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How can I learn CSS well?

Release: 2017-06-26 13:29:01
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CSS is the abbreviation of Cascading Style Sheets, which is called cascading style sheets in Chinese. It is used to control the performance of web page data and can separate the performance of web pages from data content.

  • 1. Three ways to introduce css

  • 2. CSS selector

  • 3. Common CSS properties

  • 4. Box model

  • 5. Document flow and floating

    • 1 Document flow

    • 2 Add float

    • 3 Clear float

    • 4 Positioning

1. Three ways to introduce css

1. Inline
Inline style sets the CSS style in the tag's style attribute. This method does not reflect the advantages of CSS and is not recommended.

2. Embedded
Embedded is to write CSS styles concentratedly on the tag pairs of the web page

label is centered. The format is as follows:

<style type="text/css">

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3. Link type
Introduce a .css file into the HTML file

<link href="mystyle.css?1.1.11" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/>
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The import type will be loaded after the entire web page is loaded. CSS file, so this leads to a problem. If the web page is relatively large, an unstyled page will appear for a while. After a flash, the style of the web page will appear. This is an inherent flaw of imports. The difference between using the link type and the import type is that it will load the CSS file before loading the main body of the web page file, so the displayed web page will have a style effect from the beginning. It will not display the unstyled web page first like the import type. , and then display the styled web page. This is the advantage of the link type.

2. CSS Selector (Selector)

The "selector" specifies the object of the "style" in {}, that is, which elements in the web page the "style" acts on

1 Basic selector:                                                                  .                                                                                                                                                                                                        to Matches all elements using the E tag p { color: green; }

.info and E.info:

class selector, matches all elements containing info in the class attribute

.info { background:#ff0; }    p.info { background:blue; }
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#info and E#info

id selectors, match all elements whose id attribute is equal to footer

 #info { background:#ff0; }   p#info { background:#ff0; }
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2 Combination selector


Multiple element selectors, match at the same time All E elements or F elements, separated by commas between E and F

div,p { color:#f00; }


Descendant element selector

, match For all F elements that are descendants of the E element, E and F are separated by spaces

#nav li { display:inline; } li a { font-weight:bold; }
E > FSub-element selector, matches all sub-elements F of the E element Level element F
p + p { color:#f00; }

Note the nesting rules:
Block-level elements can contain inline elements or certain block-level elements, but inline elements cannot contain Block-level elements can only contain other inline elements.

Block-level elements cannot be placed inside p.

There are several special block-level elements that can only contain inline elements and cannot contain block-level elements. For example, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, p, dt, li can contain div
block-level elements juxtaposed with block-level elements, and inline elements juxtaposed with inline elements.

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3 Attribute selector

E[att]            匹配所有具有att属性的E元素,不考虑它的值。

                   (注意:E在此处可以省略,比如“[cheacked]”。以下同。)                 p[title] { color:#f00; }


E[att=val]     匹配所有att属性等于“val”的E元素                                                   div[class=”error”] { color:#f00; }


E[att~=val]    匹配所有att属性具有多个空格分隔的值、其中一个值等于“val”的E元素      td[class~=”name”] { color:#f00; }


E[att|=val]    匹配所有att属性具有多个连字号分隔(hyphen-separated)的值、其中一个值以“val”开头的E元素,主要用于lang属性,

                  比如“en”、“en-us”、“en-gb”等等                                                    p[lang|=en] { color:#f00; }

E[attr^=val]    匹配属性值以指定值开头的每个元素                       div[class^="test"]{background:#ffff00;}

E[attr$=val]    匹配属性值以指定值结尾的每个元素                       div[class$="test"]{background:#ffff00;}

E[attr*=val]    匹配属性值中包含指定值的每个元素                       div[class*="test"]{background:#ffff00;}
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4 Pseudo-class selector:

Pseudo-class selector: Dedicated to controlling the display effect of links




/*伪类选择器 : 伪类指的是标签的不同状态:
a ==> 点过状态 没有点过的状态 鼠标悬浮状态 激活状态*/

a:link {color: #FF0000} /* 未访问的链接 */

a:visited {color: #00FF00} /* 已访问的链接 */

a:hover {color: #FF00FF} /* 鼠标移动到链接上 */

a:active {color: #0000FF} /* 选定的链接 */ 格式: 标签:伪类名称{ css代码; }

p:before         在每个 <p> 元素的内容之前插入内容                     p:before{content:"hello";color:red}

p:after           在每个 <p> 元素的内容之前插入内容                      p:after{ content:"hello";color:red}
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三, Commonly used attributes of CSS

1 Color attribute:

<div style="color:blueviolet">ppppp</div>

<div style="color:#ffee33">ppppp</div>

<div style="color:rgb(255,0,0)">ppppp</div> 

<div style="color:rgba(255,0,0,0.5)">ppppp</div>
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2 Font attribute:

font-family:'Helvetica,Arial,"Courier New"'

font-size: 20px/em/larger
default size = 16px
em = pixels/16


font-weight: lighter/bold/border/100-900

<h1 style="font-style: oblique">oblique</h1>
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3 Background attribute:

background-color: cornflowerblue

background-image: url('1.jpg');

background-repeat: no-repeat;(repeat:平铺满)

background-position: right top(20px 20px);(横向:left center right)(纵向:top center bottom)

<body style="background: 20px 20px no-repeat #ff4 url(&#39;1.jpg&#39;)">

<div style="width: 300px;height: 300px;background: 20px 20px no-repeat #ff4 url(&#39;1.jpg&#39;)">
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Note: If you talk about background attributes When adding to the body, remember to add a height to the body, otherwise the result will be abnormal. This is because the body is empty and cannot support the background image. In addition, if you want to set a width = 100px at this time, you will not see the effect. Unless you set up html.

4 Text attribute:

font-size: 10px;

text-align: center;横向排列

line-height: 200px;文本行高 通俗的讲,文字高度加上文字上下的空白区域的高度 50%:基于字体大小的百分比

p { width: 200px;

height: 200px;

text-align: center;

background-color: aquamarine;

line-height: 200px; }



text-indent: 150px; 首行缩进,50%:基于父元素(weight)的百分比


letter-spacing: 10px;

word-spacing: 20px;

direction: rtl;

text-transform: capitalize;
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5 Border attribute:

border-style: solid;

border-color: chartreuse;

border-width: 20px;

border: 30px rebeccapurple solid;
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6 List attribute

ul,ol{ list-style: decimal-leading-zero;

    list-style: none; list-style: circle;

    list-style: upper-alpha;

    list-style: disc; }
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7 dispaly attribute

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IV. Box model

Note 1: The body is also a box

The border will be positioned in the upper left corner of the browser window by default, but it is not close to the browser The border of the window, this is because the body itself is also a box (there is also html in the outer layer).

By default, the body will have a certain number of pixels of margin from the html. The specific value varies from browser to browser, so the box in the body will not stick to the border of the browser window.


    border: 1px solid;
    background-color: cadetblue;

    margin: 0;
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Note 2: margin collapse (border collapse or border overlap)

The overlap of outer margins only occurs at the top and bottom of ordinary flow documents Between margins, this seemingly strange rule actually has practical significance.
When we arrange a series of regular block-level elements (such as paragraph P) up and down, then due to the overlapping margins between the block elements, there will be no double distance between paragraphs.

Brother div: The margin-bottom of the upper div and the margin-top of the lower div will collapse, that is, the maximum value of the upper and lower margins will be taken as the display value

Parent and child div: If the parent There is no border, padding, or inline content in the first-level div. The margin of the child-level div will keep looking upward until you find a tag that includes one of border, padding, and inline content. Then press this div to perform margin

>> ;>Solution:

border:1px solid transparent
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五、 文档流与浮动

1 文档流




2 添加浮动(float)


1 浮动一个div元素






2 浮动多个div元素






3 再举几个例子






Still based on the conclusion, div2 and div4 are floating and out of the standard flow, so div3 will automatically move up and form a standard flow with div1. div2 finds that the previous element div1 is an element in the standard flow, so the relative vertical position of div2 remains unchanged and is aligned with the bottom of div1. div4 finds that the previous element div3 is an element in the standard flow, so the top of div4 is aligned with the bottom of div3, and this is always true, because as can be seen from the picture, after div3 moves up, div4 also moves up, and div4 always moves up. It is to ensure that the top of itself is aligned with the bottom of the previous element div3 (an element in the standard flow).

So far, we have mastered adding floats, but there is also clearing floats. Clearing floats is very easy to understand based on the above.

3 Clear floating (clear)

Before the elements are floated, that is, in the standard flow, they are arranged vertically, and after floating they can be understood as horizontally arranged.

Clearing floats can be understood as breaking the horizontal arrangement.

The keyword for clearing floats is clear, which is defined as follows:

none: Default value. Floating objects are allowed on both sides
left : Floating objects are not allowed on the left side
right : Floating objects are not allowed on the right side
both : Floating objects are not allowed

According to the above basis, If there are only two elements div1 and div2 on the page, they are both floating left. The scenario is as follows:

At this time, both div1 and div2 are floating. According to the rules, div2 will follow div1. , but we still hope that div2 can be arranged below div1, just like div1 is not floating and div2 is left floating.

At this time, clear float (clear) is used. If it is purely based on the official definition, readers may try to write like this: add clear:right; to the CSS style of div1, which means that the right side of div1 is not allowed. There are floating elements. Since div2 is a floating element, it will automatically move down one line to meet the rules.
This understanding is incorrect and has no effect.

Regarding CSS clear float (clear), you must remember: this rule can only affect the element itself that uses clear, and cannot affect other elements.

We want div2 to move, but we use clear float in the CSS style of div1 element, trying to force div2 to move by clearing the floating element on the right side of div1 (clear:right;) Shifting, this is not feasible, because this clear float is called in div1, it can only affect div1, not div2.

Based on the conclusion, if you want div2 to move down, you must use float in the CSS style of div2. In this example, there is a floating element div1 on the left side of div2, so as long as you use clear:left; in the CSS style of div2 to specify that floating elements are not allowed to appear on the left side of the div2 element, div2 will be forced to move down one line.

So what if there are only two elements div1 and div2 on the page, and they are both right-floating? Readers should be able to guess the scene by themselves at this time, as follows:

At this time, if we want div2 to move down below div1, and we want to move div2, we must add it to the CSS of div2 Floats are called in styles because floats can only affect the element on which they are called.

It can be seen that there is a floating element div1 on the right side of div2, then we can use clear:right; in the CSS style of div2 to specify that floating elements are not allowed to appear on the right side of div2, so that div2 is forced to move down. One row, arranged below div1.

4 Position (position)

1 static, default value static: No special positioning, the object follows the normal document flow.
Properties such as top, right, bottom, and left will not be applied.

2 position:relative

relative: The object follows the normal document flow, but will be offset in the normal document flow based on top, right, bottom, left and other attributes. And its cascading is defined through the z-index attribute.

absolute: The object is separated from the normal document flow and uses top, right, bottom, left and other attributes for absolute positioning. And its cascading is defined through the z-index attribute.

If you set position:relative, you can use top, bottom, left and right to move the element relative to the position where the element should appear in the document. That is, the element actually still occupies the original position in the document, but is visually moved relative to its original position in the document.

When position:absolute is specified, the element is out of the documentThat is, it no longer occupies a position in the document and can be positioned accurately according to the set top, bottom, left and right.

If an element is absolutely positioned, its reference is based on whether the element closest to itself is set to relative positioning. If it is set, it will be positioned as the element closest to itself. If not, it will look to its ancestor elements for relatively positioned elements. , until html is found.

3 position:fixed

Theoretically, an element set to fixed will be positioned at a specified coordinate in the browser window, and it will be fixed at this position regardless of whether the window is scrolled or not.

fixed: The object is separated from the normal document flow. Use top, right, bottom, left and other attributes to position the window as a reference point. When the scroll bar appears, the object will not scroll with it. And its cascading is defined through the z-index attribute.

Note: If an element is set with position:absolute | fixed;, the element cannot be set to float. This is a common knowledge point, because these are two different streams, one is a floating stream and the other is a "positioning stream". But relative does. Because the space it originally occupied still occupies the document flow.

The above is the detailed content of How can I learn CSS well?. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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