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Introduction to the method of completing parallel processing in Python multi-process

Release: 2017-08-15 15:08:01
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This article mainly introduces a summary of the methods of using multiple processes to achieve parallel processing in Python. It has certain reference value. Interested friends can refer to it

Processes and threads are in the field of computer software A very important concept in , process and thread are different and closely related. Let’s first analyze these two concepts:

1. Definition

A process is a program with certain independent functions. Regarding a running activity on a certain data set, a process is an independent unit for resource allocation and scheduling by the system.
A thread is an entity of a process and is the basic basis for CPU scheduling and dispatching. A unit is a basic unit that is smaller than a process and can run independently. The thread itself basically does not own system resources, only a few resources that are essential during operation (such as a program counter, a set of registers and a stack), but it All resources owned by the process can be shared with other threads belonging to the same process.

2. Relationship

One thread can create and destroy another thread ;Multiple threads in the same process can be executed concurrently.

Compared to a process, a thread is a concept closer to an execution body, and it can be shared with other threads in the same process data, but has its own stack space and independent execution sequence.

3. Difference

The main difference between processes and threads is that they are different operating system resource management methods. The process has an independent address space. After a process crashes, it will not affect other processes in protected mode, and threads are just different execution paths in a process. Threads have their own stacks and local variables, but there is no separate address space between threads. The death of one thread is equivalent to the death of the entire process. Therefore, multi-process programs are more robust than multi-thread programs, but when switching processes, it consumes a lot of time. The resources are larger and the efficiency is lower. But for some concurrent operations that require simultaneous execution and sharing of certain variables, only threads, not processes, can be used.

1) In short, a program has at least one process, and a process has at least one thread.

2) The division scale of threads is smaller than that of processes , making the concurrency of multi-threaded programs high.

3) In addition, the process has an independent memory unit during execution, and multiple threads share memory, thus greatly improving the running efficiency of the program.

4) There are differences between threads and processes during execution. Each independent thread has an entry point for program execution, a sequential execution sequence, and an exit point for the program. However, threads cannot execute independently and must exist in the application program, and the application program provides multiple thread execution control.

5) From a logical point of view, the meaning of multi-threading is that in an application, multiple execution parts can be executed at the same time. However, the operating system does not regard multiple threads as multiple independent applications to implement process scheduling and management and resource allocation. This is the important difference between processes and threads.

4. Advantages and Disadvantages

Threads and processes have their own advantages and disadvantages in use: thread execution overhead is small, but it is not conducive to resource management. and protection; and process is the opposite. At the same time, threads are suitable for running on SMP machines, while processes can be migrated across machines.

This article mainly talks about the application of multi-process in Python

The Unix/Linux operating system provides a fork() system call, which is very special. Ordinary function calls call once and return once, but fork() calls once and returns twice, because the operating system automatically makes a copy of the current process (called the parent process) (called the child process), and then, respectively, in Returned within the parent process and child process.

The child process always returns 0, and the parent process returns the ID of the child process. The reason for this is that a parent process can fork out many child processes, so the parent process must record the ID of each child process, and the child process only needs to call getpid() to get the ID of the parent process.

Python's os module encapsulates common system calls, including fork, which can easily create sub-processes in Python programs:

import os

print('Process (%s) start...' % os.getpid())
# Only works on Unix/Linux/Mac:
pid = os.fork()
if pid == 0:
  print('I am child process (%s) and my parent is %s.' % (os.getpid(), os.getppid()))
  print('I (%s) just created a child process (%s).' % (os.getpid(), pid))
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Run results As follows:

Process (876) start...
I (876) just created a child process (877).
I am child process (877) and my parent is 876.

Since Windows does not have a fork call, the above code cannot run on Windows.

With the fork call, when a process receives a new task, it can copy a child process to handle the new task. A common Apache server has the parent process listening on the port. Whenever When there is a new http request, the child process is forked to handle the new http request.


If you plan to write a multi-process service program, Unix/linux is undoubtedly the right choice. Since Windows does not have a fork call, is it impossible to write multi-process programs in Python on Windows?

Since Python is cross-platform, it should naturally provide cross-platform multi-process support. The multiprocessing module is a cross-platform version of the multi-process module.

The multiprocessing module provides a Process class to represent a process object. The following example demonstrates starting a child process and waiting for it to end:

from multiprocessing import Process
import os

# 子进程要执行的代码
def run_proc(name):
  print('Run child process %s (%s)...' % (name, os.getpid()))

if __name__=='__main__':
  print('Parent process %s.' % os.getpid())
  p = Process(target=run_proc, args=('test',))
  print('Child process will start.')
  print('Child process end.')
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from multiprocessing import Pool
import os, time, random

def long_time_task(name):
  print('Run task %s (%s)...' % (name, os.getpid()))
  start = time.time()
  time.sleep(random.random() * 3)
  end = time.time()
  print('Task %s runs %0.2f seconds.' % (name, (end - start)))

if __name__=='__main__':
  print('Parent process %s.' % os.getpid())
  p = Pool(4)
  for i in range(5):
    p.apply_async(long_time_task, args=(i,))
  print('Waiting for all subprocesses done...')
  print('All subprocesses done.')
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Parent process 669.
Waiting for all subprocesses done...
Run task 0 (671)...
Run task 1 (672)...
Run task 2 (673)...
Run task 3 (674)...
Task 2 runs 0.14 seconds.
Run task 4 (673)...
Task 1 runs 0.27 seconds.
Task 3 runs 0.86 seconds.
Task 0 runs 1.41 seconds.
Task 4 runs 1.91 seconds.
All subprocesses done.



请注意输出的结果,task 0,1,2,3是立刻执行的,而task 4要等待前面某个task完成后才执行,这是因为Pool的默认大小在我的电脑上是4,因此,最多同时执行4个进程。这是Pool有意设计的限制,并不是操作系统的限制。如果改成:

p = Pool(5)
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下面的例子演示了如何在Python代码中运行命令nslookup www.python.org,这和命令行直接运行的效果是一样的:

import subprocess

print('$ nslookup www.python.org')
r = subprocess.call(['nslookup', 'www.python.org'])
print('Exit code:', r)
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$ nslookup www.python.org
Non-authoritative answer:
www.python.org canonical name = python.map.fastly.net.
Name: python.map.fastly.net
Exit code: 0


import subprocess

print('$ nslookup')
p = subprocess.Popen(['nslookup'], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
output, err = p.communicate(b'set q=mx\npython.org\nexit\n')
print('Exit code:', p.returncode)
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set q=mx




from multiprocessing import Process, Queue
import os, time, random

# 写数据进程执行的代码:
def write(q):
  print('Process to write: %s' % os.getpid())
  for value in ['A', 'B', 'C']:
    print('Put %s to queue...' % value)

# 读数据进程执行的代码:
def read(q):
  print('Process to read: %s' % os.getpid())
  while True:
    value = q.get(True)
    print('Get %s from queue.' % value)

if __name__=='__main__':
  # 父进程创建Queue,并传给各个子进程:
  q = Queue()
  pw = Process(target=write, args=(q,))
  pr = Process(target=read, args=(q,))
  # 启动子进程pw,写入:
  # 启动子进程pr,读取:
  # 等待pw结束:
  # pr进程里是死循环,无法等待其结束,只能强行终止:
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Process to write: 50563
Put A to queue...
Process to read: 50564
Get A from queue.
Put B to queue...
Get B from queue.
Put C to queue...
Get C from queue.








由于线程是操作系统直接支持的执行单元,因此,高级语言通常都内置多线程的支持,Python也不例外,并且,Python的线程是真正的Posix Thread,而不是模拟出来的线程。

Python的标准库提供了两个模块:_thread 和 threading,_thread是低级模块,threading是高级模块,对_thread进行了封装。绝大多数情况下,我们只需要使用threading这个高级模块。


import time, threading

# 新线程执行的代码:
def loop():
  print('thread %s is running...' % threading.current_thread().name)
  n = 0
  while n < 5:
    n = n + 1
    print(&#39;thread %s >>> %s&#39; % (threading.current_thread().name, n))
  print(&#39;thread %s ended.&#39; % threading.current_thread().name)

print(&#39;thread %s is running...&#39; % threading.current_thread().name)
t = threading.Thread(target=loop, name=&#39;LoopThread&#39;)
print(&#39;thread %s ended.&#39; % threading.current_thread().name)
thread MainThread is running...
thread LoopThread is running...
thread LoopThread >>> 1
thread LoopThread >>> 2
thread LoopThread >>> 3
thread LoopThread >>> 4
thread LoopThread >>> 5
thread LoopThread ended.
thread MainThread ended.
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import time, threading
# 假定这是你的银行存款:
balance = 0
def change_it(n):
  # 先存后取,结果应该为0:
  global balance
  balance = balance + n
  balance = balance - n
def run_thread(n):
  for i in range(100000):
t1 = threading.Thread(target=run_thread, args=(5,))
t2 = threading.Thread(target=run_thread, args=(8,))
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balance = balance + n
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  1. 计算balance + n,存入临时变量中;

  2. 将临时变量的值赋给balance。


x = balance + n
balance = x
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balance = 0
lock = threading.Lock()

def run_thread(n):
  for i in range(100000):
    # 先要获取锁:
      # 放心地改吧:
      # 改完了一定要释放锁:
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打开Mac OS X的Activity Monitor,或者Windows的Task Manager,都可以监控某个进程的CPU使用率。



import threading, multiprocessing

def loop():
  x = 0
  while True:
    x = x ^ 1

for i in range(multiprocessing.cpu_count()):
  t = threading.Thread(target=loop)
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因为Python的线程虽然是真正的线程,但解释器执行代码时,有一个GIL锁:Global Interpreter Lock,任何Python线程执行前,必须先获得GIL锁,然后,每执行100条字节码,解释器就自动释放GIL锁,让别的线程有机会执行。这个GIL全局锁实际上把所有线程的执行代码都给上了锁,所以,多线程在Python中只能交替执行,即使100个线程跑在100核CPU上,也只能用到1个核。








import threading

# 创建全局ThreadLocal对象:
local_school = threading.local()

def process_student():
  # 获取当前线程关联的student:
  std = local_school.student
  print(&#39;Hello, %s (in %s)&#39; % (std, threading.current_thread().name))

def process_thread(name):
  # 绑定ThreadLocal的student:
  local_school.student = name

t1 = threading.Thread(target= process_thread, args=(&#39;Alice&#39;,), name=&#39;Thread-A&#39;)
t2 = threading.Thread(target= process_thread, args=(&#39;Bob&#39;,), name=&#39;Thread-B&#39;)
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进程 vs. 线程













Suppose you plan to switch to the multi-tasking model, you can first do Chinese for 1 minute, then switch to math homework, do 1 minute, then switch to English, and so on. As long as the switching speed is fast enough, this method is the same as single-tasking. It is the same for the core CPU to perform multitasking. From the perspective of a kindergarten child, you are doing homework for 5 subjects at the same time.

However, there is a price for switching homework. For example, when switching from Chinese to mathematics, you must first clear away the Chinese books and pens on the table (this is called saving the scene), then open the mathematics textbook and find the compass and ruler. (This is called preparing for the new environment) before you can start doing math homework. The operating system is the same when switching processes or threads. It needs to first save the current execution environment (CPU register state, memory pages, etc.), and then prepare the execution environment for the new task (restore the last register state, switch memory page, etc.) before execution can begin. Although this switching process is fast, it also takes time. If there are thousands of tasks running at the same time, the operating system may be mainly busy switching tasks, and there is not much time to perform tasks. The most common situation in this situation is that the hard disk beeps wildly, there is no response when clicking on the window, and the system is in a state of suspended animation.

Therefore, once the number of multitasking reaches a limit, all the resources of the system will be consumed. As a result, the efficiency will drop sharply and all tasks will not be completed well.

Computation-intensive vs. IO-intensive

The second consideration in whether to use multitasking is the type of task. We can divide tasks into computing-intensive and IO-intensive.

Computing-intensive tasks are characterized by a large amount of calculations that consume CPU resources, such as calculating pi, high-definition decoding of videos, etc., all relying on the computing power of the CPU. Although this kind of computing-intensive task can also be completed with multi-tasking, the more tasks there are, the more time spent on task switching, and the lower the efficiency of the CPU in executing tasks. Therefore, to make the most efficient use of the CPU, computing-intensive tasks The number of simultaneous tasks should be equal to the number of CPU cores.

Computing-intensive tasks mainly consume CPU resources, so code running efficiency is crucial. Scripting languages ​​like Python run very inefficiently and are completely unsuitable for computationally intensive tasks. For computationally intensive tasks, it is better to write in C language.

The second type of task is IO-intensive. Tasks involving network and disk IO are all IO-intensive tasks. The characteristic of this type of task is that the CPU consumption is very small, and most of the time of the task is Wait for the IO operation to complete (because the speed of IO is much slower than the speed of CPU and memory). For IO-intensive tasks, the more tasks, the higher the CPU efficiency, but there is a limit. Most common tasks are IO-intensive tasks, such as web applications.

During the execution of IO-intensive tasks, 99% of the time is spent on IO, and very little time is spent on the CPU. Therefore, use the extremely fast C language to replace Python with extremely slow running speed. The scripting language cannot improve operating efficiency at all. For IO-intensive tasks, the most suitable language is the language with the highest development efficiency (the least amount of code). Scripting language is the first choice, and C language is the worst.

Asynchronous IO

Considering the huge speed difference between CPU and IO, a task spends most of its execution waiting for IO operations. , the single-process single-thread model will cause other tasks to be unable to be executed in parallel. Therefore, we need a multi-process model or a multi-thread model to support the concurrent execution of multi-tasks.

Modern operating systems have made huge improvements to IO operations. The biggest feature is that they support asynchronous IO. If you make full use of the asynchronous IO support provided by the operating system, you can use a single-process single-thread model to perform multiple tasks. This new model is called an event-driven model. Nginx is a web server that supports asynchronous IO. It runs on a single-core CPU. Using a single-process model can efficiently support multitasking. On a multi-core CPU, you can run multiple processes (the number is the same as the number of CPU cores), taking full advantage of the multi-core CPU. Since the total number of processes in the system is very limited, operating system scheduling is very efficient. Using the asynchronous IO programming model to implement multitasking is a major trend.

Corresponding to the Python language, the single-process asynchronous programming model is called coroutine. With the support of coroutine, efficient multi-task programs can be written based on event-driven. We will discuss how to write coroutines later.

Distributed process

Among Thread and Process, Process should be preferred because Process is more stable and Process can be distributed to multiple machines. Thread can only be distributed to multiple CPUs on the same machine at most.

Python's multiprocessing module not only supports multiple processes, but the managers submodule also supports distributing multiple processes to multiple machines. A service process can act as a scheduler, distributing tasks to multiple other processes, relying on network communication. Since the managers module is well encapsulated, you can easily write distributed multi-process programs without knowing the details of network communication.

For example: If we already have a multi-process program that communicates through Queue running on the same machine, now, because the process that handles the task has a heavy workload, we want to separate the process that sends the task and the process that handles the task. Distributed to two machines. How to implement it using distributed process?



import random, time, queue
from multiprocessing.managers import BaseManager

# 发送任务的队列:
task_queue = queue.Queue()
# 接收结果的队列:
result_queue = queue.Queue()

# 从BaseManager继承的QueueManager:
class QueueManager(BaseManager):

# 把两个Queue都注册到网络上, callable参数关联了Queue对象:
QueueManager.register(&#39;get_task_queue&#39;, callable=lambda: task_queue)
QueueManager.register(&#39;get_result_queue&#39;, callable=lambda: result_queue)
# 绑定端口5000, 设置验证码&#39;abc&#39;:
manager = QueueManager(address=(&#39;&#39;, 5000), authkey=b&#39;abc&#39;)
# 启动Queue:
# 获得通过网络访问的Queue对象:
task = manager.get_task_queue()
result = manager.get_result_queue()
# 放几个任务进去:
for i in range(10):
  n = random.randint(0, 10000)
  print(&#39;Put task %d...&#39; % n)
# 从result队列读取结果:
print(&#39;Try get results...&#39;)
for i in range(10):
  r = result.get(timeout=10)
  print(&#39;Result: %s&#39; % r)
# 关闭:
print(&#39;master exit.&#39;)
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import time, sys, queue
from multiprocessing.managers import BaseManager

# 创建类似的QueueManager:
class QueueManager(BaseManager):

# 由于这个QueueManager只从网络上获取Queue,所以注册时只提供名字:

# 连接到服务器,也就是运行task_master.py的机器:
server_addr = &#39;;
print(&#39;Connect to server %s...&#39; % server_addr)
# 端口和验证码注意保持与task_master.py设置的完全一致:
m = QueueManager(address=(server_addr, 5000), authkey=b&#39;abc&#39;)
# 从网络连接:
# 获取Queue的对象:
task = m.get_task_queue()
result = m.get_result_queue()
# 从task队列取任务,并把结果写入result队列:
for i in range(10):
    n = task.get(timeout=1)
    print(&#39;run task %d * %d...&#39; % (n, n))
    r = &#39;%d * %d = %d&#39; % (n, n, n*n)
  except Queue.Empty:
    print(&#39;task queue is empty.&#39;)
# 处理结束:
print(&#39;worker exit.&#39;)
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The above is the detailed content of Introduction to the method of completing parallel processing in Python multi-process. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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