Many Web applications save data to Relational database management systems such as MySQL, application The server reads the data from it and displays it in the browser. However, as the amount of data increases and access becomes concentrated, there will be adverse effects such as increased burden on the database, deterioration of database response, and delayed website display. Distributed caching is an important means to optimize website performance. A large number of sites provide large-scale hot data caching services through scalable server clusters. By caching data library query results and reducing the number of database accesses, the speed and scalability of dynamic web applications can be significantly improved. Commonly used in the industry are redis, memcached, etc. Today I want to talk about how to use the memcached cache service in the python project.
memcached is an open source, high-performance, distributed memory objectcaching system that can be applied Various scenarios require caching, the main purpose of which is to speed up web applications by reducing access to the Database.
Memcached itself does not actually provide a distributed solution. On the server side, the memcached cluster environment is actually the accumulation of memcached servers, and the environment construction is relatively simple; the distribution of the cache is mainly implemented on the client, and is processed through the client's routing Achieve the purpose of distributed solutions. The principle of client routing is very simple. Every time the application server accesses the value of a certain key, it maps the key to a certain memcached server nodeA through the routing algorithm. Therefore, all operations on this key are performed on nodeA. Carried on. As long as the server still caches the data, a cache hit is guaranteed.
Hash: Use the hash value of the cached data key , divided by the number of servers, the remainder is the number in the table below of the server list. This algorithm can evenly distribute cache data throughout the memcached cluster, and can also meet most cache routing requirements.
However, when the memcached cluster needs to be expanded, problems will occur. For example: the website needs to expand the capacity of 3 cache servers to 4 cache servers. After changing the server list, if you still use the remainder hash, it is easy to calculate that 75% of the requests will not hit the cache. As the size of the server cluster increases, the miss rate becomes higher.
1%3 = 1 1%4 = 1 2%3 = 2 2%4 = 2 3%3 = 0 3%4 = 3 4%4 = 1 4%4 = 0 #以此类推
deleting a single node will not have a big impact on the entire cluster.
为了提高性能,memcached中保存的数据都存储在memcached内置的内存存储空间中。由于数据仅存在于内存中,因此重启memcached、重启操作系统会导致全部数据消失。另外,缓存的内容容量达到指定值之后,就基于LRU(Least Recently Used)算法自动删除不使用的缓存。memcached本身是为缓存而设计的服务,因此并没有过多考虑数据的永久性问题。
slab是一个内存块,它是memcached一次申请内存的最小单位。在启动memcached的时候一般会使用参数-m指定其可用内存,但是并不是在启动的那一刻所有的内存就全部分配出去了,只有在需要的时候才会去申请,而且每次申请一定是一个slab。Slab的大小固定为1M(1048576 Byte),一个slab由若干个大小相等的chunk组成。每个chunk中都保存了一个item结构体、一对key和value。
虽然在同一个slab中chunk的大小相等的,但是在不同的slab中chunk的大小并不一定相等,在memcached中按照chunk的大小不同,可以把slab分为很多种类(class),默认情况下memcached把slab分为40类(class1~class40),在class 1中,chunk的大小为80字节,由于一个slab的大小是固定的1048576字节(1M),因此在class1中最多可以有13107个chunk(也就是这个slab能存最多13107个小于80字节的key-value数据)。
memcached内存管理采取预分配、分组管理的方式,分组管理就是我们上面提到的slab class,按照chunk的大小slab被分为很多种类。内存预分配过程是怎样的呢?向memcached添加一个item时候,memcached首先会根据item的大小,来选择最合适的slab class:例如item的大小为190字节,默认情况下class 4的chunk大小为160字节显然不合适,class 5的chunk大小为200字节,大于190字节,因此该item将放在class 5中(显然这里会有10字节的浪费是不可避免的),计算好所要放入的chunk之后,memcached会去检查该类大小的chunk还有没有空闲的,如果没有,将会申请1M(1个slab)的空间并划分为该种类chunk。例如我们第一次向memcached中放入一个190字节的item时,memcached会产生一个slab class 2(也叫一个page),并会用去一个chunk,剩余5241个chunk供下次有适合大小item时使用,当我们用完这所有的5242个chunk之后,下次再有一个在160~200字节之间的item添加进来时,memcached会再次产生一个class 5的slab(这样就存在了2个pages)。
$ sudo apt-get install memcached $ memcached -m 32 -p 11211 -d # memcached将会以守护程序的形式启动 memcached(-d),为其分配32M内存(-m 32),并指定监听 localhost的11211端口。
#!/usr/bin/env pythonimport memcache mc = memcache.Client([''],debug=0) mc.set("some_key", "Some value") value = mc.get("some_key") mc.set("another_key", 3) mc.delete("another_key") mc.set("key", "1") # note that the key used for incr/decr must be a string. mc.incr("key") mc.decr("key")
def _get_server(self, key): if isinstance(key, tuple): serverhash, key = key else: serverhash = serverHashFunction(key) if not self.buckets: return None, None for i in range(Client._SERVER_RETRIES): server = self.buckets[serverhash % len(self.buckets)] if server.connect(): # print("(using server %s)" % server,) return server, key serverhash = serverHashFunction(str(serverhash) + str(i)) return None, None
从源码中可以看到:server = self.buckets[serverhash % len(self.buckets)]
import memcacheimport typesfrom hash_ring import HashRingclass MemcacheRing(memcache.Client): """Extends python-memcache so it uses consistent hashing to distribute the keys. """ def init(self, servers, *k, **kw): self.hash_ring = HashRing(servers) memcache.Client.init(self, servers, *k, **kw) self.server_mapping = {} for server_uri, server_obj in zip(servers, self.servers): self.server_mapping[server_uri] = server_obj def _get_server(self, key): if type(key) == types.TupleType: return memcache.Client._get_server(key) for i in range(self._SERVER_RETRIES): iterator = self.hash_ring.iterate_nodes(key) for server_uri in iterator: server_obj = self.server_mapping[server_uri] if server_obj.connect(): return server_obj, key return None, None
这里采用的策略是:1. 应用程序先从cache取数据,没有得到,则从数据库中取数据,成功后,放到缓存中。2. 应用程序从cache中取数据,取到后返回。缓存更新是一个很复杂的问题,一般是先把数据存到数据库中,成功后,再让缓存失效。后面会再写文单独讨论memcached缓存更新的问题。
# coding: utf-8import sysimport tornado.ioloopimport tornado.webimport loggingimport memcacheimport jsonimport urllib# 初始化memcache clientmc = memcache.Client([''], debug=0) mc_prefix = 'demo'class BaseHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler): """ 把缓存处理抽象到BaseHandler基类 """ USE_CACHE = False # 控制是否使用缓存 def format_args(self): arg_list = [] for a in self.request.arguments: for value in self.request.arguments[a]: arg_list.append('%s=%s' % (a, urllib.quote(value.replace(' ', '')))) # 根据请求的URL产生key arg_list.sort() key = '%s?%s' % (self.request.path, '&'.join(arg_list)) if arg_list else self.request.path key = '%s_%s' % (mc_prefix, key) # key太长,不进行缓存处理 if len(key) > 250: logging.error('key out of length: %s', key) return None return key def get(self, *args, **kwargs): if self.USE_CACHE: try: # 根据请求获取key self.key = self.format_args() if self.key: data = mc.get(self.key) # 若缓存命中,则直接返回数据 if data:'get data from memecahce') self.finish(data) return except Exception, e: logging.exception(e) # 若未命中缓存,调用do_get处理请求,获取数据 data = self.do_get() data_str = json.dumps(data) # 把成功获取到的数据,放入memcache缓存 if self.USE_CACHE and data and data.get('result', -1) == 0 and self.key: try: mc.set(self.key, data_str, 60) except Exception, e: logging.exception(e) self.finish(data_str) def do_get(self): return Noneclass DemoHandler(BaseHandler): USE_CACHE = True def do_get(self): a = self.get_argument('a', 'test') b = self.get_argument('b', 'test') # 访问数据库获取数据,此处略去 data = {'result': 0, 'a': a, 'b': b} return datadef make_app(): return tornado.web.Application([ (r"/", DemoHandler), ])if name == "main": logging.basicConfig(stream=sys.stdout, level=logging.INFO, format='%(asctime)s %(levelno)s %(message)s', ) app = make_app() app.listen(8888) tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.current().start()
2017-02-21 22:45:05,987 20 304 GET /?a=1&b=2 ( 3.11ms 2017-02-21 22:45:07,427 20 get data from memecahce 2017-02-21 22:45:07,427 20 304 GET /?a=1&b=2 ( 0.71ms 2017-02-21 22:45:10,350 20 200 GET /?a=1&b=3 ( 0.82ms 2017-02-21 22:45:13,586 20 get data from memecahce
The above is the detailed content of Detailed explanation of memcached operation in Python (picture and text). For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!