I have been learning JS table sorting recently, but I didn’t expect that the inconspicuous table sorting actually implies many JS knowledge points. Record this learning process here. Hope it helps everyone too.
Complete table sorting involves the following knowledge points:
call method uses
sort method in-depth
Data Binding
DOM Mapping
Function.prototype. Any function we define can be considered as an instance of the
Function class. Then you can find the prototype of the class through the
__proto__ attribute of the instance. Any function can call methods such as
call and
var obj = { name : 'JS' } function testCall () { console.log(this); } testCall.call( obj ); // {name: "JS"}
testCall finds the call method to execute through the prototype chain search mechanism. The call method calls the call method during the execution process. This in the instance is changed to the first parameter of call, and then the instance function of the call method is called and executed.
function fn1() { console.log(1); console.log(this); } function fn2() { console.log(2); console.log(this); } fn1.call(fn2); //this -> fn2 fn1.call.call(fn2); //这里的call是改变function.__proto__.call的call方法中的this,相当于执行参数
sum.call(); //window sum.call(null); //window sum.call(undefined); //window
sum.call(); //undefined sum.call(null); //null sum.call(undefined); //undefined
function listToArray (likeAry) { var ary = []; try { ary = Array.prototype.slice.call(likeAry); } catch (e) { for (var i = 0; i < likeAry.length; i ++) { ary[ary.length] = likeAry[i]; } } return ary; }
function sum(num1, num2) { console.log(num2 + num1); console.log(this); } sum.apply(null,[100,200]);
function sum(num1, num2) { console.log(num2 + num1); console.log(this); } var obj = {name : 'zx'} var temp = sum.bind(obj); //temp已经是被改变了this的函数 temp(100,200); //当我们需要的时候才执行 //或者像这样处理 var temp = sum.bind(null, 100, 200); temp();
sort method of an array can only sort arrays within 10. If there are numbers greater than 10 in the array that needs to be sorted, we need to pass the callback function to the
sort method. The common one is like this:
ary.sort(function (a,b) { return a - b; });
a represents the current item in the found array, and
b represents the item after the current item.
return a -b: If a is greater than b, return the result, and a and b exchange positions. If a is smaller than b, then the positions of a and b remain unchanged. This is ascending order
return b -a: If b is greater than a, return the result, and a and b exchange positions. If a is smaller than b, then the positions of a and b remain unchanged. This is descending order
var persons = [{ name:'dawei', age:55 },{ name:'ahung', age:3 },{ name:'maomi', age:2 },{ name:'heizi', age:78 },{ name:'afu', age:32 }];
ary.sort(function(a,b){ return a.age - b.age; });
localeCompare() method of the string is involved:
ary.sort(function(a,b){ return a.name.localeCompare(b.name); });
name.localeCompare()This method will compare the letters of the two strings. If the first letter of the previous string appears in a position higher than the first character of the latter string among the 24 English letters, If it appears in the front position, the first string is considered small and
-1 is returned. If it appears later, the first string is considered larger and 1 is returned. If the compared characters are equal. Then compare the next character.
//ary为需要添加到页面中的数据数组 var op = document.getElementById("box");//获取容器 var myUl = op.getElementsByTagName("ul")[0];//获取列表 var arrLength = ary.length; for (var i = 0;i < arrLength ; i ++) { //动态创建元素 var oli = document.createElement("li"); oli.innerHTML = '<span>' + (i + 5) + '</span>' + ary[i].title; myUl.appendChild(oli);//动态添加元素 }
var str = ""; for(var i=0; i<ary.length; i++){ str += '<li>'; str += '<span>'; str += (i+5); str += '</span>'; str += ary[i].title; str += '</li>'; } myUl.innerHTML += str;
var frg = document.createDocumentFragment();//创建文档碎片 for (var i =0; i <ary.length ;i ++ ){ var li = document.createElement("li"); li.innerHTML = '<span>' + ( i + 5 ) + '</span>' + ary[i].title; frg.appendChild(li);//将数据动态添加至文档碎片中 } myUl.appendChild(frg); //将数据一次性添加到页面中 frg = null; //释放内存
<ul id="myul"> <li>1</li> <li>2</li> <li>3</li> <li>4</li> <li>5</li> </ul>
var myul = document.getElementById("myul"); var mylis = myul.getElementsByTagName('li'); for (var i = mylis.length - 1 ; i >= 0; i --) { myul.appendChild(mylis[i]); } console.log(mylis.length); // 5
<ul id="myul"> <li>5</li> <li>4</li> <li>3</li> <li>2</li> <li>1</li> </ul>
var res = ''; //声明一个全局变量,接收数据 var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.open('get', 'date.txt', false); xhr.onreadystatechange = function() { if (xhr.readyState == 4 && xhr.status == 200) { res = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText); } } xhr.send(null);
var frg = document.createDocumentFragment(); for (let i = 0; i < res.length; i++) { var tr = document.createElement("tr"); for (key in res[i]) { var td = document.createElement("td"); td.innerHTML = res[i][key]; tr.appendChild(td); } frg.appendChild(tr); } tbody.appendChild(frg);
//为两列添加点击事件 for (let i = 0; i < ths.length; i++) { let curTh = ths[i]; curTh.sortFlag = -1; //用于对列进行升降序排列 curTh.index = i; //记录当前点击列的索引,便于排序操作 if (curTh.className == 'sort') { curTh.onclick = function() { sort.call(this); //改变排序函数内this的指向,让其指向当前点击列 } } } //排序方法 function sort() { //对数组元素进行排序 let target = this; //这里将this取出,因为在sort方法里需要使用该this,但是sort方法里的this是调用方法的数组 this.sortFlag *= -1; //1 代表升序 -1代表降序 let ary = listToArray(bodyTrs); //获取body数据 ary = ary.sort(function(a, b) { let one = a.cells[target.index].innerHTML; let two = b.cells[target.index].innerHTML; let oneNum = parseFloat(one); let twoNum = parseFloat(two); if (isNaN(oneNum) || isNaN(two)) { return one.localeCompare(two) * target.sortFlag; } else { return (oneNum - twoNum) * target.sortFlag; } }); //把排好序的数组重新写入页面 let frg = document.createDocumentFragment(); for (let i = 0; i < ary.length; i++) { rg.appendChild(ary[i]); } tbody.appendChild(frg); frg = null; //点击某列时,要将其他列的排序标志恢复为-1,让下次再点击任意一个标签时都是默认是升序排列 for (let i = 0; i < ths.length; i++) { if (ths[i] != this) { ths[i].sortFlag = -1; } } }
表格排序应用很常见,在面试中也会有这样的题目。这个小案例做下来,受益匪浅。这是我在学习的某峰学院的JS课程中的一个案例,如果对JS掌握不扎实的同学,欢迎保存:链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1jHVy8Uq 密码: v4jk
I have been learning JS table sorting recently, but I didn’t expect that the inconspicuous table sorting actually implies many JS knowledge points. Record this learning process here. Hope it helps everyone too.
Complete table sorting involves the following knowledge points:
call method uses
sort method in-depth
Data Binding
DOM Mapping
Function.prototype. Any function we define can be considered as an instance of the
Function class. Then you can find the prototype of the class through the
__proto__ attribute of the instance. Any function can call methods such as
call and
var obj = { name : 'JS' } function testCall () { console.log(this); } testCall.call( obj ); // {name: "JS"}
testCall finds the call method to execute through the prototype chain search mechanism. The call method calls the call method during the execution process. This in the instance is changed to the first parameter of call, and then the instance function of the call method is called and executed.
function fn1() { console.log(1); console.log(this); } function fn2() { console.log(2); console.log(this); } fn1.call(fn2); //this -> fn2 fn1.call.call(fn2); //这里的call是改变function.__proto__.call的call方法中的this,相当于执行参数
sum.call(); //window sum.call(null); //window sum.call(undefined); //window
sum.call(); //undefined sum.call(null); //null sum.call(undefined); //undefined
function listToArray (likeAry) { var ary = []; try { ary = Array.prototype.slice.call(likeAry); } catch (e) { for (var i = 0; i < likeAry.length; i ++) { ary[ary.length] = likeAry[i]; } } return ary; }
function sum(num1, num2) { console.log(num2 + num1); console.log(this); } sum.apply(null,[100,200]);
function sum(num1, num2) { console.log(num2 + num1); console.log(this); } var obj = {name : 'zx'} var temp = sum.bind(obj); //temp已经是被改变了this的函数 temp(100,200); //当我们需要的时候才执行 //或者像这样处理 var temp = sum.bind(null, 100, 200); temp();
sort method of an array can only sort arrays within 10. If there are numbers greater than 10 in the array that needs to be sorted, we need to pass the callback function to the
sort method. The common one is like this:
ary.sort(function (a,b) { return a - b; });
a represents the current item in the found array, and
b represents the item after the current item.
return a -b: If a is greater than b, return the result, and a and b exchange positions. If a is smaller than b, then the positions of a and b remain unchanged. This is ascending order
return b -a: If b is greater than a, return the result, and a and b exchange positions. If a is smaller than b, then the positions of a and b remain unchanged. This is descending order
var persons = [{ name:'dawei', age:55 },{ name:'ahung', age:3 },{ name:'maomi', age:2 },{ name:'heizi', age:78 },{ name:'afu', age:32 }];
ary.sort(function(a,b){ return a.age - b.age; });
localeCompare() method of the string is involved:
ary.sort(function(a,b){ return a.name.localeCompare(b.name); });
name.localeCompare()This method will compare the letters of the two strings. If the first letter of the previous string appears in a position higher than the first character of the latter string among the 24 English letters, If it appears in the front position, the first string is considered small and
-1 is returned. If it appears later, the first string is considered larger and 1 is returned. If the compared characters are equal. Then compare the next character.
//ary为需要添加到页面中的数据数组 var op = document.getElementById("box");//获取容器 var myUl = op.getElementsByTagName("ul")[0];//获取列表 var arrLength = ary.length; for (var i = 0;i < arrLength ; i ++) { //动态创建元素 var oli = document.createElement("li"); oli.innerHTML = '<span>' + (i + 5) + '</span>' + ary[i].title; myUl.appendChild(oli);//动态添加元素 }
var str = ""; for(var i=0; i<ary.length; i++){ str += '<li>'; str += '<span>'; str += (i+5); str += '</span>'; str += ary[i].title; str += '</li>'; } myUl.innerHTML += str;
var frg = document.createDocumentFragment();//创建文档碎片 for (var i =0; i <ary.length ;i ++ ){ var li = document.createElement("li"); li.innerHTML = '<span>' + ( i + 5 ) + '</span>' + ary[i].title; frg.appendChild(li);//将数据动态添加至文档碎片中 } myUl.appendChild(frg); //将数据一次性添加到页面中 frg = null; //释放内存
<ul id="myul"> <li>1</li> <li>2</li> <li>3</li> <li>4</li> <li>5</li> </ul>
var myul = document.getElementById("myul"); var mylis = myul.getElementsByTagName('li'); for (var i = mylis.length - 1 ; i >= 0; i --) { myul.appendChild(mylis[i]); } console.log(mylis.length); // 5
<ul id="myul"> <li>5</li> <li>4</li> <li>3</li> <li>2</li> <li>1</li> </ul>
var res = ''; //声明一个全局变量,接收数据 var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.open('get', 'date.txt', false); xhr.onreadystatechange = function() { if (xhr.readyState == 4 && xhr.status == 200) { res = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText); } } xhr.send(null);
var frg = document.createDocumentFragment(); for (let i = 0; i < res.length; i++) { var tr = document.createElement("tr"); for (key in res[i]) { var td = document.createElement("td"); td.innerHTML = res[i][key]; tr.appendChild(td); } frg.appendChild(tr); } tbody.appendChild(frg);
//为两列添加点击事件 for (let i = 0; i < ths.length; i++) { let curTh = ths[i]; curTh.sortFlag = -1; //用于对列进行升降序排列 curTh.index = i; //记录当前点击列的索引,便于排序操作 if (curTh.className == 'sort') { curTh.onclick = function() { sort.call(this); //改变排序函数内this的指向,让其指向当前点击列 } } } //排序方法 function sort() { //对数组元素进行排序 let target = this; //这里将this取出,因为在sort方法里需要使用该this,但是sort方法里的this是调用方法的数组 this.sortFlag *= -1; //1 代表升序 -1代表降序 let ary = listToArray(bodyTrs); //获取body数据 ary = ary.sort(function(a, b) { let one = a.cells[target.index].innerHTML; let two = b.cells[target.index].innerHTML; let oneNum = parseFloat(one); let twoNum = parseFloat(two); if (isNaN(oneNum) || isNaN(two)) { return one.localeCompare(two) * target.sortFlag; } else { return (oneNum - twoNum) * target.sortFlag; } }); //把排好序的数组重新写入页面 let frg = document.createDocumentFragment(); for (let i = 0; i < ary.length; i++) { rg.appendChild(ary[i]); } tbody.appendChild(frg); frg = null; //点击某列时,要将其他列的排序标志恢复为-1,让下次再点击任意一个标签时都是默认是升序排列 for (let i = 0; i < ths.length; i++) { if (ths[i] != this) { ths[i].sortFlag = -1; } } }
The above is the detailed content of Native JS implements table sorting. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!