A complete explanation of HTML tags. You can learn about it and use it in the future if you know that this thing exists.
HTML Tag Explanation
1. HTML Tag
Description: Specifies the document type definition (DTD) that the HTML document follows.
Tag: a
Description: Indicate the starting or destination position of the hyperlink.
Tag: acronym
Description: Indicate abbreviations.
Tag: address
Description: Specific information, such as address, signature, author, original creator of this document.
Tag: applet
Description: Place executable content on the page.
Tag: area
Description: Define the shape, coordinates and associated URL of a hyperlink area in a client image map.
Tag: attribute
Description: Represents the tag attribute or attribute of an HTML element in the form of an object.
Tag: b
Description: Specifies that text should be rendered in bold.
Tag: base
Description: Specify an explicit URL for resolving links and references to external sources, such as images and style sheets.
Tag: basefont
Description: Set the base font value as the default font when rendering text.
Tag: bdo
Description: Allows authors to disable bidirectional rules for selected text fragments.
Tag: bgsound
Description: Allows pages to have background sounds or create audio tracks.
Tag: big
Description: Specifies that the included text should be displayed in a slightly larger font than the current font.
Tag: blockquote
Description: Set a quote in the text.
Tag: body
Description: Specify the start and end of the document body.
Tag: br
Description: Insert a newline character.
Tag: button
Description: Specifies that the HTML contained in it is to be rendered as a button.
Tag: caption
Description: A brief description of the specified table.
Tag: center
Description: Center the following text and images.
Tag: cite
Description: Display the quote in italics.
Tag: clientinformation
Description: Contains information about the web browser.
Tag: clipboarddata
Description: Provides access to predefined clipboard formats for use in editing operations.
Tag: code
Description: Specify code example.
Tag: col
Description: Specify column-based table default properties.
Tag: colgroup
Description: Specify the default attributes of a column or a group of columns in the table.
Tag: comment
Description: Indicates invisible comments.
Tag: currentStyle
Description: Represents the object format and style specified in the global style sheet, inline style and HTML tag attributes.
Tag: custom
Description: Represents a user-defined element.
Tag: datatransfer
Description: Provides access to predefined clipboard formats for use in drag operations.
Tag: dd
Description: Indicate a definition in a definition list. Definitions are usually indented in definition lists.
Tag: defaults
Description: Programmatically set the default attributes of element behavior.
Tag: del
Description: Indicates that the text has been deleted from the document.
Tag: dfn
Description: Indicates the definition instance of the term.
Tag: dir
Description: Causes a directory listing.
Tag: p
Description: Specify the container for rendering HTML.
Tag: dl
Description: Causes a list of definitions.
Tag: document
Description: Represents an HTML document in a given browser window.
Tag: dt
Description: Indicate defined terms in the definition list.
Tag: em
Description: Emphasized text, usually rendered in italics.
Tag: embed
Description: Allows embedding in any document.
Tag: event
Description: Represents event status, such as the element where the event occurs, keyboard status, mouse position and mouse button status.
Tag: external
Description: Allows access to additional object models provided by the Microsoft Internet Explorer browser component hosting application.
Tag: fieldset
Description: Draw a box outside the text and other elements contained in the fieldset.
Tag: font
Description: Specifies the new font, size, and color used to render the contained text.
Tag: frame
Description: Specify a single frame within the FRAMESET element.
Tag: frameset
Description: Specify a frameset for organizing multiple frames and nested framesets.
Tag: from
Description: Specifies that the included controls function in the form.
Tag: head
Description: Provides an unordered collection of information about the document.
Tag: history
Description: Contains information about the URLs that the user has browsed.
Tag: hn
Description: Render text in title style.
Tag: hr
Description: Draw a horizontal line.
Tag: html
Description: Indicates that the document contains HTML elements. New in Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 When you specify standards compatibility mode using the !DOCTYPE declaration, this element represents the canvas—the entire surface onto which the document content will be rendered.
Tag: i
Description: Specifies that text should be rendered in italics, if available.
Tag: iframe
Instructions: Create an inline floating frame.
Tag: input
Description: Create various form input controls.
Tag: input type=button
Description: Create a button control.
Tag: input type=checkbox
Description: Create a checkbox control.
Tag: input type=file
Description: Create a file upload control with a text box and a browse button.
Tag: input type=hidden
Description: Transmit status information about the client/server interaction.
Tag: input type=image
Description: Create an image control that when clicked will cause the form to be submitted immediately.
Tag: input type=password
Description: Create a single-line text input control similar to the INPUT type=text control, but it does not display the content entered by the user.
Tag: input type=radio
Description: Create a radio button control.
Tag: input type=reset
Description: Create a button that, when clicked, will reset the form control to its default value.
Tag: input type=submit
Description: Create a button that will submit the form when clicked.
Tag: input type=text
Description: Create a single-line text input control.
Tag: ins
Description: Specify the text to be inserted into the document.
Tag: isindex
Description: Cause the browser to display a dialog box prompting the user to enter a single line of text.
Tag: kdb
Description: Renders text in a fixed-width font.
Label: label
Description: Specify labels for other elements on the page.
Tag: legend
Description: Insert a title into the box drawn by the fieldSet object.
Tag: li
Description: Causes an item in the list.
Tag: link
Description: Allows a connection between the current document and an external document.
Tag: listing
Description: Renders text in a fixed font.
Tag: location
Description: Contains information about the current URL.
Tag: map
Description: Contains the coordinate data of the client image mapping.
Tag: marquee
Description: Create a scrolling text marquee.
Tag: menu
Description: Create an unordered list of items.
Tag: meta
Description: Conveys hidden information about the document to the server and client.
Tag: namespace
Description: Dynamically import an element behavior into the document.
Tag: navigator
Description: Contains information about the web browser.
Tag: nextID
Description: Create a unique identifier that editing software can read.
Tag: nobr
Description: Render text without line breaks.
Tag: noframes
Description: Contains HTML for browsers that do not support the FRAMESET element.
Tag: noscript
Description: Specify the HTML to be displayed in browsers that do not support scripts.
Tag: object
Description: Insert objects into HTML pages.
Tag: ol
Description: Draw a numbered list of text.
Tag: optgroup
Description: Allows authors to logically group options in select elements.
Tag: option
Description: Causes an option in the select element.
Tag: p
Description: Cause a paragraph.
Tag: page
Description: Represents a @page rule in styleSheet.
Tag: param
Description: Set the initial value of the attribute of the applet, embed or object element.
Tag: popup
Description: A special top-level window, mainly used for dialog boxes, message boxes and other temporary windows that appear outside the main window of the application.
Tag: pre
Description: Render text in a fixed-width font.
Tag: q
Description: Separate quotes from text.
Tag: rt
Description: Indicates the phonetic text of the ruby element.
Tag: ruby
Description: Specify annotations or pronunciation guides to be placed above or embedded in the text string.
Tag: rule
Description: Represents a style composed of selectors and one or more declarations in a cascading style sheet (CSS)
Tag: runtimestyle
Description: Represents a global style sheet, inline style and HTML tag attributes specify the formatting and styling of the object on top of it.
Tag: s
Description: Render text in strikethrough font.
Tag: samp
Description: Specify code example.
Tag: screen
Description: Contains information about the customer's screen and rendering capabilities.
Tag: script
Description: Specify a script to be interpreted by the script engine.
Tag: select
Description: Causes a list box or drop-down box.
Tag: selection
Description: Represents the currently active selection area, that is, the highlighted text block, and/or other elements in the document where the user can perform certain operations.
Tag: small
Description: Specifies that the included text should be displayed in a slightly smaller font than the current font.
Tag: span
Description: Specify the inline text container.
Tag: strike
Description: Render text in strikethrough font.
Tag: strong
Description: Render text in bold.
Tag: style
Description: Represents the current settings of all possible inline styles for a given element.
Tag: stylesheet
Description: Represents a single style sheet in the document
Tag: sub
Description: Specifies that the included text should be displayed as a subscript, usually slightly smaller than the current font.
Tag: sup
Description: Specifies that the included text should be displayed in superscript, usually slightly smaller than the current font.
Tag: table
Description: Specify a table whose content is to be organized into rows and columns.
Tag: tbody
Description: Specify the row as the body of the table.
Tag: td
Description: Specify the cell in the table
Tag: textarea
Description: Specify the multi-line text input control.
Tag: textnode
Description: Represent text strings as nodes in the document hierarchy.
Tag: textrange
Description: Represents the text in HTML elements.
Tag: textrectangle
Description: Specifies a rectangle containing a line of text in an element or TextRange object.
Tag: tfoot
Description: Specify the row as the footer of the table.
Tag: th
Description: Specify the title column. The title column will be centered in the cell and bold.
Tag: thead
Description: Specify the row as the header.
Tag: title
Description: Contains the title of the document.
Tag: tr
Description: Specify a row in the table.
Tag: tt
Description: Renders text in a fixed-width font.
Tag: u
Description: Render text with underline.
Tag: ul
Description: Draw a bulleted list of text.
Tag: userprofile
Description: Provides a method that allows scripts to request read access to user configuration information and perform read operations.
Tag: var
Description: Define programming variables. Usually rendered in italics.
Tag: wbr
Description: Insert a soft newline into a block of nobr text.
Tag: window
Description: Represents an open window in the browser.
Tag: xml
Description: Define an XML data on the HTML page.
Tag: xmp
Description: Render the font as an example in a fixed-width font.
2. HTML tag attributes
Tag: !important
Description: Increase the importance of a specific rule.
Tag: :active
Description: Set the style of the a element when the link is active.
Tag: :first-letter
Description: Applies one or more styles on the first character of the object.
Tag: :hover
Description: Sets the style of the a element when the user hovers the mouse pointer over the link.
Tag: :link
Description: Set the style of the a element when the link has not been visited recently.
Tag: :visited
Description: Set the style of the a element when the link was recently visited.
Tag: @charset
Description: Set the character set of the external style sheet.
Tag: @font-face
Description: Set the font to be embedded in HTML documents.
Tag: @import
Description: Import an external style sheet.
Tag: @media
Description: Set the media type of a set of rules in the styleSheet object.
Tag: @page
Description: Set the size, direction and margin of the page box in styleSheet.
Tag: abbr
Description: Set or get the abbreviation text of the object.
Tag: accelerator
Description: Set or get a string indicating whether the object contains shortcut keys.
Tag: accept
Description: Set or get a comma-separated list of content types.
Tag: acceptcharset
Description: Set or get the list of character encoding methods used for input data that the server that processes the form must accept
Tag: accesskey
Description: Set or get the shortcut key for the object.
Tag: action
Description: Set or get the URL to which the form content is to be sent for processing.
Tag: activeelement
Description: Get the object that gets focus when the parent document has focus.
Tag: align
Description: Set or get how the object is arranged for its adjacent text.
Tag: alink
Description: Set or get the color of all active links in the element.
Tag: alinkcolor
Description: Set or get the color of all active links in the element.
Tag: allowtransparency
Description: Sets or gets whether the object can be transparent.
Tag: additive
Description: Set or get the value indicating whether the animation is attached to other animations.
Tag: alt
Description: Sets or gets the text used to replace the image.
Tag: altHTML
Description: Set an optional replacement HTML script to be executed if the object fails to load.
Tag: altkey
Description: Set or get the status of the Alt key.
Tag: altleft
Description: Set or get the status of the left Alt key.
Tag: appcodename
Description: Get the code name of the browser.
Tag: application
Description: Indicates whether the object's content is an HTML application (HTA), thus exempting the browser's security model.
Tag: appminorversion
Description: Get the minor version value of the application.
Tag: appname
Description: Get the name of the browser.
Tag: appversion
Description: Get the platform and version the browser is running on.
Tag: archive
Description: Sets or gets a string that can be used to implement your own archive functionality on the object.
Tag: atomicselection
Description: Specifies whether the element and its content must be uniformly selected in an invisible unit.
Tag: autocomplete
Description: Set or get the autocomplete status of the object.
Tag: availableheight
Description: Get the height of the working area of the system screen, excluding the Microsoft Windows taskbar.
Tag: availablewidth
Description: Get the working area width of the system screen, excluding the Windows taskbar.
Tag: axis
Description: Sets or gets a comma-separated list of concept categories associated with the object.
Tag: background
Description: Set or get up to five independent background properties of the object.
Tag: backgroundattachment
Description: Sets or gets how a background image is attached to an object within the document.
Tag: backgroundcolor
Description: Set or get the color of the object content.
Tag: backgroundimage
Description: Set or get the background image of the object.
Tag: backgroundposition
Description: Set or get the position of the object background.
Tag: backgroundrepeat
Description: Set or get how the backgroundImage property of the object is tiled.
Tag: balance
Description: Sets or gets the value indicating how the volume of the background sound is distributed between the left and right speakers.
Tag: banner
Description: Use the event object to get the Banner content of the item in the Advanced Stream Redirector (ASX) file.
Tag: bannerabstract
Description: Get the BannerAbstract content of the ASX file item.
Tag: basehref
Description: Get the URL string where the object tag can be found. This is usually the href of the document in which the object resides, or the value set by the base element.
Tag: behavior
Description: Set or get how text scrolls in subtitles
Tag: bgcolor
Description: Set the background color behind the object.
Tag: bgproperties
Description: Set or get the properties of the background image.
Tag: blockdirection
Description: Get the value indicating the wrapping direction of the block element content, whether from left to right or right to left.
Tag: border
Description: Set or get the properties of the border around the drawn object.
Tag: borderbottom
Description: Set or get the properties of the object's bottom border.
Tag: borderbottomcolor
Description: Set or get the color of the object's bottom border.
Tag: borderbottomstyle
Description: Set or get the style of the bottom border of the object.
Tag: borderbottomwidth
Description: Set or get the width of the bottom border of the object.
Tag: bordercollapse
Description: Sets or gets whether the table row and cell borders are combined into a single border or separated like standard HTML.
Tag: bordercolor
Description: Set or get the border color of the object.
Tag: bordercolordark
Description: Sets or gets one of the two colors used to draw the 3D border of the object.
Tag: bordercolorlight
Description: Set or get one of the two colors used to draw the 3D border of the object.
Tag: borderleft
Description: Set or get the properties of the left border of the object.
Tag: borderleftcolor
Description: Set or get the color of the left border of the object.
Tag: borderleftstyle
Description: Set or get the style of the left border of the object.
Tag: borderleftwidth
Description: Set or get the width of the left border of the object.
Tag: borderright
Description: Set or get the properties of the right border of the object.
Tag: borderrightcolor
Description: Set or get the color of the right border of the object.
Tag: borderrightstyle
Description: Set or get the style of the right border of the object.
Tag: borderrightwidth
Description: Set or get the width of the right border of the object.
Tag: borderstyle
Description: Set or get the style of the upper, lower, left and right borders of the object.
Tag: bordertop
Description: Set or get the properties of the border on the object.
Tag: bordertopcolor
Description: Set or get the color of the border on the object.
Tag: bordertopstyle
Description: Set or get the style of the border on the object.
Tag: bordertopwidth
Description: Set or get the width of the border on the object.
Tag: borderwidth
Description: Set or get the width of the upper, lower, left and right borders of the object.
Tag: bottom
Description: Set or get the lower coordinates of the rectangle surrounding the object content.
Tag: bottom
Description: bottom sets or gets the position of the object relative to the bottom of the next positioned object in the document hierarchy.
Tag: bottommargin
Description: Set or get the bottom margin of the entire page body.
Tag: boundingheight
Description: Get the height of the rectangle bound to the TextRange object.
Tag: boundingleft
Description: Gets the distance between the left edge of the rectangle bound to the TextRange object and the left side of the containing TextRange object.
Tag: boundingtop
Description: Get the distance between the top edge of the bound TextRange object and the top edge of the containing TextRange object.
Tag: boundingwidth
Description: Get the width of the rectangle bound to the TextRange object.
Tag: browserlanguage
Description: Get the current language of the browser.
Tag: bufferdepth
Description: Sets or gets the number of bits per pixel used for off-screen bitmap buffer colors.
Tag: button
Description: Set or get the mouse button pressed by the user.
Tag: cancelbubble
Description: Set or get whether the current event should bubble up in the event handle.
Tag: canhavechildren
Description: Gets a value indicating whether the object can contain child objects.
Tag: canhavehtml
Description: Gets a value indicating whether the object can contain rich HTML tags.
Tag: caption
Description: Get the caption object of the table.
Tag: cellindex
Description: Get the position of the object in the cells collection of the row.
Tag: cellpadding
Description: Set or get the total amount of space between the cell border and the cell content.
Tag: cellspacing
Description: Set or get the total amount of space between cells in the table.
Tag: ch
Description: Sets or gets a string that can be used to implement your own ch functionality on the object.
Tag: charset
Description: Sets or gets the character set used to decode objects.
Tag: checked
Description: Set or get the status of the check box or radio button.
Tag: choff
Description: Sets or gets a string that can be used to implement your own chOff function on the object.
Tag: cite
Description: Set or get reference information about the object.
Tag: classid
Description: Set or get the class identifier of the object.
Tag: classname
Description: Set or get the class of the object.
Tag: clear
Description: Sets or gets whether the object allows floating objects to be placed on its left, right or both sides to prevent the following text from being displayed on the floating objects.
Tag: clienteight
Description: Get the height of the object, without calculating any margins, borders, or scroll bars, but including the object's padding.
Tag: clientleft
Description: Get the distance between the offsetLeft property and the actual left side of the client area.
Tag: clienttop
Description: Get the distance between the offsetTop property and the actual top of the client area.
Tag: clientwidth
Description: Get the width of the object, not counting any margins, borders, scroll bars, but including the padding of the object
Tag: clientx
Description: Set or get the mouse pointer position relative to the window client The x-coordinate of the area, where the client area does not include the window's own controls and scroll bars.
Tag: clienty
Description: Set or get the y coordinate of the mouse pointer position relative to the client area of the window, where the client area does not include the window's own controls and scroll bars.
Tag: clip
Description: Set or get which part of the positioned object is visible.
Tag: clipbottom
Description: Get the bottom coordinates of the object’s clipping area.
Tag: clipleft
Description: Get the left coordinate of the object's clipping area.
Tag: clipright
Description: Get the right coordinates of the object's clipping area.
Tag: cliptop
Description: Get the top coordinates of the object’s clipping area.
Tag: closed
Description: Get whether the reference window is closed.
Tag: code
Description: Sets or gets the URL of the file containing the compiled Java class.
Tag: codebase
Description: Set or get the URL of the component.
Tag: codetype
Description: Set or get the Internet media type of the associated code.
Tag: color
Description: Set or get the container text color of mpc behavior.
Tag: colordepth
Description: Gets the number of color bits per pixel used for a target setting or buffer.
Tag: cols
Description: Set or get the width of the object.
Tag: colspan
Description: Set or get the number of table columns that the object should span.
Tag: compact
Description: Sets or gets a Boolean value indicating whether the list should be compressed by removing extra whitespace between list objects.
Tag: compatmode
Description: Sets or gets a value indicating whether this object applies standards compatibility mode.
Tag: complete
Description: Get whether the object has been completely loaded.
Tag: content
Description: Set or get resource information associated with HTTP-EQUIV or NAME.
Tag: contenteditable
Description: Set or get a string indicating whether the user can edit the content of the object.
Tag: contentoverflow
Description: Gets an indication of whether the document contains additional content after processing the current LayoutRect object.
Tag: contentwindow
Description: Get the window object of the specified frame or iframe.
Tag: cookie
Description: Set or get the string value of cookie.
Tag: cookieenabled
Description: Get whether the client's persistent cookies are enabled in the browser. Persistent cookies are stored on the client's computer.
Tag: coords
Description: Set or get the coordinates of an object.
Tag: count
Description: Get the number of available block formatting tags.
Tag: cpuclass
Description: Gets a string indicating the CPU class.
Tag: csstext
Description: Set or get the permanent expression of the style rule.
Tag: ctrlkey
Description: ctrlKey sets or gets the status of the Ctrl key.
Tag: ctrlleft
Description: Set or get the status of the left Ctrl key.
Tag: cursor
Description: Set or get the mouse pointer used when the mouse pointer points to the object.
Tag: data
Description: Set or get the URL referencing the object data.
Tag: datafld
Description: Sets or gets the field specified by the dataSrc attribute that is bound to the given data source of the specified object.
Tag: dataformatas
Description: Sets or gets how to render the data provided to the object.
Tag: datapagesize
Description: Set or get the number of records displayed in the table bound to the data source.
Tag: datasrc
Description: Set or get the data source used for data binding.
Tag: datetime
Description: Set or get the date and time of the modified object.
Tag: declare
Description: Sets or gets a string that can be used to implement your own declare function on an object.
Tag: defaultcharset
Description: Get the default character set from the current regional language.
Tag: defaultchecked
Description: Set or get the status of the check box or radio button.
Tag: defaultselected
Description: Set or get the status of the option.
Tag: defaultstatus
Description: Set or get the default information to be displayed on the status bar at the bottom of the window.
Tag: defaultvalue
Description: Set or get the initial content of the object.
Tag: defer
Description: Set or get the status of the script.
Tag: designmode
Description: Set or get the value indicating whether the document can be edited.
Tag: devicexdpi
Description: Set or get the system screen horizontal dots per inch (DPI) value.
Tag: dialogarguments
Description: Sets or gets the variable or array of variables passed to the modal dialog window.
Tag: dialogheight
Description: Set or get the height of the modal dialog box.
Tag: dialogleft
Description: Set or get the left coordinate of the modal dialog box.
Tag: dialogtop
Description: Set or get the top coordinates of the modal dialog box.
Tag: dialogwidth
Description: Set or get the width of the modal dialog box.
Tag: dir
Description: Set or get the reading order of the object.
Tag: direction
Description: Set or get the direction of text scrolling.
Tag: disabled
Description: Set or get the status of the control.
Tag: display
Description: Set or get whether the object should be rendered.
Tag: doctype
Description: Get the document type declaration associated with the current document.
Tag: document
Description: Get the HTML document in the given popup window.
Tag: documentelement
Description: Get a reference to the document root node.
Tag: domain
Ming: Set or get the secure domain name of the document.
Tag: dropeffect
Description: Set or get the type of drag operation and the type of cursor to be displayed.
Tag: dynsrc
Description: dynsrc sets or gets the video clip or VRML world to be displayed in the window.
Tag: effectallowed
Description: Sets or gets the source element to which data transfer operations can be applied to this object.
Tag: encoding
Description: Set or get the MIME encoding of the form.
Tag: enctype
Description: Set or get the Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) encoding of the form.
Tag: event
Description: Set or get the event the script is written for.
Tag: expando
Description: Sets or gets the value indicating whether any variable can be created within the object.
Tag: face
Description: Set or get the current typeface family.
Tag: fgcolor
Description: Set or get the foreground (text) color of the document.
Tag: fielddelim
Description: Specify the character used to mark the end of the data field.
Tag: filecreateddate
Description: Get the date the file was created.
Tag: filemodifieddate
Description: Get the date the file was last modified.
Tag: filesize
Description: Get the file size.
Tag: fileupdateddate
Description: Get the date the file was last updated.
Tag: filter
Description: Set or get the filter or filter collection applied to the object.
Tag: firstchild
Description: Get the reference of the first child object of the object's childNodes collection.
Tag: font
Description: Set or get up to six independent font properties of the object.
Tag: fontfamily
Description: Set or get the font name used for object text.
Tag: fontsize
Description: Set or get the font size used by the object text.
Tag: fontsmoothingenabled
Description: Get whether the user has enabled the option of rounding the corners of screen fonts in the display settings of the control panel.
Tag: fontstyle
Description: Set or get the font style of the object, such as italic, regular or italic.
Tag: fontvariant
Description: Sets or gets whether the object text is displayed in small caps.
Tag: fontweight
Description: Set or get the font width of the object.
Tag: form
Description: Get a reference to the form embedded in the object.
Tag: frame
Description: Set or get the way the border around the table is displayed.
Tag: frameborder
Description: Set or get whether to display the border of the frame.
Tag: frameelement
Description: Get the window of the parent document where the frame or iframe object is located.
Tag: framespacing
Description: Set or get the total amount of additional space between frames.
Tag: fromelement
Description: Set or get the object that is activated when the event occurs or the mouse is about to leave.
Tag: galleryimg
Description: Set or get whether the My Picture Support Image Toolbar is visible for the current image.
Tag: hash
Description: Set or get the segment after the pound sign "#" in the href attribute.
Tag: haslayout
Description: Gets the value indicating whether the object has layout.
Tag: headers
Description: Set or get the header cell that provides information for the object.
Tag: height
Description: Get the vertical resolution of the screen.
Tag: hidden
Description: Sets or gets a value indicating whether the embedded object is visible.
Tag: hidefocus
Description: Sets or gets the value indicating whether the object is explicitly focused.
Tag: host
Description: Set or get the hostname and port number of the location or URL.
Tag: hostname
Description: Set or get the location or the host name part of the URL.
Tag: href
Description: Set or get the URL of the linked style sheet.
Tag: hreflang
Description: Set or get the language code of the object.
Tag: hspace
Description: Set or get the horizontal margin of the object.
Tag: htmlfor
Description: Sets or gets the object bound to the event script.
Tag: htmltext
Description: Get the HTML source file as a legal HTML fragment.
Tag: httpequiv
Description: Set or get the information used to bind the content of the META tag to the HTTP response header.
Tag: id
Description: Get the string that identifies the object.
Tag: imemode
Description: Set or get the status of the input method editor (IME).
Tag: implementation
Description: Get the implementation object of the current document.
Tag: indeterminate
Description: Set or get whether the user has changed the status of the check box.
Tag: index
Description: Set or get the sequential position of the options in the list box.
Tag: innerhtml
Description: Set or get the HTML located within the opening and closing tags of the object.
Tag: innertext
Description: Set or get the text located within the start and end tags of the object.
Tag: iscontenteditable
Description: Gets the value indicating whether the user can edit the content of the object.
Tag: isdisabled
Description: Gets a value indicating whether the user can interact with the object.
Tag: ismap
Description: Sets or gets whether the image is a server-side image map.
Tag: ismultiline
Description: Gets a value indicating whether the content of the object contains one line or multiple lines.
Tag: isopen
Description: Gets a value indicating whether the popup window has been opened.
Tag: istextedit
Description: Get whether this object can be used to create a TextRange object.
Tag: keycode
Description: Sets or gets the Unicode key code associated with the key that caused the event.
Label: label
Description: Set or get the label of the option group.
Tag: lang
Description: Set or get the language to use.
Tag: language
Description: Set or get the language used for current script writing.
Tag: lastchild
Description: Get the reference of the last child object in the childNodes collection of this object
Tag: lastmodified
Description: Get the date the page was last modified, if provided by the page.
Tag: layoutflow
Description: Set or get the direction and wrapping direction of the object content.
Tag: layoutgrid
Description: Set or get the combined document grid properties of the specified text character layout.
Tag: layoutgridchar
Description: Sets or gets the character grid size used to render the text content of the element.
Tag: layoutgridline
Description: Sets or gets the grid line value used to render the text content of the element.
Tag: layoutgridmode
Description: Set or get whether the text layout grid uses two dimensions.
Tag: layoutgridtype
Description: Sets or gets the grid type used to render the text content of the element.
Tag: left
Description: Set or get the position of the object relative to the left boundary of the next positioned object in the document hierarchy.
Tag: leftmargin
Description: Set or get the left margin of the entire body of the page, instead of the default margin.
Tag: length
Description: Set or get the number of objects in the collection.
Tag: letterspacing
Description: Sets or gets the sum of additional spaces between characters of the object.
Tag: linebreak
Description: Set or get the line break rules for Japanese text.
Tag: lineheight
Description: Set or get the distance between two lines of an object.
Tag: link
Description: Set or get the color of the object document link.
Tag: linkcolor
Description: Set or get the color of the object document link.
Tag: liststyle
Description: Set or get up to three independent listStyle properties of the object.
Tag: liststyleimage
Description: Sets or gets the image for the list bullets to be applied to the object.
Tag: liststyleposition
Description: Sets or gets how bullets are drawn relative to the object's content.
Tag: liststyletype
Description: Set or get the predefined bullet type of the object.
Tag: logicalxdpt
Description: Get the conventional value of system screen horizontal dots per inch (DPI).
Tag: logicalydpi
Description: Get the regular value of the system screen vertical dots per inch (DPI).
Tag: longdesc
Description: Set or get the Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) of the long description of the object.
Tag: loop
Description: Set or get the number of times subtitles are played.
Tag: lowsrc
Description: Sets or gets the lower resolution image to display.
Tag: margin
Description: Set or get the top, bottom, left and right margins of the object.
Tag: marginbottom
Description: Set or get the bottom margin width of the object.
Tag: marginheight
Description: Set or get the height of the top and bottom margins before displaying text in the frame.
Tag: marginleft
Description: Set or get the left margin width of the object.
Tag: marginright
Description: Set or get the right margin width of the object.
Tag: margintop
Description: Set or get the top margin width of the object.
Tag: marginwidth
Description: Set or get the left and right margin width before displaying the text in the frame.
Tag: maxlength
Description: Set or get the maximum number of characters that the user can enter in the text control.
Tag: media
Description: Set or get the media type.
Tag: menuarguments
Description: Returns the window object where the shortcut menu is executed.
Tag: method
Description: Set or get how to send form data to the server.
Tag: methods
Description: Set or get the list of HTTP methods supported by this object.
Tag: minheight
Description: Set or get the minimum height of the element.
Tag: moreinfo
Description: Get the MoreInfo content of the project banner in the Advanced Stream Redirector (ASX) file through the event object.
Tag: multiple
Description: Set or get a Boolean value indicating whether multiple items can be selected in the list.
Tag: name
Description: Set or get the name of the frame.
Tag: nameprop
Description: Get the file name specified by the href or src attribute of the object.
Tag: nextpage
Description: Get the position of the next page in the print template.
Tag: nextsibling
Description: Gets a reference to the next sibling object of this object.
Tag: nodename
Description: Get the name of a specific node type.
Tag: nodetype
Description: Get the type of the required node.
Tag: nodevalue
Description: Set or get the value of the node.
Tag: nohref
Description: Set or get whether clicking in this area causes an action.
Tag: noresize
Description: Set or get whether the user can zoom the frame.
Tag: noshade
Description: Set or get the horizontal line whether to draw 3D shadow.
Tag: nowrap
Description: Set or get whether the browser performs automatic line wrapping.
Tag: object
Description: Returns the contained object.
Tag: offscreenbuffering
Description: Sets or gets whether the object should be drawn off-screen before being visible to the user.
Tag: offsettheight
Description: Get the height of the object relative to the layout or the parent coordinate specified by the parent coordinate offsetParent property.
Tag: offsetleft
Description: Gets the calculated left position of the object relative to the layout or parent coordinates specified by the offsetParent property.
Tag: offsetparent
Description: Get the reference of the container object that defines the offsetTop and offsetLeft properties of the object.
Tag: offsettop
Description: Gets the calculated top position of the object relative to the layout or parent coordinates specified by the offsetTop property.
Tag: offsetwidth
Description: Gets the width of the object relative to the layout or the parent coordinate specified by the parent coordinate offsetParent property.
Tag: offsetX
Description: Sets or gets the x coordinate of the mouse pointer position relative to the object that triggered the event.
Tag: offsetY
Description: Sets or gets the y coordinate of the mouse pointer position relative to the object that triggered the event.
Tag: online
Description: Gets a value indicating whether the system is in global offline mode.
Tag: opener
Description: Sets or gets the reference to the window that created the current window.
Tag: outerhtml
Description: Set or get the HTML form of the object and its content.
Tag: outerText
Description: Set or get the text of the object.
Tag: overflow
Description: overflow sets or gets a value indicating how the object's content is managed when the content exceeds the object's height or width.
Tag: overflowX
Description: Set or get how to manage object content when the content exceeds the width of the object.
Tag: overflowY
Description: Set or get how to manage object content when the content exceeds the height of the object.
Tag: ownerdocument
Description: Set or get the document object associated with the node.
Tag: owningElement
Description: Get the next object in the HTML hierarchy.
Tag: padding
Description: Set or get the total space to be inserted between the object and its margins or, if present, the border.
Tag: paddingbottom
Description: Set or get the total amount of space to be inserted between the object's bottom border and the content.
Tag: paddingleft
Description: Set or get the total amount of space to be inserted between the left border of the object and the content.
Tag: paddingright
Description: Set or get the total amount of space to be inserted between the right border of the object and the content.
Tag: paddingtop
Description: Set or get the total amount of space inserted between the upper border and content of the object.
Tag: pagebreakafter
Description: Set or get the string indicating that a page break occurs after the object.
Tag: pagebreakbefore
Description: Set or get the string indicating that a page break occurred before the object.
Tag: palette
Description: Get the palette used to embed the document.
Tag: parent
Description: Get the parent window in the object hierarchy.
Tag: parentElement
Description: Get the parent object in the object hierarchy.
Tag: parentNode
Description: Get the parent object in the document hierarchy.
Tag: parentStyleSheet
Description: Get the style sheet imported into the current style sheet.
Tag: parenttextedit
Description: Gets the container object in the document hierarchy that can be used to create a TextRange containing the original object.
Tag: parentwindow
Description: Get the reference to the window where the container object is located.
Tag: pathname
Description: Set or get the file name or path specified by the object.
Tag: pixelbottom
Description: Set or get the lower position of the object.
Tag: pixelheight
Description: Set or get the height of the object.
Tag: pixelleft
Description: Set or get the left position of the object.
Tag: pixelright
Description: Set or get the right position of the object.
Tag: pixeltop
Description: Set or get the upper position of the object.
Tag: pixelwidth
Description: Set or get the width of the object.
Tag: platform
Description: Get the user’s operating system name.
Tag: posheight
Description: Set or get the height of the object in the unit specified by the height tag attribute.
Tag: position
Description: Set or get the positioning method used by the object.
Tag: posleft
Description: Set or get the left position of the object in the unit specified by the left tag attribute.
Tag: posright
Description: Set or get the right position of the object in the unit specified by the right tag attribute.
Tag: postop
Description: Set or get the position above the object in the unit specified by the top tag attribute.
Tag: poswidth
Description: Set or get the object width in the unit specified by the width tag attribute.
Tag: profile
Description: Set or get one or more URIs defined by the properties of the object and the legal values of these properties.
Tag: propertyname
Description: Set or get the changed property name on the object.
Tag: protocol
Description: Set or get the protocol part of the URL.
Tag: pseudoclass
Description: Get the string identifying the pseudo-class of the page to which the @page rule applies.
Tag: pvevioussibling
Description: Gets a reference to the previous sibling object of this object.
Tag: qualifier
Description: Sets or gets the name of the data member provided by the data source object.
Tag: rccordset
Description: Sets or gets a reference to the default data set from the data source object.
Tag: readonly
Description: Get whether the rule or style sheet is defined on the page or imported.
Tag: readystate
Description: Get the current state of the object.
Tag: reason
Description: Set or get the data transmission result of the data source object.
Tag: recordnumber
Description: Get the original record of the generated object in the data set.
Tag: referrer
Description: Get the location URL that introduces the user to the current page.
Tag: rel
Description: Set or get the relationship between the object and the link purpose.
Tag: repeat
Description: Get whether the onkeydown event is repeating.
Tag: returnValue
Description: Set or get the value returned from the modal dialog box.
Tag: rev
Description: Set or get the relationship between the object and the link purpose.
Tag: right
Description: Set or get the right coordinates of the rectangle surrounding the object content.
Tag: rightmargin
Description: Set or get the right margin of the entire body of the page, instead of the default margin.
Tag: rowindex
Description: Get the position of the object in the rows collection of the table.
Tag: rows
Description: Set or get the number of horizontal rows contained in the object.
Tag: rowspan
Description: Set or get how many rows of the table the cell should span.
Tag: rubyalign
Description: Set or get the position of the phonetic text specified by the rt object.
Tag: rubyoverhang
Description: Set or get the position of the phonetic text specified by the rt object.
Tag: rubyposition
Description: Set or get the position of the phonetic text specified by the rt object.
Tag: rules
Description: Set or get which dividers (inner borders) to display.
Tag: savetype
Description: Get the clipboard type when oncontentsave is triggered.
Tag: scheme
Description: Sets or gets the scheme used to interpret the property values specified for the object.
Tag: scope
Description: Set or get the target cell group applied to the object's information.
Tag: scopename
Description: Get the namespace defined for this element.
Tag: screenleft
Description: Get the x coordinate of the upper left corner of the browser client area relative to the upper left corner of the screen.
Tag: screentop
Description: Get the y coordinate of the upper left corner of the browser client area relative to the upper left corner of the screen.
Tag: screenX
Description: Set or get the x coordinate of the mouse pointer position relative to the user's screen.
Tag: screeny
Description: Set or get the y coordinate of the mouse pointer position relative to the user's screen.
Tag: scrollamount
Description: Set or get the number of text scrolling pixels between each subtitle drawing sequence.
Tag: scrollbar3dlightcolor
Description: Set or get the upper left color of the scroll button and scroll slider on the scroll bar.
Tag: scrollbararrowcolor
Description: Set or get the color of the scroll arrow logo.
Tag: scrollbarbasecolor
Description: Set or get the main color of the scroll bar, which contains the scroll button and scroll slider.
Tag: scrollbardarkshadowcolor
Description: Set or get the color of the chute on the scroll bar.
Tag: scrollbarshadowcolor
Description: Set or get the color of the lower right edge of the scroll box and scroll bar scroll arrow.
Tag: scrollbartrackcolor
Description: Set or get the color of the scroll bar track element.
Tag: scrolldelay
Description: Set or get the speed of subtitle scrolling.
Tag: scrollheight
Description: Get the scroll height of the object.
Tag: scrolling
Description: Set or get whether the frame can be scrolled.
Tag: scrollleft
Description: Set or get the distance between the left edge of the object and the leftmost end of the currently visible content in the window.
Tag: scrolltop
Description: Set or get the distance between the top of the object and the top of the visible content in the window.
Tag: scrollwidth
Description: Get the scroll width of the object.
Tag: search
Description: Set or get the part following the question mark in the href attribute.
Tag: sectionrowindex
Description: Get the position of the object in the tBody, tHead, tFoot or rows collection.
Tag: security
Description: Gets a value indicating whether the source file of the frame or iframe has specific security restrictions applied.
Tag: selected
Description: Set or get whether the option in the list box is the default item.
Tag: selectedindex
Description: Set or get the position of the selected option in the select object.
Tag: selector
Description: Get the string identifying the page to which the @page rule applies.
Tag: selectortext
Description: Gets a string identifying the element to which the corresponding style sheet rule applies.
Tag: self
Description: Get a reference to the current window or frame.
Tag: shape
Description: Set or get the shape of the object.
Tag: shiftkey
Description: Set or get the status of the Shift key.
Tag: shiftleft
Description: Set or get the status of the left Shift key.
Tag: size (property) Go to the forum to discuss
Description: Set or get the font size of the object.
Tag: sourceindex (attribute) Go to the forum to discuss
Description: Get the sequential position of the object in the source order, that is, the order in which the object appears in the all collection of document.
Tag: span (property) Go to the forum to discuss
Description: Set or get the number of columns in the group.
Tag: specified (attribute) Go to the forum to discuss
Description: Get whether this attribute is specified.
Tag: src (attribute) Go to the forum to discuss
Description: Set or get the URL of the sound to be played.
Tag: srcelement (attribute) Go to the forum to discuss
Description: Set or get the object that triggers the event.
Tag: srcfilter (attribute) Go to the forum to discuss
Description: Set or get the filter object that triggers the onfilterchange event.
Tag: srcurn (attribute) Go to the forum to discuss
Description: Get the Uniform Resource Name (URN) of the behavior that triggered the event.
Tag: standby (property) Go to the forum to discuss
Description: Sets or gets a string that can be used to implement your own standby functionality for the object.
Tag: start (attribute) Go to the forum to discuss
Description: Set or get the starting number of the numbered list.
Tag: status (property) Go to the forum to discuss
Description: Set or get the information in the status bar at the bottom of the window.
Tag: style (attribute) Go to the forum to discuss
Description: Set the inline style for this setting element.
Tag: stylefloat (attribute) Go to the forum to discuss
Description: Set or get the side of the object to which the text should be wrapped.
Tag: summary (property) Go to the forum to discuss
Description: Set or get the description and/or structure of the object.
Tag: systemlanguage (attribute) Go to the forum to discuss
Description: Get the default language applicable to the operating system.
Tag: tabindex (property) Go to the forum to discuss
Description: Set or get the index that defines the tab order of the object.
Tag: tablelayout (property) Go to the forum to discuss
Description: Set or get a string indicating whether the table layout is fixed.
Tag: tabstop (attribute) Go to the forum to discuss
Description: Set or get whether the element behavior can receive focus and participate in the Tab sequence.
Tag: tagname (attribute) Go to the forum to discuss
Description: Get the tag name of the object.
Tag: tagurn (property) Go to the forum to discuss
Description: Sets or gets the Uniform Resource Name (URN) specified in the namespace declaration.
Tag: target (attribute) Go to the forum to discuss
Description: Set or get the window or frame in which the target content is to be displayed.
Tag: text (attribute) Go to the forum to discuss
Description: Set or get the text contained in the range.
Tag: text (attribute) Go to the forum to discuss
Description: Set or get the text contained in the range.
Tag: textalign (attribute) Go to the forum to discuss
Description: Set or get the text in the object to be left-aligned, right-aligned, center-aligned or aligned at both ends.
Tag: textalignlast (property) Go to the forum to discuss
Description: Set or get how to arrange the last or only line of the object.
Tag: textautospace (property) Go to the forum to discuss
Description: Set or get automatic spacing and narrow space width adjustment of text.
Tag: textdecoration (property) Go to the forum to discuss
Description: Set or get whether the text in the object has a blink, strikethrough, overline or underline style.
Tag: textdecorationblink (property) Go to the forum to discuss
Description: Set or get a Boolean value indicating whether the textDecoration property of the object contains "blink".
Tag: textdecorationlinethrough (property) Go to the forum to discuss
Description: Set or get a Boolean value indicating whether the text within the object has strikethrough.
Tag: textdecorationnone (property) Go to the forum to discuss
Description: Set or get a Boolean value indicating whether the object's textDecoration property is set to none.
Tag: textdecorationoverline (property) Go to the forum to discuss
Description: Sets or gets a Boolean value indicating whether the text in the object is overlined.
Tag: textdecorationunderline (property) Go to the forum to discuss
Description: Sets or gets the Boolean value of whether the text in the object is underlined.
Tag: textindent (property) Go to the forum to discuss
Description: Set or get the indent of the text in the object.
Tag: textjustify (property) Go to the forum to discuss
Description: Set or get the alignment type used by the text within the object.
Tag: textkashidaspace (attribute) Go to the forum to discuss
Description: Set or get the kashida expansion ratio of the white space expansion used when aligning text lines within the object.
Tag: textoverflow (property) Go to the forum to discuss
Description: Sets or gets the value indicating whether to display an ellipsis to indicate text overflow.
Tag: texttransform (attribute) Discuss in the forum
Description: Set or get the rendering method of text in the object.
Tag: textunderlineposition (property) Go to the forum to discuss
Description: Set or get the position of the underline set in the textDecoration property of the object.
Tag: tfoot (property) Go to the forum to discuss
Description: Get the tFoot object of the table.
Tag: thead (attribute) Go to the forum to discuss
Description: Get the tHead object of the table.
Tag: title (attribute) Go to the forum to discuss
Description: Set or get the object’s consultation information (tooltip).
Tag: toelement (property) Go to the forum to discuss
Description: Set or get the reference to the object that the user wants to move the mouse pointer to.
Tag: top (property) Go to the forum for discussion
Description: Set or get the position of the object relative to the upper boundary of the next positioned object in the document hierarchy.
Tag: topmargin (attribute) Go to the forum to discuss
Description: Set or get the top margin of the page.
Tag: truespeed (property) Go to the forum to discuss
Description: Whether to set or get the position of the subtitles is calculated using the scrollDelay and scrollAmount properties. The actual elapsed time comes from the clock timing.
Tag: type (attribute) Go to the forum to discuss
Description: Set or get the style of the list.
Tag: typedetail (attribute) Go to the forum to discuss
Description: Get the name of the selected area type.
Tag: unicodebidi (attribute) Go to the forum to discuss
Description: Set or get the embedding level of the two-way rule.
Tag: uniqueid (attribute) Go to the forum to discuss
Description: Get the automatically generated unique identifier for the object.
Tag: units (property) Go to the forum to discuss
Description: Set or get the height and width units of the embed object.
Tag: unselectable (attribute) Go to the forum to discuss
Description: Specify that the element cannot be selected.
Tag: updateinterval (property) Go to the forum to discuss
Description: Set or get the update interval of the screen.
Tag: URL (attribute) Go to the forum to discuss
Description: Set or get the URL of the current document.
Tag: URLUnencoded (attribute) Go to the forum to discuss
Description: Get the URL of the document and remove all character encoding.
Tag: urn (attribute) Go to the forum to discuss
Description: Set or get the URN of the target document.
Tag: useMap (property) Go to forum discussion
Description: Sets or gets the URL used for client-side image mapping, usually with a bookmark extension (#name).
Tag: useragent (attribute) Go to the forum to discuss
Description: Get the string equivalent to the HTTP user agent request header.
Tag: userlanguage (attribute) Go to the forum to discuss
Description: Get the natural language settings of the operating system.
Tag: valign (attribute) Go to the forum to discuss
Description: Set or get whether the title is above or below the table.
Tag: value (attribute) Go to the forum to discuss
Description: Get or set the text in the textArea element field.
Tag: value (property) Go to the forum to discuss
Description: Get the default or selected value of the control.
Tag: value (attribute) Go to the forum to discuss
Description: Set or get the value of the list item.
Tag: value (attribute) Go to the forum to discuss
Description: Set or get the value returned to the server when the form control is submitted.
Tag: value (property) Go to the forum to discuss
Description: Set or get the display value of the control object. This value will be returned to the server when the control object is submitted.
Tag: value (attribute) Go to the forum to discuss
Description: Get the file name of the input object when the text is set by user input.
Tag: valuetype (attribute) Go to the forum to discuss
Description: Set or get the data type of the value tag attribute.
Tag: vcard_name (property) Go to the forum to discuss
Description: Set or get the vCard value of the object for use in the autocomplete box.
Tag: version (property) Go to the forum to discuss
Description: Set or get the document type definition (DTD) version that manages the current document.
Tag: verticalalign (property) Go to the forum to discuss
Description: Set or get the vertical alignment of the object.
Tag: viewinheritstyle (property) Go to the forum to discuss
Description: Set or get the value indicating whether the document fragment inherits the CSS style set in the main document.
Tag: viewlink (attribute) Go to the forum to discuss
Description: Set or get the document object that provides content to the main element.
Tag: viewmastertab (property) Go to the forum to discuss
Description: Set or get the value indicating whether the main element of viewlink is included in the Tab sequence of the main document.
Tag: visibility (attribute) Go to the forum to discuss
Description: Set or get whether the content of the object is displayed.
Tag: vlink (attribute) Go to the forum to discuss
Description: Set or get the color of the visited link in the object.
Tag: vlinkcolor (attribute) Go to the forum to discuss
Description: Set or get the color of the link that the user has visited.
Tag: volume (attribute) Discuss in the forum
Description: Set or get the volume setting of the sound.
Tag: vspace (property) Go to the forum to discuss
Description: Set or get the vertical margin of the object.
Tag: wheeidelta (property) Go to the forum to discuss
Description: Set or get the distance and direction of the scroll wheel button.
Tag: whitespace (property) Go to the forum to discuss
Description: Set or get whether the object is automatically wrapped.
Tag: width (attribute) Go to the forum to discuss
Description: Get the vertical resolution of the screen.
Tag: wordbreak (property) Go to the forum to discuss
Description: Set or get the line breaking behavior within a word, especially when multiple languages appear in the object.
Tag: wordspacing (property) Go to the forum to discuss
Description: Set or get the total amount of additional space between words in the object.
Tag: wordwrap (attribute) Go to the forum to discuss
Description: Set or get whether to break words when the content exceeds the boundaries of its container.
Tag: wrap (property) Go to the forum to discuss
Description: Set or get how to handle automatic word wrapping in objects.
Tag: writingmode (attribute) Go to the forum to discuss
Description: Set or get the direction and wrapping of the object content.
Tag: x (attribute) Go to the forum to discuss
Description: Set or get the x pixel coordinate of the mouse pointer position relative to the parent document.
Tag: xmldocument (attribute) Go to the forum to discuss
Description: Get a reference to the XML Document Object Model (DOM) derived from the object.
Tag: xmlns (attribute) Go to the forum to discuss
Description: Declare the namespace of the custom tag in the HTML document.
Tag: xsldocument (attribute) Go to the forum to discuss
Description: Get a reference to the top-level node of the XSL document.
Tag: y (attribute) Go to the forum to discuss
Description: Set or get the y pixel coordinate of the mouse pointer position relative to the parent document.
Tag: zindex (attribute) Go to the forum to discuss
Description: Set or get the stacking order of positioned objects.
Tag: zoom (property) Go to the forum to discuss
Description: Set or get the magnification ratio of the object.
3. HTML tag event
Tag: onabort
Description: Triggered when the user interrupts downloading the image.
Tag: onactivate
Description: Triggered when the object is set as an active element.
Tag: onafterprint
Description: Triggered on the object immediately after the document associated with the object is printed or print previewed.
Tag: onafterupdate
Description: Triggered on the data binding object when the associated object in the data source object is successfully updated.
Tag: onbeforeactivate
Description: Triggered immediately before the object is set to the current element.
Tag: onbeforecopy
Description: Triggered on the source object before the selected area is copied to the system clipboard.
Tag: onbeforecut
Description: Triggered on the source object before the selected area is deleted from the document.
Tag: onbeforedeactivate
Description: Triggered immediately before activeElement changes from the current object to another object in the parent document.
Tag: onbeforeeditfocus
Description: Triggered before the object contained in the editable element enters the user interface activation state or before the editable container becomes the control selection area.
Tag: onbeforepaste
Description: Triggered on the target object before the selected area is pasted from the system clipboard to the document.
Tag: onbeforeprint
Description: Triggered on the object before its associated document is printed or print previewed.
Tag: onbeforeunload
Description: Triggered before the page is about to be unloaded.
Tag: onbeforeupdate
Description: Triggered on the data binding object before the associated object in the data source object is successfully updated.
Tag: onblur
Description: Triggered when the object loses input focus.
Tag: onbounce
Description: Triggered when the behavior attribute of the marquee object is set to "alternate" and the content of the subtitle reaches the side of the window.
Tag: oncecellchange
Description: Triggered when the data in the data provider changes.
Tag: onchange
Description: Triggered when the content of the object or selected area changes.
Tag: onclick
Description: Triggered when the user clicks the object with the left mouse button.
Tag: oncontextmenu
Description: Triggered when the user right-clicks the client area to open the context menu.
Tag: oncontrolselect
Description: Triggered when the user is about to create a control selection area for the object.
Tag: oncopy
Description: Triggered on the source element when the user copies an object or selection and adds it to the system clipboard.
Tag: oncut
Description: Fires on the source element when an object or selection is removed from the document and added to the system clipboard.
Tag: ondataavailable
Description: Triggered whenever the data of the data source object that asynchronously transmits data arrives.
Tag: ondatasetchanged
Description: Triggered when the data set corresponding to the data source object changes.
Tag: ondatasetcomplete
Description: Triggering indicates that all data of the data source object is available.
Tag: ondblclick
Description: Triggered when the user double-clicks the object.
Tag: ondeactivate
Description: Triggered when activeElement changes from the current object to another object in the parent document.
Tag: ondrag
Description: Continuously triggered on the source object when a drag operation is performed.
Tag: ondragend
Description: Triggered on the source object when the user releases the mouse after the drag operation.
Tag: ondragenter
Description: Triggered on the target element when the user drags the object to a legal drag target.
Tag: ondragleave
Description: Triggered on the target object when the user moves the mouse out of the legal drag target during the drag operation.
Tag: ondragover
Description: Continuously triggers on the target element when the user drags the object across the legal drag target.
Tag: ondragstart
Description: Triggered on the source object when the user starts dragging the text selection area or selecting the object.
Tag: ondrop
Description: Triggered on the target object when the mouse button is released during a drag operation.
Tag: onerror
Description: Triggered when an error occurs during object loading.
Tag: onerrorupdate
Description: Triggered on the data binding object when an error occurs when updating the associated data in the data source object.
Tag: onfilterchange
Description: Triggered when the visual filter changes state or completes the transition.
Tag: onfinish
Description: Triggered when the subtitle loop is completed.
Tag: onfocus
Description: Triggered when the object gains focus.
Tag: onfocusin
Description: Fires before the element is about to be set as focus.
Tag: onfocusout
Description: Triggered on the element that currently has focus immediately after moving focus to other elements.
Tag: onhelp
Description: Triggered when the user presses the F1 key when the browser is the current window.
Tag: onkeydown
Description: Triggered when the user presses a keyboard key.
Tag: onkeypress
Description: Triggered when the user presses the literal key.
Tag: onkeyup
Description: Triggered when the user releases the keyboard key.
Tag: onlayoutcomplete
Description: Triggered when the print or print preview layout processing is completed and the current LayoutRect object is filled with the content from the source document.
Tag: onload
Description: Triggered immediately after the browser completes loading the object.
Tag: onlosecapture
Description: Triggered when the object loses mouse capture.
Tag: onmousedown
Description: Fired when the user clicks on an object with any mouse button.
Tag: onmouseenter
Description: Triggered when the user moves the mouse pointer into the object.
Tag: onmouseleave
Description: Triggered when the user moves the mouse pointer outside the bounds of the object.
Tag: onmousemove
Description: Triggered when the user moves the mouse over the object.
Tag: onmouseout
Description: Triggered when the user moves the mouse pointer out of the object boundary.
Tag: onmouseover
Description: Triggered when the user moves the mouse pointer into the object.
Tag: onmouseup
Description: Fired when the user releases the mouse button while the mouse is over the object.
Tag: onmousewheel
Description: Triggered when the mouse wheel button is rotated.
Tag: onmove
Description: Triggered when the object moves.
Tag: onmoveend
Description: Triggered when the object stops moving.
Tag: onmovestart
Description: Triggered when the object starts to move.
Tag: onpaste
Description: Fires on the target object when the user pastes data to transfer data from the system clipboard to the document.
Tag: onpropertychange
Description: Triggered when a property change occurs on the object.
Tag: onreadystatechange
Description: Triggered when the object state changes.
Tag: onreset
Description: Triggered when the user resets the form.
Tag: onresize
Description: Triggered when the size of the object is about to change.
Tag: onresizeend
Description: Triggered when the user changes the size of the object in the selected area of the control.
Tag: onresizestart
Description: Triggered when the user starts to change the size of the object in the selected area of the control.
Tag: onrowenter
Description: Triggered to indicate that the current row has been changed in the data source and there are new data values available on the object.
Tag: onrowexit
Description: Triggered when the data source control changes the current row of the object.
Tag: onrowsdelete
Description: Triggered when a row is about to be deleted from the recordset.
Tag: onrowsinserted
Description: Triggered when a new row is inserted in the current recordset.
Tag: onscroll
Description: Triggered when the user scrolls the scroll bar of the object.
Tag: onselect
Description: Triggered when the currently selected area changes.
Tag: onselectionchange
Description: Triggered when the selected state of the document changes.
Tag: onselectstart
Description: Triggered when the object is about to be selected.
Tag: onstart
Description: Triggered at the beginning of each loop of the marquee object.
Tag: onstop
Description: Triggered when the user clicks the stop button or leaves the web page.
Tag: onsubmit
Description: Triggered when the form is about to be submitted.
Tag: onunload
Description: Triggered immediately before the object is unloaded.
The above is the detailed content of Complete explanation of html tags. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!