Detailed explanation of how PHP implements fixed red envelopes and random red envelope algorithms (picture)

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1 Requirement

CleverCode recently received a request to write a fixed red envelope + random red envelope algorithm.

1 Fixed red envelope means that the amount of each red envelope is the same. You can send as many fixed red envelopes as there are.

2 The demand for random red envelopes is. For example, if the total amount of red envelopes is 5 yuan, 10 red envelopes need to be sent. The random range is 0.01 to 0.99; 5 yuan must be paid out, and the amount needs to have a normal distribution with a certain trend. (0.99 can be specified arbitrarily, or it can be avg * 2 - 0.01; for example, avg = 5 / 10 = 0.5; (avg * 2 - 0.01 = 0.99))

2 Requirements Analysis

2.1 Fixed red envelope

If it is a fixed red envelope, the algorithm is a straight line. t is the fixed amount of red envelope. As shown in the picture.
f(x) = t;(1 <= x <= num)

2.2 Random red envelope

If we Use the random function rand. rand(0.01,0.99); then 10 random times, if the worst case scenario is the amount is 0.99, the total amount is 9.9 yuan. It will be more than 5 yuan. Amounts will also not be normally distributed. Finally, I thought about using mathematical functions as a random red envelope generator. Parabolas and trigonometric functions can be used. Finally, the isosceles trigonometric linear function was selected.

1 Algorithm principle

If the total amount of red envelopes to be issued is totalMoney, the number of red envelopes is num, and the amount range is [min,max], the linear equation is as shown in the figure .

Coordinates of three points:

(x1,y1) =  (1,min)
  (x2,y2)  = (num/2,max)
  (x3,y3) = (num,min)
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Determined linear equation:

$y = 1.0 * ($x - $x1) / ($x2 - $x1) * ($y2 - $y1) + $y1 ; (x1 <= x <= x2)
$y = 1.0 * ($x - $x2) / ($x3 - $x2) * ($y3 - $y2) + $y2;  (x2 <= x <= x3)
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Revised data:
y (Total) = y1 + y2 + y3 +... ynum;
y (Total) may be > totalMoney, indicating that the generated amount is too much and the data needs to be revised, then start from (y1, y2, y3. ....ynum) These are reduced by 0.01 each time. Until y(total) = totalMoney.
y (together) may be < totalMoney, indicating that the generated amount is less and the data needs to be revised, then add 0.01 each time from (y1, y2, y3...ynum). Until y(total) = totalMoney.

2 Algorithm Principle Example

If the total amount of red envelopes to be issued is 11470, the number of red envelopes is 7400, and the amount range is [0.01,3.09] , the linear equation is shown in the figure.

3 Requirements design

3.1 Class diagram design

3.2 Source code design

 * 随机红包+固定红包算法[策略模式]
 * copyright (c) 2016

class OptionDTO

    public $totalMoney;

    public $num;

    public $rangeStart;

    public $rangeEnd;

    public $builderStrategy;

    public $randFormatType; //Can_Left:不修数据,可以有剩余;No_Left:不能有剩余

    public static function create($totalMoney,$num,$rangeStart,$rangEnd,
        $builderStrategy,$randFormatType = &#39;No_Left&#39;)
        $self = new self();
        $self->num = $num;
        $self->rangeStart = $rangeStart;
        $self->rangeEnd = $rangEnd;
        $self->totalMoney = $totalMoney;
        $self->builderStrategy = $builderStrategy;
        $self->randFormatType = $randFormatType;
        return $self; 


interface IBuilderStrategy
    public function create();    
    public function setOption(OptionDTO $option); 
    public function isCanBuilder();
    public function fx($x);

class EqualPackageStrategy implements IBuilderStrategy
    public $oneMoney;

    public $num;

    public function construct($option = null) 
        if($option instanceof OptionDTO)

    public function setOption(OptionDTO $option)
        $this->oneMoney = $option->rangeStart;
        $this->num = $option->num;

    public function create() 

        $data = array();
        if(false == $this->isCanBuilder())
            return $data;    

        $data = array();
        if(false == is_int($this->num) || $this->num <= 0) 
            return $data;    
        for($i = 1;$i <= $this->num;$i++)
            $data[$i] = $this->fx($i);
        return $data;
     * 等额红包的方程是一条直线 
     * @param mixed $x 
     * @access public
     * @return void
    public function fx($x) 
        return $this->oneMoney; 

     * 是否能固定红包 
     * @access public
     * @return void
    public function isCanBuilder()
        if(false == is_int($this->num) || $this->num <= 0) 
            return false;    

        if(false ==  is_numeric($this->oneMoney) || $this->oneMoney <= 0)
            return false;

        if($this->oneMoney < 0.01)
            return false;
        return true;



class RandTrianglePackageStrategy implements IBuilderStrategy
    public $totalMoney;

    public $num;

    public $minMoney;

    public $maxMoney;

    //修数据方式:NO_LEFT: 红包总额 = 预算总额;CAN_LEFT: 红包总额 <= 预算总额
    public $formatType; 

    public $leftMoney;

    public function construct($option = null) 
        if($option instanceof OptionDTO)

    public function setOption(OptionDTO $option)
        $this->totalMoney = $option->totalMoney;
        $this->num = $option->num;
        $this->formatType = $option->randFormatType;
        $this->minMoney = $option->rangeStart;
        $this->maxMoney = $option->rangeEnd;
        $this->leftMoney = $this->totalMoney;

     * 创建随机红包 
     * @access public
     * @return void
    public function create() 
        $data = array();
        if(false == $this->isCanBuilder())
            return $data;    
        $leftMoney = $this->leftMoney;
        for($i = 1;$i <= $this->num;$i++)
            $data[$i] = $this->fx($i);
            $leftMoney = $leftMoney - $data[$i]; 

        list($okLeftMoney,$okData) = $this->format($leftMoney,$data);

        $this->leftMoney = $okLeftMoney;

        return $okData;

     * 是否能够发随机红包 
     * @access public
     * @return void
    public function isCanBuilder()
        if(false == is_int($this->num) || $this->num <= 0) 
            return false;    

        if(false ==  is_numeric($this->totalMoney) || $this->totalMoney <= 0)
            return false;

        $avgMoney = $this->totalMoney / 1.0 / $this->num;
        if($avgMoney < $this->minMoney )
            return false;
        return true;


     * 获取剩余金额 
     * @access public
     * @return void
    public function getLeftMoney()
        return $this->leftMoney;

     * 随机红包生成函数。三角函数。[(1,0.01),($num/2,$avgMoney),($num,0.01)] 
     * @param mixed $x,1 <= $x <= $this->num; 
     * @access public
     * @return void
    public function fx($x)
        if(false == $this->isCanBuilder())
            return 0;

        if($x < 1 || $x > $this->num)
            return 0;
        $x1 = 1;
        $y1 = $this->minMoney;
        $y2 = $this->maxMoney;

        $x2 = ceil($this->num /  1.0 / 2);

        $x3 = $this->num;
        $y3 = $this->minMoney;  

        if($x1 == $x2 && $x2 == $x3)
            return $y2;

        // &#39;/_\&#39;三角形状的线性方程
        if($x1 != $x2 && $x >= $x1 && $x <= $x2)

            $y = 1.0 * ($x - $x1) / ($x2 - $x1) * ($y2 - $y1) + $y1;  
            return number_format($y, 2, &#39;.&#39;, &#39;&#39;);

        if($x2 != $x3 && $x >= $x2 && $x <= $x3)

            $y = 1.0 * ($x - $x2) / ($x3 - $x2) * ($y3 - $y2) + $y2;  
            return number_format($y, 2, &#39;.&#39;, &#39;&#39;);
        return 0;


     * 格式化修红包数据 
     * @param mixed $leftMoney 
     * @param array $data 
     * @access public
     * @return void
    private function format($leftMoney,array $data)

        if(false == $this->isCanBuilder())
            return array($leftMoney,$data);  
        if(0 == $leftMoney)
            return array($leftMoney,$data);  

        if(count($data) < 1)
            return array($leftMoney,$data);  

        //如果是可以有剩余,并且$leftMoney > 0
        if(&#39;Can_Left&#39; == $this->formatType
          && $leftMoney > 0)
            return array($leftMoney,$data);  

        $myMax = $this->maxMoney;

        // 如果还有余钱,则尝试加到小红包里,如果加不进去,则尝试下一个。
        while($leftMoney > 0)
            $found = 0;
            foreach($data as $key => $val) 
                if($leftMoney <= 0)

                $afterLeftMoney =  (double)$leftMoney - 0.01;
                $afterVal = (double)$val + 0.01;
                if( $afterLeftMoney >= 0  && $afterVal <= $myMax)
                    $found = 1;
                    $data[$key] = number_format($afterVal,2,&#39;.&#39;,&#39;&#39;);
                    $leftMoney = $afterLeftMoney;
                    $leftMoney = number_format($leftMoney,2,&#39;.&#39;,&#39;&#39;);

            if($found == 0)
        //如果$leftMoney < 0 ,说明生成的红包超过预算了,需要减少部分红包金额
        while($leftMoney < 0)
            $found = 0;
            foreach($data as $key => $val) 
                if($leftMoney >= 0)
                $afterLeftMoney =  (double)$leftMoney + 0.01;
                $afterVal = (double)$val - 0.01;
                if( $afterLeftMoney <= 0 && $afterVal >= $this->minMoney)
                    $found = 1;
                    $data[$key] = number_format($afterVal,2,&#39;.&#39;,&#39;&#39;);
                    $leftMoney = $afterLeftMoney;
                    $leftMoney = number_format($leftMoney,2,&#39;.&#39;,&#39;&#39;);
            if($found == 0)
        return array($leftMoney,$data);  


class RedPackageBuilder

    // 实例  
    protected static $_instance = null;  

     * Singleton instance(获取自己的实例) 
     * @return MemcacheOperate 
    public static function getInstance()
    {  /*{{{*/
        if (null === self::$_instance) 
            self::$_instance = new self();  
        return self::$_instance;  
    }  /*}}}*/

     * 获取策略【使用反射】
     * @param string $type 类型 
     * @return void 
    public function getBuilderStrategy($type)
    {  /*{{{*/
        $class = $type.&#39;PackageStrategy&#39;;

            return new $class();  
            throw new Exception("{$class} 类不存在!");
    }  /*}}}*/

    public function getRedPackageByDTO(OptionDTO $optionDTO) 
        $builderStrategy = $this->getBuilderStrategy($optionDTO->builderStrategy);


        return $builderStrategy->create();

class Client
    public static function main($argv)
        $dto = OptionDTO::create(1000,10,100,100,&#39;Equal&#39;);
        $data = RedPackageBuilder::getInstance()->getRedPackageByDTO($dto);

        $dto = OptionDTO::create(5,10,0.01,0.99,&#39;RandTriangle&#39;);
        $data = RedPackageBuilder::getInstance()->getRedPackageByDTO($dto);

        $dto = OptionDTO::create(5,10,0.01,0.99,&#39;RandTriangle&#39;,&#39;Can_Left&#39;);
        $data = RedPackageBuilder::getInstance()->getRedPackageByDTO($dto);

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3.3 Result display

1 Fixed red envelope

$dto = OptionDTO::create(1000,10,100,100,&#39;Equal&#39;);
$data = RedPackageBuilder::getInstance()->getRedPackageByDTO($dto);
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2 Random red envelope (data modification)

The random sorting function of PHP is used here, shuffle($okData), so the result you see is not linear, this result is more random.

 $dto = OptionDTO::create(5,10,0.01,0.99,&#39;RandTriangle&#39;);
 $data = RedPackageBuilder::getInstance()->getRedPackageByDTO($dto);
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3 Random red envelope (no data modification)

No data modification, the amount of 1 and num is the minimum Value 0.01.

 $dto = OptionDTO::create(5,10,0.01,0.99,&#39;RandTriangle&#39;,&#39;Can_Left&#39;);
 $data = RedPackageBuilder::getInstance()->getRedPackageByDTO($dto);
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