This article introduces the installation of WNMP (Windows Nginx PHP MySQL), which has a certain reference value. Now I share it with you. Friends in need can refer to it.
I am developing a new one recently. The project and environment used are:
Nginx1.10.3 Download address: Download windows version package
PHP 7.1.1 Download address: Download windows version package
MySQL 5.7.17 Download address:
PS: Here I use WampServer for MySQL MySQL, so there is no duplicate installation. The specific configuration will be discussed later.
This is the download address of WampServer:
thing Once you are ready, let’s start the installation.
1. Nginx installation
1. Prepare a directory, here is E:\development\nginx(The nginx directory here is mainly for future convenience Expand multi-version Nginx service)
2. Run nginx.exe under this folder (nginx-1.10.3)
3. Test whether nginx is started. Open the browser and visit http://localhost or, and see if "Welcome to nginx!" appears. It proves that it has been started successfully. If it is not started, check to see if port 80 is occupied.
Note: The default directory of this website is E:\development\nginx\nginx-1.10.3\html
2. PHP installation
The nginx configuration file is nginx.conf
# in the conf folder ##1. Create a PHP directoryE:\development\php (also placed in the PHP directory for easy expansion in the future)
2. Modifylocation /{ root E:/proj; ;这里改成你自己的目录 index index.html index.htm;}
location / { root E:/Projl; index index.html index.htm inde.php; }
# around lines 63-71
; Then change "/scripts" to "$document_root", where "$document_root" refers to the site path pointed to by "root" , this is after the modification.
3. Modify to php.ini.
Search for "extension_dir" and find: e;xtension_dir = "ext" First remove the semicolon in front and then change it to extension_dir = "C:\wnmp\php\ext"
Search for "date.timezone" and find: ;date.timezone = Remove the preceding semicolon first and then change it to date.timezone = Asia/Shanghai
Search for "enable_dl" and find: enable_dl = Off Change Search for "cgi.force_redirect" for enable_dl = On
; cgi.force_redirect = 1 first remove the semicolon in front and then change it to cgi.force_redirect = 0
Search for "fastcgi.impersonate" and find : ;fastcgi.impersonate = 1 Remove the semicolon in front
Search for "cgi.rfc2616_headers" and find: ;cgi.rfc2616_headers = 0 Remove the semicolon in front and change it to cgi.rfc2616_headers = 1
Search for "php_mysql" and find: "extension=php_pdo_mysql.dll and extension=php_mysqli.dll. Remove the ";"extension=php_mysql.dll and extension=php_mysqli.dll (supports MYSQL database)
4. Start
1. Delete Nginx while it is in progress and then restart it
2. php-cgi.exe -b
#phpinfo() Test it:
1. 下载 RunHiddenConsole 下载地址:
2. star.bat 启动
@echo off REM Windows 下无效 REM set PHP_FCGI_CHILDREN=5REM 每个进程处理的最大请求数,或设置为 Windows 环境变量 set PHP_FCGI_MAX_REQUESTS=1000 echo Starting PHP FastCGI... RunHiddenConsole E:/development/php/php-7.1.1-nts-Win32-VC14-x64/php-cgi.exe -b -c E:/development/php/php-7.1.1-nts-Win32-VC14-x64/php.ini echo Starting nginx... RunHiddenConsole E:/development/nginx/nginx-1.10.3/nginx.exe -p E:/development/nginx/nginx-1.10.3
3. stop.bat 停止
@echo off echo Stopping nginx... taskkill /F /IM nginx.exe > nul echo Stopping PHP FastCGI... taskkill /F /IM php-cgi.exe > nulexit
到此Nginx 和 PHP 已经安装完毕了, 如果要链接Mysql 需要检查一下进程的 mysqld 启动了吗? 如果没有 进入到mysql/bin 目录 执行 mysqld 启动mysql服务
也可以执行 mysqld --install 将其设置为启动服务。
The above is the detailed content of WNMP (Windows + Nginx + PHP + MySQL) installation. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!