front-end adaptive solutions for well-known websites and comparison

Mobile front-end adaptive solutions for well-known websites and comparisonMobile front-end adaptive solutions for well-known websites and comparison

As can be seen from the above pictures, as the resolution increases, the effect of the page will change significantly, mainly reflected in the width, height and spacing of each element. The 375*680 navigation bar is obviously taller than the 320*680 navigation bar. The fundamental reason why this effect can be achieved is that other css sizes except font-size in NetEase pages use rem as the unit. For example, if you look at the height setting code of the navigation bar:

Mobile front-end adaptive solutions for well-known websites and comparison

But as mentioned in the first part of this article, using rem layout combined with setting different font-sizes according to different resolutions on html has many troubles that are difficult to solve. How did NetEase solve it? The most fundamental reason is that the font-size of the HTML on the NetEase page is not pre-defined in the CSS through media query, but calculated through JS, so when the resolution changes, the font-size of the HTML It will change, but you have to refresh the page after adjusting the resolution to see the effect. If you look at the code, you will know why font-size is written directly to the style of html (the reason for js settings):

Mobile front-end adaptive solutions for well-known websites and comparison

What it is calculated on is related to the design draft. Take NetEase as an example, its design draft should be based on iphone4 or iphone5, so its horizontal resolution when the design draft is placed vertically is 640px. For the convenience of calculation, take a font-size of 100px as a reference, then the width of the body element can be set to width: 6.4rem, so the font-size of html=deviceWidth / 6.4. This deviceWidth is the deviceWidth in the viewport settings. According to this calculation rule, it can be concluded that the font-size of the HTML in the four screenshots at the beginning of this section is as follows:

deviceWidth = 320,font-size = 320 / 6.4 = 50px
deviceWidth = 375,font-size = 375 / 6.4 = 58.59375px
deviceWidth = 414,font-size = 414 / 6.4 = 64.6875px
deviceWidth = 500,font-size = 500 / 6.4 = 78.125px
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In fact, this is what NetEase does. You see From its code, we know that the width of the body element is:

Mobile front-end adaptive solutions for well-known websites and comparison

Based on this, we can be sure that the horizontal resolution of its design draft when it is vertically oriented is 640. Then you can see if the font-size of HTML is consistent with the calculation above when the resolution of NetEase is 320*680, 375*680, 414*680, 500*680:

Mobile front-end adaptive solutions for well-known websites and comparison320 *680

Mobile front-end adaptive solutions for well-known websites and comparison375*680

Mobile front-end adaptive solutions for well-known websites and comparison414*680

Mobile front-end adaptive solutions for well-known websites and comparison500*680

This deviceWidth passes document.documentElement .clientWidth can be obtained, so when the dom of the page is ready, the first thing to do is:

document.documentElement.style.fontSize = document.documentElement.clientWidth / 6.4 + 'px';
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How did this 6.4 come about? Of course it is based on the design draft. Horizontal resolution/100. Let’s summarize NetEase’s approach:

  • (1) First take the vertical horizontal resolution of the design draft and divide it by 100 to get the width of the body element:

    如果设计稿基于iphone6,横向分辨率为750,body的width为750 / 100 = 7.5rem
    如果设计稿基于iphone4/5,横向分辨率为640,body的width为640 / 100 = 6.4rem
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  • (2) During layout, divide the size marked on the design diagram by 100 to get the size in css, such as the following picture:

  • Mobile front-end adaptive solutions for well-known websites and comparison

  • The player height is 210px. When writing the style, the css should be written like this: height: 2.1rem. The reason why we take 100 as a reference is for the convenience of calculating rem here!

  • (3) After the dom is ready, set the font-size of the html through the following code:

    document.documentElement.style.fontSize = document.documentElement.clientWidth / 6.4 + 'px';
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  • 6.4 is just an example. If it is a design draft of 750, it should be divided by 7.5.

  • (4) font-size may require additional media query, and font-size cannot use rem, such as NetEase’s settings:

    @media screen and (max-width:321px){
    @media screen and (min-width:321px) and (max-width:400px){
    @media screen and (min-width:400px){
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Finally, there are two situations to explain:

First, if NetEase’s approach is adopted, the viewport should be set as follows:

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Second, when deviceWidth is greater than the horizontal resolution of the design draft, the font-size of html is always equal to the horizontal resolution/body element width:

Mobile front-end adaptive solutions for well-known websites and comparison640*680

Mobile front-end adaptive solutions for well-known websites and comparison641*680


var deviceWidth = document.documentElement.clientWidth;
if(deviceWidth > 640) deviceWidth = 640;
document.documentElement.style.fontSize = deviceWidth / 6.4 + 'px';
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3. 淘宝的做法


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设备的物理分辨率/(devicePixelRatio * scale),在scale为1的情况下,device-width = 设备的物理分辨率/devicePixelRatio 。

devicePixelRatio称为设备像素比,每款设备的devicePixelRatio都是已知,并且不变的,目前高清屏,普遍都是2,不过还有更高的,比如2.5, 3 等,我魅族note的手机的devicePixelRatio就是3。淘宝触屏版布局的前提就是viewport的scale根据devicePixelRatio动态设置:

Mobile front-end adaptive solutions for well-known websites and comparison在devicePixelRatio为2的时候,scale为0.5

Mobile front-end adaptive solutions for well-known websites and comparison在devicePixelRatio为3的时候,scale为0.3333


var scale = 1 / devicePixelRatio;
document.querySelector('meta[name="viewport"]').setAttribute('content','initial-scale=' + scale + ', maximum-scale=' + scale + ', minimum-scale=' + scale + ', user-scalable=no');
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淘宝布局的第二个要点,就是html元素的font-size的计算公式,font-size = deviceWidth / 10:

Mobile front-end adaptive solutions for well-known websites and comparison

接下来要解决的问题是,元素的尺寸该如何计算,比如说设计稿上某一个元素的宽为150px,换算成rem应该怎么算呢?这个值等于设计稿标注尺寸/该设计稿对应的html的font-size。拿淘宝来说的,他们用的设计稿是750的,所以html的font-size就是75,如果某个元素时150px的宽,换算成rem就是150 / 75 = 2rem。总结下淘宝的这些做法:

  • (1)动态设置viewport的scale

    var scale = 1 / devicePixelRatio;
    document.querySelector('meta[name="viewport"]').setAttribute('content','initial-scale=' + scale + ', maximum-scale=' + scale + ', minimum-scale=' + scale + ', user-scalable=no');
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  • (2)动态计算html的font-size

    document.documentElement.style.fontSize = document.documentElement.clientWidth / 10 + 'px';
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  • (3)布局的时候,各元素的css尺寸=设计稿标注尺寸/设计稿横向分辨率/10

  • (4)font-size可能需要额外的媒介查询,并且font-size不使用rem,这一点跟网易是一样的。


Mobile front-end adaptive solutions for well-known websites and comparison

Mobile front-end adaptive solutions for well-known websites and comparison




4. 比较网易与淘宝的做法


  • 都能适配所有的手机设备,对于pad,网易与淘宝都会跳转到pc页面,不再使用触屏版的页面

  • 都需要动态设置html的font-size

  • 布局时各元素的尺寸值都是根据设计稿标注的尺寸计算出来,由于html的font-size是动态调整的,所以能够做到不同分辨率下页面布局呈现等比变化

  • 容器元素的font-size都不用rem,需要额外地对font-size做媒介查询

  • 都能应用于尺寸不同的设计稿,只要按以上总结的方法去用就可以了


    • 淘宝的设计稿是基于750的横向分辨率,网易的设计稿是基于640的横向分辨率,还要强调的是,虽然设计稿不同,但是最终的结果是一致的,设计稿的尺寸一个公司设计人员的工作标准,每个公司不一样而已

    • 淘宝还需要动态设置viewport的scale,网易不用

    • 最重要的区别就是:网易的做法,rem值很好计算,淘宝的做法肯定得用计算器才能用好了 。不过要是你使用了less和sass这样的css处理器,就好办多了,以淘宝跟less举例,我们可以这样编写less:

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@baseFontSize: 75;//基于视觉稿横屏尺寸/100得出的基准font-size
.px2rem(@name, @px){
    @{name}: @px / @baseFontSize * 1rem;
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.container {
    .px2rem(height, 240);
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.container {
    height: 3.2rem;
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5. 如何与设计协作


Mobile front-end adaptive solutions for well-known websites and comparison


第一步,视觉设计阶段,设计师按宽度750px(iphone 6)做设计稿,除图片外所有设计元素用矢量路径来做。设计定稿后在750px的设计稿上做标注,输出标注图。同时等比放大1.5倍生成宽度1125px的设计稿,在1125px的稿子里切图。


第三步,开发工程师拿到750px标注图和@3x切图资源,完成iPhone 6(375pt)的界面开发。此阶段不能用固定宽度的方式开发界面,得用自动布局(auto layout),方便后续适配到其它尺寸。

第四步,适配调试阶段,基于iPhone 6的界面效果,分别向上向下调试iPhone 6 plus(414pt)和iPhone 5S及以下(320pt)的界面效果。由此完成大中小三屏适配。


The above is the detailed content of Mobile front-end adaptive solutions for well-known websites and comparison. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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