1. What is lazy loading
resultMap can achieve advanced mapping (using association and collection to achieve one-to-one and one-to-many mapping), association and collection have lazy loading function.
If you query orders and associate query user information. If we query the order information first, we can meet the requirements. When we need to query the user information, we can then check the user information. Querying user information on demand is lazy loading.
Lazy loading: Query from a single table first, and then perform related queries from related tables when needed, which greatly improves database performance, because querying a single table is faster than querying multiple tables in a related manner.
Query orders and associate query user information
It is necessary to define the statements corresponding to the two mapper methods.
(1) Only query order information
SELECT * FROM orders
In the statement of query orderUse association to delay loading (execution) of the following statement ( Related query user information).
<!-- 查询订单关联查询用户 --><select id="findOrdersUserLazyLoading" resultMap="OrdersUserLazyLoadingResultMap">SELECT * FROM orders</select>
(2) Query user information by association
Use the user_id in the order information queried above to query user information by association
Use FindUserById
<select id="findUserById" parameterType="int" resultType="user">select * from user where id=#{value}</select>
in UserMapper.xml first executes findOrdersUserLazyLoading, and then executes fingUserById when it is necessary to query the user. The lazy loading execution is configured through the definition of resultMap.
Use select in association to specify the id of the statement to be executed by delayed loading.
<!-- 延迟加载的resultMap --><resultMap type="joanna.yan.mybatis.entity.Orders" id="OrdersUserLazyLoadingResultMap"><!-- 1.对订单信息进行映射配置 --><id column="id" property="id"/><result column="user_id" property="userId"/><result column="number" property="number"/><result column="createtime" property="createtime"/><result column="note" property="note"/><!-- 2.实现对用户信息进行延迟加载 --><!-- select:指定延迟加载需要执行的statement的id(是根据user_id查询用户信息的statement) 要使用UserMapper.xml中findUserById完成根据用户id(user_id)用户信息的查询, 如果findUserById不在本mapper中需要前边加namespace。 column:订单信息中关联用户信息查询的列,是user_id 关联查询的sql理解为: SELECT orders.*, (SELECT username FROM USER WHERE orders.user_id = user.id)username, (SELECT sex FROM USER WHERE orders.user_id = user.id)sex FROM orders--><association property="user" javaType="joanna.yan.mybatis.entity.User"select="joanna.yan.mybatis.mapper.UserMapper.findUserById" column="user_id"></association></resultMap>
//查询订单关联查询用户,用户信息时延迟加载public List<Orders> findOrdersUserLazyLoading() throws Exception;
(1) Execute the above mapper method (findOrdersUserLazyLoading), and internally call findOrdersUserLazyLoading in joanna.yan.mybatis.mapper.OrdersCustomMapper to only query orders information (single table).
(2) In the program, traverse the List
(3) Delay loading and call the findUserById method in UserMapper.xml to obtain user information.
Mybatis does not enable delayed loading by default and needs to be configured in SqlMapConfig.xml.
Configure in the mybatis core configuration file:
lazyLoadingEnabled, aggressiveLazyLoading
##Setting items | Description | Allowed values | Default value |
lazyLoadingEnabled | Set lazy loading globally. If set to 'false', all associated ones will be loaded initially. | true | false | false |
When set to 'true', lazy-loaded objects may be fully loaded with any lazy attributes. Otherwise, each property is loaded on demand. | true | false | true |
<!-- 全局配置参数,需要时再设置 --> <settings> <!-- 打开延迟加载的开关 --> <setting name="lazyLoadingEnabled" value="true"/> <!-- 将积极加载改为消极加载即按需要加载 --> <setting name="aggressiveLazyLoading" value="false"/> </settings>
@Testpublic void findOrdersUserLazyLoadingTest() throws Exception{ SqlSession sqlSession=sqlSessionFactory.openSession(); OrdersCustomMapper ordersCustomMapper=sqlSession.getMapper(OrdersCustomMapper.class); List<Orders> list=ordersCustomMapper.findOrdersUserLazyLoading();for (Orders orders : list) {//执行getUser()去查询用户信息,这里实现按需加载User user=orders.getUser(); System.out.println(user); } sqlSession.close(); }
The above is the detailed content of Detailed explanation of MyBatis lazy loading example. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!