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Algorithm explanation from array to HashMap

Release: 2017-04-30 10:11:05
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1. What is an array?

I forgot which book I have seen a sentence like "All data structures are the evolution of arrays". It actually makes sense when you think about it, because the computer's memory is actually a linear storage space.

Java sample code: int[] array = new int[5]

Ignoring the object header information and array length information, the JVM will allocate 20 bytes of memory space in the heap during execution, which looks like this:

Such a data structure can easily access data through array subscripts, but it requires traversing the array when searching, and the average time complexity is O(n/2).

When the amount of data is large or search operations are frequent, such traversal operations are almost unacceptable. So, how can we find data quickly in less time?

2. Binary search

If the elements in the array are sorted, then the natural way is to use binary search.

For example, there is an integer array with a length of 1000. The integers in the array are arranged from small to large. If I want to know whether 6000 is in this array. Then I can first check whether the number in array[500] is 6000. If the number in array[500] is smaller than 6000, then check the number in array[750]...and so on. Then after up to 10 times, the result can be determined. .

The time complexity of this algorithm is O(logN).

However, in most cases, array elements are unordered, and the time complexity O(NlogN) required for sorting usually far exceeds the time required for traversal.

So, the problem is back to its original point. How to quickly find data in disordered data?

3. Ignorant thinking

I still remember watching "Programming Pearls" when I first learned programming. There was a description in it: In the 1970s, Mike Lesk built a phone number search function for the telephone company. For example, enter the number key 5375*6* corresponding to LESK*M*. The correct phone number or optional list can be returned with a false match rate of only 0.2%.

How can it be done?

At that time, I didn’t understand data structures and algorithms at all. It’s still very interesting to restore the process of wild thinking at that time.

㈠ Addition

Adding all the numbers (the * key is 11), the sum of 5375*6* is 48. The sum of most inputs does not exceed 100, which means that tens of thousands of phone numbers will be clustered in the first 100 positions of the array, so it is not feasible.

(ii) Multiplication

When all the numbers are multiplied together, the product is 381150. This seems feasible, but there is a problem: the products of lesk, lsek, slke... are the same, and each number key also corresponds to 3 letters, which means that the probability of repetition is very high.

(iii) Improved multiplication

① Strings with the same letters but different alphabetical orders can avoid conflicts in this way: each number is first multiplied by the serial number, and then multiplied by other values.

②Each numeric key corresponds to 3 English letters. If the user does not enter the sequence number of the letter in the numeric key, there is no way to further calculate accurately. The only direction that can be considered is to make probability statistics based on the given word list, so it will not be considered.

(IV) Location conflict

Even if improved multiplication is used, the products calculated by different name letters may still be repeated. So what should be done when a conflict occurs?

Save the sequence to the next empty location? Come to think of it this doesn't work. If the next blank position happens to be the product of another set of letters, a secondary conflict occurs.

Fortunately, there are prime numbers.

Prime numbers can only be divisible by 1 and itself, so any product obtained by the above multiplication cannot be a prime number, so the phone number is not stored in the prime number position.

Therefore, starting from the current product, search for the next prime number to the right. If the prime number position is still used, then continue to search for the next nearest prime number...

At this point, the problem seems to be solved.

The user inputs a string of numbers, the product is calculated according to the formula, and the phone number at the subscript position is returned. If it is incorrect, the subsequent prime numbers are searched sequentially until the array element subscripted by a certain prime number is empty, and finally all found phone numbers are returned. In most cases, the phone number can be found in O(1) time complexity.

(5) The array is too large

The only problem is that the array created according to the above idea is too large. A name has 10 letters. If the number corresponding to each letter is 9, the final product obtained is approximately 9 raised to the 17th power. This means building an array of size 9^17, which is completely unfeasible.


Even if the factor of the array being too large is not taken into account, with my level of beginner programming at that time, I was unable to write such a program.

The reason why I restored this thinking process is that I think the process of independent thinking is very interesting and valuable. Think about it, in fact, the existing algorithms were finally derived by the experts who sought solutions step by step in actual projects.

Therefore, when you encounter some difficult problems in engineering, as long as you are willing to think about decomposing the problem and seek solutions to every small problem, then many so-called problems can be solved.

Later, after reading "Data Structure and Algorithm Analysis. Java Language Description", I realized that my idea was actually Open Addressing.

JDK's HashMap uses separate chaining. Difference: The concept of buckets is added to save conflicting data; remainder operation is performed to reduce the array size.

So, let’s talk about HashMap in Java.

4. Detailed explanation of HashMap structure and algorithm

The essence of HashMap is still an array, and it is a multi-dimensional array of variable length, similar to the structure below:

㈠ Brief introduction

The array in HashMap stores the head node of the linked list.

save data:

Calculate the hashCode of the key, and then perform a remainder operation with the array length to obtain the array subscript (linked list head node).

If the position is empty, generate a new linked list node and save it to the array.

If the position is not empty, each node in the linked list is compared cyclically: there is already a node with the same key, and the old node is overwritten; if there is no node with the same key, the new node is used as the tail node of the linked list (note: see JDK1.8 Source code, new nodes are always added to the end of the linked list, instead of being the head node of the linked list like JDK1.6).

Find data:

Calculate the hashCode of the key, and then perform a remainder operation with the array length to obtain the array subscript (linked list head node). If the linked list is not empty, compare the first node first. If the first node key is the same (hashCode is the same and equals is true), the value of the first node is directly returned; if the first node key is different, the other nodes in the linked list are traversed sequentially and compared, and the value with the same key is returned. The value of the node (null is returned if no node with the same key is found).

The purpose of HashMap introducing linked lists is to solve the duplicate conflict problem discussed in the previous section.


If the hashcode of all keys is the same, assuming they are all 0, then 0%4 = 0, all elements will be saved to linked list 0, and saving and searching for each data requires traversing linked list 0. Then, the HashMap at this time has essentially degenerated into a linked list, and the time complexity has also increased from the designed O(1) to O(n/2).

In order to keep the time complexity of HashMap search and saving at O(1) as much as possible, the elements need to be evenly distributed in each linked list, that is, each linked list only saves one element.

​So what are the influencing factors?

First, the hashcode of the key cannot be repeated. If it is repeated, there will definitely be a linked list to save at least 2 elements;

The second is the hash function design. If it is just a simple remainder, then the remainder will be repeated a lot;

The third is the capacity of the array. If 100 elements are to be distributed in an array with a length of 10, no matter how you calculate it, there will be a linked list to save multiple elements. The best case is that each linked list saves 10;

The algorithm design of these three factors is introduced in detail below.

(ii) Hashcode generation

This is the hashCode generation code of the String class.

  public int hashCode() {
    int h = hash;
    if (h == 0 && value.length > 0) {
      char val[] = value;
      for (int i = 0; i < value.length; i++) {
        h = 31 * h + val[i];
      hash = h;
    return h;
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The value of the String class is char[], and char can be converted into UTF-8 encoding. For example, the UTF-8 encodings of 'a', 'b', and 'c' are 97, 98, and 99 respectively; "abc" converted into the formula according to the above code is:

h = 31 * 0 + 97 = 97;

h = 31 * 97 + 98 = 3105;

h = 31 * 3105 + 99 = 96354;

31 is used as the multiplier factor because it is a relatively suitable size of prime number: if the value is too small, the product will be too small when the number of items involved in calculating the hashcode is small; if it is an even number, it is equivalent to a left shift. When multiplication Overflow results in regular bit information loss. Both of these will lead to increased repetition rates.

If 32 is used as the multiplier factor (equivalent to << 5), taking the string "abcabcabcabcabc" as an example, the calculation results of each step of its hashcode are as follows:

As shown in the figure above, every 3 letters at the end of the string will generate a repeated hashcode. This is not a coincidence. Even if you change to other English letters, it is easy to repeat, and using prime numbers will greatly reduce the possibility of repetition. Those who are interested can refer to the picture above to perform the left shift operation, and you will find that this is not accidental.

  《Effective Java》一书中详细描述了hashcode的生成规则和注意事项,有兴趣的可以去看看。



  ㈢ 哈希函数设计


  ⑴ 扰动函数

  static final int hash(Object key) {
      int h;
      return (key == null) ? 0 : (h = key.hashCode()) ^ (h >>> 16);
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  因为哈希函数的计算公式就是hashCode % tableSize,当tableSize是2的n次方(n≥1)的时候,等价于hashCode & (tableSize - 1)。

  扰动函数优化前:1954974080 % 16 = 1954974080 & (16 - 1) = 0

  扰动函数优化后:1955003654 % 16 = 1955003654 & (16 - 1) = 6


  ⑵ 源代码详解



  final V putVal(int hash, K key, V value, boolean onlyIfAbsent, boolean evict) {
    Node<K,V>[] tab;    //HashMap数组
    Node<K,V> p;      //初始化需要保存的数据
    int n;         //数组容量
    int i;         //数组下标

    /* 如果数组为空或0,初始化容量为16 */
    if ((tab = table) == null || (n = tab.length) == 0){
      n = (tab = resize()).length;

    /* 使用哈希函数获取数组位置(如果为空,保存新节点到数组) */
    if ((p = tab[i = (n - 1) & hash]) == null){
      tab[i] = newNode(hash, key, value, null);

    /* 如果数组位置已经有值,则使用下列方式保存数据 */
    else {
      Node<K,V> e;    //临时节点保存新值
      K k;        //临时变量用于比较key

      //如果头节点与新节点的key的hash值相同 且 key的值相等,e赋值为旧节点
      if (p.hash == hash && ((k = p.key) == key || (key != null && key.equals(k)))){
        e = p;

      else if (p instanceof TreeNode){
      	e = ((TreeNode<K,V>)p).putTreeVal(this, tab, hash, key, value);

      else {
        for (int binCount = 0; ; ++binCount) {
          if ((e = p.next) == null) {
            p.next = newNode(hash, key, value, null);

            if (binCount >= TREEIFY_THRESHOLD - 1){
              treeifyBin(tab, hash);
          if (e.hash == hash && ((k = e.key) == key || (key != null && key.equals(k)))){
          p = e;

      if (e != null) {
        V oldValue = e.value;
        //如果新值不为空且(允许修改旧值 或 旧值为空),覆盖旧节点的值
        if (!onlyIfAbsent || oldValue == null){
          e.value = value; 	
        afterNodeAccess(e);  //回调函数,这里是空函数,但在linkedHashMap中实现了此方法
        return oldValue;    //返回旧值


    //当key数量大于允许容量时进行扩容。允许容量在HashMap中是数组长度 * 装填因子(默认0.75)
    if (++size > threshold){

    return null;
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  ⑶ 简化后的伪代码

  putval(key, value){
    index = key.hashcode % tablesize;
    if(null == table[index]){
      table[index] = new node(key, value);
      firstNode = table[index];
      nextNode = firstNode.next;
        if(key == nextNode.key){
          nextNode = new node(key, value);  
        if(nextNode.next == null){
          nextNode.next = new node(key, value);
        nextNode = nextNode.next;
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  ⑷ 数组大小设计



  HashMap的初始容量是 1 << 4,也就是16。以后每次扩容都是size << 1,也就是扩容成原来容量的2倍。如此设计是因为 2^n-1(n≥1)的二进制表示总是为重复的1,方便进行求余运算。



  根据公式index = hashCode % size可知,无论size是质数还是非质数,index的值区间都是0至(size-1)之间,似乎真正起决定作用的是hashCode的随机性要好。





  ㈣ 关于其它

  红黑树是在JDK 1.8中引入的,想用简单的语言来讲清楚红黑树的数据结构、增删改查操作及时间复杂度分析,这是一个复杂且艰难的任务,更适合单独来描述,因此留待以后吧。

 五 最小完美哈希函数(Minimal Perfect Hash Function, MPHF)



  ⑴ 容器容量与数据集合的大小完全一致;

⑵ There is no conflict.

In other words, when a certain data set is given, if a hash function allows each node of the container to have one and only one data element, such a hash function is called a minimum perfect hash function.

Recently, I was studying the principles of compilation, and mentioned how to solve the O(1) time complexity search problem of keyword sets, and mentioned that the minimum perfect hash function can be used. When I see a term like this, I immediately feel very good and noble.

The above is the detailed content of Algorithm explanation from array to HashMap. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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