Below I will bring you an article about how to use ajax_examples and ajax data processing. Let me share it with you now and give it as a reference for everyone.
It should be noted that the encapsulated database called and the jQuery storage address
1. Registration
(1) Write a text box to verify the user name
<input type="text" id="uid" /> <span id="tishi"></span> //这个使用来显示提示信息的
(2) Use jQuery Write the statement: The user name cannot be used if it exists. The user name can be
$("#uid").blur(function(){ //取用户名 var uid = $(this).val(); //查数据库,调ajax $.ajax({ //ajax方法中必须是json格式 url: "zhucecl.php", //处理页面的地址 data:{u:uid}, //这里是Json的格式:u是起的个名字,uid才是值 type:"POST", //数据提交方式 dataType:"TEXT", //返回的数据格式:字符串格式 success:function(data){ //成功的话返回匿名函数(回调函数) //执行处理页面成功后的语句 var str = ""; if(data=="OK") { str = "用户名可以使用"; $("#tishi").css("color","green"); } else { str = "已有用户名"; $("#tishi").css("color","red"); } $("#tishi").text(str); } }); })
(3) Registration processing page: I have written this many times, no more sentences. Sentence explanation
<?php //调封装好的类:注意保存位置 include("DBDA.class.php"); $db = new DBDA(); //传的值起的名字 $uid = $_POST["u"]; $sql = "select count(*) from renyuan where username='{$uid}'"; //调用封装的函数 $attr =$db->Query($sql); //判断用户名是否存在 if($attr[0][0]>0) { echo "NO"; //有重复的用户名 } else { echo "OK"; //没有重复的用户名 } ?>
## 2. Login
(1) Write the text box and login button
<p>账号:<input type="text" id="uid" /></p> <p>密码:<input type="password" id="pwd" /></p> <input type="button" value="登录" id="btn" />
##(2) Write the jQuery statement $("#btn").click(function(){
var uid=$("#uid").val(); //找到用户
var pwd=$("#pwd").val(); //找到密码
url:"denglucl.php", //登陆的处理页面
success: function(data)
window.location.href="zhuce.php" rel="external nofollow" ; //用户名密码正确,进入一个页面
(3) Login processing page: I have written it many times, so I won’t explain it sentence by sentence<?php
$db = new DBDA();
$uid = $_POST["uid"];
$pwd = $_POST["pwd"];
$sql = "select mima from huiyuan where yonghu='{$uid}'";
$attr = $db->Query($sql);
if(!empty($pwd) && !empty($attr) && $attr[0][0]==$pwd) //密码不为空,数组不为空,输入密码和查出的密码是否相同
echo "OK";
echo "ON";
Successful login:
3. Ajax data processing
(1) First display the name line, then edit it normally. The content you want to display <table width="100%" border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
(2) Write a table to display the content <tbody id="bg">
(3) Write jQuery and execute it after the page is loaded $(document).ready(function(e) {
success: function(data){
(4) Write display data processing page (two methods) include("DBDA.class.php"); //调用封装好的类:注意存在位置
$db = new DBDA(); //造新对象
$sql = "select * from fruit"; //写sql语句
echo $db->StrQuery($sql); //1.调用封装好的拼接数组为字符串的方法
/* //2.
$attr = $db->Query($sql); //调用封装类中的方法来执行sql语句
$str = "";
foreach($attr as $v)
$str .= implode("^",$v)."|"; //拼接数组为字符串
echo substr($str,0,strlen($str)-1); //截取字符串:最后的拼接符不显示<br>*/
(5) After processing the page , write the statement after the end of the processing page in the ajax success method of the main page Related articles: The above is the detailed content of How to use ajax_Examples, ajax data processing. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!success: function(data){
var hang = data.split("|"); //拆分字符“|”串:显示行
var str = "";
for(var i=0;i<hang.length;i++)
var lie = hang[i].split("^"); //拆分字符串“^”:显示列
str += "<tr><td>"+lie[0]+"</td><td>"+lie[1]+"</td><td>"+lie[2]+"</td><td>"+lie[3]+"</td><td>"+lie[5]+"</td><td>操作</td></tr>"; //显示的行和单元格
The above is what I compiled for everyone. I hope it will be helpful to everyone in the future.