For front-end engineers, one problem they don’t want to face but have to face is compatibility. A few years ago, dealing with compatibility usually involved dealing with the compatibility of lower versions of IE browsers. In recent years, with the development of mobile terminals, engineers also need to pay attention to mobile phone compatibility. This article will introduce CSS compatibility in detail
Weird mode problem: If you omit the DTD declaration, Firefox will still parse the web page according to the standard mode, but the weird mode will be triggered in IE. In order to avoid weird patterns causing us unnecessary trouble, it is best to develop a good habit of writing DTD declarations.
2. IE6 double margin problem: Under IE6, if an element is floated and margin-left or margin-right is set at the same time, the margin value will be doubled. For example:
【 Width/height】
(全兼容) width height (IE6-不支持) min-width max-width min-height max-height
(全兼容) border border-width border-color border-style (IE8-不支持) border-radius (IE10-不支持) border-image border-image-source border-image-slice border-image-width border-image-outset border-image-repeat (只有firefox支持,需要添加-moz-前缀) border-colors
【Outer margin】
(全兼容) margin (IE不支持,且需要添加webkit或moz前缀) margin-start margin-end (只有chrome和safari支持,且需要添加webkit前缀)-webkit-margin-before-webkit-margin-after
(IE7-不支持) outline outline-width outline-color outline-style (IE不支持) outline-offset
[Note] Only firefox supports the padding-box attribute value
(IE7-不支持) box-sizing
[ Note] IE7-the browser does not support the table class attribute value
(全兼容) display
[Note] IE6-does not support fixed positioning: fixed
(全兼容) position left right top bottom z-index
[overflow related]
<span style="color: #000000;">(全兼容) overflow<br>overflow-x<br>overflow-y<br>clip<br>visibility<br><br>(IE不支持)<br>resize</span>
(IE9-不支持) flex-direction flex-wrap flex-flow justify-content align-items align-content align-self flex-basis flex-grow flex-shrink flex order
【Multi-column layout】
(IE10+和chrome浏览器支持标准写法,firefox、safari浏览器及移动端android、IOS需要添加前缀) column-width column-count column-gap column-rule column-span(firefox不支持该属性) columns (只有firefox支持带前缀的column-fill属性) column-fill
(IE9-不支持,IE10+需要添加-ms-前缀,android4.4.4-不支持,IOS10.2-不支持) grid-template-rows grid-template-columns grid-template-areas grid-column-gap grid-row-gap grid-gap grid-row-start grid-row-end grid-row grid-column-start grid-column-end grid-column grid-area grid-auto-flow grid-auto-rows grid-auto-columns justify-items justify-self align-items align-self
【Font font】
(全兼容) font font-family font-size font-style font-variant font-weight line-height @font-face
【First line indent text-indent】
(全兼容) text-indent
[Note] IE7-The percentage value of vertical-align in the browser does not support decimal line height
--align (safari浏览器、IOS、androis4.4-浏览器不支持) text-align-last
(全兼容) word-spacing letter-spacing
【Case text-transform】
(全兼容) text-transform
【Underline text-decoration】
(全兼容) text-decoration
[Note] IE7-browser does not support the two attribute values of pre-line and pre-wrap
(全兼容) white-space
[Line break]
[ Note 1] W3C recommends using overflow-wrap to replace word-wrap
[Note2] Mobile terminals currently do not support the word-break attribute valuekeep-all
【Text direction】
【Text-overflow text-overflow】
(全兼容) text-overflow
【Text-shadow text-shadow】
(IE9-不支持) text-shadow
(全兼容) background background-color background-image background-repeat background-position (IE8-不支持) background-attachment background-clip background-size
【Foreground and Transparency】
(全兼容) color (IE8-不支持) opacity
【Color Mode】
[Note] IE7-does not support color:transparent, but does support background-color: transparent and border-color: transparent
[Note]IE7-does not support extended styles
(全兼容) cursor
(IE9-不支持,safari3.1-6、IOS3.2-6.1、android2.1-4.3需要添加-webkit-前缀) transition-property transition-duration transiton-timing-function transition-delay transition
(IE9-不支持;safari4-8、IOS3.2-8.4、android2.1-4.4.4需要添加-webkit-前缀) animation animation-name animation-duration animation-timing-function animation-delay animation-iteration-count animation-direction animation-play-state animation-fill-mode
【Blending mode】
(IE浏览器、android4.4-不支持,safari和IOS需要添加-webkit-前缀) mix-blend-mode background-blend-mode isolation
(IE浏览器及android4.3-浏览器不支持,android4.4+需要添加-webkit-前缀) filter
【Reflection box-reflect】
Only chrome and safari browsers support it, and the -webkit- prefix needs to be added
(IE13+、chrome49+、safari9.1+、IOS9.3+、Android52+) will-change
(全兼容) border-collapse table-layout caption-side (IE7-不支持) border-spacing empty-cells
(全兼容) page-break-after page-break-before page-break-inside (IE7-不支持) orphans (IE及手机端不支持) windows
(全兼容) 通配选择器 *元素选择器 div 类选择器 .box ID选择器 #box 后代选择器 div a 分组选择器 h1,p (IE6-不支持) 属性选择器 h1[class] 子元素选择器 ul > li 相邻兄弟选择器 div + p (IE7-不支持) 通用兄弟选择器 div ~ p
(全兼容) :link :visited (IE6-不支持给<a>以外的其他元素设置伪类) :hover :active (IE7-不支持) :focus :lang() (IE8-不支持) :target :enabled :disabled :checked :nth-child(n) :nth-last-child(n) :first-child :last-child :only-child :nth-of-type(n) :nth-last-of-type(n) :first-of-type :last-of-type :only-of-type :root :not :empty :target
(只有当选择器部分和左大括号之间有空格时,IE6-浏览器才支持) :first-letter :first-line (IE7-不支持) :before :after (IE8-不支持) ::selection
(IE7-浏览器不支持) inherit (IE浏览器不支持) initial (IE不支持,safari9-不支持,ios9.2-不支持,android4.4.4-不支持) unset all (只有safari9.1+和ios9.3+支持) revert
[Note] android4.4-4.4.4 only supports addition and subtraction. IE9 does not support backround-position
(IE8-、safari5.1-、ios5.1-、android4.3-不支持) calc
(全兼容) pxincm mm q pt pc em ex ch (IE8-不支持) rem (IE8-浏览器不支持,IOS7.1-不支持,android4.3-不支持,对于vmax所有IE浏览器都不支持) vh vw vmin vmax
The above is the detailed content of An explanation of CSS compatibility. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!