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Notes organized by h5

Release: 2017-04-11 14:38:24
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Why there are semantic tags


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Application tag

[datalist(data list)]

datalist The presentation of the data list requires a carrier

            <input type="text" list="input_list">
            <datalist id="datalist">
                <option value="选项框1"></option>
                <option value="选项框2"></option>

            <input type="text" list="input_list">
            <datalist id="datalist">
                <option value="选项框1"></option>
                <option value="选项框2"></option>
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[progress (Progress bar)]

To change its style, you need to first change -webkit- appearanceSet to none

            <progress class="my_progress" value="10" max="100"></progress>
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[meter (numeric display)]

Very few browsers support

            <meter min="0" max="100" low="40" hign="90" optimun="100" value="91"></meter>
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The maximum and minimum values ​​of the display: max, min
The maximum and minimum values ​​that the display can reach: high, low
The best value of the measurement range of the display: optimal
The current value displayed by the display: value

[menu (right-click menu)]

Firefox compatible


Click on a content to expand the panel, compatible with Firefox and Google


Link relationship description: used to describe the relationship between the specified link and the current document, to facilitate the machine to understand the document structure

Common link relationship table

    alternate       文档的可选版本(例如打印页、翻译页或镜像)
    stylesheet      文档的外部样式表
    start           集合中的第一个文档
    next            集合中的下一个文档
    prev            集合中的前一个文档
    contents        文档目录
    index           文档索引
    glossary        文档中所用字词的术语表或解释
    copyright       包含版权信息的文档
    chapter         文档的章
    section         文档的节
    subsection      文档的子段
    appendix        文档附录
    help            帮助文档
    bookmark        相关文档
    nofollow        用于指定 Google 搜索引擎不要跟踪链接
    licence         一般用于文献,表示许可证的含义
    tag             标签集合
    friend          友情链接


    <link rel="prev" href="#">
    <link rel="next" href="#">
    <a rel="prev" href="#">上一页</a>
    <a rel="next" href="#">下一页</a>

    <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css">
    <link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" href="http://myblog.com/feed">
    <link rel="shortcut icon" href="favicon.ico">
    <link rel="pingback" href="http://myblog.com/xmlrpc.php">
    <link rel="prefetch" href="http://myblog.com/main.php">

    <a rel="archives" href="http://myblog.com/archives">old posts</a>
    <a rel="external" href="http://notmysite.com">tutorial</a>
    <a rel="license" href="http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0">license</a>
    <a rel="nofollow" href="http://notmysite.com/sample">wannabe</a>
    <a rel="tag" href="http://myblog.com/category/games">games posts</a>
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Structured data tag

Advanced stuff, currently only supported by Google
is to make it easy to crawl the data on the webpage

<p itemscope itemtype="http://example.com/hello">
        <span itemprop="主人">汪磊</span>。
        <span itemprop="狗名">旺财</span>的
        <span itemprop="品种">金毛</span>犬。

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####Accessible Rich Internet Application (无障碍富互联网应用程序)
    主要针对于屏幕阅读设备(e.g. NVDA),更快更好地理解网页




        <p role="radio" aria-checked="true" aria-label="单选2" tabindex="0">单选tabindex="0"</p>


单选2 单选按钮 选中 第1页 共1项
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For detailed attributes, see: ARIA Tenpay Design Center.html

Custom attribute data



<ul id="users">
  <li data-id="1" data-age="18" data-gender="true">张三</li>
  <li data-id="2" data-age="18" data-gender="false">李四</li>
  <li data-id="3" data-age="18" data-gender="true">王二</li>
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Case 1:


            //键是ID 值是信息
                var data = {
                    var list = document.getElementById("list");
                    for(var id in data){
                        var item = data[id];
                        var liElement = document.createElement("li");
                        //liElement.innerHTML = item.name;
                            //this 是当前点击的元素
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    Case 2:

                <ul id="users">
                    <li class="item" data-id="1" data-age="18" data-gender="true">
                        <pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false">
  •                   李四                     
  •                   王二                   
  •                               <script>             var ul = document.getElementById('users');             for (var i = 0; i < ul.children.length; i++) {                 var li = ul.children[i];                 // JS 添加data属性                 i.setAttribute('data-name', li.innerText);                 i.children[0].innerText = '';                 or (var key in li.dataset) {                     li.children[0].innerText += key + ':' + li.dataset[key] + '\n';                 }             }         </script>
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    Case 3:

                    <p class="tabs">
                            <li data-target=".panel-new">新闻</li>
                            <li data-target=".panel-bagua">八卦</li>
                            <li data-target=".panel-sport">体育</li>
                        <p class="panel-new"></p>
                        <p class="panel-bagua"></p>
                        <p class="panel-sport"></p>
                        var $lis = $('.tabs>ul>li');
                        var targetSelector = $(this).data('target');
                        var $target = $(targetSelector);
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    Smart form

    New form type

        <form action="#">
            <label>text:<input type="text" required></label></br>
            <label>email:<input type="email" value="ice@wedn.net"></label><br>
            <label>date:<input type="date" min="2014-10-14" max="2020-10-14" value="2016-08-14"></label><br>
            <label>range:<input type="range" min="0" max="50" value="10"></label> <br>
            <label>search:<input type="search" results="10" placeholder="搜点啥?"></label><br>
            <label>tel:<input type="tel" placeholder="(010) 888-888" pattern="^\(?\d{3}\)?[-\s]\d{3}[-\s]\d{4}.*?$"></label><br>
            <label>color:<input type="color" placeholder="e.g. #bbbbbb"></label><br>
            <label>number:<input type="number" step="1" min="-5" max="10" value="0"></label><br>
            <input type="submit" value="提交">
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    Virtual keyboard adaptation

            <input type="text" name="txt_text" id="txt_text">
            <input type="number" name="txt_number" id="txt_number">
            <input type="email" name="txt_email" id="txt_email">
            <input type="tel" name="txt_tel" id="txt_tel">
            <input type="url" name="txt_url" id="txt_url">
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    Web page


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    Single data source method

            <audio src="music.mp3" controls="controls"></audio>
            <audio id="audio" src="music.mp3"></audio>
            <button id="btn">播放</button>
            <button id="btn_pause">暂停</button>
            var btn = document.getElementById("btn");
            var btn_pause = document.getElementById("btn_pause");
            var audio = document.getElementById("audio");
                // 暂停音频
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    Multiple data source method

            <audio controls="controls">
                <source src="img/music.mp3" type="audio/mpeg"/>
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    Single data source method

    <video src="fun.mp4" controls="controls"></video>
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    Multiple data source method

            <video controls="controls" poster="top.png" autoplay="autoplay">
                <source src="fun.ogg" type="video/ogg"></source>
                <source src="fun.mp4" type="video/mp4"></source>
                 <object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="http://static.youku.com/v1.0.0557/v/swf/loader.swf" width="100%" height="100%" id="movie_player">
                  <param name="allowFullScreen" value="true">
                  <param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always">
                  <param name="allowFullScreenInteractive" value="true">
                  <param name="flashvars" value="VideoIDS=XMTMwNDAzNzM4NA==&amp;ShowId=0&amp;category=85&amp;Cp=0&amp;ev=1&amp;Light=on&amp;THX=off&amp;unCookie=0&amp;frame=0&amp;pvid=1439005764768c9QpaT&amp;uepflag=1&amp;Tid=0&amp;isAutoPlay=true&amp;Version=/v1.0.1080&amp;show_ce=0&amp;winType=interior&amp;Type=Folder&amp;Fid=25977506&amp;Pt=0&amp;Ob=1&amp;plchid=z&amp;openScanCode=1&amp;scanCodeText=&quot;限时&quot; 扫码免广告&amp;embedid=AjMyNjAwOTM0NgJ3d3cueW91a3UuY29tAi8=&amp;vext=bc%3D%26pid%3D1439005764768c9QpaT%26unCookie%3D0%26frame%3D0%26type%3D1%26fob%3D1%26fpo%3D0%26svt%3D0%26emb%3DAjMyNjAwOTM0NgJ3d3cueW91a3UuY29tAi8%3D%26dn%3D%E7%BD%91%E9%A1%B5%26hwc%3D1%26mtype%3Doth&amp;pageStartTime=1439005764766">
                  <param name="movie" value="http://static.youku.com/v1.0.0557/v/swf/loader.swf">
                  <p class="player_html5">
                    <p class="picture" style="height:100%">
                      <p style="line-height:460px;"><span style="font-size:18px">您还没有安装flash播放器,请点击<a href="http://www.adobe.com/go/getflash" target="_blank">这里</a>安装</span></p>
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    Video player related properties

            属性      值           描述
            autoplay    autoplay    如果出现该属性,则视频在就绪后马上播放
            controls    controls    如果出现该属性,则向用户显示控件,比如播放按钮
            height      pixels      设置视频播放器的高度
            loop        loop        如果出现该属性,则当媒介文件完成播放后再次开始播放
            muted       muted       规定视频的音频输出应该被静音。【即:静音】
            poster      URL         规定视频下载时显示的图像,或者在用户点击播放按钮前显示的图像
            preload     preload     如果出现该属性,则视频在页面加载时进行加载,并预备播放
            src         url         要播放的视频的URL
            width       pixels      设置视频播放器的宽度
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            <video id="clip" controls>
                <source src="fun.mp4" type="video/mp4" />
                <track label="English subtitles" kind="subtitles"
                srclang="en" src="video-subtitles-en.vtt" default />
            WEBVIT  FILE
            00:00:00.000 --> 00:00:12.000 D:vertical A:start
            00:00:12.000 --> 00:00:15.300
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    3D (WebGL)


    Scalable Vector Graphics Scalable Vector Shape


    ImageSource: via AI, File-->Script-->Save document as SVG

    svg can be like a tag Paste it directly to the page like that, but we prefer to load it like a picture

            <iframe src="demo.svg" frameborder="0"></iframe>    //推荐
            <object data="demo.svg" type=""></object>
            <embed src="demo.svg" type="">
                var svgs = document.getElementByTagName('svg');
                for (var i = 0;i < svgs.length; i++){
                    var src = $(svgs[i].data('src'));
                    //向服务器发送请求 得到svg
                        var el = data.documentElement;
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    1. Sublime server plug-in installation

    Do not stop serber after installation. Directly
    exitsublime, otherwise sublime will crash

    2. Expand the settings in the upper right corner of the Google Chrome developer tools, select show useragent shadow DOM and you can see the virtual The DOM that comes out


    Pseudo classObject is equivalent to inserting one after weigege, and its style can be changed

        content: 'zuishuai';
        color: #465;
    <p class="content">weigege</p>
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    4.h5 new tag

    h5 The new tag may not be recognized by low-level browsers because it is too new. The unrecognized tag browser will automatically recognize it as p and load it. The tag can be generated in the following ways
    Method 1: Define it yourself

    Method 2: Introduce the third-party component html5shiv.js
    In it, all h5 new tags are created through method 1

    5. Enter the following code once in the Google console

    document.body (Enter)
    document.body.contentEditable = true; (Enter)
    Then you can edit the text directly on the page
    Enter directly at the connection
    data:text/html, (Enter)
    You can edit text directly on the page

    6. Third-party multimedia player library: jwplayer

    7. Specifically for mobile terminals Component used zepto?

    The implemented api is basically the same as jQuery
    Redundant processing and compatible codes have been cut off
    It seems that it can replace jQuery

    8.! important cannot support the inline style in the old version


    Open source project description files are written in this way
    Syntax link: http://wowubuntu.com/markdown/
    Use normal text to describe the syntax of rich text
    Extension md, markdown
    h tag




    Write the paragraph directly without adding anything in front

    • Unordered list

    • There are spaces in front

    1. Ordered list

    2. The numbers in front are all ordered lists, remember to add spaces

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    SpecificEditorYou can add javascript to represent specific syntax for writing code

    It is equivalent to digging a pit to load other pages

    The above is the detailed content of Notes organized by h5. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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