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Detailed explanation of Promises in JavaScript/Node.JS

Release: 2023-03-21 17:38:01
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Detailed explanation of Promises in JavaScript/Node.JS objects are used for deferred and asynchronous calculations. This article mainly shares with you a detailed explanation of Detailed explanation of Promises in JavaScript/Node.JSs in JavaScript/Node.JS. I hope it can help you.

A Detailed explanation of Promises in JavaScript/Node.JS is in one of the following three states:

  • pending: initial state, non-fulfilled or rejected.

  • fulfilled: successful operation.

  • rejected: failed operation.

The Detailed explanation of Promises in JavaScript/Node.JS interface represents a proxy for a value that is created in promise is not necessarily known. It allows you to associate handlers with the eventual success or failure status of an asynchronous action. This allows asynchronous methods to return values ​​just like synchronous methods: asynchronous methods return a promise that holds a value at some time in the future. Replace the final return value.

A promise in the pending state can either become a fulfilled state with a value or a rejected state with a reason. When any situation occurs, it is queued up through the promise's then method. ) will be called. (When binding the corresponding handler, this handler will be called if the promise is already in the fulfilled or rejected state, so there is no time between the completion of the asynchronous operation and the binding of its handler. Race condition.)

Because the Detailed explanation of Promises in JavaScript/Node.JS.prototype.then and Detailed explanation of Promises in JavaScript/Node.JS.prototype.catch methods return promises, they can be chained—an operation called composition.

Detailed explanation of Promises in JavaScript/Node.JS

Why does Detailed explanation of Promises in JavaScript/Node.JS appear?

To put it simply, Detailed explanation of Promises in JavaScript/Node.JS is regarded as the elixir of callback hell.

The callback function is a major feature of JavaScript! The official node.js API basically passes function return values ​​in a callback manner. Those who are accustomed to synchronous programming will be somewhat acclimated to this asynchronous method, and nested layer by layer, they will unknowingly build a tall callback pyramid. In response to this common problem, Detailed explanation of Promises in JavaScript/Node.JS came into being!

Basic usage of Detailed explanation of Promises in JavaScript/Node.JS

Create Detailed explanation of Promises in JavaScript/Node.JS

promise.then(function(result) {
  console.log(result); // “完美!”
}, function(err) {
  console.log(err); // Error: "出问题了"
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"then" accepts two parameters. One is called when successful and the other is called when failed. Both are available. Optional, so you can only handle success cases or failure cases.

Detailed explanation of Promises in JavaScript/Node.JS Practice

  1. Value Processing

You can make some modifications to the result and return a new value:

getJSON('story.json').then(function(story) {
  return getJSON(story.chapterUrls[0]);
}).then(function(chapter1) {
  console.log("Got chapter 1!", chapter1);
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You return a "Detailed explanation of Promises in JavaScript/Node.JS-like" object

get('story.json').then(function(response) {
  console.log("Success!", response);
}, function(error) {
  console.log("Failed!", error);
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You can also use "catch":

asyncThing1().then(function() {
  return asyncThing2();
}).then(function() {
  return asyncThing3();
}).catch(function(err) {
  return asyncRecovery1();
}).then(function() {
  return asyncThing4();
}, function(err) {
  return asyncRecovery2();
}).catch(function(err) {
  console.log("Don't worry about it");
}).then(function() {
  console.log("All done!");
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Detailed explanation of Promises in JavaScript/Node.JS API reference

Static method

Detailed explanation of Promises in JavaScript/Node.JS.resolve(promise);
Returns a Detailed explanation of Promises in JavaScript/Node.JS (if and only if promise.constructor == Detailed explanation of Promises in JavaScript/Node.JS)

Detailed explanation of Promises in JavaScript/Node.JS.resolve(thenable);
Creates a new one from the thenable object Detailed explanation of Promises in JavaScript/Node.JS. A thenable (Detailed explanation of Promises in JavaScript/Node.JS-like) object is an object with a "then" method.

Detailed explanation of Promises in JavaScript/Node.JS.resolve(obj);
Create a Detailed explanation of Promises in JavaScript/Node.JS with obj as the positive result.

Detailed explanation of Promises in JavaScript/Node.JS.reject(obj);
Create a Detailed explanation of Promises in JavaScript/Node.JS with obj as the negative result. For consistency and debugging convenience (such as stack traces), obj should be an Error instance object.

Detailed explanation of Promises in JavaScript/Node.JS.all(array);
Create a Detailed explanation of Promises in JavaScript/Node.JS, which will be affirmed if and only if all Detailed explanation of Promises in JavaScript/Node.JS in the incoming array are affirmative. If any Detailed explanation of Promises in JavaScript/Node.JS in the array is encountered and ends in negation, throws a negative result. Each array element will first go through Detailed explanation of Promises in JavaScript/Node.JS.resolve, so the array can contain Detailed explanation of Promises in JavaScript/Node.JS-like objects or other objects. Positive results are an array containing the positive results of each Detailed explanation of Promises in JavaScript/Node.JS in the passed array (in order); negative results are the first encountered negative results in the passed array.

Detailed explanation of Promises in JavaScript/Node.JS.race(array);
Create a Detailed explanation of Promises in JavaScript/Node.JS that ends as a positive when any object in the array is positive, or ends as a negative when any object in the array is negative.

Current solutions for Detailed explanation of Promises in JavaScript/Node.JS

In fact, there are already some third-party libraries that implement the functions of Detailed explanation of Promises in JavaScript/Node.JS:

  • Q

  • when

  • WinJS

  • RSVP.js

The above libraries and JavaScript native Detailed explanation of Promises in JavaScript/Node.JSs all comply with a common, standardized specification: Detailed explanation of Promises in JavaScript/Node.JSs/A+. jQuery has a similar method called Deferred, but it is not compatible with the Detailed explanation of Promises in JavaScript/Node.JSs/A+ specification, so there will be some minor problems, so use it with caution. jQuery also has a Detailed explanation of Promises in JavaScript/Node.JS type, which is actually a shortened version of Deferred, so it also has the same problem.

Current browsers have (partially) implemented Detailed explanation of Promises in JavaScript/Node.JS.

Chrome 32, Opera 19 and Firefox 29 and above already support Detailed explanation of Promises in JavaScript/Node.JS by default. Since it is in the WebKit core, we have reason to expect that the next version of Safari will also support it, and IE is also under continuous development.

To achieve compatibility standard Detailed explanation of Promises in JavaScript/Node.JS on these two browsers, or to use Detailed explanation of Promises in JavaScript/Node.JS in other browsers and Node.js, you can take a look at this polyfill (2K after gzip).





异步的机制可以让我们更为节省系统资源,并不需要为每一个请求去像PHP,Tomcat一样新开一个线程,node内部会有处理各种任务的线程(使用Net,File System,Timers 等很多模块来操作不同的线程),把不同的异步任务分发给各个任务线程,并会弹性地为线程分配硬件,这都是来自v8的高性能,也是为什么nodejs能面对高I/O情况的根本原因。



        //do err thing
                //do err thing
                        //do err thing
                        //do the real thing with [data1,data2,data3]
                })            }
        })    }})
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Oh,my god!好好的异步机制还是玩成了同步……而且惨不忍睹!仅仅只是想返回最后的三个数据,但是这个例子三个任务之间并没有关系嵌套,这样子强行把异步玩成同步的话,还是阻塞的代码,这段代码的工作时序大概在这样的:

和不用node并没有什么区别,完全是阻塞的。在平时我们可以碰到更多的关系层级的嵌套(下一步的操作要基于上一步的结果),这时才必须使用同步去完成任务,但是要是像上面这样写的话,我相信你会写到吐血的(我已经忘了我在代码中写过多个少if (err) {}了,因为node的底层API异步方法都是以err为第一个参数,使得上层所有异步方法都为这种模式)




var ep = require("eventproxy");ep.create("task1","task2","task3",function(result1,result2,result3){
    //do the real thing with [result1,result2,result3]}).fail(function(e){
    //do err thing});fs.readFile(MrFileFirst,"utf8",ep.done("task1"));fs.readFile(MrFileSecond,"utf8",ep.done("task2"));fs.readFile(MrFileThird,"utf8",ep.done("task3"));
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An open standard for sound, interoperable JavaScript promises—by implementers, for implementers.
一个健全的通用JavaScript Detailed explanation of Promises in JavaScript/Node.JS开放标准,源于开发者,并归于开发者

在ES6中也新增了原生Detailed explanation of Promises in JavaScript/Node.JS的使用,而之前Detailed explanation of Promises in JavaScript/Node.JS库有promise,Q,bluebird等,在这些库中现在已经慢慢对ES6的原生Detailed explanation of Promises in JavaScript/Node.JS作了兼容,虽然ES6现在还没有大规模投入使用过程中。



//CAST//MrFileOne.txt//MrFileTow.txt//MrFileThree.txt//关系嵌套任务var Detailed explanation of Promises in JavaScript/Node.JS = require("bluebird"),
    readFileAsync = Detailed explanation of Promises in JavaScript/Node.JS.promisify(require("fs").readFile);readFileAsync("MrFileOne.txt","utf8")
        //if the data contains the path of MrFileTow
        var path = ..... //do something with data
        return readFileAsync(path,"utf8");
        //if the data contains the path of MrFileThree
        var path = ..... //do something with data
        return readFileAsync(path,"utf8");
        //get the data of MrFileThree
        //do something
    });//无关系汇总任务Detailed explanation of Promises in JavaScript/Node.JS.all([        readFileAsync("MrFileOne.txt","utf8"),
        //do something with three data form our actors
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有没有一下被这种写法所吸引,这就是Detailed explanation of Promises in JavaScript/Node.JS模块的魅力,它很优雅地将函数的回调写在了then里面,并为then返回一个新的Detailed explanation of Promises in JavaScript/Node.JS,以供下一次的then去回调本次返回的结果。



readFileAsync = Detailed explanation of Promises in JavaScript/Node.JS.promisify(rquire("fs").readFile);
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这个方法则是为复制了readFile方法并为其增添了Detailed explanation of Promises in JavaScript/Node.JS机制,而Detailed explanation of Promises in JavaScript/Node.JS机制是什么呢?那就是为其添加Detailed explanation of Promises in JavaScript/Node.JS方法和属性后,让整个方法的返回值为一个Detailed explanation of Promises in JavaScript/Node.JS对象,我们可以通过Detailed explanation of Promises in JavaScript/Node.JS来调用then方法,来去对这个Detailed explanation of Promises in JavaScript/Node.JS方法的回调进行处理。在Detailed explanation of Promises in JavaScript/Node.JS中都默认的将第一个参数err放在了后面的catch中,使得我们再也不用写那么多的if(err)了。我们可以直接通过在then方法中通过函数参数来获取这个Detailed explanation of Promises in JavaScript/Node.JS的异步数据,从而进行下一步的处理。

而在then方法后,其返回的也是一个Detailed explanation of Promises in JavaScript/Node.JS对象,我们可以在其后再次进行then来获取上一个then的数据并进行处理。当然,我们也可以人为地去决定这个then的返回参数,但是整个then方法返回的都是一个Detailed explanation of Promises in JavaScript/Node.JS对象。

        if(.....){  //data isn't what we want
            Detailed explanation of Promises in JavaScript/Node.JS.reject("It's not correct data!");
            return data;
        console.log("yeah! we got data!");
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在上面代码中,如果获取到的data并不是我们想要的,则我们可直接调用Detailed explanation of Promises in JavaScript/Node.JS.reject抛出一个ERROR,并直接交给catch来处理错误,所以在控制台我们能得到的是“It's not correct data!”,并不会得到“yeah! we got data!”,因为抛出错误后其之后的then方法并不会跟着执行。



var customError = new Error(SOMENUMBER,SOMEDESCRIPTION)readFileAsync("MrFileOne.txt","utf8")
            case CASE1:                Detailed explanation of Promises in JavaScript/Node.JS.reject(customError);
            case CASE2:
                Detailed explanation of Promises in JavaScript/Node.JS.reject(new SyntaxError("noooooo!"));
        //do with customError
        //do with SyntaxError
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而更多的使用方法,可以在bluebird on npm里学习得到,相信你看了之后会爱上Detailed explanation of Promises in JavaScript/Node.JS的。


Q模块也是一个非常优秀的Detailed explanation of Promises in JavaScript/Node.JS,它的实现原理和bluebird都大同小异,都是基于Detailed explanation of Promises in JavaScript/Node.JS/A+标准来扩展的,所以使用上甚至都是差不了多少的,选择哪一个就看个人爱好了。

Detailed explanation of Promises in JavaScript/Node.JS编程思想


var obj = (function(){
    var variable;
    return {
        get: function(){
            return variable;
        set: function(v){
            variable = v;
    }})();exports.get = obj.get;exports.set = obj.set;
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get: function(callback){
                //do with err
        })    }}
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那么在模块化的node里,我们怎么去实现这些不必要的麻烦呢?那就是用Detailed explanation of Promises in JavaScript/Node.JS思想去编写自己的代码,我们先试着用上面说到的bluebird来加工一下这段代码:

var Detailed explanation of Promises in JavaScript/Node.JS = require("bluebird"),
    fs = require("fs");var obj = (function(){
    var variable;
    return {
        get: function(){
                return Detailed explanation of Promises in JavaScript/Node.JS.resolve(variable);
            return Detailed explanation of Promises in JavaScript/Node.JS.promisify(fs.readFile)("SomeFile","utf8");
        set: function(v){
            return Detailed explanation of Promises in JavaScript/Node.JS.resolve(variable = v);
    }});exports.get = obj.get;exports.set = obj.set;
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就是这么漂亮,使用Detailed explanation of Promises in JavaScript/Node.JS.resolve方法则是将变量转化为一个Detailed explanation of Promises in JavaScript/Node.JS对象,则是我们在外部对这个模块进行使用时,则要求我们使用Detailed explanation of Promises in JavaScript/Node.JS的思想去应用模块抛出的接口,比如:

var module = require("thisModule.js");module.get()
                module.set("new String");
                return module.get;
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当我们使用Detailed explanation of Promises in JavaScript/Node.JS思想去面对每一个接口的时候,我们可以完全不用考虑这个模块的代码是怎么写的,这个方法该怎么用才是对的,到底是回调还是赋值。我们可以很直接的在其模块方法后then来解决一切问题!不用关心前面的工作到底做了什么,怎么做的,到底是异步还是同步,只要我们将整个工作流程都使用Detailed explanation of Promises in JavaScript/Node.JS来做的话,那会轻松很多,而且代码的可读性会变得更好!


使用Detailed explanation of Promises in JavaScript/Node.JS编程思想去和node玩耍,你会相信真爱就在眼前。同时我也相信在前端模块化加速的今天,Detailed explanation of Promises in JavaScript/Node.JS编程思想必定会渗透至前端的更多角落。

有了Detailed explanation of Promises in JavaScript/Node.JS的处理,因为在前端代码中最多的异步处理就是Ajax,它们都被包装为了Detailed explanation of Promises in JavaScript/Node.JS .then的风格。那么对于一部分同步的非异步处理呢?如localStorage、setTimeout、setInterval之类的方法。在大多数情况下,博主仍然推荐使用Detailed explanation of Promises in JavaScript/Node.JS的方式包装,使得项目Service的返回接口统一。这样也便于像上例中的多个异步任务的串行、并行处理。在Angular路由中对于只设置template的情况,也是这么处理的。

对于setTimeout、setInterval在Angular中都已经为我们内置了$timeout和$interval服务,它们就是一种Detailed explanation of Promises in JavaScript/Node.JS的封装。对于localStorage呢?可以采用$q.when方法来直接包装localStorage的返回值的为Detailed explanation of Promises in JavaScript/Node.JS接口,如下所示:

    var data = $window.localStorage.getItem('data-api-key');
    return $q.when(data);
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对于延迟任务的Detailed explanation of Promises in JavaScript/Node.JS DSL语义化封装

在前面已经提到Detailed explanation of Promises in JavaScript/Node.JS是延迟到未来执行某些特定任务,在调用时候则给消费者返回一个”承诺“,消费者线程并不会被阻塞。在消费者接受到”承诺“之后,消费者就不用再关心这些任务是如何完成的,以及督促生产者的任务执行状态等。直到任务完成后,消费者手中的这个”承诺“就被兑现了。

对于这类延迟机制,在前端的UI交互中也是极其常见的。比如模态窗口的显示,对于用户在模态窗口中的交互结果并不可提前预知的,用户是点击”ok“按钮,或者是”cancel“按钮,这是一个未来将会发生的延迟事件。对于这类场景的处理,也是Detailed explanation of Promises in JavaScript/Node.JS所擅长的领域。在Angular-UI的Bootstrap的modal的实现也是基于Detailed explanation of Promises in JavaScript/Node.JS的封装。

    templateUrl: '/templates/modal.html',
    controller: 'ModalController',
    controllerAs: 'modal',
    resolve: {
    .then(function ok(data) {
        // 用户点击ok按钮事件
    }, function cancel(){
        // 用户点击cancel按钮事件
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这是因为modal在open方法的返回值中给了我们一个Detailed explanation of Promises in JavaScript/Node.JS的result对象(承诺)。等到用户在模态窗口中点击了ok按钮,则Bootstrap会使用$q的defer来resolve来执行ok事件;相反,如果用户点击了cancel按钮,则会使用$q的defer来reject执行cancel事件。

这样就很好的解决了延迟触发的问题,也避免了callback的地狱。我们仍然可以进一步将其返回值语义化,以业务自有的术语命名而形成一套DSL API。

 function open(data){
    var defer = $q.defer();

    // resolve or reject defer;

    var promise = defer.promise;
    promise.ok = function(func){
        return promise;

    promise.cancel = function(func){
        promise.then(null, func);
        return promise;

    return promise;
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        // ok逻辑
       // cancel 逻辑
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是不是感觉更具有语义呢?在Angular中$http的返回方法success、error也是同样逻辑的封装。将success的注册函数注册为.then方法的成功回调,error的注册方法注册为then方法的失败回调。所以success和error方法只是Angular框架为我们在Detailed explanation of Promises in JavaScript/Node.JS语法之上封装的一套语法糖而已。


  promise.success = function(fn) {
    promise.then(function(response) {
      fn(response.data, response.status, response.headers, config);
    return promise;

  promise.error = function(fn) {
    promise.then(null, function(response) {
      fn(response.data, response.status, response.headers, config);
    return promise;
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Javascript中的异步编程规范Detailed explanation of Promises in JavaScript/Node.JSs/A详细介绍_jquery


有关Detailed explanation of Promises in JavaScript/Node.JSs异步问题详解_javascript技巧

The above is the detailed content of Detailed explanation of Promises in JavaScript/Node.JS. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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