ParticlesJS is a lightweight JavaScript library for creating particle backgrounds. Next, I will share with you an introduction to the use of JS library ParticlesJS through this article. Friends who are interested should take a look
A lightweight JavaScript library for creating particles.
A lightweight JavaScript library for creating particle backgrounds
Let’s take a look at the renderings first:
Standard Version:
Starry sky version:
Bubble version:
Snow version:
What can we do with this?
I think this is more suitable for pages without background, or if you can’t find a suitable picture to use as the background, then we can all use this.
For example:
## Well, the effect is quite good. So, here’s how to use particles.js. particlesJS is open source on Github: This project provides a demo. You can download the project directly and open the index in the demo. html file to see the effect. So, if we want to build our own project, how do we introduce files? The suggestions are as follows:<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>particles.js</title> <meta name="description" content="particles.js is a lightweight JavaScript library for creating particles."> <meta name="author" content="Vincent Garreau" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, minimum-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no"> <link rel="stylesheet" media="screen" href="css/style.css" rel="external nofollow" > </head> <body> <p id="particles-js"></p> <!-- scripts --> <script src="js/particles.js"></script> <script src="js/app.js"></script> </body> </html>
Use p to encapsulate the functional code block we want to implement, and in Set absolute positioning for this p in css.
{ "particles": { "number": { "value": 80, "density": { "enable": true, "value_area": 800 } }, "color": { "value": "#ffffff" }, "shape": { "type": "polygon", "stroke": { "width": 0, "color": "#000000" }, "polygon": { "nb_sides": 5 }, "image": { "src": "img/github.svg", "width": 100, "height": 100 } }, "opacity": { "value": 0.5, "random": false, "anim": { "enable": false, "speed": 1, "opacity_min": 0.1, "sync": false } }, "size": { "value": 3, "random": true, "anim": { "enable": false, "speed": 40, "size_min": 0.1, "sync": false } }, "line_linked": { "enable": true, "distance": 150, "color": "#ffffff", "opacity": 0.4, "width": 1 }, "move": { "enable": true, "speed": 6, "direction": "none", "random": false, "straight": false, "out_mode": "out", "bounce": false, "attract": { "enable": false, "rotateX": 600, "rotateY": 1200 } } }, "interactivity": { "detect_on": "canvas", "events": { "onhover": { "enable": true, "mode": "repulse" }, "onclick": { "enable": true, "mode": "push" }, "resize": true }, "modes": { "grab": { "distance": 400, "line_linked": { "opacity": 1 } }, "bubble": { "distance": 400, "size": 40, "duration": 2, "opacity": 8, "speed": 3 }, "repulse": { "distance": 200, "duration": 0.4 }, "push": { "particles_nb": 4 }, "remove": { "particles_nb": 2 } } }, "retina_detect": false }
{ "particles": { "number": { "value": 160, "density": { "enable": true, "value_area": 800 } }, "color": { "value": "#ffffff" }, "shape": { "type": "circle", "stroke": { "width": 0, "color": "#000000" }, "polygon": { "nb_sides": 5 }, "image": { "src": "img/github.svg", "width": 100, "height": 100 } }, "opacity": { "value": 1, "random": true, "anim": { "enable": true, "speed": 1, "opacity_min": 0, "sync": false } }, "size": { "value": 3, "random": true, "anim": { "enable": false, "speed": 4, "size_min": 0.3, "sync": false } }, "line_linked": { "enable": false, "distance": 150, "color": "#ffffff", "opacity": 0.4, "width": 1 }, "move": { "enable": true, "speed": 1, "direction": "none", "random": true, "straight": false, "out_mode": "out", "bounce": false, "attract": { "enable": false, "rotateX": 600, "rotateY": 600 } } }, "interactivity": { "detect_on": "canvas", "events": { "onhover": { "enable": true, "mode": "bubble" }, "onclick": { "enable": true, "mode": "repulse" }, "resize": true }, "modes": { "grab": { "distance": 400, "line_linked": { "opacity": 1 } }, "bubble": { "distance": 250, "size": 0, "duration": 2, "opacity": 0, "speed": 3 }, "repulse": { "distance": 400, "duration": 0.4 }, "push": { "particles_nb": 4 }, "remove": { "particles_nb": 2 } } }, "retina_detect": true }
The above is the detailed content of A brief introduction to using ParticlesJS with JS library. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!