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In 1999, Microsoft released IE5, which introduced a new feature for the first time: allowing javascript scripts to initiate HTTP requests to the server. This feature did not attract attention at the time. It was not until the release of Gmail in 2004 and Google Map in 2005 that it attracted widespread attention. In February 2005, the term ajax was officially proposed for the first time, referring to a set of development practices around this function. Since then, ajax has become synonymous with script-initiated HTTP communication, and W3C also released its international standard in 2006. This article is the first article in the ajax series - XHR object
Ajax is the abbreviation of asynchronous javascript and XML. The Chinese translation is asynchronous javascript and XML. This technology can request the server Additional data without having to unload the page will result in a better user experience. Although the name contains XML, ajax communication has nothing to do with data format
Ajax includes the following steps: 1. Create an AJAX object; 2. Issue an HTTP request; 3. Receive data returned by the server; 4. Update the web page Data
To sum up, in one sentence, ajax sends an HTTP request through the native XMLHttpRequest
object, and then processes the data returned by the server
The core of ajax technology is the XMLHttpRequest object (XHR for short), which is a feature first introduced by Microsoft. Other browser providers later provided the same implementation. XHR provides a fluent interface for sending requests to the server and parsing server responses. It can obtain more information from the server asynchronously, which means that after the user clicks, he can obtain new data without refreshing the page
IE5 It was the first browser to introduce XHR objects. In IE5, the XHR object is implemented through an ActiveX object in the MSXML library, while IE7+ and other standard browsers support native XHR objects
Creating an XHR object is also called instantiating an XHR object. Because XMLHTTPRequest() is a constructor. The following is a compatible way of writing an XHR object
var xhr; if(window.XMLHttpRequest){ xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); }else{ xhr = new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLHTTP'); }
[Note] If you want to create N different requests, you must use N different XHR objects. It is of course possible to reuse an existing XHR object, but this will terminate any requests previously pending through that object
When using an XHR object, the first method to be called is open(), as shown below. This method accepts 3 parameters"get","example.php", false);
1. The first parameter of the open() method is used to specify the method of sending the request. This string is not case-sensitive, but uppercase letters are usually used. "GET" and "POST" are widely supported
"GET" is used for regular requests. It is suitable when the URL completely specifies the requested resource, when the request has no side effects on the server, and when the server's response is available. In the case of caching
The "POST" method is often used in HTML forms. It includes additional data in the request body and this data is often stored in a database on the server. Repeated POST requests for the same URL may get different responses from the server, and requests using this method should not be cached
In addition to "GET" and "POST", the parameters can also be "HEAD" and "OPTIONS" ","PUT". Due to security risks, the use of "CONNECT", "TRACE" and "TRACK" is prohibited
[Note] The detailed introduction to the 8 commonly used methods of the HTTP protocol is here
2 The second parameter of the open() method is the URL, which is relative to the current page where the code is executed, and can only send requests to URLs in the same domain that use the same port and protocol. If there is any difference between the URL and the page that initiates the request, a security error will occur
3. The third parameter of the open() method is a Boolean value indicating whether to send the request asynchronously. If not filled in, the default is true. Indicates asynchronous sending
4. If requesting a password-protected URL, pass the username and password used for authentication as the 4th and 5th parameters to the open() method
The send() method receives a parameter, which is the data to be sent as the request body. After calling the send() method, the request is dispatched to the server
If it is the GET method, the send() method has no parameters, or the parameter is null; if it is the POST method, the parameters of the send() method are the ones to be sent. Data"get", "example.txt", false); xhr.send(null);
A complete HTTP response consists of a status code, a collection of response headers and a response body. After receiving the response, these can be used through the properties and methods of the XHR object. There are mainly the following 4 properties
responseText: 作为响应主体被返回的文本(文本形式) responseXML: 如果响应的内容类型是'text/xml'或'application/xml',这个属性中将保存着响应数据的XML DOM文档(document形式) status: HTTP状态码(数字形式) statusText: HTTP状态说明(文本形式)
if((xhr.status >=200 && xhr.status
<button>获取信息</button> <div></div> <script> btn.onclick = function(){ //创建xhr对象 var xhr; if(window.XMLHttpRequest){ xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); }else{ xhr = new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLHTTP'); } //发送请求'get','/uploads/rs/26/ddzmgynp/message.xml',false); xhr.send(); //同步接受响应 if(xhr.readyState == 4){ if(xhr.status == 200){ //实际操作 result.innerHTML += xhr.responseText; } } } </script>
//message.xml <p>hello world</p>
0(UNSENT):未初始化。尚未调用open()方法 1(OPENED):启动。已经调用open()方法,但尚未调用send()方法 2(HEADERS_RECEIVED):发送。己经调用send()方法,且接收到头信息 3(LOADING):接收。已经接收到部分响应主体信息 4(DONE):完成。已经接收到全部响应数据,而且已经可以在客户端使用了
[注意]必须在调用open()之前指定onreadystatechange 事件处理程序才能确保跨浏览器兼容性,否则将无法接收readyState属性为0和1的情况
xhr.onreadystatechange = function(){ if(xhr.readyState === 4){ if(xhr.status == 200){ alert(xhr.responseText); } } }
<button>获取信息</button> <div></div> <script> btn.onclick = function(){ //创建xhr对象 var xhr; if(window.XMLHttpRequest){ xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); }else{ xhr = new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLHTTP'); } //异步接受响应 xhr.onreadystatechange = function(){ if(xhr.readyState == 4){ if(xhr.status == 200){ //实际操作 result.innerHTML += xhr.responseText; } } } //发送请求'get','message.xml',true); xhr.send(); } </script>
//message.xml <p>hello world</p>
[注意]IE8-浏览器不支持该属性'post','test.php',true); xhr.ontimeout = function(){ console.log('The request timed out.'); } xhr.timeout = 1000; xhr.send();
<button>获取信息</button> <img src="/static/imghw/default1.png" data-src="" class="lazy" alt="Understanding of XHR objects in ajax series" > <div></div> <script> var add = (function(){ var counter = 0; return function(){ return ++counter; } })(); btn.onclick = function(){ = 'inline-block'; btn.setAttribute('disabled',''); //创建xhr对象 var xhr; if(window.XMLHttpRequest){ xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); }else{ xhr = new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLHTTP'); } //异步接受响应 xhr.onreadystatechange = function(){ if(xhr.readyState == 4){ if(xhr.status == 200){ = 'none'; btn.removeAttribute('disabled'); var data = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText); var sum = add() - 1; if(sum < data.length){ result.innerHTML += data[sum]; } } } } //发送请求'get','data.php',true); xhr.send(); } </script>
<?php echo json_encode([1,2,3,4,5]); ?>
Through the demonstration of examples, we found that the content of the ajax front-end itself is not difficult. However, since ajax involves some back-end and network knowledge, it is not easy to learn. Future blog posts will gradually introduce the key contents of ajax in depth
The above is the detailed content of Understanding of XHR objects in ajax series. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!