This article mainly introduces Ajax and cross-domain issues in detail, telling you what Ajax is and what is cross-domain? It has certain reference value. Interested friends can refer to it
What is ajax
XMLHttpRequest object
Usage of XHR
1. Create an XMLHttpRequest object2. Send a request1).Set the request line )2).
POST requestNeeds to set the request header xhr.setRequestHeader() The value of POST request header Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded3).Set request Body xhr.send() get request passes null, post depends on the situation
status codeand the asynchronous object are parsed Completed.
4xx:Request error
5xx: Server error
1: The asynchronous object initialization is completed and the request is sent
2: Receive the original data returned by the server
3: The data is being parsed, and parsing takes time
4: The data parsing is completed, and the data can be used
Characteristics of XML, from a famous family, developed by W3C, a data format that has been strongly recommended by Microsoft and IBM. It is designed to represent pages. Grammar rules: Similar to HTML, they are expressed through tags1. When the backend returns, set the Content-Type value in the response header to application/xml
2. The frontend is asynchronous When the object receives background data, remember to receive it in the form of xml, xhr.responseXML, and it returns an
object object with the content of #document
JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) comes from the grassroots. It is a subset of Javascript and is responsible for describing the data format. JSON itself is a string in a special format that can be converted into a js object and is a network There is no one of the most widely used data formats for transmitting data. Grammar rules: Data is represented by key/value pairs, and the data is separated by commas , curly brackets save objects, square brackets save arrays, names and values need to be enclosed in double quotes (this is a small difference from js).
Parsing/manipulating JSON in js: 1.JSON.parse(json string); Parse a json format string into a js object
2.JSON.stringify(js object); Convert a js object into a json format The string
function pinjieData(obj) { //obj 就相当于 {key:value,key:value} //最终拼接成键值对的字符串 "key:value,key:value" var finalData = ""; for(key in obj){ finalData+=key+"="+obj[key]+"&"; //key:value,key:value& } return finalData.slice(0,-1);//key:value,key:value } function ajax(obj) { var url = obj.url; var method = obj.method.toLowerCase(); var success = obj.success; var finalData = pinjieData(; //finalData最终的效果key:value,key:value //1.创建xhr对象 var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); //get方法拼接地址,xhr.send(null) if (method=='get'){ url = url + "?"+finalData; finalData = null; } //2.设置请求行,url); // 如果是post请求,要设置请求头 if (method=='post'){ xhr.setRequestHeader("Content-Type","application/x-www-form-urlencoded") } //3.发送 xhr.send(finalData); //4.监听服务器返回的数据 xhr.onreadystatechange = function () { if (xhr.status==200 && xhr.readyState==4){ var result = null; //获取返回的数据类型 var rType = xhr.getResponseHeader("Content-Type"); if (rType.indexOf('xml')!=-1){ result = xhr.responseXML; }else if(rType.indexOf('json')!=-1){ // JSON.parse 的意思是 将 json格式的字符串 //比如 [{ "src":"./images/nav0.png","content":"商品分类1"}] //转成js对象 result = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText); }else{//当成普通的字符串去处理 result = xhr.responseText; } //将这里解析好的数据交给页面去渲染 success(result); } } }
Use ajax## in jQuery #API jQuery ajaxjQuery provides us with a more convenient ajax package.
$.ajax({}) can be configured to initiate an ajax request
$.get() to Initiate ajax request in get mode$.post() Initiate ajax request in post mode
$('form').serialize() Serialize form (format key=val$key=val)
url:Interface address
type:Request method (get/post)timeout:Required to be Number type parameter, set request timeout Time (milliseconds)
dataType: It should be a value passed by the client to the server, telling the server how to process:
data: Send request data
beforeSend: It is required to be a parameter of Function type, which can be modified before sending the request Functions of the XMLHttpRequest object, such as adding custom HTTP headers. If false is returned in beforeSend, this ajax request can be canceled.
success: Called after a successful response
error: Called when an error response
complete: Called when the response is completed (including success and failure)
//ajax===get $.ajax({ url:'', data:'key=value&key=value', type:'get', success:function (result) { console.log(result); } }); //ajax===post $.ajax({ url:'', data:'key=value&key=value', type:'post', success:function (result) { console.log(result); } }); //$.get $.get({ url:'', data:'key=value&key=value', success:function (result) { console.log(result); } }); //$.post $.post({ url:'', data:'key=value&key=value', success:function (result) { console.log(result); } }); //在使用jQuery中ajax发送请求的时候,只需要在 dataType中写上jsonp即可实现ajax的跨域请求 dataType:'jsonp'
A major limitation of ajax communication via XHR (same domain , same port, same protocol), derived from cross-server security policy. By default, XHR can only request resources in the same domain. This is to prevent certain malicious behaviors.
CORS cross domain CORS(cross-origin resource sharing,跨域源资源共享)定义了在跨域时,浏览器和服务器应该如何沟通.CORS允许一个域上的网络应用向另一个域提交跨域 AJAX 请求。实现此功能非常简单,只需由服务器发送一个响应标头即可。 JSONP JSONP由回调函数和数据组成.JSONP只支持GET请求.JSONP的优势在于支持老式浏览器,以及可以向不支持CORS的网站请求数据.
ajax tutorial
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