This time I will bring you js operation form. What are the precautions for js operation form? Here is a practical case, let’s take a look.
Implementation ideas:
1. When adding: Get the number of rows in the current list and add the next row to the current row;
2. Use the insertCell() method to add a row, and the subscript starts from 0.
3. If you want to add a type to a new row . To respond to events, use the setAttribute() method, similar to a key-value pair, and use the appendChild() method to save the data to a new row
4. When deleting: Get the current number of rows to be deleted, this, and then get the parent node , delete the entire row remove(), instead of just deleting a single data of a certain row
5. When modifying: Get the row number index of the currently modified row. When clicking modify, convert the table status to text format, and Change "Modify" to "Confirm"
Implementation code:
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <metacharset="UTF-8"> <title></title> <style> table{ border-top: 1px solid #ccc; border-left: 1px solid #ccc; width: 400px; } td,th{ border-right:1px solid #ccc ; border-bottom: 1px solid #ccc; } </style> <script> function add(){ var table = document.getElementById("order"); var index = table.rows.length;//表格行数 var row = table.insertRow(index);//插入一个行并返回新一行 var c0 = row.insertCell(0); var b0 = document.createElement("input"); b0.setAttribute("type","checkbox"); b0.setAttribute("onclick","seclect("+index+")"); b0.setAttribute("name","sel"); c0.appendChild(b0); var c1 = row.insertCell(1);//在新一行插入一列,并返回新一列 c1.innerHTML = prompt("请输入商品名称",""); var c2 = row.insertCell(2);//在新一行插入一列,并返回新一列 c2.innerHTML = prompt("输入数量",""); var c3 = row.insertCell(3);//在新一行插入一列,并返回新一列 c3.innerHTML = prompt("输入价格",""); var c4 = row.insertCell(4); var b1 = document.createElement("input"); b1.setAttribute("type","button"); b1.setAttribute("value","删除"); b1.setAttribute("onclick","del(this)"); var b2 = document.createElement("input");//创建按钮 b2.setAttribute("type","button"); b2.setAttribute("value","修改"); b2.setAttribute("style","margin-left: 5px"); b2.setAttribute("onclick","update("+index+")"); c4.appendChild(b1);//把按钮添加到操作的单元格中 c4.appendChild(b2); } function del(but){ //var table = document.getElementById("order"); but.parentNode.parentNode.remove();//根据节点的层级关系删除行 } function update(index){ var table = document.getElementById("order"); //获得修改按钮 var cell=table.rows[index].cells[4]; cell.lastChild.setAttribute("value","确定"); //为按钮重新绑定事件 cell.lastChild.setAttribute("onclick","edit("+index+")"); //修改数量 var cellNumer = table.rows[index].cells[2]; var txt = document.createElement("input"); //创建一个文本框 txt.setAttribute("value",cellNumer.innerHTML);//设置文本框的值 txt.setAttribute("size",5);//文本框长度 cellNumer.innerHTML = "";//把单元格的数据清除 cellNumer.appendChild(txt); //把文本框加入到单元格 } function edit(index){ var table = document.getElementById("order"); var cell = table.rows[index].cells[4]; cell.lastChild.setAttribute("value","修改"); cell.lastChild.setAttribute("onclick","update("+index+")"); //把单元格中的文本框删除 var cellNumer = table.rows[index].cells[2]; var num = cellNumer.firstChild.value;//取文本框的值 cellNumer.removeChild(cellNumer.firstChild);//删除文本框 cellNumer.innerHTML = num; } function allSelect(ch){ var item = document.getElementsByTagName("input"); //取所有的input标签 for(var i=0;i<item.length;i++){ //循环每一个 if(item[i].type==ch.type){ //判断每一个标签的类型是否为CheckBox item[i].checked= ch.checked; //复选框的选中与全选的复选框选中相同 } } } function seclect(sh){ varitem=document.getElementsByName("sel"); varall=document.getElementById("all"); vartag=true; for(vari=0;i<item.length;i++){//判断是否全部选中 if(item[i].checked == false){ tag=false; break; } } all.checked=tag; } </script> </head> <body> <center> <tableid="order"> <tr> <th> <inputtype="checkbox"onclick="allSelect(this)"id="all"/>全选 </th> <th>商品名称</th> <th>数量</th> <th>单价</th> <th>操作</th> </tr> <tr> <td><inputtype="checkbox"onclick="seclect(this)"name="sel"/></td> <td>娃哈哈</td> <td>10</td> <td>2</td> <td><inputvalue="删除"type="button"onclick="del(this)"style="margin-right:5px ;"/><inputvalue="修改"type="button"onclick="update(1)"/></td> </tr> </table> <buttononclick="add()">添加商品</button> </center> </body> </html>
I believe you have mastered the method after reading the case in this article. For more exciting information, please pay attention to other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!
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The above is the detailed content of js operation form. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!