RabbitMQ is a complete, reusable enterprise messaging system based on AMQP. It follows the Mozilla Public License open source agreement. The following article mainly introduces you to the tutorial on how to use Python to operate the message queue RabbitMQ. Friends in need can refer to it.
RabbitMQ is a complete, reusable enterprise messaging system based on AMQP. It follows the Mozilla Public License open source agreement.
MQ stands for Message Queue. Message Queue (MQ) is an application-to-application communication method. Applications communicate by reading and writing messages (application-specific data) to and from queues without requiring a dedicated connection to link them. Messaging refers to programs communicating with each other by sending data in messages, rather than by making direct calls to each other, which is typically used for techniques such as remote procedure calls. Queuing refers to applications communicating through queues. The use of queues removes the requirement that receiving and sending applications execute simultaneously.
Application scenarios:
RabbitMQ is undoubtedly one of the most popular message queues at present, and it also has rich support for various language environments. As a .NET developer, I have It is necessary to learn and understand this tool. There are roughly three usage scenarios for message queues:
1. System integration and distributed system design. Various subsystems are connected through messages, and this solution has gradually developed into an architectural style, namely "architecture passing through messages."
2. When the synchronization processing method in the system seriously affects the throughput, such as logging. If we need to record all user behavior logs in the system, recording the logs synchronously will inevitably affect the response speed of the system. When we send log messages to the message queue, the logging subsystem will consume the logs asynchronously. information.
3. High availability of the system, such as e-commerce flash sale scenarios. When the application server or database server receives a large number of requests at a certain time, system downtime will occur. If the request can be forwarded to the message queue, and then the server consumes these messages, the request will become smoother and the availability of the system will be improved.
1. Installation environment
First, install rabbitmq on Linux
# 环境为CentOS 7 yum install rabbitmq-server # 安装RabbitMQ systemctl start rabbitmq-server # 启动 systemctl enable rabbitmq-server # 开机自启 systemctl stop firewall-cmd # 临时关闭防火墙
Then use pip to install the Python3 development package
pip3 install pika
After installing the software, you can visit http://115.xx.xx. xx:15672/ to access the built-in web page to view and manage RabbitMQ. The default administrator user password is guest
2. Simply add a message to the queue
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # coding=utf-8 # @Time : 2017/6/13 19:25 # @Author : Shawn # @Blog : https://blog.just666.cn # @Email : shawnbluce@gmail.com # @purpose : RabbitMQ_Producer import pika # 创建连接对象 connection = pika.BlockingConnection(pika.ConnectionParameters(host='115.xx.xx.xx')) # 创建频道对象 channel = connection.channel() # 指定一个队列,如果该队列不存在则创建 channel.queue_declare(queue='test_queue') # 提交消息 for i in range(10): channel.basic_publish(exchange='', routing_key='test_queue', body='hello,world' + str(i)) print("sent...") # 关闭连接 connection.close()
3. Simply get messages from the queue
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # coding=utf-8 # @Time : 2017/6/13 19:40 # @Author : Shawn # @Blog : https://blog.just666.cn # @Email : shawnbluce@gmail.com # @purpose : RabbitMQ_Consumer import pika credentials = pika.PlainCredentials('guest', 'guest') # 连接到RabbitMQ服务器 connection = pika.BlockingConnection(pika.ConnectionParameters('115.xx.xx.xx', 5672, '/', credentials)) channel = connection.channel() # 指定一个队列,如果该队列不存在则创建 channel.queue_declare(queue='test_queue') # 定义一个回调函数 def callback(ch, method, properties, body): print(body.decode('utf-8')) # 告诉RabbitMQ使用callback来接收信息 channel.basic_consume(callback, queue='test_queue', no_ack=False) print('waiting...') # 开始接收信息,并进入阻塞状态,队列里有信息才会调用callback进行处理。按ctrl+c退出。 channel.start_consuming()
4. In case the consumer goes offline
Imagine a situation like this:
The consumer obtains n messages from the message queue The data was about to be processed but the machine crashed. What should I do? There is an ACK in RabbieMQ that can be used to confirm the end of consumer processing. It is somewhat similar to ACK in the network. Every time the consumer obtains data from the queue, the queue will not remove the data immediately, but will wait for the corresponding ACK. After the consumer obtains the data and completes processing, it will send an ACK packet to the queue to notify RabbitMQ that the message has been processed and can be deleted. At this time, RabbitMQ will remove the data from the queue. So in this case, even if the consumer goes offline, there is no problem, the data will still exist in the queue, leaving it for other consumers to process.
This is implemented in Python:
The consumer has this line of codechannel.basic_consume(callback, queue='test_queue' , no_ack=False)
, where no_ack=False
means not to send a confirmation packet. Modifying it to no_ack=True will send a confirmation packet to RabbitMQ after each processing to confirm that the message is processed.
##5. What if RabbitMQ crashes?
Although there is an ACK packet, what if RabbitMQ crashes? There will still be losses. So we can set up a data persistence storage for RabbitMQ. RabbitMQ will persist the data on disk to ensure that the queue will still be there when it is started again. Implemented in Python like this:
,如果需要持久化一个队列可以这样声明channel.queue_declare(queue='test_queue', durable=True)
。不过这行直接放在代码中是不能执行的,因为以前已经有了一个名为test_queue的队列,RabbitMQ 不允许用不同的方式声明同一个队列,所以可以换一个队列名新建来指定数据持久化存储。不过如果只是这样声明的话,在 RabbitMQ 宕机重启后确实队列还在,不过队列里的数据就没有了。除非我们这样来声明队列channel.basic_publish(exchange='', routing_key="test_queue", body=message, properties=pika.BasicProperties(delivery_mode = 2,))
最简单的发布订阅在 RabbitMQ 中称之为Fanout模式。也就是说订阅者订阅某个频道,然后发布者向这个频道中发布消息,所有订阅者就都能接收到这条消息。不过因为发布者需要使用订阅者创建的随机队列所以需要先启动订阅者才能启动发布者。
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # coding=utf-8 # @Time : 2017/6/13 20:21 # @Author : Shawn # @Blog : https://blog.just666.cn # @Email : shawnbluce@gmail.com # @purpose : RabbitMQ_Publisher import pika # 创建连接对象 connection = pika.BlockingConnection(pika.ConnectionParameters(host='115.xx.xx.xx')) # 创建频道对象 channel = connection.channel() # 定义交换机,exchange表示交换机名称,type表示类型 channel.exchange_declare(exchange='my_fanout', type='fanout') message = 'Hello Python' # 将消息发送到交换机 channel.basic_publish(exchange='my_fanout', # 指定exchange routing_key='', # fanout下不需要配置,配置了也不会生效 body=message) connection.close()
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # coding=utf-8 # @Time : 2017/6/13 20:20 # @Author : Shawn # @Blog : https://blog.just666.cn # @Email : shawnbluce@gmail.com # @purpose : RabbitMQ_Subscriber import pika credentials = pika.PlainCredentials('guest', 'guest') # 连接到RabbitMQ connection = pika.BlockingConnection(pika.ConnectionParameters('115.xx.xx.xx', 5672, '/', credentials)) channel = connection.channel() # 定义交换机,进行exchange声明,exchange表示交换机名称,type表示类型 channel.exchange_declare(exchange='my_fanout', type='fanout') # 随机创建队列 result = channel.queue_declare(exclusive=True) # exclusive=True表示建立临时队列,当consumer关闭后,该队列就会被删除 queue_name = result.method.queue # 将队列与exchange进行绑定 channel.queue_bind(exchange='my_fanout', queue=queue_name) # 定义回调方法 def callback(ch, method, properties, body): print(body.decode('utf-8')) # 从队列获取信息 channel.basic_consume(callback, queue=queue_name, no_ack=True) channel.start_consuming()
The above is the detailed content of Tutorial on how to operate message queue (RabbitMQ) in Python. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!