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Introducing an enhanced message box (MessageBoxEx) in C# that can carry additional messages

Release: 2017-04-22 10:26:53
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An enhanced message box MessageBoxEx that can carry additional messages is shared with everyone. It has certain reference value. Interested friends can refer to it

--------- -----201507160917 Update---------------

I accidentally discovered that the standard message box has sound in Windows 7, but only in Windows Server 2008 (R2) is silent, and I happened to be using the latter, so I mistakenly thought it was caused by the MessageBeep API not working on all NT6 systems. Someone also mentioned this problem on stackoverflow. But I still decided to use the PlaySound API without modification
Leave the sound processing to the ProcessIcon method. Previously, I considered loose coupling, so I processed the MessageBoxIcon and the sound separately. However, in fact, the sound is based on the former. The two are naturally coupled, and processing them separately would be unnecessary.

------ --------201507091034 update---------------

First of all, thank you Yuanyou E204 for your feedback in the reply.

To solve the problem of Checked status change caused by double-clicking the [Details] button, the method is to let the ToggleButton ignore the WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK message
Correct the logic of collapsing the details area and directly access plAttachZone.Height. Previously, ExpandHeight was taken, which would cause visual experience problems

--------------201507082014Original text (updated)-------- -------

Applicable to: Winform project of .net 2.0+


Yes Due to the loss of recording and graphics, it is impossible to show the real effect as it is. You can download the Demo to experience it at the end of the article.

Introducing an enhanced message box (MessageBoxEx) in C# that can carry additional messages

Functions and features:

  • Centered relative to the parent form

  • Can be accompanied by additional messages. Additional messages can be of type string or Exception. The [Details] button will be displayed and hidden depending on whether additional information is passed in. When an Exception instance is passed in, exception.ToString() is presented, which may carry StackTrace information, so if you just want to present the exception text, you should pass it in ex.Message

  • Expand/collapse extensions are animated. If practicality is king, you can also set EnableAnimate=false to turn off the animation effect.

  • There is also sound feedback in Windows Server 2008 R2 (other server systems have not been tested). The standard message box has sound in personal systems (XP/Win7, etc.), but not in srv08. At the same time, the EnableSound property is also provided to allow you to turn off sound feedback

  • Removed the IWin32Window, MessageBoxOptions and Help related parameters provided by the standard MessageBox because I don’t use them and am too lazy to implement them

  • You can drag and change the size of the message box, and the message text and additional text will be rearranged according to the size of the form. This is a capability not provided by standard message boxes. Changing the size has different behaviors in two situations: ① When the detailed information is not expanded, the size of the main message area is changed; ② When the detailed information is expanded, the size of the detailed information area is changed

Generally speaking, This message box is more suitable for situations where a large amount of message text needs to be fed back. If you use a standard message box, too much text may make the message box Exceeding the screen size, such as the example given by this guy on codeproject.com, because the standard message box does not have the ability to change the size of the form, some messages will not be visible to the user. And even if it does not exceed the screen, the user experience is not authentic if the user is faced with so many message texts at once. This kind of problem can be solved by using this message box. For example, you can display summary information in the main message area, and place a large number of detailed messages (such as single item processing in batch processing), secondary messages, exception information, etc. in the detailed information area. , it is up to users or IT support staff to obtain this information themselves. At the same time, when there is no attached message, you can still use it like a standard message box, so if you are like me and don’t use the IWin32Window, MessageBoxOptions and Help related parameters of the standard message box, Basically you You can use this message box to replace the standard message box throughout the entire project. Don’t forget that compared to the standard message box, it also has additional capabilities such as scalability and relative parent form centering. All in all, you deserve it. As for if you are worried about performance issues, I would like to say this, I am still a little confident in the quality of my code. I also hope someone can point out the shortcomings, thank you!

Instructions for use:

Look at the public members first:


MessageBoxEx.Show(string, string, string)
MessageBoxEx.Show(string, string, string, MessageBoxButtons)
MessageBoxEx.Show(string, string, string, MessageBoxButtons, MessageBoxIcon)
MessageBoxEx.Show(string, string, string, MessageBoxButtons, MessageBoxIcon, MessageBoxDefaultButton)

MessageBoxEx.Show(string, string, Exception)
MessageBoxEx.Show(string, string, Exception, MessageBoxButtons)
MessageBoxEx.Show(string, string, Exception, MessageBoxButtons, MessageBoxIcon)
MessageBoxEx.Show(string, string, Exception, MessageBoxButtons, MessageBoxIcon, MessageBoxDefaultButton)
Copy after login

The properties EnableAnimate and EnableSound are mentioned above, which are used to enable / Turn off animation and sound effects, both are enabled by default. The scope of influence of the two properties is global. For example, after setting EnableAnimate = false, the MessageBoxEx that pops up afterwards will have no animation effect until it is reset to true, and the same is true for EnableSound. The best practice is to associate them with user preferences and allow users to control them independently. There is only one method: Show(), and you can probably know how to use it from the overload list. The third parameter is the additional message, which accepts instances of the string and Exception classes. The position and meaning of the remaining parameters are consistent with the standard message box. A brief example is as follows:

MessageBoxEx.Show("主消息", "标题", "附加消息", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.None, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1);
MessageBoxEx.Show("主消息", "标题", ex, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.None, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1);
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MessageBoxEx.Show("阿斯顿发", "士大夫");
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using System;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Drawing;
using System.IO;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Threading;
using System.Windows.Forms;

namespace AhDung.WinForm
 /// <summary>
 /// 可以携带详细信息的消息框
 /// </summary>
 public static class MessageBoxEx
 private const string InvalidButtonExString = "按钮参数不是有效的枚举项!";
 private const string InvalidIconExString = "图标参数不是有效的枚举项!";
 private const string InvalidDfButtonExString = "默认按钮参数不是有效的枚举项!";

 /// <summary>
 /// 是否启用动画效果
 /// </summary>
 public static bool EnableAnimate { get; set; }

 /// <summary>
 /// 是否启用声音反馈
 /// </summary>
 public static bool EnableSound { get; set; }

 static MessageBoxEx()
  EnableAnimate = true;
  EnableSound = true;

 #region 公开方法

 /// <summary>
 /// 显示消息框
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="message">消息文本</param>
 /// <param name="caption">消息框标题</param>
 /// <param name="attachMessage">附加消息</param>
 public static DialogResult Show(string message, string caption = null, string attachMessage = null)
  return ShowCore(message, caption, attachMessage, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.None, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1);


 /// <summary>
 /// 显示消息框
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="message">消息文本</param>
 /// <param name="caption">消息框标题</param>
 /// <param name="attachMessage">附加消息</param>
 /// <param name="buttons">按钮组合</param>
 public static DialogResult Show(string message, string caption, string attachMessage, MessageBoxButtons buttons)
  if (!Enum.IsDefined(typeof(MessageBoxButtons), buttons)) { throw new InvalidEnumArgumentException(InvalidButtonExString); }

  return ShowCore(message, caption, attachMessage, buttons, MessageBoxIcon.None, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1);

 /// <summary>
 /// 显示消息框
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="message">消息文本</param>
 /// <param name="caption">消息框标题</param>
 /// <param name="attachMessage">附加消息</param>
 /// <param name="buttons">按钮组合</param>
 /// <param name="icon">图标</param>
 public static DialogResult Show(string message, string caption, string attachMessage, MessageBoxButtons buttons, MessageBoxIcon icon)
  if (!Enum.IsDefined(typeof(MessageBoxButtons), buttons)) { throw new InvalidEnumArgumentException(InvalidButtonExString); }
  if (!Enum.IsDefined(typeof(MessageBoxIcon), icon)) { throw new InvalidEnumArgumentException(InvalidIconExString); }

  return ShowCore(message, caption, attachMessage, buttons, icon, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1);

 /// <summary>
 /// 显示消息框
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="message">消息文本</param>
 /// <param name="caption">消息框标题</param>
 /// <param name="attachMessage">附加消息</param>
 /// <param name="buttons">按钮组合</param>
 /// <param name="icon">图标</param>
 /// <param name="defaultButton">默认按钮</param>
 public static DialogResult Show(string message, string caption, string attachMessage, MessageBoxButtons buttons, MessageBoxIcon icon, MessageBoxDefaultButton defaultButton)
  if (!Enum.IsDefined(typeof(MessageBoxButtons), buttons)) { throw new InvalidEnumArgumentException(InvalidButtonExString); }
  if (!Enum.IsDefined(typeof(MessageBoxIcon), icon)) { throw new InvalidEnumArgumentException(InvalidIconExString); }
  if (!Enum.IsDefined(typeof(MessageBoxDefaultButton), defaultButton)) { throw new InvalidEnumArgumentException(InvalidDfButtonExString); }

  return ShowCore(message, caption, attachMessage, buttons, icon, defaultButton);


 /// <summary>
 /// 显示消息框
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="message">消息文本</param>
 /// <param name="caption">消息框标题</param>
 /// <param name="exception">异常实例</param>
 public static DialogResult Show(string message, string caption, Exception exception)
  return Show(message, caption, exception == null ? string.Empty : exception.ToString());

 /// <summary>
 /// 显示消息框
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="message">消息文本</param>
 /// <param name="caption">消息框标题</param>
 /// <param name="exception">异常实例</param>
 /// <param name="buttons">按钮组合</param>
 public static DialogResult Show(string message, string caption, Exception exception, MessageBoxButtons buttons)
  return Show(message, caption, exception == null ? string.Empty : exception.ToString(), buttons);

 /// <summary>
 /// 显示消息框
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="message">消息文本</param>
 /// <param name="caption">消息框标题</param>
 /// <param name="exception">异常实例</param>
 /// <param name="buttons">按钮组合</param>
 /// <param name="icon">图标</param>
 public static DialogResult Show(string message, string caption, Exception exception, MessageBoxButtons buttons, MessageBoxIcon icon)
  return Show(message, caption, exception == null ? string.Empty : exception.ToString(), buttons, icon);

 /// <summary>
 /// 显示消息框
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="message">消息文本</param>
 /// <param name="caption">消息框标题</param>
 /// <param name="exception">异常实例</param>
 /// <param name="buttons">按钮组合</param>
 /// <param name="icon">图标</param>
 /// <param name="defaultButton">默认按钮</param>
 public static DialogResult Show(string message, string caption, Exception exception, MessageBoxButtons buttons, MessageBoxIcon icon, MessageBoxDefaultButton defaultButton)
  return Show(message, caption, exception == null ? string.Empty : exception.ToString(), buttons, icon, defaultButton);


 private static DialogResult ShowCore(string message, string caption, string attachMessage, MessageBoxButtons buttons, MessageBoxIcon icon, MessageBoxDefaultButton defaultButton)
  using (MessageForm f = new MessageForm(message, caption, buttons, icon, defaultButton, attachMessage, EnableAnimate, EnableSound))
  return f.ShowDialog();


 /// <summary>
 /// 消息窗体
 /// </summary>
 /// <remarks>参数有效性由MessageBoxEx负责</remarks>
 private class MessageForm : Form
  /* todo 存在问题:
  * 当消息区文本非常非常多时,且反复进行改变消息框窗口大小、位置、展开收起的操作,那么在某次展开时
  原因是文本框控件在显示时总会在原位置WM_NCPAINT + WM_ERASEBKGND一下,暂无解决办法。

  #region 控件初始化

  /// <summary>
  /// 必需的设计器变量。
  /// </summary>
  private System.ComponentModel.IContainer components = null;

  /// <summary>
  /// 清理所有正在使用的资源。
  /// </summary>
  /// <param name="disposing">如果应释放托管资源,为 true;否则为 false。</param>
  protected override void Dispose(bool disposing)
  if (disposing && (components != null))

  #region Windows 窗体设计器生成的代码

  /// <summary>
  /// 设计器支持所需的方法 - 不要
  /// 使用代码编辑器修改此方法的内容。
  /// </summary>
  private void InitializeComponent()
  this.button3 = new System.Windows.Forms.Button();
  this.txbAttach = new TextBoxUnSelectAllable();
  this.button2 = new System.Windows.Forms.Button();
  this.button1 = new System.Windows.Forms.Button();
  this.plButtonsZone = new AhDung.WinForm.MessageBoxEx.MessageForm.PanelBasic();
  this.ckbToggle = new AhDung.WinForm.MessageBoxEx.MessageForm.ToggleButton(this.UseAnimate);
  this.plAttachZone = new AhDung.WinForm.MessageBoxEx.MessageForm.PanelBasic();
  this.lbMsg = new AhDung.WinForm.MessageBoxEx.MessageForm.MessageViewer();
  // button3
  this.button3.Anchor = System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles.Top | System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles.Right;
  this.button3.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(320, 8);
  this.button3.Margin = new System.Windows.Forms.Padding(3, 2, 3, 2);
  this.button3.Name = "button3";
  this.button3.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(85, 27);
  this.button3.TabIndex = 2;
  // txbAttach
  this.txbAttach.Anchor = ((System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles.Top | System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles.Bottom)
      | System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles.Left)
      | System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles.Right;
  this.txbAttach.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(10, 7);
  this.txbAttach.Margin = new System.Windows.Forms.Padding(3, 1, 3, 1);
  this.txbAttach.Name = "txbAttach";
  this.txbAttach.ReadOnly = true;
  this.txbAttach.Multiline = true;
  this.txbAttach.ScrollBars = System.Windows.Forms.ScrollBars.Vertical;
  this.txbAttach.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(395, 105);
  this.txbAttach.TabIndex = 0;
  // button2
  this.button2.Anchor = System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles.Top | System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles.Right;
  this.button2.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(229, 8);
  this.button2.Margin = new System.Windows.Forms.Padding(3, 2, 3, 2);
  this.button2.Name = "button2";
  this.button2.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(85, 27);
  this.button2.TabIndex = 1;
  // button1
  this.button1.Anchor = System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles.Top | System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles.Right;
  this.button1.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(138, 8);
  this.button1.Margin = new System.Windows.Forms.Padding(3, 2, 3, 2);
  this.button1.Name = "button1";
  this.button1.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(85, 27);
  this.button1.TabIndex = 0;
  // plButtonsZone
  this.plButtonsZone.Dock = System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle.Bottom;
  this.plButtonsZone.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(0, 96);
  this.plButtonsZone.Margin = new System.Windows.Forms.Padding(3, 1, 3, 1);
  this.plButtonsZone.Name = "plButtonsZone";
  this.plButtonsZone.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(415, 36);
  this.plButtonsZone.TabIndex = 1;
  // ckbToggle
  this.ckbToggle.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(10, 8);
  this.ckbToggle.Name = "ckbToggle";
  this.ckbToggle.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(93, 27);
  this.ckbToggle.TabIndex = 3;
  this.ckbToggle.Text = "详细信息(&D)";
  this.ckbToggle.CheckedChanged += this.ckbToggle_CheckedChanged;
  // plAttachZone
  this.plAttachZone.Dock = System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle.Fill;
  this.plAttachZone.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(0, 130);
  this.plAttachZone.Margin = new System.Windows.Forms.Padding(3, 2, 3, 2);
  this.plAttachZone.Name = "plAttachZone";
  this.plAttachZone.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(415, 114);
  this.plAttachZone.TabIndex = 2;
  this.plAttachZone.Visible = false;
  // lbMsg
  this.lbMsg.Dock = System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle.Fill;
  this.lbMsg.Icon = null;
  this.lbMsg.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(0, 0);
  this.lbMsg.Name = "lbMsg";
  this.lbMsg.Padding = new System.Windows.Forms.Padding(21, 18, 21, 18);
  //this.lbMsg.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(415, 96);
  this.lbMsg.TabIndex = 0;
  // FmMsg
  this.AutoScaleMode = System.Windows.Forms.AutoScaleMode.None;
  //this.ClientSize = new System.Drawing.Size(415, 261);
  this.DoubleBuffered = true;
  this.MaximizeBox = false;
  this.Name = "MessageForm";
  this.Padding = new System.Windows.Forms.Padding(0, 0, 0, 17);
  this.ShowIcon = false;
  this.ShowInTaskbar = false;
  this.SizeGripStyle = System.Windows.Forms.SizeGripStyle.Show;


  private ToggleButton ckbToggle;
  private TextBoxUnSelectAllable txbAttach;
  private MessageViewer lbMsg;
  private System.Windows.Forms.Button button2;
  private System.Windows.Forms.Button button1;
  private PanelBasic plButtonsZone;
  private PanelBasic plAttachZone;
  private System.Windows.Forms.Button button3;


  /// <summary>
  /// 最大默认窗体客户区宽度
  /// </summary>
  const int MaxClientWidth = 700;

  string messageSound;//存储供PlaySound API使用的系统消息音别名,在ProcessIcon中赋值,OnShown中取用

  int expandHeight;
  /// <summary>
  /// 详细信息区展开高度
  /// </summary>
  private int ExpandHeight
  get { return expandHeight < 150 ? 150 : expandHeight; }
  set { expandHeight = value; }

  #region 属性

  /// <summary>
  /// 是否启用动画效果
  /// </summary>
  /// <remarks>此处还弄该属性是为了保证窗体类的独立性</remarks>
  private bool UseAnimate { get; set; }

  /// <summary>
  /// 是否启用声音反馈
  /// </summary>
  /// <remarks>此处还弄该属性是为了保证窗体类的独立性</remarks>
  private bool UseSound { get; set; }

  /// <summary>
  /// 消息按钮
  /// </summary>
  private MessageBoxButtons MessageButtons { get; set; }

  /// <summary>
  /// 消息图标
  /// </summary>
  private MessageBoxIcon MessageIcon { get; set; }

  /// <summary>
  /// 默认按钮
  /// </summary>
  private MessageBoxDefaultButton DefaultButton { get; set; }


  /// <summary>
  /// 创建消息窗体
  /// </summary>
  private MessageForm(bool enableAnimate)
  this.UseAnimate = enableAnimate;//须尽早设置,要供展开按钮初始化用
  this.StartPosition = Form.ActiveForm == null ? FormStartPosition.CenterScreen : FormStartPosition.CenterParent;
  this.Font = SystemFonts.MessageBoxFont;

  this.button1.Click += button_Click;
  this.button2.Click += button_Click;
  this.button3.Click += button_Click;
  this.plAttachZone.Resize += plAttachZone_Resize;

  /// <summary>
  /// 创建消息窗体
  /// </summary>
  public MessageForm(string message, string caption, MessageBoxButtons buttons, MessageBoxIcon icon, MessageBoxDefaultButton defaultButton, string attachMessage, bool enableAnimate, bool enableSound)
  : this(enableAnimate)
  this.lbMsg.Text = message;
  this.Text = caption;
  this.txbAttach.Text = attachMessage;
  this.MessageButtons = buttons;
  this.MessageIcon = icon;
  this.DefaultButton = defaultButton;
  this.UseSound = enableSound;

  #region 重写基类方法

  protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e)

  this.MinimumSize = SizeFromClientSize(new Size(GetPanelButtonMinWidth(), GetClientMinHeight()));

  this.ClientSize = this.GetPreferredSize(new Size(MaxClientWidth, Screen.PrimaryScreen.WorkingArea.Height - (this.Height - this.ClientSize.Height)));


  protected override void OnShown(EventArgs e)
  Button dfBtn;
  if ((dfBtn = this.AcceptButton as Button) != null)

  if (this.UseSound) { PlaySystemSound(this.messageSound); }


  protected override CreateParams CreateParams
   CreateParams prms = base.CreateParams;

   if ((Convert.ToInt32(this.MessageButtons) & 1) == 0) //没有Cancel按钮时屏蔽关闭按钮,刚好在偶数项
   prms.ClassStyle |= 0x200;

   return prms;

  /// <summary>
  /// 计算合适的窗口尺寸
  /// </summary>
  /// <param name="proposedSize">该参数此处定义为客户区可设置的最大尺寸</param>
  public override Size GetPreferredSize(Size proposedSize)
  int reservedHeight = plButtonsZone.Height + Padding.Bottom;
  Size size = lbMsg.GetPreferredSize(new Size(proposedSize.Width, proposedSize.Height - reservedHeight));
  size.Height += reservedHeight;
  return size;


  #region 事件处理方法

  private void ckbToggle_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)

  if (ckbToggle.Checked)

   lbMsg.Dock = DockStyle.Top;
   plButtonsZone.Dock = DockStyle.Top;

   plAttachZone.Visible = true;
   ExpandHeight = plAttachZone.Height;//为再次展开记忆高度
   plAttachZone.Visible = false;


   plButtonsZone.Dock = DockStyle.Bottom;
   lbMsg.Dock = DockStyle.Fill;


  private void button_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
  this.DialogResult = (DialogResult)((sender as Button).Tag);

  private void plAttachZone_Resize(object sender, EventArgs e)
  if (ckbToggle.Checked && plAttachZone.Height == 0)
   ckbToggle.Checked = false;


  #region 辅助+私有方法

  /// <summary>
  /// 处理按钮相关
  /// </summary>
  private void ProcessButtons()
  this.ckbToggle.Visible = txbAttach.Text.Trim().Length != 0; //无详细信息就不显示展开按钮

  int btnCount = 3; //按钮数量

  switch (MessageButtons) //老实用case,可读点
   case MessageBoxButtons.AbortRetryIgnore:
   button1.Text = "中止(&A)"; button1.Tag = DialogResult.Abort;
   button2.Text = "重试(&R)"; button2.Tag = DialogResult.Retry;
   button3.Text = "忽略(&I)"; button3.Tag = DialogResult.Ignore;
   case MessageBoxButtons.OK:
   button1.Visible = false;
   button2.Visible = false;
   button3.Text = "确定"; button3.Tag = DialogResult.OK;
   btnCount = 1;
   case MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel:
   button1.Visible = false;
   button2.Text = "确定"; button2.Tag = DialogResult.OK;
   button3.Text = "取消"; button3.Tag = DialogResult.Cancel;
   btnCount = 2;
   case MessageBoxButtons.RetryCancel:
   button1.Visible = false;
   button2.Text = "重试(&R)"; button2.Tag = DialogResult.Retry;
   button3.Text = "取消"; button3.Tag = DialogResult.Cancel;
   btnCount = 2;
   case MessageBoxButtons.YesNo:
   button1.Visible = false;
   button2.Text = "是(&Y)"; button2.Tag = DialogResult.Yes;
   button3.Text = "否(&N)"; button3.Tag = DialogResult.No;
   btnCount = 2;
   case MessageBoxButtons.YesNoCancel:
   button1.Text = "是(&Y)"; button1.Tag = DialogResult.Yes;
   button2.Text = "否(&N)"; button2.Tag = DialogResult.No;
   button3.Text = "取消"; button3.Tag = DialogResult.Cancel;
   default: break;

  if ((int)MessageButtons == 0 || ((int)MessageButtons & 1) == 1)
   this.CancelButton = button3;

  if (btnCount == 1)
   this.AcceptButton = button3;
  else if (btnCount == 2)
   this.AcceptButton = DefaultButton == MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button2 ? button3 : button2;
   Button[] btnArray = { button1, button2, button3 };
   this.AcceptButton = btnArray[Convert.ToInt32(DefaultButton) / 0x100];

  /// <summary>
  /// 处理图标(含声音)
  /// </summary>
  private void ProcessIcon()
  switch (MessageIcon)
   case MessageBoxIcon.Asterisk:
   lbMsg.Icon = SystemIcons.Information;
   messageSound = "SystemAsterisk";

   case MessageBoxIcon.Error:
   lbMsg.Icon = SystemIcons.Error;
   messageSound = "SystemHand";

   case MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation:
   lbMsg.Icon = SystemIcons.Warning;
   messageSound = "SystemExclamation";

   case MessageBoxIcon.Question:
   lbMsg.Icon = SystemIcons.Question;
   messageSound = "SystemAsterisk";//Question原本是没声音的,此实现让它蹭一下Information的

   default: //MessageBoxIcon.None
   lbMsg.Icon = null;
   messageSound = "SystemDefault";

  /// <summary>
  /// 计算窗体客户区最小高度
  /// </summary>
  private int GetClientMinHeight()
  return lbMsg.MinimumHeight + plButtonsZone.Height + Padding.Bottom;

  /// <summary>
  /// 计算按钮区最小宽度
  /// </summary>
  private int GetPanelButtonMinWidth()
  int r = 20 /*左右Padding*/, visibleCount = -1 /*因为两个以上才会有间距*/;

  if (ckbToggle.Visible) { r += ckbToggle.Width; visibleCount++; }
  if (button1.Visible) { r += button1.Width * 3; visibleCount += 3; }
  else if (button2.Visible) { r += button2.Width * 2; visibleCount += 2; }
  else { r += button3.Width; visibleCount++; }

  if (visibleCount != -1) { r += visibleCount * 6; } //按钮间距

  return r;

  /// <summary>
  /// 改变窗体高度。内部有动画处理
  /// </summary>
  /// <param name="increment">增量(负数即为减小高度)</param>
  private void ChangeFormHeight(int increment)
  int finalHeight = this.Height + increment; //正确的目标高度

  if (!this.UseAnimate) //不使用动画
   this.Height = finalHeight;

  const int step = 8; //帧数

  for (int i = 0; i < step; i++)
   if (i == step - 1) //最后一步直达目标
   this.Height = finalHeight;

   this.Height += increment / step;

   Application.DoEvents(); //必要

  /// <summary>
  /// 播放系统事件声音
  /// </summary>
  /// <remarks>之所以不用MessageBeep API是因为这货在srv08上不出声,所以用PlaySound代替</remarks>
  private static void PlaySystemSound(string soundAlias)
  PlaySound(soundAlias, IntPtr.Zero, 0x10000 /*SND_ALIAS*/| 0x1 /*SND_ASYNC*/);

  [DllImport("winmm.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
  private static extern bool PlaySound([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] string soundName, IntPtr hmod, int soundFlags);


  #region 嵌套类

  /// <summary>
  /// 基础面板
  /// </summary>
  private class PanelBasic : Control
  public PanelBasic()
   SetStyle(ControlStyles.AllPaintingInWmPaint, false);//关键,不然其上的ToolBar不正常
   SetStyle(ControlStyles.OptimizedDoubleBuffer, true);//重要。不设置的话控件绘制不正常
   SetStyle(ControlStyles.ContainerControl, true);
   SetStyle(ControlStyles.Selectable, false);

  protected override void WndProc(ref Message m)
   if (m.Msg == 0x14) { return; }

   base.WndProc(ref m);

  protected override void SetBoundsCore(int x, int y, int width, int height, BoundsSpecified specified)
   base.SetBoundsCore(x, y, width, height, specified | BoundsSpecified.Y | BoundsSpecified.Width);

  /// <summary>
  /// 消息呈现控件
  /// </summary>
  private class MessageViewer : Control
  const TextFormatFlags textFlags = TextFormatFlags.EndEllipsis //未完省略号
       | TextFormatFlags.WordBreak //允许换行
       | TextFormatFlags.NoPadding //无边距
       | TextFormatFlags.ExternalLeading //行间空白。NT5必须,不然文字挤在一起
       | TextFormatFlags.TextBoxControl; //避免半行

  const int IconSpace = 5; //图标与文本间距

  const float PreferredScale = 13;//最佳文本区块比例(宽/高)

  /// <summary>
  /// 最小高度。不要重写MinimumSize,那会在窗体移动和缩放时都会执行
  /// </summary>
  public int MinimumHeight
   return (this.Icon != null ? Math.Max(this.Icon.Height, this.FontHeight) : this.FontHeight) + Padding.Vertical;

  /// <summary>
  /// 获取或设置图标
  /// </summary>
  public Icon Icon { get; set; }

  public MessageViewer()
   this.SetStyle(ControlStyles.CacheText, true);
   this.SetStyle(ControlStyles.UserPaint, true);
   this.SetStyle(ControlStyles.AllPaintingInWmPaint, true);
   this.SetStyle(ControlStyles.Selectable, false);
   this.SetStyle(ControlStyles.ResizeRedraw, true); //重要

   this.DoubleBuffered = true; //双缓冲
   BackColor = Environment.OSVersion.Version.Major == 5 ? SystemColors.Control : Color.White;

  protected override void SetBoundsCore(int x, int y, int width, int height, BoundsSpecified specified)
   base.SetBoundsCore(x, y, width, height, specified | BoundsSpecified.Size);

  /// <summary>
  /// 计算合适的消息区尺寸
  /// </summary>
  /// <param name="proposedSize">该参数此处定义为此控件可设置的最大尺寸</param>
  /// <remarks>该方法对太长的单行文本有做比例优化处理,避免用户摆头幅度过大扭到脖子</remarks>
  public override Size GetPreferredSize(Size proposedSize)
   if (proposedSize.Width < 10) { proposedSize.Width = int.MaxValue; }
   if (proposedSize.Height < 10) { proposedSize.Height = int.MaxValue; }

   int reservedWidth = Padding.Horizontal + (this.Icon == null ? 0 : (this.Icon.Width + IconSpace));

   Size wellSize = Size.Empty;
   if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.Text))
   Size size = TextRenderer.MeasureText(this.Text, this.Font, new Size(proposedSize.Width - reservedWidth, 0), textFlags);//用指定宽度测量文本面积
   wellSize = Convert.ToSingle(size.Width) / size.Height > PreferredScale //过于宽扁的情况
    ? Size.Ceiling(GetSameSizeWithNewScale(size, PreferredScale))
    : size;

   int lineHeight = TextRenderer.MeasureText(" ", this.Font, new Size(int.MaxValue, 0), textFlags).Height;//单行高,Font.Height不靠谱
   int differ;
   wellSize.Height += (differ = wellSize.Height % lineHeight) == 0 ? 0 : (lineHeight - differ);
   if (this.Icon != null)
   wellSize.Width += this.Icon.Width + IconSpace;
   wellSize.Height = Math.Max(this.Icon.Height, wellSize.Height);
   wellSize += Padding.Size;

   if (wellSize.Height > proposedSize.Height) { wellSize.Height = proposedSize.Height; }

   return wellSize;

  /// <summary>
  /// 重绘
  /// </summary>
  protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e)
   Graphics g = e.Graphics;
   Rectangle rect = GetPaddedRectangle();

   if (this.Icon != null)
   g.DrawIcon(this.Icon, Padding.Left, Padding.Top);

   rect.X += this.Icon.Width + IconSpace;
   rect.Width -= this.Icon.Width + IconSpace;

   if (this.Text.Length < 100)
    Size textSize = TextRenderer.MeasureText(g, this.Text, this.Font, rect.Size, textFlags);
    if (textSize.Height <= this.Icon.Height)
    rect.Y += (this.Icon.Height - textSize.Height) / 2;

   //g.FillRectangle(Brushes.Gainsboro, rect);//test

   TextRenderer.DrawText(g, this.Text, this.Font, rect, Color.Black, textFlags);


  /// <summary>
  /// 根据原尺寸,得到相同面积、且指定比例的新尺寸
  /// </summary>
  /// <param name="src">原尺寸</param>
  /// <param name="scale">新尺寸比例。需是width/height</param>
  private static SizeF GetSameSizeWithNewScale(Size src, float scale)
   int sqr = src.Width * src.Height;//原面积
   double w = Math.Sqrt(sqr * scale);//新面积宽
   return new SizeF(Convert.ToSingle(w), Convert.ToSingle(sqr / w));

  /// <summary>
  /// 获取刨去Padding的内容区
  /// </summary>
  private Rectangle GetPaddedRectangle()
   Rectangle r = this.ClientRectangle;
   r.X += this.Padding.Left;
   r.Y += this.Padding.Top;
   r.Width -= this.Padding.Horizontal;
   r.Height -= this.Padding.Vertical;
   return r;

  /// <summary>
  /// 屏蔽全选消息的文本框
  /// </summary>
  private class TextBoxUnSelectAllable : TextBox
  protected override void WndProc(ref Message m)
   if (m.Msg == 0xB1) { return; }

   base.WndProc(ref m);

  /// <summary>
  /// 包装ToolBarButton为单一控件
  /// </summary>
  private class ToggleButton : Control
  /// <summary>
  /// 展开/收起图标数据
  /// </summary>
  const string ImgDataBase64 =

  readonly bool isToggleMode;
  bool isChecked;
  bool useAnimate;
  readonly ImageList imgList;

  /// <summary>
  /// Checked改变后
  /// </summary>
  public event EventHandler CheckedChanged;

  /// <summary>
  /// 使用动画按钮效果
  /// </summary>
  private bool UseAnimate
   get { return useAnimate; }
   if (useAnimate == value) { return; }

   useAnimate = value;
   if (IsHandleCreated) { this.CreateHandle(); }

  /// <summary>
  /// 获取或设置按钮是否处于按下状态
  /// </summary>
  [Description("获取或设置按钮是否处于按下状态"), DefaultValue(false)]
  public bool Checked
   if (IsHandleCreated)
    isChecked = Convert.ToBoolean(SendMessage(this.Handle, 0x40A, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero).ToInt32());
   return isChecked;
   if (isChecked == value || !isToggleMode) { return; }

   isChecked = value;

   if (IsHandleCreated)
    SendMessage(this.Handle, 0x402, IntPtr.Zero, new IntPtr(Convert.ToInt32(value)));


  /// <summary>
  /// 创建ToolBarButtonControl
  /// </summary>
  public ToggleButton(bool useAnimate)
   SetStyle(ControlStyles.UserPaint, false);
   SetStyle(ControlStyles.AllPaintingInWmPaint, true);
   SetStyle(ControlStyles.OptimizedDoubleBuffer, true);
   SetStyle(ControlStyles.ResizeRedraw, true);

   this.isToggleMode = true;//写死好了,独立版才提供设置
   this.UseAnimate = useAnimate;

   imgList = new ImageList { ImageSize = new System.Drawing.Size(16, 16), ColorDepth = ColorDepth.Depth32Bit };
   using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(Convert.FromBase64String(ImgDataBase64)))

  /// <summary>
  /// 执行左键单击
  /// </summary>
  public void PerformClick()
   SendMessage(this.Handle, 0x201, new IntPtr(0x1), IntPtr.Zero);//WM_LBUTTONDOWN
   SendMessage(this.Handle, 0x202, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero); //WM_LBUTTONUP

  protected override void WndProc(ref Message m)
   if (m.Msg == 0x203) { return; }

   if ((m.Msg == 0x201 || m.Msg == 0x202) && (!this.Enabled || !this.Visible))
   base.WndProc(ref m);

  protected override CreateParams CreateParams
   CreateParams prms = base.CreateParams;
   prms.ClassName = "ToolbarWindow32";
   prms.Style = 0x40000000
    | 0x10000000
    //| 0x2000000 //WS_CLIPCHILDREN
    //| 0x8000
    | 0x1
    | 0x4
    | 0x8
    | 0x40
    | 0x1000 //TBSTYLE_LIST,图标文本横排
   if (UseAnimate) { prms.Style |= 0x800; }//TBSTYLE_FLAT。flat模式在NT6.x下,按钮按下会有动画效果

   prms.ExStyle = 0;

   return prms;

  protected override void OnHandleCreated(EventArgs e)

   SendMessage(this.Handle, 0x430, IntPtr.Zero, imgList.Handle);//TB_SETIMAGELIST

   int btnStructSize = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(TBBUTTON));
   SendMessage(this.Handle, 0x41E, new IntPtr(btnStructSize), IntPtr.Zero);//TB_BUTTONSTRUCTSIZE,必须在添加按钮前

   TBBUTTON btnStruct = new TBBUTTON
   //iBitmap = 0,
   //idCommand = 0,
   fsState = 0x4, //TBSTATE_ENABLED
   iString = SendMessage(this.Handle, 0x44D, 0, this.Text + &#39;\0&#39;)//TB_ADDSTRING
   if (this.isToggleMode) { btnStruct.fsStyle = 0x2; }//BTNS_CHECK。作为切换按钮时

   IntPtr btnStructStart = IntPtr.Zero;
   btnStructStart = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(btnStructSize);//在非托管区创建一个指针
   Marshal.StructureToPtr(btnStruct, btnStructStart, true);//把结构体塞到上述指针

   SendMessage(this.Handle, 0x444, new IntPtr(1)/*按钮数量*/, btnStructStart);//TB_ADDBUTTONS。从指针取按钮信息

   if (btnStructStart != IntPtr.Zero) { Marshal.FreeHGlobal(btnStructStart); }

  protected override bool ProcessCmdKey(ref Message m, Keys keyData)
   if (m.Msg == 0x100 && (keyData == Keys.Enter || keyData == Keys.Space))
   return true;

   return base.ProcessCmdKey(ref m, keyData);

  /// <summary>
  /// 处理助记键
  /// </summary>
  protected override bool ProcessMnemonic(char charCode)
   if (IsMnemonic(charCode, this.Text))
   return true;

   return base.ProcessMnemonic(charCode);

  protected override void OnClick(EventArgs e)
   MouseEventArgs me = e as MouseEventArgs;
   if (me != null && me.Button != System.Windows.Forms.MouseButtons.Left)
   { return; }

   if (isToggleMode)
   { this.OnCheckedChanged(EventArgs.Empty); }


  protected override void OnInvalidated(InvalidateEventArgs e)

  /// <summary>
  /// 引发CheckedChanged事件
  /// </summary>
  protected virtual void OnCheckedChanged(EventArgs e)
   SetImageIndex(this.Checked ? 1 : 0);

   if (CheckedChanged != null) { CheckedChanged(this, e); }

  /// <summary>
  /// 设置图标索引
  /// </summary>
  private void SetImageIndex(int index)
   SendMessage(this.Handle, 0x42B, IntPtr.Zero, new IntPtr(index));

  /// <summary>
  /// 调整按钮尺寸刚好为ToolBar尺寸
  /// </summary>
  private void AdjustButtonSize()
   IntPtr lParam = new IntPtr((this.Width & 0xFFFF) | (this.Height << 0x10)); //MakeLParam手法
   SendMessage(this.Handle, 0x41F, IntPtr.Zero, lParam); //TB_SETBUTTONSIZE

  #region Win32 API

  [DllImport("user32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
  private static extern IntPtr SendMessage(IntPtr hWnd, int msg, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam);

  [DllImport("user32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
  private static extern IntPtr SendMessage(IntPtr hWnd, int msg, int wParam, string lParam);

  private struct TBBUTTON
   public int iBitmap;
   public int idCommand;
   public byte fsState;
   public byte fsStyle;
   public byte bReserved0;
   public byte bReserved1;
   public IntPtr dwData;
   public IntPtr iString;


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Introducing an enhanced message box (MessageBoxEx) in C# that can carry additional messages




Main message area is a single control: MessageViewer, which is written directly inherited from Control. At first, I considered using the ready-made Label control, but found that the latter’s image and text mixing effect was unsatisfactory (don’t take the original meaning of this idiom). It covers the text directly on the icon. Haha, this is probably the original intention of the author of this control. I just want to use Image as BackgroundImage, so I have to write another MessageViewer. MV mainly does two things, drawing (icons and text) + determining its own size based on the content. In addition, it also controls the minimum height to prevent the icon and text from being submerged as a whole
Button area Four buttons are held up by a container control PanelBasic. PB is also inherited from Control. The reason why Panel is not directly selected is mainly because Panel will jump when setting the Dock. The root cause is that the specified parameter of Control.SetBoundsCore notifies unnecessary information, so we simply inherit Control and override this method. By the way Process the message and solve the problem of flickering. I won’t go into details about the specific reasons here. There is a brief explanation in the comments. In short, just believe that I am not a pain in the ass. In addition, the button area will control the minimum width according to the visibility of the button, which together with the minimum height of the MessageViewer above constitute the minimum size of the entire dialog box MinimumSize
PanelBasic 4 The buttons are the [Details] button and the other three dialog box command buttons. The three buttons are dynamically processed according to the incoming MessageBoxButtons parameters (button text, whether it is visible, etc.), there is nothing to say. [Details] The button (ToggleButton) took a lot of effort. From the appearance, it can be seen that the button is not a standard Button. In fact, it is a toolbar button: ToolBarButton, which belongs to the Item on the ToolBar and is not an independent control itself ( Directly inherited from Component). Here is a little bit of nonsense. Since .net 2.0, MS has recommended using the new ToolStrip to replace ToolBar. Similarly, MenuStrip replaces MainMenu, StatusStrip replaces StatusBar, and ContextMenuStrip replaces ContextMenu. VS2010 does not display these "controls" in the toolbox by default (some Not counting controls), so I guess not many new children’s shoes are known. The latter are native win32 components, while the former is implemented purely in .net and has the control style of Office2003. In short, as someone with a win32 native control, I have a special attachment to these old-fashioned controls that are recommended to be replaced. So this ToggleButton is actually composed of a ToolBar and a ToolBarButton and looks like a single control. So why does it inherit from Control instead of directly using ToolBar? I admit that there are reasons for practicing (I may do it later) I will write an article [teaching you how to encapsulate a Win32 native control step by step]), Hmmm~ That’s the reason, but although it increases the amount of code, please be sure that the performance is no worse than using ToolBar directly. In theory, it is better It's better, because as a complete ToolBar, MS has to consider quite a lot of situations, and obviously processing is also indispensable. Since my ToggleButton is only responsible for the function of a single button, it is actually very Simple and Lite~ If you are smart, you will understand. In the end, why I bothered to make a ToolBarButton instead of using a Button directly is because I liked the effect of mstsc.exe:

Introducing an enhanced message box (MessageBoxEx) in C# that can carry additional messages

##By the way, the EnableAnimate attribute has a role. To this button, the principle is that when the ToolBar has a Flat style, the button will have animation effects when pressed and popped up, otherwise there will be no

Finally, there is the

detailed information area , consists of a PanelBasic holding a simply modified TextBox. Why not just use a TextBox, but put a layer underneath it? The reason is because the effect on XP is not good (the control dog has a lot to consider, okay?), and the XP window border is not as thick as NT6, so don’t add dots The lining is too thin. Having said that, PanelBasic has already said above, and the so-called modified TextBox is called TextBoxUnSelectAllable. It only does one thing, ignore the select all message (EM_SETSEL), so as to avoid scaring the audience when the focus is moved in. And why not use the Enter event of the standard TextBox to cancel all selections? One word~too low

There is still a problem, there is also a confession in this comment, that is, when the main message text is very, very large ~About as long as the entire screen (this is actually an incorrect usage posture. As mentioned above, a large amount of information should be placed in the detailed information area). If you drag, expand/collapse the dialog box repeatedly, then during a certain expansion, TextBoxUnSelectAllable will It flashes in the main message area instantly. This problem has been perfectly solved in PanelBasic, but TextBox is really powerless. I have tried to use the native Edit control directly, so I will keep it for now. How can I have a life without regrets?

Regarding sound, since the MessageBeep API is silent in the srv08 system, the PlaySound API is used instead. In addition, letting the originally silent MessageBoxIcon.Question rub the sound of SystemIcons.Information cannot discriminate against people. Question

Finally, the two icons on the [Details] button (one for expand and one for collapse) were drawn by me. I originally wanted to choose the one on mstsc.exe, but found that the effect was not satisfactory, so I might as well draw it myself

Having said so much, I think it is an ideal implementation, but it may have a lot of flaws. Once again, I would like to ask for some advice from passing heroes. Thank you.

Finally, the Demo is here, and there is a Tester for you to experience:

Introducing an enhanced message box (MessageBoxEx) in C# that can carry additional messages

The above is the detailed content of Introducing an enhanced message box (MessageBoxEx) in C# that can carry additional messages. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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