First the renderings
Because of the needs of the company's project, and the company only has the front-end that can write js, the need to customize the display of jqgrid column options is still left to me to write, so why not Share the results of my work.
1 //初始化函数 2 multiSelectColInit(); 3 //调用下拉多选点击事件以及对应传参 4 5 function multiSelectColInit() { 6 multiSelect = { 7 //ajaxmodelnames: [], //此jqgrid列头名称对应的id数组用于传给后台 8 contorlJqgridCol: function(names, modelnames, kehuSelectHides, ajaxHideIds) { 9 var self = $("input[data-multiselect]"), 10 selfHei = self.outerHeight(true), //点击input的高度 11 self_offset_top = self.offset().top, 12 self_left = self.offset().left, 13 selectHides = selectSames(modelnames, kehuSelectHides), 14 self_top = self_offset_top + selfHei, 15 multi_select = '<div class=multiSelect><ul><li class="ckAllLi"><input type="checkbox" checked="true" class="ckAllBox">全选</li>', 16 len = names.length, //总列数 17 hideLen = selectHides.length, //隐藏的列数 18 showLen = len - hideLen, //显示的列数 19 selfStr = '共有' + len + '列,显示' + showLen + '列,隐藏' + hideLen + '列', //17.5.4新增 20 //ajaxnames = [], //此jqgrid列头名称数组用于传给后台 21 ajaxmodelnames = selectHides; //此jqgrid列头名称对应的id数组用于传给后台 22 if (hideLen > 0) { 23 multi_select = '<div class=multiSelect><ul><li class="ckAllLi"><input type="checkbox" class="ckAllBox">全选</li>'; 24 } 25 for(i = 0; i < len; i++) { 26 if(selectHides.indexOf(modelnames[i]) > -1) { 27 multi_select += '<li class="multiLi"><input type="checkbox" value=' + modelnames[i] + ' class="multiCheckBox">' + names[i] + '</li>'; 28 } else { 29 multi_select += '<li class="multiLi"><input type="checkbox" checked="true" value=' + modelnames[i] + ' class="multiCheckBox">' + names[i] + '</li>'; 30 } 31 32 } 33 multi_select += '</ul></div>'; 34 $('body').append(multi_select); 35 $('.multiSelect').css({ 36 'top': self_top, 37 'left': self_left 38 }); 39 //新增初次加载input框内显示有多少列,多少列默认没有显示 40 self.val(selfStr); 41 self.attr('showcol', showLen); 42 //17-5-8 新增窗口大小改变事件重新定位多选框 43 $(window).resize(function () { 44 if ($('.multiSelect').length) { 45 var selfHei = self.outerHeight(true), //点击input的高度 46 self_offset_top = self.offset().top, 47 self_left = self.offset().left, 48 self_top = self_offset_top + selfHei; 49 $('.multiSelect').css({ 50 'top': self_top, 51 'left': self_left 52 }); 53 } 54 55 }); 56 $("input[data-multiselect]").click(function(e) { 57 stopPropagation(e); 58 if($('.multiSelect').length) { 59 $('.multiSelect').show(); 60 } 61 }) 62 $('.multiSelect').click(function(e) { 63 stopPropagation(e); 64 }) 65 $(document).on("click", function() { 66 if($('.multiSelect').length && $('.multiSelect').is(":visible")) { 67 $('.multiSelect').hide(function() { //回调是否保存数据 68 ajaxHideIds(ajaxmodelnames); 69 }); 70 } 71 }) 72 $(".multiCheckBox").click(function(e) { 73 stopPropagation(e); 74 var val = $(this).attr("value"), 75 showcol = parseInt(self.attr('showcol')), 76 newshowcol = 0; 77 if(!$(this).prop("checked")) { //如果当前选中 78 $("#gridlist").jqGrid('hideCol', val); 79 newshowcol = showcol - 1; 80 ajaxmodelnames.push(val); 81 } else { 82 $("#gridlist").jqGrid('showCol', val); 83 newshowcol = showcol + 1; 84 ajaxmodelnames.remove(val); 85 } 86 var newnoshowcol = len - newshowcol; 87 selfStr = '共有' + len + '列,显示' + newshowcol + '列,隐藏' + newnoshowcol + '列'; //17.5.4新增 88 self.val(selfStr); 89 self.attr('showcol', newshowcol); 90 }) 91 $('.multiLi,.ckAllLi').click(function (e) { 92 stopPropagation(e); 93 var ChildInput = $(this).find('input'); 94 ChildInput.trigger('click'); 95 }) 96 $(".ckAllBox").click(function (e) {//全选input的全选点击事件 97 stopPropagation(e); 98 if ($(this).prop("checked")) {//应该全部隐藏 99 $(".multiCheckBox").each(function (index, obj) {100 var _this = $(obj);101 if (!_this.prop("checked")) {102 _this.trigger("click");103 }104 })105 106 } else {107 $(".multiCheckBox").each(function (index, obj) {108 var _this = $(obj);109 if (_this.prop("checked")) {110 _this.trigger("click");111 }112 })113 }114 })115 116 },117 jqgridHiddenColInit: function(opt, modelnames, kehuSelectHides) { //opt为传入的jqgrid的option.model118 var objModel = opt,119 objModelLen = objModel.length;120 for(var k = 0; k < objModelLen; k++) {121 if(selectSames(modelnames, kehuSelectHides).indexOf(objModel[k].name) > -1) {122 objModel[k].hidden = true;123 }124 }125 return objModel;126 }127 }128 129 }130 131 function stopPropagation(e) {132 window.event ? window.event.cancelBubble = true : e.stopPropagation();133 }134 135 function selectSames(arr1, arr2) { //选择前面2个数组中重复的赋值给第三个参数数组136 //arr1是jqgrid自带的所有modelname的id集合137 //arr2是客户选择的需要隐藏的jqgrid的id集合138 //arr3是返回2个数组中重复的id集合139 var arr3 = [];140 for(var s in arr1) {141 for(var x in arr2) {142 if(x != 'remove') {143 if(arr2[x] == arr1[s]) {144 arr3.push(arr1[s]);145 }146 }147 }148 }149 return arr3;150 }151 152 Array.prototype.indexOf = function(val) {153 for(var i = 0; i < this.length; i++) {154 if(this[i] == val) return i;155 }156 return -1;157 };158 Array.prototype.remove = function(val) {159 var index = this.indexOf(val);160 if(index > -1) {161 this.splice(index, 1);162 }163 };
The above is the function code I encapsulated. Now let’s take a look at what parameters need to be given to the html page and where to call it.
1 <!DOCTYPE html> 2 <html> 3 4 <head> 5 <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> 6 <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=100"> 7 <title></title> 8 <link href="../content/css/homeCommon.css?1.1.11" rel="stylesheet" /> 9 <link href="../content/plugins/jqgrid/ui.jqgrid.css?1.1.11" rel="stylesheet" /> 10 <style> 11 .multiSelect { 12 display: none; 13 position: absolute; 14 background:rgba(255,255,255,0.8); 15 border: 1px solid #dfdfdf; 16 color:#000; 17 } 18 .multiSelect li, .multiSelect input { 19 cursor: pointer; 20 margin: 5px 3px 5px 2px; 21 } 22 .multiSelect ul{ 23 height:250px;/*高度可以自定义*/ 24 overflow:auto; 25 } 26 .box{ 27 border-bottom:0; 28 } 29 </style> 30 </head> 31 32 <body> 33 <div class="content"> 34 <div class="content10"> 35 <div class="box-body box"> 36 <div> 37 <!--<span style="width:500px;display:inline-block;"></span>--> 38 表头配置: 39 <input type="text" data-multiselect style="width: 180px;"> 40 </div> 41 </div> 42 <table class="jqgrid" id="gridlist"></table> 43 <div id="gridpage"></div> 44 </div> 45 </div> 46 <script src="../content/js/jquery-1.11.0.js?1.1.11"></script> 47 <script src="../content/plugins/multiSelectControlJqgridCol/jqgrid动态控制列显示隐藏.js?1.1.11"></script> 48 <script src="../content/plugins/jqgrid/jquery.jqGrid.min.js?1.1.11"></script> 49 <script> 50 $(function () { 51 //names=[jqgrid的列头名称,这个值负责下拉列表的名称显示] 52 //modelnames=[jqgrid列头名称对应的id,这个值控制jqgrid的列显示隐藏] 53 //names数组与modelnames数组2个值必须一一对应 54 var names = ['常用', '流水号', '疫苗种类', '疫苗信息', '包装(支/件)', '生产企业', '库存量', '采购数量', '采购价(元)', '采购金额(元)', '生产注册号(隐藏)'], 55 modelnames = ['ISCU', 'DRUGID', 'DRUGTYPE', 'PRODUCTNAME', 'PACKUNIT', 'COMPANYNAME_SC', 'STORAGECOUNT', 'PURCHASECOUNT', 'ACTUALPRICE', 'COMPANYID_SC'], 56 //kehuSelectHides后台取值----客户选定的隐藏的列数据 57 kehuSelectHides = ['ISCU', 'DRUGID', '1111', '2222', 'STORAGECOUNT']; 58 //kehuSelectHides = []; 59 60 //ajaxHideIds 是定义的隐藏下拉框之后调用的回调函数 61 multiSelect.contorlJqgridCol(names, modelnames, kehuSelectHides, function (data) { 62 //第四个function是定义的隐藏下拉框之后调用的回调函数(data是需要隐藏的列id集合) 63 alert(data); 64 65 }); 66 //jqgrid初始化 67 var obj = { 68 "names": ['常用', '流水号', '疫苗种类', '疫苗信息', '包装(支/件)', '生产企业', '库存量', '采购数量', '采购价(元)', '采购金额(元)', '生产注册号(隐藏)'], 69 "model": [{ 70 name: 'ISCU', 71 index: 'ISCU', 72 width: 50, 73 align: 'center', 74 sortable: false, 75 //fixed: true, 76 //resizable:false, 77 formatter: function (cellvalue, options, rowObject) { 78 if (cellvalue == "1") { 79 return "<a style='cursor:pointer;' onclick='btdel(\"" + rowObject.DRUGID + "\");'>加入</a>"; 80 } else { 81 return "<a style='cursor:pointer;' onclick='btAdd(\"" + rowObject.DRUGID + "\");'>取消</a>"; 82 } 83 } 84 }, 85 { 86 name: 'DRUGID', 87 index: 'DRUGID', 88 width: 100, 89 align: 'center', 90 sortable: false 91 //fixed: true 92 }, 93 { 94 name: 'DRUGTYPE', 95 index: 'DRUGTYPE', 96 width: 170, 97 align: 'left', 98 //resizable: false, 99 sortable: false,100 //fixed: true101 },102 {103 name: 'PRODUCTNAME',104 index: 'PRODUCTNAME',105 width: 315,106 align: 'left',107 sortable: false,108 //resizable: false,109 //fixed:true110 111 },112 {113 name: 'PACKUNIT',114 index: 'PACKUNIT',115 width: 80,116 align: 'center',117 sortable: false118 },119 {120 name: 'COMPANYNAME_SC',121 index: 'COMPANYNAME_SC',122 width: 200,123 align: 'left',124 sortable: false125 },126 {127 name: 'STORAGECOUNT',128 index: 'STORAGECOUNT',129 width: 80,130 align: 'center',131 sortable: false,132 formatter: function (cellvalue, options, rowObject) {133 return "<span class='label pull-center bg-blue'>" + cellvalue + "</span>";134 }135 },136 {137 name: 'PURCHASECOUNT',138 index: 'PURCHASECOUNT',139 width: 150,140 align: 'center',141 sortable: false,142 formatter: function (cellvalue, options, rowObject) {143 return "<button id=\"" + rowObject.DRUGID + "_reduce\" type=\"button\" onclick=\"btnReduce(\" title=\"-\" style=\"width:20px;padding: 1px;background-color: #F6F2F2;border:1px solid #dfdfdf\">-</button><input type=\"text\" id=\"" + rowObject.DRUGID +144 "_PURCHASECOUNT\" value=\"0\" style=\"width:40px;text-align:center;margin:0 3px;height:19px\" maxlength=\"5\" onchange=\"showValue(,'" + rowObject.COMPANYNAME_SC + "','" + rowObject.PRODUCTNAME + "【" + rowObject.YMMEDICINEMODEL + " " + rowObject.YMOUTLOOKC + " " + rowObject.DRUGFACTOR + rowObject.FORMULATION + "/" + rowObject.YMUNIT + "】','" + rowObject.PACKUNIT + "')\" onfocus=\"foc(\"/><button class=\"addThis\" type=\"button\" id=\"" + rowObject.DRUGID +145 "_add\" onclick=\"btnAdd(,'" + rowObject.COMPANYNAME_SC + "','" + rowObject.PRODUCTNAME + "【" + rowObject.YMMEDICINEMODEL + " " + rowObject.YMOUTLOOKC + " " + " " + rowObject.DRUGFACTOR + rowObject.FORMULATION + "/" + rowObject.YMUNIT + "】','" + rowObject.PACKUNIT + "')\" title=\"+\" style=\"width:20px;text-align:center;background-color: #F6F2F2;border:1px solid #dfdfdf;padding:1px\">+</button>";146 }147 },148 {149 name: 'ACTUALPRICE',150 index: 'ACTUALPRICE',151 width: 100,152 align: 'right',153 sortable: false154 },155 {156 name: 'AMOUNT',157 index: 'AMOUNT',158 width: 130,159 align: 'right',160 sortable: false161 },162 {163 name: 'COMPANYID_SC',164 index: 'COMPANYID_SC',165 width: 100,166 align: 'center'167 }168 ]169 };170 171 gidData = [{172 ACTUALPRICE: 1,173 APPROVAL: "S20140114",174 COMPANYID_SC: "J0383",175 COMPANYNAME_SC: "Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp.",176 COMPANYNAME_ZD: "北京科园信海医药经营有限公司",177 DRUGFACTOR: "1",178 DRUGID: "2",179 DRUGTYPE: "23价肺炎球菌多糖疫苗",180 FORMULATION: "瓶",181 HOSPITALID: "JK003",182 ISCU: "1",183 NETPRICE: null,184 PACKAGING: "玻璃西林瓶",185 PACKUNIT: "144",186 PRODUCTNAME: "23价肺炎球菌多糖疫苗",187 REMARK: null,188 STORAGECOUNT: 0,189 YMMEDICINEMODEL: "注射液",190 YMOUTLOOKC: "0.5ml/瓶",191 YMUNIT: "盒",192 AMOUNT: '10'193 }];194 195 //初始化隐藏jqgrid客户选择的列196 obj.model = multiSelect.jqgridHiddenColInit(obj.model, modelnames, kehuSelectHides),197 $("#gridlist").jqGrid({198 /* url: "stdGoods/getStdGoodsData.html",199 contentType : 'application/json',200 datatype: "json",*/201 datatype: "local",202 data: gidData,203 //autowidth: true,204 autowidth: false,205 shrinkToFit: false, //默认不自适应206 height: 270,207 colNames: obj.names,208 colModel: obj.model,209 rowNum: 20,210 rowList: [10, 20, 50, 100],211 //rownumbers: true,212 pager: "#gridpage",213 viewrecords: true,214 multiselect: true,215 caption: "",216 //postData: {"isUsing":1},217 rownumbers: true, //隐藏jqgrid的序号218 //序号宽度自动变化219 gridComplete: function () {220 var docHei = parseInt($("body").height()) - 9,221 winHei = parseInt($(window).height()),222 jqHei = parseInt($(".ui-jqgrid-bdiv").height());223 if (docHei >= winHei) {224 var Heit = docHei - winHei,225 tuHei = jqHei - Heit;226 $(".ui-jqgrid-bdiv").css("height", tuHei);227 } else {228 var hei = winHei - docHei + jqHei;229 $(".ui-jqgrid-bdiv").css("height", hei);230 }231 $(".jqgrid").jqGrid("setGridWidth", $(".content10")[0].offsetWidth - 20);232 var ids = $("#gridlist").getDataIDs();233 for (var i = 0; i < ids.length; i++) {234 var id = ids[i];235 jQuery("#gridlist").jqGrid('editRow', id);236 }237 },238 239 jsonReader: {240 repeatitems: false,241 id: "goodsId"242 }243 });244 $("#gridlist").jqGrid('navGrid', '#gridpage', {245 add: false,246 edit: false,247 del: false,248 search: false,249 refresh: false250 }).jqGrid('setFrozenColumns');251 252 });253 </script>254 255 </body>256 257 </html>
A few points to note:
1. Parameter options need to be seen clearly, in html and js There are comments stating
2.jqgrid version 4.6.0
3.jquery version 1.11.0
The main points to note about this function are the transmission of parameters and where to call them. Now that the points have been clarified, friends who need this function can use it~~~
The above is the detailed content of The front-end implements customized column header display based on JQgrid. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!