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The use of Java concurrency threads and building startup threads

Release: 2017-09-30 10:38:54
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Build thread

Thread description

  • Thread is the execution thread in the program. The Java virtual machine allows application concurrency. Run multiple threads.

  • Each thread has a priority, and the execution of high-priority threads takes precedence over low-priority threads. Each thread may or may not be marked as a daemon. When code running in a thread creates a new Thread object, the new thread's initial priority is set to the priority of the creating thread, and the new thread is a daemon if and only if the creating thread is a daemon thread. .

  • When the Java virtual machine starts, there is usually a single non-daemon thread (it usually calls the main method of a specified class). The Java Virtual Machine continues to execute the thread until any of the following conditions occur:
    ​​​​​ 1. The exit method of the Runtime class is called, and the security manager allows the exit operation to occur.
    ​​​​​2. All threads that are not daemon threads have stopped running, either by returning from a call to the run method or by throwing an exception that propagates outside the run method.

  • The way to implement threads will be introduced in subsequent chapters

The source code reference is as follows:

 * A <i>thread</i> is a thread of execution in a program. The Java
 * Virtual Machine allows an application to have multiple threads of
 * execution running concurrently.
 * <p>
 * Every thread has a priority. Threads with higher priority are
 * executed in preference to threads with lower priority. Each thread
 * may or may not also be marked as a daemon. When code running in
 * some thread creates a new <code>Thread</code> object, the new
 * thread has its priority initially set equal to the priority of the
 * creating thread, and is a daemon thread if and only if the
 * creating thread is a daemon.
 * <p>
 * When a Java Virtual Machine starts up, there is usually a single
 * non-daemon thread (which typically calls the method named
 * <code>main</code> of some designated class). The Java Virtual
 * Machine continues to execute threads until either of the following
 * occurs:
 * <ul>
 * <li>The <code>exit</code> method of class <code>Runtime</code> has been
 *     called and the security manager has permitted the exit operation
 *     to take place.
 * <li>All threads that are not daemon threads have died, either by
 *     returning from the call to the <code>run</code> method or by
 *     throwing an exception that propagates beyond the <code>run</code>
 *     method.
 * </ul>
 * <p>
 * There are two ways to create a new thread of execution. One is to
 * declare a class to be a subclass of <code>Thread</code>. This
 * subclass should override the <code>run</code> method of class
 * <code>Thread</code>. An instance of the subclass can then be
 * allocated and started. For example, a thread that computes primes
 * larger than a stated value could be written as follows:
 * <hr><blockquote><pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false">
 *     class PrimeThread extends Thread {
 *         long minPrime;
 *         PrimeThread(long minPrime) {
 *             this.minPrime = minPrime;
 *         }
 *         public void run() {
 *             // compute primes larger than minPrime
 *              . . .
 *         }
 *     }
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* The following code would then create a thread and start it running: *

 *     PrimeThread p = new PrimeThread(143);
 *     p.start();
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* The other way to create a thread is to declare a class that * implements the Runnable interface. That class then * implements the run method. An instance of the class can * then be allocated, passed as an argument when creating * Thread, and started. The same example in this other * style looks like the following: *

 *     class PrimeRun implements Runnable {
 *         long minPrime;
 *         PrimeRun(long minPrime) {
 *             this.minPrime = minPrime;
 *         }
 *         public void run() {
 *             // compute primes larger than minPrime
 *              . . .
 *         }
 *     }
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* The following code would then create a thread and start it running: *

 *     PrimeRun p = new PrimeRun(143);
 *     new Thread(p).start();
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* Every thread has a name for identification purposes. More than * one thread may have the same name. If a name is not specified when * a thread is created, a new name is generated for it. *

* Unless otherwise noted, passing a {@code null} argument to a constructor * or method in this class will cause a {@link NullPointerException} to be * thrown. * * @author unascribed * @see Runnable * @see Runtime#exit(int) * @see #run() * @see #stop() * @since JDK1.0 */ publicclass Thread implements Runnable {

Required information

Before running a thread, you must first construct a thread object. When constructing the thread object, you need to provide the attributes required by the thread, such as the thread group to which the thread belongs, the thread priority, and whether it is a Daemon thread and other information. In new Thread, the following method will be called to instantiate the Thread object.
The initialization code is as follows:

     * Initializes a Thread.
     * @param g the Thread group
     * @param target the object whose run() method gets called
     * @param name the name of the new Thread
     * @param stackSize the desired stack size for the new thread, or
     *        zero to indicate that this parameter is to be ignored.
     * @param acc the AccessControlContext to inherit, or
     *            AccessController.getContext() if null
    private void init(ThreadGroup g, Runnable target, String name,                      
    long stackSize, AccessControlContext acc) {        
    if (name == null) {            
    throw new NullPointerException("name cannot be null");
        this.name = name;        //当前线程作为该线程的父线程
        Thread parent = currentThread();
        SecurityManager security = System.getSecurityManager();        //线程组的获取:如果传入的参数为空首先获取系统默认的安全组,如果为空获取父线程的安全组
        if (g == null) {            
        /* Determine if it&#39;s an applet or not */

            /* If there is a security manager, ask the security manager
               what to do. */
            if (security != null) {
                g = security.getThreadGroup();
            }            /* If the security doesn&#39;t have a strong opinion of the matter
               use the parent thread group. */
            if (g == null) {
                g = parent.getThreadGroup();
        }        /* checkAccess regardless of whether or not threadgroup is
           explicitly passed in. */
        g.checkAccess();        /*
         * Do we have the required permissions?
        if (security != null) {            if (isCCLOverridden(getClass())) {

        this.group = g;        //设置daemon 、priority 属性为父线程对应的值
        this.daemon = parent.isDaemon();        
        this.priority = parent.getPriority();        
        if (security == null || isCCLOverridden(parent.getClass()))            
        this.contextClassLoader = parent.getContextClassLoader();        
            this.contextClassLoader = parent.contextClassLoader;        
            this.inheritedAccessControlContext =
                acc != null ? acc : AccessController.getContext();        
                this.target = target;
        setPriority(priority);        //将父线程的InheritableThreadLocal复制过来
        if (parent.inheritableThreadLocals != null)            
        this.inheritableThreadLocals =
                /* Stash the specified stack size in case the VM cares */
        this.stackSize = stackSize;        /* Set thread ID */ 
        tid = nextThreadID();
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A newly constructed Thread object (new Thread()) is allocated space by its parent thread (current thread), and the child thread Inherits the parent thread's Daemon, priority and contextClassLoader for loading resources, as well as the inheritable ThreadLocal. At the same time, a thread id is assigned to the child thread. A runnable thread object completes its initialization work and is waiting to be run in the heap memory.

Construction method

Inherit Thread


//方法1通过继承Thread实现class MyThread extends Thread{

    @Override    public void run() {
                +" @@@@ MyThread。run()我是通过继承Thread实现的多线程");

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Through Thread source code discovery (Thread implements Runnable), the thread is actually found It is also an instance that implements the runnable interface, which represents an instance of a thread, and the only way to start a thread is through the start() instance method of the Thread class. The start() method is a native method that will start a new thread and execute the run() method. It is very simple to implement multi-threading in this way. By extending Thread directly through your own class and overriding the run() method, you can start a new thread and execute your own defined run() method.

The method body of the run() method represents the task that the thread needs to complete, which is called thread execution body. When this thread class object is created, a new thread is created and enters the thread new state. By calling the start() method referenced by the thread object, the thread enters the ready state. At this time, the thread may not be executed immediately, depending on the CPU scheduling timing.

Implement interface Runnable


//并以此实例作为Thread类的target来创建Thread对象,该Thread对象才是真正的线程对象。class MyRunnable implements Runnable{

    @Override    public void run() {
        " @@@@ MyRunnable。run()我是通过实现Runnable接口实现的多线程");

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Use Callable and Future to implement multi-threading with returned results

Use Callable and Future interfaces to create threads. Specifically, create an implementation class of the Callable interface and implement the clam() method. And use the FutureTask class to wrap the object of the Callable implementation class, and use this FutureTask object as the target of the Thread object to create a thread.
Tasks that can return a value must implement the Callable interface. Similarly, tasks without a return value must implement the Runnable interface. After executing the Callable task, you can obtain a Future object. Call get on the object to obtain the Object returned by the Callable task. Combined with the thread pool interface ExecutorService, you can implement the legendary multi-threading with returned results. (The use of Executor will be introduced in detail in subsequent articles.).

//方法3通过Executor框架实现class MyCallable implements Callable<Integer>{
    @Override    public Integer call() throws Exception {        return 100;
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Start the thread

According to source code analysis:

  • 1. After the object initialization is completed, execute this by executing the start method Thread, and the Java virtual machine calls the run method of the thread to execute the thread's business logic;

  • 2. After calling the start method, it is found that there will be two threads executing at the same time: the current thread (parent The thread [synchronously informs the Java virtual machine that as long as the thread planner is idle, the thread that calls the start method should be started immediately], returns to the start method from the call) and another thread (executes its run method).

  • 3. And it is illegal to start a thread multiple times. Especially when a thread has finished executing, it cannot be restarted.

    The start method source code description is as follows:

     * Causes this thread to begin execution; the Java Virtual Machine
     * calls the <code>run</code> method of this thread.
     * <p>
     * The result is that two threads are running concurrently: the
     * current thread (which returns from the call to the
     * <code>start</code> method) and the other thread (which executes its
     * <code>run</code> method).
     * <p>
     * It is never legal to start a thread more than once.
     * In particular, a thread may not be restarted once it has completed
     * execution.
     * @exception  IllegalThreadStateException  if the thread was already
     *               started.
     * @see        #run()
     * @see        #stop()
    public synchronized void start() {
         * This method is not invoked for the main method thread or "system"
         * group threads created/set up by the VM. Any new functionality added
         * to this method in the future may have to also be added to the VM.
         * A zero status value corresponds to state "NEW".
         */        if (threadStatus != 0)
            throw new IllegalThreadStateException();

        /* Notify the group that this thread is about to be started
         * so that it can be added to the group&#39;s list of threads
         * and the group&#39;s unstarted count can be decremented. */
        group.add(this);        boolean started = false;        try {
            started = true;
        } finally {            try {                if (!started) {
            } catch (Throwable ignore) {
                /* do nothing. If start0 threw a Throwable then
                  it will be passed up the call stack */

    private native void start0();
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public class TestCreateThread {    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Thread myThread = new MyThread();

        Runnable myRunnable = new MyRunnable();
        Thread myRunnableThread = new Thread(myRunnable);

        Thread myRunnableThread2 = new MyThread(myRunnable);
        myRunnableThread2.start();        //执行结果参考如下:
        //myThread @@@@ MyThread。run()我是通过继承Thread实现的多线程
        //myRunnableThread2 @@@@ MyThread。run()我是通过继承Thread实现的多线程
        //myRunnableThread @@@@ MyRunnable。run()我是通过实现Runnable接口实现的多线程

        // 创建MyCallable对象
        Callable<Integer> myCallable = new MyCallable();    
        FutureTask<Integer> ft = new FutureTask<Integer>(myCallable); 
        Thread thread = new Thread(ft);

        try {            //取得新创建的新线程中的call()方法返回的结果
            int sum = ft.get();
            System.out.println("sum = " + sum);
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
        } catch (ExecutionException e) {
        }        //使用ExecutorService处理多线程
        ExecutorService pool = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(10);  
        Future<Integer> f = pool.submit(myCallable);  
        // 关闭线程池  
        try {            int sum1 = f.get();
            System.out.println("sum1 = " + sum1);
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {            // TODO Auto-generated catch block
        } catch (ExecutionException e) {
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The use of Java concurrency threads and building startup threads





        //如果该线程是使用独立的 Runnable 运行对象构造的,则调用该 Runnable 对象的 run 方法;
        //Thread 的子类应该重写该方法。
         * If this thread was constructed using a separate
         * <code>Runnable</code> run object, then that
         * <code>Runnable</code> object&#39;s <code>run</code> method is called;
         * otherwise, this method does nothing and returns.
         * <p>
         * Subclasses of <code>Thread</code> should override this method.
         * @see     #start()
         * @see     #stop()
         * @see     #Thread(ThreadGroup, Runnable, String)
        public void run() {            if (target != null) {

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The above is the detailed content of The use of Java concurrency threads and building startup threads. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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