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Introduction to epii.js template engine

Release: 2017-07-18 16:58:48
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What is epii.js

  • epii.js is a template engine that can quickly bind data to UI, quickly bind events, and Processing, does not rely on any third-party libraries, only 8k, can be used in native+webapp development, web development, h5 micro web pages, and does not conflict with other frameworks.

  • Let developers focus more on the application itself, instead of spending a lot of time implementing data and UI, and event processing. Efficiency is greatly improved.

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1, basic data binding

  • epii The custom dom node attribute r-data can be assigned to any type of node. The input node is assigned its value attribute, the img node is assigned its src attribute, and other types of nodes are assigned the innerHtml attribute.

  • If r-data-default is set, the default value will be displayed when there is no data.

  • The difference between r-data="title" and r-data="{title}" is that when the title value does not exist, the title string will be displayed in the first case. In the second case, it displays empty. If r-data-default is set in the second case, the default value of its setting is displayed

  • The effect of the following code can be previewed here https:// epaii.github.io/epii.js/demo/demo1.html

    <div id="content">
      <h1 r-data="title">
      <div r-data="文章内容:{content}"></div>
       <div r-data="{subject}" r-data-default="没有被赋值,只能用:{title}"></div><!-- 默认值-->
      <input r-data="inputvalue"><!-- input 负值方法1-->
      <input value="{inputvalue}"><!-- input 负值方法2-->
      <img r-data="img_url" style="width: {img_width}px"><!-- img 负值方法1-->
      ![]({img_url})<!-- img 负值方法2  ,但这种存在缺点,因为在解析前,已经加载一次不存在的图片,多一次请求,不推荐-->
    <script>  var myepii = epii(document.getElementById("content"));//初始化殷勤,需要制定dom节点 可以是 body
          title: "我是标题",
          content: "我是内容主题",
          inputvalue: "input内容",
      setTimeout(function () {
              title: "我是新的标题",
              content: "我是新的内容主题"  });
      }, 3000);</script>
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    2 Other syntax for data binding

  • epii can realize variable binding of dom node attributes, and variable tags can be used in any attributes, such as style, width, and other attributes. The effect of the following code can be previewed here

  • Support chain variables, such as {info.subject}

<div id="content">
    <h1 r-data="title" style="width: {h1_width}px;height: {h1_height}px;background-color: {h1_color}">
    <div r-data="{info.subject}"></div>
    <img r-data="{img.img_url}" style="width: {img.img_width}px">

<script>var myepii = epii(document.getElementById("content"));//初始化引擎,需要制定dom节点 可以是 bodymyepii.setData({
        title: "我是标题",
            img_url: "https://www.baidu.com/img/bd_logo1.png",
            img_width: 100}

    setTimeout(function () {
            title: "我是新的标题",
            img:{  img_width:300}
    }, 3000);</script>
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3 Node hiding/showing

  • epii There are two ways to set the hiding and display of dom nodes

  • Method 1, style="display: {h1_display}" Bind through the style attribute

  • Method 2, through the r-display tag r-display="{img_show}-1== 0", must be a bool equation string, it is recommended to use this method

  • The effect of the following code can be previewed here https://epaii.github.io/epii.js/ demo/demo3.html

<div id="content">
    <h1 r-data="title" style="display: {h1_display}"> <!--第一种方法,直接在style中 用变量,不推荐-->
    <img r-data="img_url" r-display="{img_show}-1==0"><!--第二种方法,使用 r-display 标签,推荐-->

<script>var myepii = epii(document.getElementById("content"));//初始化引擎,需要制定dom节点 可以是 bodymyepii.setData({
        title: "我是标题",


    setTimeout(function () {//两种方法隐藏        myepii.setData({
    }, 3000);</script>
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4 Click event

    ##epii via r-click -change and r-click-function are two tags that implement click events. Variable symbols can be used in tag content. The r-click-change tag implements click-based custom jumps, and the r-click-function tag implements click-triggered custom functions.
  • r-click-change="http://www.baidu.com/?1={title}" Jump directly when clicked
  • r-click-function="on_subject_click#{info.subject}#{title}" and onclick="on_subject_click('{info.subject}','{title}')" have the same effect. It is recommended to use the former
  • onclick, r-click-change, r-click-function The same node cannot be reused
  • The effect of the following code can be previewed here https://epaii.github.io/epii.js/demo/demo9.html
<div id="content">
    <h1 r-data="title"  r-click-change="http://www.baidu.com/?q={title}">  </h1>
    <div r-data="{info.subject}" r-click-function="on_subject_click#{info.subject}#{title}"></div>
    <div r-data="{info.subject}" onclick="on_subject_click(&#39;{info.subject}&#39;,&#39;{title}&#39;)"></div>
    <div r-list="users">
        <div r-click-function="on_item_click#{name}#{age}">名称<span r-data="name"></span>,
            年龄<span r-data="age" r-click-change="http://www.baidu.com/?age={age}"></span>
<script>var myepii = epii(document.getElementById("content"));//初始化引擎,需要制定dom节点 可以是 bodymyepii.setData({
        title: "列表展示",
    });function on_subject_click(subject,title) {

    }function on_item_click(name,age) {
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5 Custom jump event

    Use epii.setClickToChangeFunction(f); to customize the r-click-change event. In native+webapp development, it is generally not necessary to jump directly through the location page, but needs to be processed. Custom protocol.
epii.setClickToChangeFunction(function (url) {
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    The effect of the following code can be previewed here https://epaii.github.io/epii .js/demo/demo10.html
 //自定义r-click-change 处理事件, 在native+webapp开发中 一般需要自定义协议epii.setClickToChangeFunction(function (url) {
    });var myepii = epii(document.getElementById("content"));//初始化引擎,需要制定dom节点 可以是 bodymyepii.setData({
        title: "列表展示",

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6 List (Basic)

    epii Specify this dom node through the r-list tag to display the list. The variables in the list node will automatically switch to a certain item of data in the list. All tags before the list. The effect of the following code can be previewed here https://epaii .github.io/epii.js/demo/demo4.html
<div id="content">
    <h1 r-data="title" >  </h1>
    <div r-list="users">
        <div>名称<span r-data="name"></span>,年龄<span r-data="age"></span></div>
<script>var myepii = epii(document.getElementById("content"));//初始化引擎,需要制定dom节点 可以是 bodymyepii.setData({
        title: "列表展示",
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7 List (multiple templates)

    If there are multiple templates in the list, the corresponding template will be automatically selected according to r-display. The effect of the following code can be previewed here https://epaii.github.io/epii.js/demo /demo5.html
<div id="content">
    <h1 r-data="title" >  </h1>
    <div r-list="users">
        <div r-display="{item_type}-1==0" style="名称<span r-data="name"></span>,年龄<span r-data="age"></span></div>
        <div r-display="{item_type}-2==0" style="名称<span r-data="name"></span>,年龄<span r-data="age"></span></div>
<script>var myepii = epii(document.getElementById("content"));//初始化引擎,需要制定dom节点 可以是 bodymyepii.setData({
        title: "列表展示",
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8 List (append data)

    epii can be two There are two ways to append data to the list
  • Method 1, re-setData, will re-display all the data in the list, if the old data has changed, use this method
  • Method 2, addData, existing data remains unchanged, append data, if there is no change in the old data, it is recommended to use this method
  • The effect of the following code can be previewed here https://epaii.github.io/epii.js/demo/demo6.html
<div id="content">
    <h1 r-data="title" >  </h1>
    <div r-list="users">
        <div r-display="{item_type}-1==0" style="名称<span r-data="name"></span>,年龄<span r-data="age"></span></div>
        <div r-display="{item_type}-2==0" style="名称<span r-data="name"></span>,年龄<span r-data="age"></span></div>
<script>var myepii = epii(document.getElementById("content"));//初始化引擎,需要制定dom节点 可以是 body    myepii.setData({
        title: "列表展示",
    setTimeout(function () {//3秒后追加列表myepii.addData({ //追加已有数据,列表将被追加,其它类型直接覆盖title: "追加列表展示",

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9 列表(空数据)

通过 r-empty="1" 设置当数据为空,或者未设置时候列表的样式,以下代码效果可在此处预览 https://epaii.github.io/epii.js/demo/demo7.html

<div id="content">
    <h1 r-data="title" >  </h1>
    <div r-list="users">
        <div r-display="{item_type}-1==0" style="名称<span r-data="name"></span>,年龄<span r-data="age"></span></div>
        <div r-display="{item_type}-2==0" style="名称<span r-data="name"></span>,年龄<span r-data="age"></span></div>
        <div r-empty="1" style="没有数据的时候显示</div>
    var myepii = epii(document.getElementById("content"));//初始化引擎,需要制定dom节点 可以是 body
        title: "列表展示",
    setTimeout(function () {//3秒后追加列表
        myepii.addData({ //追加已有数据,列表将别被加,其它类型直接覆盖
            title: "追加列表展示",


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10 数据获取,获取已设置的数据,getData,getDataValue两个方法

  • 通过 epii 的 getData 方法 可以获取所有设置的数据

  • 通过 epii的 getDataValue 方法 可以快速获取已设置的数据,getDataValue 支持多参数,链条key

  • 如 myepii.getDataValue("title"); myepii.getDataValue("info","subject"); myepii.getDataValue("users",1,"age")

  • 以下代码效果可在此处预览 https://epaii.github.io/epii.js/demo/demo8.html

<div id="content">
    <h1 r-data="title" >  </h1>
    <div r-list="users">
        <div r-display="{item_type}-1==0" style="名称<span r-data="name"></span>,年龄<span r-data="age"></span></div>
        <div r-display="{item_type}-2==0" style="名称<span r-data="name"></span>,年龄<span r-data="age"></span></div>
<script>var myepii = epii(document.getElementById("content"));//初始化引擎,需要制定dom节点 可以是 bodymyepii.setData({
        title: "获取数据",
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11 完整的demo,几乎涉及所有语法



<div  >
    <div r-data="我的名字是{name},性别:{sex}" r-click-function="index#{name}#{sex}">

    <div r-click-change="http://www.baidu.cc/?a={name}">click_to_change</div>
    <div r-data="show_name" r-display="{isshow}-1==0" style="background-color: green">

    <div r-data="{hebei}" r-data-default="默认值{name}"  style="width:{width}px;height:{height}px;">{bgcolor};display: {display}" >

    <div r-data="{map.age}"  r-display="{map.show}-1==0" >

    <img r-data="{img_url}"    >
    <input type="text" r-data="{img_url}"    >
    <input type="text" value="{img_url}"    >
    <div r-list="list" style="background-color: #007bc7">

        <span r-data="name" r-display="{moban}-1==0"></span>
        <span r-data="name" style="color: red" r-display="{moban}-2==0" r-click-change="http://www.ddle.cc/?a={age}"></span>
        <div r-display="{moban}-3==0" r-click-function="index#2#{age}">
            <div> 二级列表:</div>
            <div r-list="wanju">
                <span r-data="name" r-display="{moban}-1==0"></span>
                <span r-data="name" style="color: blue" r-display="{moban}-2==0"  r-click-change="http://www.ddle.cc/?a={a}">

        <span   r-empty="1">真的没有数据</span>

<script>epii.setClickToChangeFunction(function (url) {
    });function index(c, b) {//this  bind to uiviewconsole.log(this.innerHTML);
    }var data = {"img_url":"https://www.baidu.com/img/bd_logo1.png","display":"block","width":100,"height":200,"bgcolor":"red","name": "张三","sex": "男","isshow": 1,"show_name": "show/hide","map":{"show":"1","age":"map_age"},         "list": [{"name": "list_item_1", "moban": 1}, {"name": "list_item_2", "moban": 2, "age": 2}]
    };var myepii = epii(document.body);

    myepii.setData(data);//模拟数据变化setTimeout(function () {
        myepii.setData({//改变已有数据"hebei":"河北邯郸","name": "李四","sex": "女","map":{"show":"0","age":"map_age1"},"bgcolor":"blue","width":500,"height":50,
            isshow: 0});
        setTimeout(function () {
            myepii.addData({//追加已有数据,列表将被追加,其它类型直接覆盖"hebei":"河北石家庄",                 "display":"none","list": [
                    {"name": "list_item_3", "moban": 1},
                    {"name": "list_item_4", "moban": 2, "age": 4},
                    {"moban": 3,"age": 10,"wanju": [{"name": "list_item_list1", "moban": 1}, {"name": "list_item_list2", "moban": 2, a: 5}]

    }, 3000);</script>
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The above is the detailed content of Introduction to epii.js template engine. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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