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Python uses WeChat SDK to implement payment function

Release: 2017-07-02 10:52:36
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This article mainly introduces the WeChat payment function implemented by Python using WeChat SDK. It analyzes the specific steps and related operating techniques of Python calling the WeChat SDK interface to implement the WeChat payment function in the form of examples. Friends in need can refer to the following

The example in this article describes the WeChat payment function implemented by Python using WeChat SDK. I share it with you for your reference. The details are as follows:

I have been developing the WeChat platform for a while. The v3.37 version of the WeChat payment interface has changed a lot, so I transplanted the php demo to the Python version. In order to It is consistent, so the interface method basically remains unchanged. The advantage of this is that you don’t need to write a demo. You can just look at the official demo of WeChat and copy the gourd.

You can also click hereto download from this site.

I mainly tested the JsApi calling method, and other calling methods were not tested. If you find a bug, please make a pull request, I will be very grateful.

For easy viewing, the code is posted here.

Created on 2014-11-24
@author: http://blog.csdn.net/yueguanghaidao
 * 微信支付帮助库
 * ====================================================
 * 接口分三种类型:
 * 【请求型接口】--Wxpay_client_
 *   统一支付接口类--UnifiedOrder
 *   订单查询接口--OrderQuery
 *   退款申请接口--Refund
 *   退款查询接口--RefundQuery
 *   对账单接口--DownloadBill
 *   短链接转换接口--ShortUrl
 * 【响应型接口】--Wxpay_server_
 *   通用通知接口--Notify
 *   Native支付——请求商家获取商品信息接口--NativeCall
 * 【其他】
 *   静态链接二维码--NativeLink
 *   JSAPI支付--JsApi
 * =====================================================
 * 【CommonUtil】常用工具:
 *   trimString(),设置参数时需要用到的字符处理函数
 *   createNoncestr(),产生随机字符串,不长于32位
 *   formatBizQueryParaMap(),格式化参数,签名过程需要用到
 *   getSign(),生成签名
 *   arrayToXml(),array转xml
 *   xmlToArray(),xml转 array
 *   postXmlCurl(),以post方式提交xml到对应的接口url
 *   postXmlSSLCurl(),使用证书,以post方式提交xml到对应的接口url
import json
import time
import random
import urllib2
import hashlib
import threading
from urllib import quote
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
  import pycurl
  from cStringIO import StringIO
except ImportError:
  pycurl = None
class WxPayConf_pub(object):
  APPID = "wx8888888888888888"
  APPSECRET = "48888888888888888888888888888887"
  MCHID = "18888887"
  KEY = "48888888888888888888888888888886"
  NOTIFY_URL = "http://******.com/payback"
  JS_API_CALL_URL = "http://******.com/pay/?showwxpaytitle=1"
  SSLCERT_PATH = "/******/cacert/apiclient_cert.pem"
  SSLKEY_PATH = "/******/cacert/apiclient_key.pem"
class Singleton(object):
  _instance_lock = threading.Lock()
  def new(cls, *args, **kwargs):
    if not hasattr(cls, "_instance"):
      with cls._instance_lock:
        if not hasattr(cls, "_instance"):
          impl = cls.configure() if hasattr(cls, "configure") else cls
          instance = super(Singleton, cls).new(impl, *args, **kwargs)
          instance.init(*args, **kwargs)
          cls._instance = instance
    return cls._instance
class UrllibClient(object):
  def get(self, url, second=30):
    return self.postXml(None, url, second)
  def postXml(self, xml, url, second=30):
    data = urllib2.urlopen(url, xml, timeout=second).read()
    return data
  def postXmlSSL(self, xml, url, second=30):
    raise TypeError("please use CurlClient")
class CurlClient(object):
  def init(self):
    self.curl = pycurl.Curl()
    self.curl.setopt(pycurl.SSL_VERIFYHOST, False)
    self.curl.setopt(pycurl.SSL_VERIFYPEER, False)
    self.curl.setopt(pycurl.HEADER, False)
  def get(self, url, second=30):
    return self.postXmlSSL(None, url, second=second, cert=False, post=False)
  def postXml(self, xml, url, second=30):
    return self.postXmlSSL(xml, url, second=second, cert=False, post=True)
  def postXmlSSL(self, xml, url, second=30, cert=True, post=True):
    self.curl.setopt(pycurl.URL, url)
    self.curl.setopt(pycurl.TIMEOUT, second)
    #使用证书:cert 与 key 分别属于两个.pem文件
    if cert:
      self.curl.setopt(pycurl.SSLKEYTYPE, "PEM")
      self.curl.setopt(pycurl.SSLKEY, WxPayConf_pub.SSLKEY_PATH)
      self.curl.setopt(pycurl.SSLCERTTYPE, "PEM")
      self.curl.setopt(pycurl.SSLCERT, WxPayConf_pub.SSLKEY_PATH)
    if post:
      self.curl.setopt(pycurl.POST, True)
      self.curl.setopt(pycurl.POSTFIELDS, xml)
    buff = StringIO()
    self.curl.setopt(pycurl.WRITEFUNCTION, buff.write)
    return buff.getvalue()
class HttpClient(Singleton):
  def configure(cls):
    if pycurl is not None and WxPayConf_pub.HTTP_CLIENT != "URLLIB":
      return CurlClient
      return UrllibClient
class Common_util_pub(object):
  def trimString(self, value):
    if value is not None and len(value) == 0:
      value = None
    return value
  def createNoncestr(self, length = 32):
    chars = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789"
    strs = []
    for x in range(length):
      strs.append(chars[random.randrange(0, len(chars))])
    return "".join(strs)
  def formatBizQueryParaMap(self, paraMap, urlencode):
    slist = sorted(paraMap)
    buff = []
    for k in slist:
      v = quote(paraMap[k]) if urlencode else paraMap[k]
      buff.append("{0}={1}".format(k, v))
    return "&".join(buff)
  def getSign(self, obj):
    String = self.formatBizQueryParaMap(obj, False)
    String = "{0}&key={1}".format(String,WxPayConf_pub.KEY)
    String = hashlib.md5(String).hexdigest()
    result_ = String.upper()
    return result_
  def arrayToXml(self, arr):
    xml = ["<xml>"]
    for k, v in arr.iteritems():
      if v.isdigit():
        xml.append("<{0}>{1}</{0}>".format(k, v))
        xml.append("<{0}><![CDATA[{1}]]></{0}>".format(k, v))
    return "".join(xml)
  def xmlToArray(self, xml):
    array_data = {}
    root = ET.fromstring(xml)
    for child in root:
      value = child.text
      array_data[child.tag] = value
    return array_data
  def postXmlCurl(self, xml, url, second=30):
    return HttpClient().postXml(xml, url, second=second)
  def postXmlSSLCurl(self, xml, url, second=30):
    return HttpClient().postXmlSSL(xml, url, second=second)
class JsApi_pub(Common_util_pub):
  code = None  #code码,用以获取openid
  openid = None #用户的openid
  parameters = None #jsapi参数,格式为json
  prepay_id = None #使用统一支付接口得到的预支付id
  curl_timeout = None #curl超时时间
  def init(self, timeout=WxPayConf_pub.CURL_TIMEOUT):
    self.curl_timeout = timeout
  def createOauthUrlForCode(self, redirectUrl):
    urlObj = {}
    urlObj["appid"] = WxPayConf_pub.APPID
    urlObj["redirect_uri"] = redirectUrl
    urlObj["response_type"] = "code"
    urlObj["scope"] = "snsapi_base"
    urlObj["state"] = "STATE#wechat_redirect"
    bizString = self.formatBizQueryParaMap(urlObj, False)
    return "https://open.weixin.qq.com/connect/oauth2/authorize?"+bizString
  def createOauthUrlForOpenid(self):
    urlObj = {}
    urlObj["appid"] = WxPayConf_pub.APPID
    urlObj["secret"] = WxPayConf_pub.APPSECRET
    urlObj["code"] = self.code
    urlObj["grant_type"] = "authorization_code"
    bizString = self.formatBizQueryParaMap(urlObj, False)
    return "https://api.weixin.qq.com/sns/oauth2/access_token?"+bizString
  def getOpenid(self):
    url = self.createOauthUrlForOpenid()
    data = HttpClient().get(url)
    self.openid = json.loads(data)["openid"]
    return self.openid
  def setPrepayId(self, prepayId):
    self.prepay_id = prepayId
  def setCode(self, code):
    self.code = code
  def getParameters(self):
    jsApiObj = {}
    jsApiObj["appId"] = WxPayConf_pub.APPID
    timeStamp = int(time.time())
    jsApiObj["timeStamp"] = "{0}".format(timeStamp)
    jsApiObj["nonceStr"] = self.createNoncestr()
    jsApiObj["package"] = "prepay_id={0}".format(self.prepay_id)
    jsApiObj["signType"] = "MD5"
    jsApiObj["paySign"] = self.getSign(jsApiObj)
    self.parameters = json.dumps(jsApiObj)
    return self.parameters
class Wxpay_client_pub(Common_util_pub):
  response = None #微信返回的响应
  url = None    #接口链接
  curl_timeout = None #curl超时时间
  def init(self):
    self.parameters = {} #请求参数,类型为关联数组
    self.result = {}   #返回参数,类型为关联数组
  def setParameter(self, parameter, parameterValue):
    self.parameters[self.trimString(parameter)] = self.trimString(parameterValue)
  def createXml(self):
    self.parameters["appid"] = WxPayConf_pub.APPID  #公众账号ID
    self.parameters["mch_id"] = WxPayConf_pub.MCHID  #商户号
    self.parameters["nonce_str"] = self.createNoncestr()  #随机字符串
    self.parameters["sign"] = self.getSign(self.parameters)  #签名
    return self.arrayToXml(self.parameters)
  def postXml(self):
    xml = self.createXml()
    self.response = self.postXmlCurl(xml, self.url, self.curl_timeout)
    return self.response
  def postXmlSSL(self):
    xml = self.createXml()
    self.response = self.postXmlSSLCurl(xml, self.url, self.curl_timeout)
    return self.response
  def getResult(self):
    self.result = self.xmlToArray(self.response)
    return self.result
class UnifiedOrder_pub(Wxpay_client_pub):
  def init(self, timeout=WxPayConf_pub.CURL_TIMEOUT):
    self.url = "https://api.mch.weixin.qq.com/pay/unifiedorder"
    self.curl_timeout = timeout
    super(UnifiedOrder_pub, self).init()
  def createXml(self):
    if any(self.parameters[key] is None for key in ("out_trade_no", "body", "total_fee", "notify_url", "trade_type")):
      raise ValueError("missing parameter")
    if self.parameters["trade_type"] == "JSAPI" and self.parameters["openid"] is None:
      raise ValueError("JSAPI need openid parameters")
    self.parameters["appid"] = WxPayConf_pub.APPID #公众账号ID
    self.parameters["mch_id"] = WxPayConf_pub.MCHID #商户号
    self.parameters["spbill_create_ip"] = "" #终端ip
    self.parameters["nonce_str"] = self.createNoncestr() #随机字符串
    self.parameters["sign"] = self.getSign(self.parameters) #签名
    return self.arrayToXml(self.parameters)
  def getPrepayId(self):
    self.result = self.xmlToArray(self.response)
    prepay_id = self.result["prepay_id"]
    return prepay_id
class OrderQuery_pub(Wxpay_client_pub):
  def init(self, timeout=WxPayConf_pub.CURL_TIMEOUT):
    self.url = "https://api.mch.weixin.qq.com/pay/orderquery"
    self.curl_timeout = timeout
    super(OrderQuery_pub, self).init()
  def createXml(self):
    if any(self.parameters[key] is None for key in ("out_trade_no", "transaction_id")):
      raise ValueError("missing parameter")
    self.parameters["appid"] = WxPayConf_pub.APPID #公众账号ID
    self.parameters["mch_id"] = WxPayConf_pub.MCHID #商户号
    self.parameters["nonce_str"] = self.createNoncestr() #随机字符串
    self.parameters["sign"] = self.getSign(self.parameters) #签名
    return self.arrayToXml(self.parameters)
class Refund_pub(Wxpay_client_pub):
  def init(self, timeout=WxPayConf_pub.CURL_TIMEOUT):
    self.url = "https://api.mch.weixin.qq.com/secapi/pay/refund"
    self.curl_timeout = timeout
    super(Refund_pub, self).init()
  def createXml(self):
    if any(self.parameters[key] is None for key in ("out_trade_no", "out_refund_no", "total_fee", "refund_fee", "op_user_id")):
      raise ValueError("missing parameter")
    self.parameters["appid"] = WxPayConf_pub.APPID #公众账号ID
    self.parameters["mch_id"] = WxPayConf_pub.MCHID #商户号
    self.parameters["nonce_str"] = self.createNoncestr() #随机字符串
    self.parameters["sign"] = self.getSign(self.parameters) #签名
    return self.arrayToXml(self.parameters)
  def getResult(self):
    """ 获取结果,使用证书通信(需要双向证书)"""
    self.result = self.xmlToArray(self.response)
    return self.result
class RefundQuery_pub(Wxpay_client_pub):
  def init(self, timeout=WxPayConf_pub.CURL_TIMEOUT):
    self.url = "https://api.mch.weixin.qq.com/pay/refundquery"
    self.curl_timeout = timeout
    super(RefundQuery_pub, self).init()
  def createXml(self):
    if any(self.parameters[key] is None for key in ("out_refund_no", "out_trade_no", "transaction_id", "refund_id")):
      raise ValueError("missing parameter")
    self.parameters["appid"] = WxPayConf_pub.APPID #公众账号ID
    self.parameters["mch_id"] = WxPayConf_pub.MCHID #商户号
    self.parameters["nonce_str"] = self.createNoncestr() #随机字符串
    self.parameters["sign"] = self.getSign(self.parameters) #签名
    return self.arrayToXml(self.parameters)
  def getResult(self):
    """ 获取结果,使用证书通信(需要双向证书)"""
    self.result = self.xmlToArray(self.response)
    return self.result
class DownloadBill_pub(Wxpay_client_pub):
  def init(self, timeout=WxPayConf_pub.CURL_TIMEOUT):
    self.url = "https://api.mch.weixin.qq.com/pay/downloadbill"
    self.curl_timeout = timeout
    super(DownloadBill_pub, self).init()
  def createXml(self):
    if any(self.parameters[key] is None for key in ("bill_date", )):
      raise ValueError("missing parameter")
    self.parameters["appid"] = WxPayConf_pub.APPID #公众账号ID
    self.parameters["mch_id"] = WxPayConf_pub.MCHID #商户号
    self.parameters["nonce_str"] = self.createNoncestr() #随机字符串
    self.parameters["sign"] = self.getSign(self.parameters) #签名
    return self.arrayToXml(self.parameters)
  def getResult(self):
    self.result = self.xmlToArray(self.response)
    return self.result
class ShortUrl_pub(Wxpay_client_pub):
  def init(self, timeout=WxPayConf_pub.CURL_TIMEOUT):
    self.url = "https://api.mch.weixin.qq.com/tools/shorturl"
    self.curl_timeout = timeout
    super(ShortUrl_pub, self).init()
  def createXml(self):
    if any(self.parameters[key] is None for key in ("long_url", )):
      raise ValueError("missing parameter")
    self.parameters["appid"] = WxPayConf_pub.APPID #公众账号ID
    self.parameters["mch_id"] = WxPayConf_pub.MCHID #商户号
    self.parameters["nonce_str"] = self.createNoncestr() #随机字符串
    self.parameters["sign"] = self.getSign(self.parameters) #签名
    return self.arrayToXml(self.parameters)
  def getShortUrl(self):
    prepay_id = self.result["short_url"]
    return prepay_id
class Wxpay_server_pub(Common_util_pub):
  def init(self):
    self.data = {} #接收到的数据,类型为关联数组
    self.returnParameters = {} #返回参数,类型为关联数组
  def saveData(self, xml):
    self.data = self.xmlToArray(xml)
  def checkSign(self):
    tmpData = dict(self.data) #make a copy to save sign
    del tmpData[&#39;sign&#39;]
    sign = self.getSign(tmpData) #本地签名
    if self.data[&#39;sign&#39;] == sign:
      return True
    return False
  def getData(self):
    return self.data
  def setReturnParameter(self, parameter, parameterValue):
    self.returnParameters[self.trimString(parameter)] = self.trimString(parameterValue)
  def createXml(self):
    return self.arrayToXml(self.returnParameters)
  def returnXml(self):
    returnXml = self.createXml()
    return returnXml
class Notify_pub(Wxpay_server_pub):
class NativeCall_pub(Wxpay_server_pub):
  def createXml(self):
    if self.returnParameters["return_code"] == self.SUCCESS:
      self.returnParameters["appid"] = WxPayConf_pub.APPID #公众账号ID
      self.returnParameters["mch_id"] = WxPayConf_pub.MCHID #商户号
      self.returnParameters["nonce_str"] = self.createNoncestr() #随机字符串
      self.returnParameters["sign"] = self.getSign(self.returnParameters) #签名
    return self.arrayToXml(self.returnParameters)
  def getProductId(self):
    product_id = self.data["product_id"]
    return product_id
class NativeLink_pub(Common_util_pub):
  url = None #静态链接
  def init(self):
    self.parameters = {} #静态链接参数
  def setParameter(self, parameter, parameterValue):
    self.parameters[self.trimString(parameter)] = self.trimString(parameterValue)
  def createLink(self):
    if any(self.parameters[key] is None for key in ("product_id", )):
      raise ValueError("missing parameter")
    self.parameters["appid"] = WxPayConf_pub.APPID #公众账号ID
    self.parameters["mch_id"] = WxPayConf_pub.MCHID #商户号
    time_stamp = int(time.time())
    self.parameters["time_stamp"] = "{0}".format(time_stamp) #时间戳
    self.parameters["nonce_str"] = self.createNoncestr() #随机字符串
    self.parameters["sign"] = self.getSign(self.parameters) #签名
    bizString = self.formatBizQueryParaMap(self.parameters, false)
    self.url = "weixin://wxpay/bizpayurl?"+bizString
  def getUrl(self):
    return self.url
def test():
  c = HttpClient()
  assert c.get("http://www.baidu.com")[:15] == "<!DOCTYPE html>"
  c2 = HttpClient()
  assert id(c) == id(c2)
if name == "main":
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The above is the detailed content of Python uses WeChat SDK to implement payment function. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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