在使用jsPlumb过程中,所遇到的问题,以及解决方案,文中引用了《数据结构与算法JavaScript描述》的相关图片和一部分代 码.截图是有点多,有时比较懒,没有太多的时间去详细的编辑.Copy after login
First is the UML class diagram
Then is the flow chart
Using the related functions of jsPlumb, you can see the prototype of the first version. It took almost two months, interspersed with other work intermittently, but the basic functions were still completed.
In fact, do it After finishing it, I discovered that only a small part of the functions of jsPlumb were used, and more was the understanding and implementation of the internal data structure. It can only be said that the data is updated synchronously, and there is still a certain distance from the data drive.
Here we will summarize and record the problems encountered in the project and the solutions. If there is a better method, please point it out.
As shown in the picture above, at first we thought about configuring two overlays when connecting.
var j = jsPlumb.getInstance(); j.connect({ source:source, target:target, overlays:[ "Arrow", ["label",{label:"foo1",location:0.2jsPlumb flowchart experience summary,id:"m1"}], ["label",{label:"foo2",location:0.jsPlumb flowchart experience summaryjsPlumb flowchart experience summary,id:"m2"}] ] })
Of course, there are pitfalls here. If the id is repeated, the last one will be used. There will be no overlap, including the data cached within jsPlumb, only the last one will be left.
Later I found out that in fact, the configuration items can also be dynamically modified through the importDefaults
j.importDefaults({ ConnectionOverlays: [ ["Arrow", { location: 1, id: "arrow", length: jsPlumb flowchart experience summary, foldback: 0, width: jsPlumb flowchart experience summary }], ["Label", { label: "n", id: "label-n", location: 0.2jsPlumb flowchart experience summary, cssClass: "jspl-label" }], ["Label", { label: "1", id: "label-1", location: 0.jsPlumb flowchart experience summaryjsPlumb flowchart experience summary, cssClass: "jspl-label" }] ] })
It’s just that, only the two labels can be displayed in the connection after running the function, and the previous ones cannot be changed together.
So for the sake of convenience, they are modified directly in the initialization .
Group is indeed a problem when making flow charts. In the infinite nesting level as shown above, you cannot use the Groups
function provided by jsPlumb. .
According to the document, if an element is marked as a group, the elements in the group will move with the movement of the group, as will the connections, but the problem is that once an element becomes a group, it is unacceptable. Other group elements. In other words, the Groups method it provides has only one layer, which naturally cannot meet the requirements.
First post the summarized usage of groups:
j.addGroup({ el:el, id:"one" constrain:true, // 子元素仅限在元素内拖动 droppable:true, // 子元素是否可以放置其他元素 draggable:true, // 默认为true,组是否可以拖动 dropOverride:true ,// 组中的元素是否可以拓展到其他组,为true时表示否,这里的拓展会对dom结构进行修改,而非单纯的位置移动 ghost:true, // 是否创建一个子元素的副本元素 revert:true, // 元素是否可以拖到只有边框可以重合 })
The new method will be used later method, dynamically refresh the connection when the node moves
In order not to block the page, you need to use the function throttlingthrottle()
function throttle(fn,interval){ var canRun = true; return function(){ if(!canRun) return; canRun = false; setTimeout(function(){ fn.apply(this,arguments); canRun = true; },interval ? interval : jsPlumb flowchart experience summary00); }; };
This is a simple The implementation method is mainly to reduce the repeated calls of events when moving events in the dom, and at the same time achieve the purpose of executing events (only allowing a function to be executed once within The
_.throttle() function can also achieve the purpose.
[ { id:"1", child:{ id:"2", child:{ id:"jsPlumb flowchart experience summary", child:{} } } } ]
But the disadvantage is that it is not so convenient to search and modify.
[ { id:"1", child:[{ id:"2" }] }, { id:"2", parentId:"1", child:[{ id:"jsPlumb flowchart experience summary" }] }, { id:"jsPlumb flowchart experience summary", parentId:"2", child:[] } ]
function mt(){ var OBJ; this.root = null; this.Node = function(e) { this.id = e.id; this.name = e.name; this.parentId = e.parentId; this.children = []; }; this.insert=function(e,key){ function add(obj,e){ if(obj.id == e.parentId){ obj.children.push(e); } else { for (var i = 0; i < obj.children.length; i++) { add(obj.children[i], e); } } } if (e != undefined) { e = new this.Node(e); } else { return; } if (this.root == null) { this.root = e; } else { OBJ = this.root; add(OBJ, e); } } this.init = function(data){ var _this = this; for(var i = 0;i<data.length;i++){ _this.insert(data[i]); } return OBJ; } }
function Graph1(v) { this.vertices = v; // 总顶点 this.edges = 0; // 图的边数 this.adj = []; // 通过 for 循环为数组中的每个元素添加一个子数组来存储所有的相邻顶点,[并将所有元素初始化为空字符串。]? for (var i = 0; i < this.vertices; ++i) { this.adj[i] = []; } /** * 当调用这个函数并传入顶点 v 和 w 时,函数会先查找顶点 v 的邻接表,将顶点 w 添加到列表中 * 然后再查找顶点 w 的邻接表,将顶点 v 加入列表。最后,这个函数会将边数加 1。 * @param {[type]} v [第一个顶点] * @param {[type]} w [第二个顶点] */ this.addEdge = function(v, w) { this.adj[v].push(w); this.adj[w].push(v); this.edges++; } /** * 打印所有顶点的关系简单表现形式 * @return {[type]} [description] */ this.showGraph = function() { for (var i = 0; i < this.vertices; ++i) { var str = i + " ->"; for (var j = 0; j < this.vertices; ++j) { if (this.adj[i][j] != undefined) { str += this.adj[i][j] + &#jsPlumb flowchart experience summaryjsPlumb flowchart experience summary; &#jsPlumb flowchart experience summaryjsPlumb flowchart experience summary; } } console.log("表现形式为:" + str); } console.log(this.adj); } }
Depth first search and breadth first search;
/** * 深度优先搜索算法 * 这里不需要顶点,也就是邻接表的初始点 */ this.dfs = (v) { this.marked[v] = true; for (var w of this.adj[v]) { if (!this.marked[w]) { this.dfs(w); } } }
/** * 广度优先搜索算法 * @param {[type]} s [description] */ this.bfs = function(s) { var queue = []; this.marked[s] = true; queue.push(s); // 添加到队尾 while (queue.length > 0) { var v = queue.shift(); // 从队首移除 console.log("Visisted vertex: " + v); for (var w of this.adj[v]) { if (!this.marked[w]) { this.edgeTo[w] = v; this.marked[w] = true; queue.push(w); } } } }
/** * 深度搜索,dfs,解两点之间所有路径 * @param {[type]} v [description] * @return {[type]} [description] */ function Graph2(v) { var _this = this; this.vertices = v; // 总顶点 this.edges = 0; //图的起始边数 this.adj = []; //内部邻接表表现形式 this.marked = []; // 内部顶点访问状态,与邻接表对应 this.path = []; // 路径表示 this.lines = []; // 所有路径汇总 for (var i = 0; i < this.vertices; ++i) { _this.adj[i] = []; } /** * 初始化访问状态 * @return {[type]} [description] */ this.initMarked = function() { for (var i = 0; i < _this.vertices; ++i) { _this.marked[i] = false; } }; /** * 在邻接表中增加节点 * @param {[type]} v [description] * @param {[type]} w [description] */ this.addEdge = function(v, w) { this.adj[v].push(w); this.edges++; }; /** * 返回生成的邻接表 * @return {[type]} [description] */ this.showGraph = function() { return this.adj; }; /** * 深度搜索算法 * @param {[type]} v [起点] * @param {[type]} d [终点] * @param {[type]} path [路径] * @return {[type]} [description] */ this.dfs = function(v, d, path) { var _this = this; this.marked[v] = true; path.push(v); if (v == d) { var arr = []; for (var i = 0; i < path.length; i++) { arr.push(path[i]); } _this.lines.push(arr); } else { for (var w of this.adj[v]) { if (!this.marked[w]) { this.dfs(w, d, path); } } } path.pop(); this.marked[v] = false; }; this.verify = function(arr, start, end) { this.initMarked(); for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { _this.addEdge(arr[i].from, arr[i].to); } this.dfs(start, end, this.path); return this.lines; }; }
而this.marked[v] = false
而在删除和连接连线上,我使用了jsPlumb提供的事件bind(&#jsPlumb flowchart experience summaryjsPlumb flowchart experience summary;connection&#jsPlumb flowchart experience summaryjsPlumb flowchart experience summary;)
jsPlumb.connect({ source:"foo", target:"bar", parameters:{ "p1":jsPlumb flowchart experience summaryjsPlumb flowchart experience summary, "p2":new Date(), "pjsPlumb flowchart experience summary":function() { console.log("i am pjsPlumb flowchart experience summary"); } } });
var defaults = { &#jsPlumb flowchart experience summaryjsPlumb flowchart experience summary;name&#jsPlumb flowchart experience summaryjsPlumb flowchart experience summary;: "mutation", &#jsPlumb flowchart experience summaryjsPlumb flowchart experience summary;afterAddServe&#jsPlumb flowchart experience summaryjsPlumb flowchart experience summary;:$.noop, &#jsPlumb flowchart experience summaryjsPlumb flowchart experience summary;afterUndo&#jsPlumb flowchart experience summaryjsPlumb flowchart experience summary;:$.noop, &#jsPlumb flowchart experience summaryjsPlumb flowchart experience summary;afterRedo&#jsPlumb flowchart experience summaryjsPlumb flowchart experience summary;:$.noop } var mutation = function(options){ this.options = $.extend(true,{},defaults,options); this.list = []; this.index = 0; }; mutation.prototype = { addServe:function(undo,redo){ if(!_.isFunction(undo) || !_.isFunction(redo)) return false; // 说明是在有后续操作时,更新了队列 if(this.canRedo){ this.splice(this.index+1); }; this.list.push({ undo:undo, redo:redo }); console.log(this.list); this.index = this.list.length - 1; _.isFunction(this.options.afterAddServe) && this.options.afterAddServe(this.canUndo(),this.canRedo()); }, /** * 相当于保存之后清空之前的所有保存的操作 * @return {[type]} [description] */ reset:function(){ this.list = []; this.index = 0; }, /** * 当破坏原来队列时,需要对队列进行修改, * index开始的所有存储值都没有用了 * @param {[type]} index [description] * @return {[type]} [description] */ splice:function(index){ this.list.splice(index); }, /** * 撤销操作 * @return {[type]} [description] */ undo:function(){ if(this.canUndo()){ this.list[this.index].undo(); this.index--; _.isFunction(this.options.afterUndo) && this.options.afterUndo(this.canUndo(),this.canRedo()); } }, /** * 重做操作 * @return {[type]} [description] */ redo:function(){ if(this.canRedo()){ this.index++; this.list[this.index].redo(); _.isFunction(this.options.afterRedo) && this.options.afterRedo(this.canUndo(),this.canRedo()); } }, canUndo:function(){ return this.index !== -1; }, canRedo:function(){ return this.list.length - 1 !== this.index; } } return mutation;
I personally find this project quite interesting. I can learn new algorithms, understand new data structures, including design patterns, and also integrate them into code integration. Both the middleware model and the publish-subscriber model gave me a new understanding of js. Although require has been used to manage modules, the structure is still highly coupled and should still be restricted.
As a resignation Regarding the last project before, I actually feel that my coding ability still hasn’t changed much from the beginning of the year. Maybe it’s time to break away from the comfortable environment and start over.
The above is the detailed content of jsPlumb flowchart experience summary. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!