This time I will show you how to implement the diff algorithm in React. What are the precautions for implementing the diff algorithm in React? The following is a practical case, let's take a look.
In the previous article, we have implemented the component function of React. From a functional perspective, we have implemented React core functions. But our implementation has a big problem: every time it is updated, the entire application or the entire component is re-rendered,DOM operations are very expensive, and the performance loss is very large.
In order to reduce DOM updates, we need to find the parts that really changed before and after rendering, and only update this part of the DOM. The algorithm that compares changes and finds out the parts that need to be updated is called the diff algorithm.Comparison Strategy
After the previous two articles, we implemented a render method that can render virtual DOM into real DOM , we need to improve it now so that it no longer stupidly re-renders the entire DOM tree, but finds out the parts that really changed. Many React-like frameworks implement this part in different ways. Some frameworks will choose to save the last rendered virtual DOM, and then compare the changes before and after the virtual DOM to obtain a series of updated data, and then These updates are applied to the real DOM. But there are also some frameworks that choose to directly compare the virtual DOM and the real DOM, so that there is no need to save the last rendered virtual DOM and can be updated while comparing. This is also the method we choose. Whether it is DOM or virtual DOM, their structure is a tree. The time complexity of the algorithm that completely compares the changes between the two trees is O(n^3), but considering that we rarely cross levels Move the DOM, so we only need to compare changes at the same level./** * @param {HTMLElement} dom 真实DOM * @param {vnode} vnode 虚拟DOM * @returns {HTMLElement} 更新后的DOM */ function diff( dom, vnode ) { // ... }
DOM nodes and components. .
// 原生DOM节点的vnode { tag: 'p', attrs: { className: 'container' }, children: [] } // 文本节点的vnode "hello,world" // 组件的vnode { tag: ComponentConstrucotr, attrs: { className: 'container' }, children: [] }
Compare text nodes
First consider the simplest text node. If the current DOM is a text node, update the content directly, otherwise Just create a new text node and remove the original DOM.// diff text node if ( typeof vnode === 'string' ) { // 如果当前的DOM就是文本节点,则直接更新内容 if ( dom && dom.nodeType === 3 ) { // nodeType: if ( dom.textContent !== vnode ) { dom.textContent = vnode; } // 如果DOM不是文本节点,则新建一个文本节点DOM,并移除掉原来的 } else { out = document.createTextNode( vnode ); if ( dom && dom.parentNode ) { dom.parentNode.replaceChild( out, dom ); } } return out; }
Compare non-text DOM nodes
If vnode represents a non-text DOM node, then there are several situations: If the types of the real DOM and the virtual DOM are different, for example, the current real DOM is a p, and the value of the vnode tag is 'button', then the original p has no use value, and a new button element is created directly. , and move all the child nodes of p under button, and then use the replaceChild method to replace p with button.if ( !dom || dom.nodeName.toLowerCase() !== vnode.tag.toLowerCase() ) { out = document.createElement( vnode.tag ); if ( dom ) { [ ...dom.childNodes ].map( out.appendChild ); // 将原来的子节点移到新节点下 if ( dom.parentNode ) { dom.parentNode.replaceChild( out, dom ); // 移除掉原来的DOM对象 } } }
Compare attributes
In fact, the diff algorithm not only finds changes in node types, it also finds out the attributes and events of nodes Listen for changes. We separate the comparison attribute as a method:function diffAttributes( dom, vnode ) { const old = dom.attributes; // 当前DOM的属性 const attrs = vnode.attrs; // 虚拟DOM的属性 // 如果原来的属性不在新的属性当中,则将其移除掉(属性值设为undefined) for ( let name in old ) { if ( !( name in attrs ) ) { setAttribute( dom, name, undefined ); } } // 更新新的属性值 for ( let name in attrs ) { if ( old[ name ] !== attrs[ name ] ) { setAttribute( dom, name, attrs[ name ] ); } } }
Compare child nodes
The comparison of the node itself is completed, and the next step is to compare its child nodes.这里会面临一个问题,前面我们实现的不同diff方法,都是明确知道哪一个真实DOM和虚拟DOM对比,但是子节点是一个数组,它们可能改变了顺序,或者数量有所变化,我们很难确定要和虚拟DOM对比的是哪一个。
// diff方法 if ( vnode.children && vnode.children.length > 0 || ( out.childNodes && out.childNodes.length > 0 ) ) { diffChildren( out, vnode.children ); }
function diffChildren( dom, vchildren ) { const domChildren = dom.childNodes; const children = []; const keyed = {}; // 将有key的节点和没有key的节点分开 if ( domChildren.length > 0 ) { for ( let i = 0; i < domChildren.length; i++ ) { const child = domChildren[ i ]; const key = child.key; if ( key ) { keyedLen++; keyed[ key ] = child; } else { children.push( child ); } } } if ( vchildren && vchildren.length > 0 ) { let min = 0; let childrenLen = children.length; for ( let i = 0; i < vchildren.length; i++ ) { const vchild = vchildren[ i ]; const key = vchild.key; let child; // 如果有key,找到对应key值的节点 if ( key ) { if ( keyed[ key ] ) { child = keyed[ key ]; keyed[ key ] = undefined; } // 如果没有key,则优先找类型相同的节点 } else if ( min < childrenLen ) { for ( let j = min; j < childrenLen; j++ ) { let c = children[ j ]; if ( c && isSameNodeType( c, vchild ) ) { child = c; children[ j ] = undefined; if ( j === childrenLen - 1 ) childrenLen--; if ( j === min ) min++; break; } } } // 对比 child = diff( child, vchild ); // 更新DOM const f = domChildren[ i ]; if ( child && child !== dom && child !== f ) { if ( !f ) { dom.appendChild(child); } else if ( child === f.nextSibling ) { removeNode( f ); } else { dom.insertBefore( child, f ); } } } } }
function diffComponent( dom, vnode ) { let c = dom && dom._component; let oldDom = dom; // 如果组件类型没有变化,则重新set props if ( c && c.constructor === vnode.tag ) { setComponentProps( c, vnode.attrs ); dom = c.base; // 如果组件类型变化,则移除掉原来组件,并渲染新的组件 } else { if ( c ) { unmountComponent( c ); oldDom = null; } c = createComponent( vnode.tag, vnode.attrs ); setComponentProps( c, vnode.attrs ); dom = c.base; if ( oldDom && dom !== oldDom ) { oldDom._component = null; removeNode( oldDom ); } } return dom; }
function renderComponent( component ) { // ... // base = base = _render( renderer ); // 将_render改成diff base = diff( component.base, renderer ); // ... }
class Counter extends React.Component { constructor( props ) { super( props ); this.state = { num: 1 } } onClick() { this.setState( { num: this.state.num + 1 } ); } render() { return ( <p> <h1>count: { this.state.num }</h1> <button onClick={ () => this.onClick()}>add</button> </p> ); } }
在这篇文章中我们实现了diff算法,通过它做到了每次只更新需要更新的部分,极大地减少了DOM操作。React实现远比这个要复杂,特别是在React 16之后还引入了Fiber架构,但是主要的思想是一致的。
onClick() { for ( let i = 0; i < 100; i++ ) { this.setState( { num: this.state.num + 1 } ); } }
The above is the detailed content of How to implement diff algorithm in React. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!