作为一个行走江湖多年的老中医,今天受命去解决一例前端页面展现缓慢的问题。问题页的情况如下: apache + php 使用smarty模板输出内容 页面最终输出内容较大,80k+ 页面执行时间在500ms以上 祭出法宝xhprof对问题页面做了细致检查,发现页面的瓶颈竟然是模板(编译后的)中的一个echo语句,这个echo语句输出的字符串比较大,大概是50k+字节,花费时间为400多毫秒,占整个页面执行时间的80%。这样的echo输出在站点首页中其实是很常见的事情,没有数据库操作,按道理执行时间不应该这么长。 于是猛力使用搜索技能,最终在php手册的echo部分找到了一些蛛丝马迹,早在2003年就有前辈认为通过echo输出大字符串到客户端会引起服务器的性能问题,据我测试,在这个场景下使用print其实也是一样的慢。建议的解决办法是把字符串切割成更小的字符串输出,展现速度会有提升,输出函数如
简介:PHP的echo输出内容过多会很慢。作为一个行走江湖多年的老中医,今天受命去解决一例前端页面展现缓慢的问题。问题页的情况如下: apache + php 使用smarty模板输出内容 页
2. 问大家一个wordpress知更鸟hotnews pro2.72 主题页面中热点推荐里字体修改的问题
简介:问大家一个wordpress知更鸟hotnews pro2.72 主题页面中热点推荐里字体修改的问题
3. discuz x3.2下主题页因为dtd前面有一行空格和不知名的占位符,导致很多错误
简介:discuz x3.2下主题页因为dtd前面有一行空格和不知名的占位符,导致很多错误
4. 请教给问题页面地址后面加斜杠也可以正常浏览,这是怎么回事?
5. php中英文切换有关问题
简介:php中英文切换问题页面加了个{template 'member', 'footer'},页面上的其他内容都能切换成英文,template里面的foot却不行,在登陆界面和注册界面里面又能切换成英文,其他页面都不行,这是啥问题foot代码: 6. 循环取值有关问题 简介:循环取值问题页面 Introduction: Ask everyone about WordPress knowledge The problem of modifying the font in the hot recommendation in the theme page of HotNews Pro2.72. How to modify the font size of the title in the hot recommendation on the home page of this theme? Thank you everyone
Share to: Introduction: Please tell me if you can add a slash after the address of the question page and you can browse it normally. ,How is this going? This is a normal access situation. You can access it by adding a slash after it, but the entire page is deformed. What is happening? For example: I don’t understand how to add a slash to access it. It should be reported directly as an error? How can I tell if there is a slash behind it? ------Solution idea------------------- 9. discuz placeholder, causing many exceptions
Introduction: The topic page under discuz x3.2 has a line of spaces and unknown placeholders in front of the dtd, which causes many errors. A line of spaces and unknown placeholders lead to many errors. The same is true for the theme page under the official default template. There is no problem with the template file when tested locally. Is this a logic code problem or other problems? ------Solution-------------- ------There is only one BOM header $url&nbs 10. Problems related to the page passing parameters to phpexcel Introduction: Problems related to the page passing parameters to phpexcel. There is an export excel button on the page. How to pass it? Click the button to transfer the parameters of the page to the background (the front page will not jump) to export the corresponding excel. Front-end technology or plugins? How is this question tag system implemented in JavaScript? javascript - How to insert a lot of text in HTML Random number - PHP random reading data problem! ! ! The above is the detailed content of 10 recommended articles about title pages. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!
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