Two methods recursive conversion array and xml $v) { if ($v instanceof simplexmlelement||is_array($v)) { $sim[$k]=toarray($v); } } return $sim; } $sx=simplexml_load_file('./try.xml'); print_r($sx); print_r(toarray($sx)); // Looking at the source code, you can see that the web page returns an error $arr=array('a'=>'111', 'b'=>'2222', 'c'=>array( 'd'=>'hahaha', 'e'=>array( 'what
## Introduction:: This article mainly introduces the conversion of XML and arrays , students who are interested in PHP tutorials can refer to it.
2. Does the file saved asXML('file.xml') after XML processing in SimpleXML have no formatting? One line looks like a book from heaven
Introduction: Does the file saved as XML('file.xml') after processing XML in SimpleXML have no formatting? One line looks like a holy book. Construct an xml file in SimpleXML. xml->addChild() xml->addAttribute() Damn it, When saving, xml->asXML('file.xml'); is generated x27;) Does the saved file have no formatting? One line looks like a book from heaven
Introduction: After XML is processed in SimpleXML, the file saved asXML('file.xml') has no formatting? One line looks like a book from heaven. To construct an xml file in SimpleXML, xml->addChild() xml->addAttribute() is amazing. When saving, the xml file formed by xml->asXML('file.xml'); , all in one line
4.anchorPoint in cocos2d
Introduction: Place the image to the lower left of the screen CCSprite sprite = CCSprite.sprite( Default.png ); addChild(sprite); The generated sprite is placed at (0,0), which is the lower left corner of the screen. However, the center point of the sprite's texture is consistent with the lower left corner of the sprite, causing only part of the texture to be displayed (the upper right half of the texture). You can think of it this way
5.cocos2dx Complex Action (BezierTo & BezierBy) Bezier Curve Movement
Introduction ://Create a sprite Sprite * sprite = Sprite::create(CloseNormal.png); sprite-setPosition(Point(50,180)); this-addChild(sprite,1); //Create a Bezier curve ccBezierConfig bezier; bezier.controlPoint_1 = Point(100, 0);//Trough bias bezier.controlPoint_2
6.Add three ways to display text in cocos2d (CCLabelTTF, CCLabelBMFont
Introduction: CCLabelTTF CCLabelBMFont CCLabelAtlas CCLabelTTF CCLabelTTF So, OK, let’s take a look at how to use it CCLabelTTF *label = [CCLabelTTF labelWithString:@the stringfontName:@Marker Felt fontSize:21]; [layer addChild:label]; label.position = ccp(100,100);
7.cocos2dx adds background color
Introduction: --CCLayer is a frame layer ccLayer = CCLayerColor:create(ccc4(0, 0, 255, 255))layerFarm:setVisible(true)layerFarm:addChild(ccLayer) ccc4 is the color RGBA formula, 0, 0 , 255, 255 is pure blue 255, 0, 0, 255 pure red 0, 255, 0, 255 pure green gradient background blue = ccc4(255, 0, 0, 2## 8.
cocos2dx 3.0 Drawing graphics
Introduction: The graphics drawing in 3.0 has canceled the draw() node method of drawing graphics. You can directly write code to draw graphics. Interface. DrawNode* drawNode = DrawNode::create();drawNode-drawTriangle(Point(100, 100), Point(200, 200), Point(300, 100), Color4F::BLUE);this-addChild(drawNode) ;Dra##[Related Q&A recommendation]:
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The above is the detailed content of Recommended articles about addChild() function. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!