1.textarea settings default value
<span style="font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; white-space: normal; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); "> HTML:</span><form action="test" name="myForm" onsubmit="set()">
<textarea rows="0" cols="0" name="jsonHidden" readonly="readonly" style="display:none;"></textarea>
<input type="submit" value="提交" >
This code sets a textarea text box and sets it to hidden
2.textarea is highly adaptive
Today we need a page for replying to comments. The initial interface given by the designer is a box with only one line. Then I was thinking about how to implement this interaction better, and then I remembered what Sina Weibo did: click on a comment, and one line will be displayed by default. When the input text exceeds one line or Enter is entered, the height of the input box will change accordingly until the input complete. I immediately felt that this detail was done quite well and I could imitate it. Below are two ways to achieve high adaptability of textarea. One is to use div to simulate textarea, and use CSS to control the style without js; the other is to use JS to control (because of browser compatibility issues, so write It’s more troublesome to get up);
Method 1: div simulates textarea text area to easily achieve height adaptation
Because textarea does not support adaptive height, just set the height Or after the number of rows, scroll bars will be displayed in the excess part, which looks unsightly.
When using DIV to simulate, the first problem encountered is: how to implement the input function of div?
Maybe this is the first time we have seen this attribute contenteditable. For example, adding contenteditable="true" to an ordinary block element will enable editing and the cursor will appear. For example,
<div contenteditable="true"></div>
Although the contenteditable attribute is the content in HTML5, IE seems to have supported this tag attribute for a long time. Therefore, there is no need to worry too much about compatibility.
CSS code
.textarea{ width:400px; min-height:20px; max-height:300px; _height:120px; margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto; padding:3px; outline:0; border:1pxsolid#a0b3d6; font-size:12px; line-height:24px; padding:2px; word-wrap:break-word; overflow-x:hidden; overflow-y:auto; border-color:rgba(82,168,236,0.8); box-shadow:inset01px3pxrgba(0,0,0,0.1),008pxrgba(82,168,236,0.6); }
Method 2: Text box textarea adapts height according to input content
Demo demo address: http://www.xuanfengge.com/demo/201308 /textarea/demo2.html
This writing method is written in native JS, taking into account many compatibility issues, and has the same function as Sina Weibo’s reply effect. Interested children can analyze the code carefully.
CSS code
#textarea { display:block; margin:0auto; overflow:hidden; width:550px; font-size:14px; height:18px; line-height:24px; padding:2px; } textarea{ outline:0none; border-color:rgba(82,168,236,0.8); box-shadow:inset01px3pxrgba(0,0,0,0.1),008pxrgba(82,168,236,0.6); }
JS code
/** * 文本框根据输入内容自适应高度 * @param {HTMLElement} 输入框元素 * @param {Number} 设置光标与输入框保持的距离(默认0) * @param {Number} 设置最大高度(可选) */ var autoTextarea = function (elem, extra, maxHeight) { extra = extra || 0; var isFirefox = !!document.getBoxObjectFor || 'mozInnerScreenX' in window, isOpera = !!window.opera && !!window.opera.toString().indexOf('Opera'), addEvent = function (type, callback) { elem.addEventListener ? elem.addEventListener(type, callback, false) : elem.attachEvent('on' + type, callback); }, getStyle = elem.currentStyle ? function (name) { var val = elem.currentStyle[name]; if (name === 'height' && val.search(/px/i) !== 1) { var rect = elem.getBoundingClientRect(); return rect.bottom - rect.top - parseFloat(getStyle('paddingTop')) - parseFloat(getStyle('paddingBottom')) + 'px'; }; return val; } : function (name) { return getComputedStyle(elem, null)[name]; }, minHeight = parseFloat(getStyle('height')); elem.style.resize = 'none'; var change = function () { var scrollTop, height, padding = 0, style = elem.style; if (elem._length === elem.value.length) return; elem._length = elem.value.length; if (!isFirefox && !isOpera) { padding = parseInt(getStyle('paddingTop')) + parseInt(getStyle('paddingBottom')); }; scrollTop = document.body.scrollTop || document.documentElement.scrollTop; elem.style.height = minHeight + 'px'; if (elem.scrollHeight > minHeight) { if (maxHeight && elem.scrollHeight > maxHeight) { height = maxHeight - padding; style.overflowY = 'auto'; } else { height = elem.scrollHeight - padding; style.overflowY = 'hidden'; }; style.height = height + extra + 'px'; scrollTop += parseInt(style.height) - elem.currHeight; document.body.scrollTop = scrollTop; document.documentElement.scrollTop = scrollTop; elem.currHeight = parseInt(style.height); }; }; addEvent('propertychange', change); addEvent('input', change); addEvent('focus', change); change(); };
HTML code (written in the body)
<textareaid="textarea"placeholder="回复内容"></textarea> <script> vartext=document.getElementById("textarea"); autoTextarea(text);// 调用 </script>
3.textarea gets content
Method 1: JS can use document.getElementById(v).value to obtain the content in the textarea.
For example:
<textarea id="abc" name="t" cols="72" rows="12">123456</textarea> <script> var x=document.getElementById("abc").value;/这个x的值就是获取到的内容 alert(x); </script>
Method 2:
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"> <html> <head> </head> <body> <textarea id='myText'>这里是textarea内容</textarea> <script type="text/javascript" src="Js/jquery-1.7.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> alert("JS获取方式:"+document.getElementById("myText").value);//JS alert("JQuery获取方式:"+$("#myText").val());//Jquery </script> </body> </html>
##4.textarea restriction Number of input words
Realize textarea to limit the number of input words (including Chinese, only 10 can be input, full ASCII code can input 20)textarea is called text area, also known as text area, that is Multi-line text input controls with scroll bars are often used in web page submission forms. Unlike the single-line text box text control, it cannot limit the number of words through the maxlength attribute. For this reason, other methods must be found to limit it to meet the preset requirements. The usual approach is to use #scripting language to limit the number of words entered in the textarea text field, which is simple and practical. Suppose we have a textarea text area with an ID of txta1. We can limit its keyboard input characters to 10 characters (Chinese characters or other small-angle characters) through the following code:<script language="#" type="text/ecmascript"> window.onload = function() { document.getElementById('txta1').onkeydown = function() { if(this.value.length >= 10) event.returnValue = false; } } </script>
<textarea onpropertychange="if(value.length>100) value=value.substr(0,100)" class="smallArea" cols="60" name="txta" rows="8"></textarea>
<script> function check() { var regC = /[^ -~]+/g; var regE = /\D+/g; var str = t1.value; if (regC.test(str)){ t1.value = t1.value.substr(0,10); } if(regE.test(str)){ t1.value = t1.value.substr(0,20); } } </script> <textarea maxlength="10" id="t1" onkeyup="check();"> </textarea>
function textCounter(field, maxlimit) { if (field.value.length > maxlimit){ field.value = field.value.substring(0, maxlimit); }else{ document.upbook.remLen.value = maxlimit - field.value.length; } }
<textarea name=words cols=19 rows=5 class=input1 onPropertyChange= "textCounter(upbook.words, 50) "> textarea> 剩余字数: <input name=remLen type=text id= "remLen " style= "background-color: #D4D0C8; border: 0; color: red " value=50 size=3 maxlength=3 readonly> function LimitTextArea(field){ maxlimit=200; if (field.value.length > maxlimit) field.value = field.value.substring(0, maxlimit); } <textarea cols=50 rows=10 name="comment" id="commentarea" onKeyDown="LimitTextArea(this)" onKeyUp="LimitTextArea(this)" onkeypress="LimitTextArea(this)" > </textarea>
title="The textarea width must less than 300 characters." 放在textarea 里面提示输入最大字节数。
<textarea title="The textarea width must less than 300 characters." cols=50 rows=10 name="comment" id="commentarea" onKeyDown="LimitTextArea(this)" onKeyUp="LimitTextArea(this)" onkeypress="LimitTextArea(this)" ></textarea>
5.textarea 换行
比如get数据到一个TextArea里面,如“AAA BBB”,想把这段文字在TextArea里面真正按行存放,而不是显示出来按行存放(所谓的真正按行存放就是,再把这个TextArea的数据post到另外一个页面的Textarea里面仍是按行存放)
<script> //换行转回车 var haha=document.getElementById("SendTextArea").value; haha=haha.replace('<br />','/n'); document.getElementById("SendTextArea").value=haha; </script>
TML 标签 textarea 在大部分浏览器中只要指定行(rows)和列(cols)属性,就可以规定 textarea 的尺寸,大小就不会改变,不过更好的办法是使用 CSS 的 height 和 width 属性,但是Chrome,Safari和FireFox渲染的效果不同,可以拖动右下角图标改变大小。但是过分拖动大小会影响页面布局,使页面变得不美观。可以通过添加如下两个样式禁用拖动,固定大小:
resize: none;
width: 200px; height: 100px; max-width: 200px; max-height: 100px;
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1) AppleWebKit/535.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/13.0.782.218 Safari/535.1
7.textarea value
<tr> <th>姓名*</th> <td><span><input type="text" class="TextBox" id="xm" name="xm" /></span></td> </tr> <!--平时用<input>标签比较多,一般在其内添加个value属性就可以获取到值,但是在<textarea>标签中添加该属性却获取不到相应的值,具体解决的办法是用以下的格式即可:--> <textarea>(在这里添加内容)</textarea>
8.textarea placeholder
placeholder 属性适用于以下的 类型:text, search, url, telephone, email 以及 password。
这个属性是html5才有的新属性,原来的HTML 4.01 与 HTML 5 之间的差异。
The above is the detailed content of Complete list of textarea attributes in HTML (set default value, height adaptive, obtain content, limit the number of input characters, placeholder). For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!