This article mainly introduces the sample code of how to generate long graphics and text in Java. The editor thinks it is quite good, so I will share it with you now and give it as a reference. Let’s follow the editor to take a look.
A long time ago, I found it very interesting to implement long pictures and texts on Weibo. I directly output the layout as the final picture, and it is very convenient to collect, view and share. Now I can do it myself Let’s start with a simple version of
First define the goal we expect to achieve: generate long graphic text based on text + pictures
Target dismantling
Supports generating pictures from large paragraphs of text
Supports inserting pictures
Support top, bottom, left and right margin settings
Support font selection
Support font color
Expected results
We will build an http interface that generates long graphics and text through spring-boot. Specify various configuration information by passing in parameters. The following is a schematic diagram of the final call
Design & Implementation
Long picture To generate text, use awt for text drawing and picture drawing1. Parameter options ImgCreateOptions
According to our expected goals, set the configuration parameters, which will basically include The following parameters@Getter @Setter @ToString public class ImgCreateOptions { /** * 绘制的背景图 */ private BufferedImage bgImg; /** * 生成图片的宽 */ private Integer imgW; private Font font = new Font("宋体", Font.PLAIN, 18); /** * 字体色 */ private Color fontColor = Color.BLACK; /** * 两边边距 */ private int leftPadding; /** * 上边距 */ private int topPadding; /** * 底边距 */ private int bottomPadding; /** * 行距 */ private int linePadding; private AlignStyle alignStyle; /** * 对齐方式 */ public enum AlignStyle { LEFT, CENTER, RIGHT; private static Map<String, AlignStyle> map = new HashMap<>(); static { for(AlignStyle style: AlignStyle.values()) { map.put(, style); } } public static AlignStyle getStyle(String name) { name = name.toUpperCase(); if (map.containsKey(name)) { return map.get(name); } return LEFT; } } }
2. Encapsulation class ImageCreateWrapper
encapsulates the setting of configuration parameters, drawing text, and the operation method of drawing pictures, Output style and other interfacespublic class ImgCreateWrapper { public static Builder build() { return new Builder(); } public static class Builder { /** * 生成的图片创建参数 */ private ImgCreateOptions options = new ImgCreateOptions(); /** * 输出的结果 */ private BufferedImage result; private final int addH = 1000; /** * 实际填充的内容高度 */ private int contentH; private Color bgColor; public Builder setBgColor(int color) { return setBgColor(ColorUtil.int2color(color)); } /** * 设置背景图 * * @param bgColor * @return */ public Builder setBgColor(Color bgColor) { this.bgColor = bgColor; return this; } public Builder setBgImg(BufferedImage bgImg) { options.setBgImg(bgImg); return this; } public Builder setImgW(int w) { options.setImgW(w); return this; } public Builder setFont(Font font) { options.setFont(font); return this; } public Builder setFontName(String fontName) { Font font = options.getFont(); options.setFont(new Font(fontName, font.getStyle(), font.getSize())); return this; } public Builder setFontColor(int fontColor) { return setFontColor(ColorUtil.int2color(fontColor)); } public Builder setFontColor(Color fontColor) { options.setFontColor(fontColor); return this; } public Builder setFontSize(Integer fontSize) { Font font = options.getFont(); options.setFont(new Font(font.getName(), font.getStyle(), fontSize)); return this; } public Builder setLeftPadding(int leftPadding) { options.setLeftPadding(leftPadding); return this; } public Builder setTopPadding(int topPadding) { options.setTopPadding(topPadding); contentH = topPadding; return this; } public Builder setBottomPadding(int bottomPadding) { options.setBottomPadding(bottomPadding); return this; } public Builder setLinePadding(int linePadding) { options.setLinePadding(linePadding); return this; } public Builder setAlignStyle(String style) { return setAlignStyle(ImgCreateOptions.AlignStyle.getStyle(style)); } public Builder setAlignStyle(ImgCreateOptions.AlignStyle alignStyle) { options.setAlignStyle(alignStyle); return this; } public Builder drawContent(String content) { // xxx return this; } public Builder drawImage(String img) { BufferedImage bfImg; try { bfImg = ImageUtil.getImageByPath(img); } catch (IOException e) { log.error("load draw img error! img: {}, e:{}", img, e); throw new IllegalStateException("load draw img error! img: " + img, e); } return drawImage(bfImg); } public Builder drawImage(BufferedImage bufferedImage) { // xxx return this; } public BufferedImage asImage() { int realH = contentH + options.getBottomPadding(); BufferedImage bf = new BufferedImage(options.getImgW(), realH, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB); Graphics2D g2d = bf.createGraphics(); if (options.getBgImg() == null) { g2d.setColor(bgColor == null ? Color.WHITE : bgColor); g2d.fillRect(0, 0, options.getImgW(), realH); } else { g2d.drawImage(options.getBgImg(), 0, 0, options.getImgW(), realH, null); } g2d.drawImage(result, 0, 0, null); g2d.dispose(); return bf; } public String asString() throws IOException { BufferedImage img = asImage(); return Base64Util.encode(img, "png"); } }
int realH = contentH + options.getBottomPadding();
3. Content filling GraphicUtil
Specific content filling is divided into text drawing and picture drawingDesign
Considering that during the filling process, it can be freely set Fonts, colors, etc., so in our drawing method, the drawing and filling of the content is directly implemented, that is, the drawXXX method truly realizes the filling of the content. After execution, the content has been filled on the canvaspublic static int drawContent(Graphics2D g2d, String content, int y, ImgCreateOptions options) { int w = options.getImgW(); int leftPadding = options.getLeftPadding(); int linePadding = options.getLinePadding(); Font font = options.getFont(); // 一行容纳的字符个数 int lineNum = (int) Math.floor((w - (leftPadding << 1)) / (double) font.getSize()); // 对长串字符串进行分割成多行进行绘制 String[] strs = splitStr(content, lineNum); g2d.setFont(font); g2d.setColor(options.getFontColor()); int index = 0; int x; for (String tmp : strs) { x = calOffsetX(leftPadding, w, tmp.length() * font.getSize(), options.getAlignStyle()); g2d.drawString(tmp, x, y + (linePadding + font.getSize()) * index); index++; } return y + (linePadding + font.getSize()) * (index); } /** * 计算不同对其方式时,对应的x坐标 * * @param padding 左右边距 * @param width 图片总宽 * @param strSize 字符串总长 * @param style 对其方式 * @return 返回计算后的x坐标 */ private static int calOffsetX(int padding, int width, int strSize, ImgCreateOptions.AlignStyle style) { if (style == ImgCreateOptions.AlignStyle.LEFT) { return padding; } else if (style == ImgCreateOptions.AlignStyle.RIGHT) { return width - padding - strSize; } else { return (width - strSize) >> 1; } } /** * 按照长度对字符串进行分割 * <p> * fixme 包含emoj表情时,兼容一把 * * @param str 原始字符串 * @param splitLen 分割的长度 * @return */ public static String[] splitStr(String str, int splitLen) { int len = str.length(); int size = (int) Math.ceil(len / (float) splitLen); String[] ans = new String[size]; int start = 0; int end = splitLen; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { ans[i] = str.substring(start, end > len ? len : end); start = end; end += splitLen; } return ans; }
/** * 在原图上绘制图片 * * @param source 原图 * @param dest 待绘制图片 * @param y 待绘制的y坐标 * @param options * @return 绘制图片的高度 */ public static int drawImage(BufferedImage source, BufferedImage dest, int y, ImgCreateOptions options) { Graphics2D g2d = getG2d(source); int w = Math.min(dest.getWidth(), options.getImgW() - (options.getLeftPadding() << 1)); int h = w * dest.getHeight() / dest.getWidth(); int x = calOffsetX(options.getLeftPadding(), options.getImgW(), w, options.getAlignStyle()); // 绘制图片 g2d.drawImage(dest, x, y + options.getLinePadding(), w, h, null); g2d.dispose(); return h; } public static Graphics2D getG2d(BufferedImage bf) { Graphics2D g2d = bf.createGraphics(); g2d.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ALPHA_INTERPOLATION, RenderingHints.VALUE_ALPHA_INTERPOLATION_QUALITY); g2d.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON); g2d.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_COLOR_RENDERING, RenderingHints.VALUE_COLOR_RENDER_QUALITY); g2d.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_DITHERING, RenderingHints.VALUE_DITHER_ENABLE); g2d.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_FRACTIONALMETRICS, RenderingHints.VALUE_FRACTIONALMETRICS_ON); g2d.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_INTERPOLATION, RenderingHints.VALUE_INTERPOLATION_BILINEAR); g2d.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_RENDERING, RenderingHints.VALUE_RENDER_QUALITY); g2d.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_STROKE_CONTROL, RenderingHints.VALUE_STROKE_PURE); return g2d; }
public Builder drawContent(String content) { String[] strs = StringUtils.split(content, "\n"); if (strs.length == 0) { // empty line strs = new String[1]; strs[0] = " "; } int fontSize = options.getFont().getSize(); int lineNum = calLineNum(strs, options.getImgW(), options.getLeftPadding(), fontSize); // 填写内容需要占用的高度 int height = lineNum * (fontSize + options.getLinePadding()); if (result == null) { result = GraphicUtil.createImg(options.getImgW(), Math.max(height + options.getTopPadding() + options.getBottomPadding(), BASE_ADD_H), null); } else if (result.getHeight() < contentH + height + options.getBottomPadding()) { // 超过原来图片高度的上限, 则需要扩充图片长度 result = GraphicUtil.createImg(options.getImgW(), result.getHeight() + Math.max(height + options.getBottomPadding(), BASE_ADD_H), result); } // 绘制文字 Graphics2D g2d = GraphicUtil.getG2d(result); int index = 0; for (String str : strs) { GraphicUtil.drawContent(g2d, str, contentH + (fontSize + options.getLinePadding()) * (++index) , options); } g2d.dispose(); contentH += height; return this; } /** * 计算总行数 * * @param strs 字符串列表 * @param w 生成图片的宽 * @param padding 渲染内容的左右边距 * @param fontSize 字体大小 * @return */ private int calLineNum(String[] strs, int w, int padding, int fontSize) { // 每行的字符数 double lineFontLen = Math.floor((w - (padding << 1)) / (double) fontSize); int totalLine = 0; for (String str : strs) { totalLine += Math.ceil(str.length() / lineFontLen); } return totalLine; }
int realAddH = Math.max(bufferedImage.getHeight() + options.getBottomPadding() + options.getTopPadding(), BASE_ADD_H)
重新生成画布实现 com.hust.hui.quickmedia.common.util.GraphicUtil#createImg
public static BufferedImage createImg(int w, int h, BufferedImage img) { BufferedImage bf = new BufferedImage(w, h, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB); Graphics2D g2d = bf.createGraphics(); if (img != null) { g2d.setComposite(AlphaComposite.Src); g2d.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON); g2d.drawImage(img, 0, 0, null); } g2d.dispose(); return bf; }
public Builder drawImage(String img) { BufferedImage bfImg; try { bfImg = ImageUtil.getImageByPath(img); } catch (IOException e) { log.error("load draw img error! img: {}, e:{}", img, e); throw new IllegalStateException("load draw img error! img: " + img, e); } return drawImage(bfImg); } public Builder drawImage(BufferedImage bufferedImage) { if (result == null) { result = GraphicUtil.createImg(options.getImgW(), Math.max(bufferedImage.getHeight() + options.getBottomPadding() + options.getTopPadding(), BASE_ADD_H), null); } else if (result.getHeight() < contentH + bufferedImage.getHeight() + options.getBottomPadding()) { // 超过阀值 result = GraphicUtil.createImg(options.getImgW(), result.getHeight() + Math.max(bufferedImage.getHeight() + options.getBottomPadding() + options.getTopPadding(), BASE_ADD_H), result); } // 更新实际高度 int h = GraphicUtil.drawImage(result, bufferedImage, contentH, options); contentH += h + options.getLinePadding(); return this; }
5. http接口
上面实现的生成图片的公共方法,在 quick-media 工程中,利用spring-boot搭建了一个web服务,提供了一个http接口,用于生成长图文,最终的成果就是我们开头的那个gif图的效果,相关代码就没啥好说的,有兴趣的可以直接查看工程源码,链接看最后
@Test public void testGenImg() throws IOException { int w = 400; int leftPadding = 10; int topPadding = 40; int bottomPadding = 40; int linePadding = 10; Font font = new Font("宋体", Font.PLAIN, 18); ImgCreateWrapper.Builder build = .setImgW(w) .setLeftPadding(leftPadding) .setTopPadding(topPadding) .setBottomPadding(bottomPadding) .setLinePadding(linePadding) .setFont(font) .setAlignStyle(ImgCreateOptions.AlignStyle.CENTER) // .setBgImg(ImageUtil.getImageByPath("qrbg.jpg")) .setBgColor(0xFFF7EED6) ; BufferedReader reader = FileReadUtil.createLineRead("text/poem.txt"); String line; int index = 0; while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) { build.drawContent(line); if (++index == 5) { build.drawImage(ImageUtil.getImageByPath("")); } if (index == 7) { build.setFontSize(25); } if (index == 10) { build.setFontSize(20); build.setFontColor(Color.RED); } } BufferedImage img = build.asImage(); String out = Base64Util.encode(img, "png"); System.out.println("<img src=\"data:image/png;base64," + out + "\" />"); }
The above is the detailed content of Java code case for realizing long image and text generation. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!