The following editor will bring you a small tool (example) to write an automatic SSH login to a remote server using python. The editor thinks it is quite good, so I will share it with you now and give it as a reference for everyone. Let’s follow the editor and take a look.
Many times we like to connect to the Linux server through ssh directly from the terminal of our computer, rather than using the tool area with UI interface to connect to our server. However, when using ssh in the terminal, we need to enter the account number and password every time, which is also a worry, so we can simply create a small tool that runs on Linux/Mac os to automatically log in to the remote server through ssh.
Let’s give an example of a GIF animation:
## Overview
Let’s first sort out what functions we need:1. Add/delete the IP, port, and password required to connect to the server
2. Automatically enter the password to log in to the remote server
Yes, we will do such a simple functionStart writing code
The code is relatively long, so I also put it on Github and Code Cloud. The address is at the bottom of the article: 1. Let’s build a module Directory osnssh (Open source noob ssh), and then create two more directories below, one is used to store the main program and is called bin, and the other is used to save login data (IP, port, password) and is called data. -osnssh-bin
#!/usr/bin/env python #-*-coding:utf-8-*- import re, base64, os, sys path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(sys.argv[0])) ''' 选项配置管理 author = 'allen woo' ''' def add_host_main(): while 1: if add_host(): break print("\n\nAgain:") def add_host(): ''' 添加主机信息 :return: ''' print("================Add=====================") print("[Help]Input '#q' exit") # 输入IP host_ip = str_format("Host IP:", "^(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|1[0-9][0-9]|[1-9]?[0-9])\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|1[0-9][0-9]|[1-9]?[0-9])\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|1[0-9][0-9]|[1-9]?[0-9])\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|1[0-9][0-9]|[1-9]?[0-9])$") if host_ip == "#q": return 1 # 输入端口 host_port = str_format("Host port(Default 22):", "[0-9]+") if host_port == "#q": return 1 # 输入密码 password = str_format("Password:", ".*") if password == "#q": return 1 # 密码加密 password = base64.encodestring(password) # 输入用户名 name = str_format("User Name:", "^[^ ]+$") if name == "#q": return 1 elif not name: os.system("clear") print("[Warning]:User name cannot be emptyg") return 0 # The alias # 输入别名 alias = str_format("Local Alias:", "^[^ ]+$") if alias == "#q": return 1 elif not alias: os.system("clear") print("[Warning]:Alias cannot be emptyg") return 0 # 打开数据保存文件 of = open("{}/data/information.d".format(path)) hosts = of.readlines() # 遍历文件数据,查找是否有存在的Ip,端口,还有别名 for l in hosts: l = l.strip("\n") if not l: continue l_list = l.split(" ") if host_ip == l_list[1] and host_port == l_list[2]: os.system("clear") print("[Warning]{}:{} existing".format(host_ip, host_port)) return 0 if alias == l_list[4]: os.system("clear") print("[Warning]Alias '{}' existing".format(alias)) return 0 of.close() # save # 保存数据到数据文件 of = open("{}/data/information.d".format(path), "a") of.write("\n{} {} {} {} {}".format(name.strip("\n"), host_ip.strip("\n"), host_port, password.strip("\n"), alias.strip("\n"))) of.close() print("Add the success:{} {}@{}:{}".format(alias.strip("\n"), name.strip("\n"), host_ip.strip("\n"), host_port, password.strip("\n"))) return 1 def remove_host(): ''' 删除主机信息 :return: ''' while 1: # 打开数据文件 of = open("{}/data/information.d".format(path)) hosts = of.readlines() of.close l = len(hosts) if l <= 0: os.system("clear") print("[Warning]There is no host") return print("================Remove================") print("+{}+".format("-"*40)) print("| Alias UserName@IP:PORT") hosts_temp = [] n = 0 # 遍历输出所以信息(除了密码)供选择 for i in range(0, l): if not hosts[i].strip(): continue v_list = hosts[i].strip().split(" ") print("+{}+".format("-"*40)) print("| {} | {} {}@{}:{}".format(n+1, v_list[4], v_list[0], v_list[1], v_list[2])) n += 1 hosts_temp.append(hosts[i]) hosts = hosts_temp[:] print("+{}+".format("-"*40)) c = raw_input("[Remove]Choose the Number or Alias('#q' to exit):") is_alias = False is_y = False try: c = int(c) if c > l or c < 1: os.system("clear") print("[Warning]:There is no") continue del hosts[c-1] is_y = True except: is_alias = True if is_alias: if c.strip() == "#q": os.system("clear") break n = 0 for l in hosts: if c.strip() == l.split(" ")[4].strip(): del hosts[n] is_y = True n += 1 if not is_y: os.system("clear") print("[Warning]:There is no") continue else: # save # 再次确认是否删除 c = raw_input("Remove?[y/n]:") if c.strip().upper() == "Y": of = open("{}/data/information.d".format(path), "w") for l in hosts: of.write(l) print("Remove the success!") of.close() def str_format(lable, rule): ''' 用于验证输入的数据格式 :param lable: :param rule: :return: ''' while 1: print("{} ('#q' exit)".format(lable)) temp = raw_input().strip() m = re.match(r"{}".format(rule), temp) if m: break elif "port" in lable: temp = 22 break elif temp.strip() == "#q": os.system("clear") break os.system("clear") print("[Warning]:Invalid format") return temp
def about(): ''' 输出关于这个程序的信息 :return: ''' of = open("{}/bin/about.dat".format(path)) rf = try: info = eval(rf) os.system("clear") print("================About osnssh================") for k,v in info.items(): print("{}: {}".format(k, v)) except: print("For failure.") return
{ "auther":"Allen Woo", "Introduction":"In Linux or MAC using SSH, do not need to enter the IP and password for many times", "Home page":"", "Download address":"", "version":"1.1.0", "email":"" }
Note: Here we need to first Install a package called: pexpect, which allows user terminal interaction to capture interaction information and automatically enter passwords.
Install pexpect: pip install pexpect#!/usr/bin/env python #-*-coding:utf-8-*- import os, sys, base64 import pexpect path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(sys.argv[0])) def choose(): # 打开我们的数据文件 of = open("{}/data/information.d".format(path)) hosts = of.readlines() hosts_temp = [] for h in hosts: if h.strip(): hosts_temp.append(h) hosts = hosts_temp[:] l = len(hosts) if l <= 0: os.system("clear") print("[Warning]Please add the host server") return while 1: print("=================SSH===================") print("+{}+".format("-"*40)) print("| Alias UserName@IP:PORT") for i in range(0, l): v_list = hosts[i].strip().split(" ") print("+{}+".format("-"*40)) print("| {} | {} {}@{}:{}".format(i+1, v_list[4], v_list[0], v_list[1], v_list[2])) print("+{}+".format("-"*40)) c = raw_input("[SSH]Choose the number or alias('#q' exit):") is_alias = False is_y = False try: c = int(c) if c > l or c < 1: os.system("clear") print("[Warning]:There is no") continue l_list = hosts[c-1].split(" ") name = l_list[0] host = l_list[1] port = l_list[2] password = l_list[3] is_y = True except: is_alias = True if is_alias: if c.strip() == "#q": os.system("clear") return for h in hosts: if c.strip() == h.split(" ")[4].strip(): l_list = h.split(" ") name = l_list[0] host = l_list[1] port = l_list[2] password = l_list[3] is_y = True if not is_y: continue # ssh # 将加密保存的密码解密 password = base64.decodestring(password) print("In the connection...") # 准备远程连接,拼接ip:port print("{}@{}".format(name, host)) if port == "22": connection("ssh {}@{}".format(name, host), password) else: connection("ssh {}@{}:{}".format(name, host, port), password) def connection(cmd, pwd): ''' 连接远程服务器 :param cmd: :param pwd: :return: ''' child = pexpect.spawn(cmd) i = child.expect([".*password.*", ".*continue.*?", pexpect.EOF, pexpect.TIMEOUT]) if( i == 0 ): # 如果交互中出现.*password.*,就是叫我们输入密码 # 我们就把密码自动填入下去 child.sendline("{}\n".format(pwd)) child.interact() elif( i == 1): # 如果交互提示是否继续,一般第一次连接时会出现 # 这个时候我们发送"yes",然后再自动输入密码 child.sendline("yes\n") child.sendline("{}\n".format(pwd)) #child.interact() else: # 连接失败 print("[Error]The connection fails")
#!/usr/bin/env python #-*-coding:utf-8-*- import os, sys sys.path.append("../") from bin import setting, auto_ssh path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(sys.argv[0])) ''' 方便在LINUX终端使用ssh,保存使用的IP:PORT , PASSWORD 自动登录 author = 'allen woo' ''' def main(): while 1: print("==============OSNSSH [Menu]=============") print("1.Connection between a host\n2.Add host\n3.Remove host\n4.About\n[Help]: q:quit clear:clear screen") print("="*40) c = raw_input("Please select a:") if c == 1 or c == "1": auto_ssh.choose() if c == 2 or c == "2": setting.add_host_main() if c == 3 or c == "3": setting.remove_host() if c == 4 or c == "4": setting.about() elif c == "clear": os.system("clear") elif c == "q" or c == "Q" or c == "quit": print("Bye") sys.exit() else: print("\n") if name == 'main': try: of = open("{}/data/information.d".format(path)) except: of = open("{}/data/information.d".format(path), "w") of.close() main()
The above is the detailed content of How to use python to write a small tool code for automatic SSH login to a remote server (recommended). For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!