Below are instructions for scheduling functionality in the C# 7.0 language. Most of these features work in Visual Studio "15" Preview 4. Now is the best time to try it out, so please record your thoughts.
The C# 7.0 language adds many new features to focus on data consumption, simplified code and performance.
Perhaps the biggest feature is tuples, which makes it easy to have multiple results and thereby simplify the code is pattern matching conditional on the shape of the data. But there are also many other features that I hope to combine to make the code run more efficiently and clearly, allowing for more creativity. If there is something that is not running the way you want or if there are features you want to improve, use the "send feedback" function at the top of the Visual Studio window to feed back the results to us. Many of the features I described are not yet fully functional in Preview 4, and based on user feedback, we will add some new features when the final version is released. It must be pointed out that some features in existing plans may be changed or canceled in the final version.
If you are interested in this feature set and want to learn it, you can find many design instructions and related discussions on the Roslyn GitHub site.
Currently in C#, using out parameters is not as smooth as we imagine. When calling a method with an out parameter, you first have to declare the variable to pass to it. Although you would not normally initialize these variables (they will be overwritten after passing the method), nor can you use VAR to declare them, you need to specify the complete type:
public void PrintCoordinates(Point p) { int x, y; // have to "predeclare" p.GetCoordinates(out x, out y); WriteLine($"({x}, {y})"); }
In C# 7.0, we added the Out variable as the point passed as the out parameter to declare a variable:
public void PrintCoordinates(Point p) { p.GetCoordinates(out int x, out int y); WriteLine($"({x}, {y})"); }
Note that the variables are within the scope of the enclosing block, so they can be used later. Most types of statements do not establish their own scope, so out variables are usually introduced into the enclosing scope in the declaration.
Note: In Preview 4, the scope rules are stricter: the scope of out variables is the statement in which they are declared. Therefore, the above example will not be used in subsequent versions.
Since out variables are declared directly as arguments passed to out parameters, the compiler can usually tell the type (unless there are conflicting overloads). So it's nice to declare them with VAR instead of a type:
p.GetCoordinates(out var x, out var y);
A common use of the out parameter is the Try... mode, where a boolean return in the out parameter indicates success, and the result obtained by the out parameter is:
public void PrintStars(string s) { if (int.TryParse(s, out var i)) { WriteLine(new string('*', i)); } else { WriteLine("Cloudy - no stars tonight!"); } }
Note: Preview 4 handles it better by just defining it with an if statement.
Plan to allow "wildcards" as out parameters as well as in * form, ignoring unimportant out parameters:
p.GetCoordinates(out int x, out *); // I only care about x
Note: Whether wildcards can turn it into C# 7.0 is still unknown.
C# 7.0 introduces the concept of mode. Abstractly speaking, this is a grammatical component that can be used to test whether a value has a certain "shape" and what is obtained from the value when it works. extra information.
The following is an example of patterns in C# 7.0:
The constant mode of c (c is a constant expression in C#) is used to test whether the input parameters are equal to c
The type pattern of T x (T is a type, x is an identifier) is used to test whether the input parameter has type T. If so, extract the value of the input parameter into a new x variable of type T.
var x variable pattern (x is an identifier), usually matches and simply puts the value of the input parameter into a new variable x
This is a start, patterns are a new C# language element, and we can add more of them to C# in the future.
In C# 7.0, we are using patterns to enhance two existing language constructs:
is expressions can now have a pattern on the right hand side instead of just a type
case clauses in switch statements can now be matched by patterns, not just constant values
In the future of C#, we may add more places where patterns can be used.
This is an example of using an is expression with constant pattern and type pattern:
public void PrintStars(object o) { if (o is null) return; // constant pattern "null" if (!(o is int i)) return; // type pattern "int i" WriteLine(new string('*', i)); }
正如你所看到的,模式变量(变量通过模式引入)与先前描述的 out 变量有些类似,他们可以在表达式中被声明,而且可以在它们最近的周围范围内被使用。也像 out 变量那样,模式变量是易变的,
注: 就像 out 变量一样,严格的范围规则适用于 Preview 4.
模式和 Try 方法通常会一起出现:
if (o is int i || (o is string s && int.TryParse(s, out i)) { /* use i */ }
我们正在泛化 switch 语句,因此:
你可以在任何类型上使用 switch(不仅仅是原始类型)
可以在 case 子句中使用模式
Case 子句可以拥有额外的条件
switch(shape) { case Circle c: WriteLine($"circle with radius {c.Radius}"); break; case Rectangle s when (s.Length == s.Height): WriteLine($"{s.Length} x {s.Height} square"); break; case Rectangle r: WriteLine($"{r.Length} x {r.Height} rectangle"); break; default: WriteLine("<unknown shape>"); break; case null: throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(shape)); }
有几件关于这个新扩展的 switch 语句的事需要注意:
case 子句的顺序现在很重要:就像 catch 子句,case 子句不再是必然不相交的,第一个子句匹配的将被选择。因此这里重要的是上面代码中 square case 比 rectangle case 来得要早。也是和 catch 子句一样,编译器会通过标记明显不能到达的情况来帮助你。在这之前,你永远无法知道评价的顺序,所以这不是一个重大改变的特性。
默认子句总是最后被评价:即使上面代码中 null 子句是最后才来,它会在默认子句被选择前被检查。这是为了与现有 switch 语义相兼容。然而,好的做法通常会让你把默认子句放到最后。
null 子句在最后不可到达:这是因为类型模式遵循当前的 is 表达式的例子并且不会匹配空值。这保证了空值不会偶然被任何的类型模式捎来第一抢购。你必须更明确如何处理它们(或为默认子句留下他们)。
通过 case ...: 标签引入的模式变量仅存在于相对应的 switch 部分的范围内。
Out 参数。使用笨拙(即便有上面描述到的提升),它们不使用异步的方法运行。
System.Tuple<...> 返回类型。使用累赘并且需要一个元组对象的分配。
匿名类型通过返回一个 dynamic 返回类型。高性能开销并且没有静态类型检查。
为了在这方面做得更好,C# 添加了tuple types 和 tuple literals:
(string, string, string) LookupName(long id) // tuple return type { ... // retrieve first, middle and last from data storage return (first, middle, last); // tuple literal }
var names = LookupName(id); WriteLine($"found {names.Item1} {names.Item3}.");
Item1 等等,是元组元素的默认名字,并能够经常被使用。但它们不是太好描述的,因此你可以选择性地添加更好的一个。
(string first, string middle, string last) LookupName(long id) // tuple elements have names
var names = LookupName(id); WriteLine($"found {names.first} {names.last}.");
你也可以在 tuple literals 中直接指定名字:
return (first: first, middle: middle, last: last); // named tuple elements in a literal
通常来说,你可以互相分配元组类型无关的名字,只要独立的元素是可以被分配的,元组类型会自如 转换成其他元组类型。特别是对于 tuple literals ,存在一些限制,这会警告或提示在常见的错误的情况下提示,例如偶然交换元素的名字。
注意:这些限制还没在 Preview 4 中实现
注意:元组依赖一系列底层类型,它们在 Preview 4 中不被引入。为了将来的工作,你可以通过 NuGget 轻易获取它们: 在 Solution Explorer 中右键点击项目,并选择“Manage NuGet Packages…” 选择“Browse”选项卡,检查“Include prerelease” 并且选择“”作为“Package source” 搜索“System.ValueTuple”并安装它
(string first, string middle, string last) = LookupName(id1); // deconstructing decla rationWriteLine($"found {first} {last}.");
(var first, var middle, var last) = LookupName(id1); // var inside
var (first, middle, last) = LookupName(id1); // var outside
(first, middle, last) = LookupName(id2); // deconstructing assignment
public void Deconstruct(out T1 x1, ..., out Tn xn) { ... }
class Point { public int X { get; } public int Y { get; } public Point(int x, int y) { X = x; Y = y; } public void Deconstruct(out int x, out int y) { x = X; y = Y; } } (var myX, var myY) = GetPoint(); // calls Deconstruct(out myX, out myY);
(var myX, *) = GetPoint(); // I only care about myX
注:仍然还没有确定是否将通配符引入C# 7.0中。
public int Fibonacci(int x) { if (x < 0) throw new ArgumentException("Less negativity please!", nameof(x)); return Fib(x).current; (int current, int previous) Fib(int i) { if (i == 0) return (1, 0); var (p, pp) = Fib(i - 1); return (p + pp, p); } }
举一个例子,方法实现迭代器通常需要严格检查调用时非迭代器封装方法。(迭代器本身没有运行,只到调用MoveNext 才会运行)。局部函数在这种情况下是完美的:
public IEnumerable<T> Filter<T>(IEnumerable<T> source, Func<T, bool> filter) { if (source == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(source)); if (filter == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(filter)); return Iterator(); IEnumerable<T> Iterator() { foreach (var element in source) { if (filter(element)) { yield return element; } } } }
注:在Preview 4版本中,本地函数必须在它们被调用之前声明。这个限制将被放松,能调用读取直接赋值的局部变量。
C# 7.0 允许使用“_”作为数字分隔符在数字literals中:
var d = 123_456; var x = 0xAB_CD_EF;
此外,C# 7.0也介绍了二进制literals,这样你可以直接指定二进制模式而不必知道十六进制符号。
var b = 0b1010_1011_1100_1101_1110_1111;
就像你可以通过reference(用ref修饰符)在C#中传递东西,您现在可以通过reference return 他们,并通过 reference将它们存储在局部变量中。
public ref int Find(int number, int[] numbers) { for (int i = 0; i < numbers.Length; i++) { if (numbers[i] == number) { return ref numbers[i]; // return the storage location, not the value } } throw new IndexOutOfRangeException($"{nameof(number)} not found"); } int[] array = { 1, 15, -39, 0, 7, 14, -12 }; ref int place = ref Find(7, array); // aliases 7's place in the array place = 9; // replaces 7 with 9 in the array WriteLine(array[4]); // prints 9
这对绕过占位符成为大数据结构是非常有用的。举例来说,一个游戏可能会在一个大的预分配数组结构中保存其数据(为避免垃圾收集暂停)。Methods 可以直接返回一个 reference 到这样一个结构,且通过调用者可以读取和修改它。
你可以只返回 refs 那些是 “安全返回(safe to return)”的:那些被传递给你的,和那些点到对象的字段。
Ref locals被初始化为某一存储位置,并且不能突变到指向另一个。
Expression-bodied 方法、属性等都是C# 6.0的重大突破,但并不允许他们在各种各样的member中使用,C#7.0添加了访问器、构造函数和终结器等,使更多member可以使用Expression-bodied 方法:
class Person { private static ConcurrentDictionary<int, string> names = new ConcurrentDictionary<int, string>(); private int id = GetId(); public Person(string name) => names.TryAdd(id, name); // constructors ~Person() => names.TryRemove(id, out *); // destructors public string Name { get => names[id]; // getters set => names[id] = value; // setters } }
注:这些额外的Expression-bodied 方法还没有工作在预览4。
class Person { public string Name { get; } public Person(string name) => Name = name ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(name); public string GetFirstName() { var parts = Name.Split(" "); return (parts.Length > 0) ? parts[0] : throw new InvalidOperationException("No name!"); } public string GetLastName() => throw new NotImplementedException(); }
The above is the detailed content of C# 7.0 new language features. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!