This article mainly introduces the paging function of thinkPHP, and analyzes the relevant operating techniques of thinkPHP to implement the paging function based on the product model in the form of a complete example. Friends in need can refer to the following
The example of this article describes the paging function of thinkPHP . Share it with everyone for your reference, the details are as follows:
interface ServiceInterFace:
<?php /** * InterFaceService * @author yhd */ namespace Red; interface ServiceInterFace { /** * 实例化当前类 */ public static function getInstance(); }
StaticService Static Service Class:
<?php /** * 静态服务类 * StaticService * @author yhd */ namespace Red; class StaticService{ protected static $data; /** * 设置静态数据 * @param string $key key * @param mixed $data data * @return mixed */ public static function setData($key,$data){ self::$data[$key] = $data; return self::$data[$key]; } /** * 通过引用使用静态数据 * @param string $key key * @return mixed */ public static function & getData($key){ if(!isset(self::$data[$key])){ self::$data[$key] = null; } return self::$data[$key]; } /** * 缓存实例化过的对象 * @param string $name 类名 * @return 对象 */ public static function getInstance($name){ $key = 'service_@_'.$name; $model = &self::getData($key); if($model === null){ $model = new $name(); } return $model; } /** * html转义过滤 * @param mixed $input 输入 * @return mixed */ public static function htmlFilter($input){ if(is_array($input)) { foreach($input as & $row) { $row = self::htmlFilter($row); } } else { if(!get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { $input = addslashes($input); } $input = htmlspecialchars($input); } return $input; } }
abstract AbProduct Abstract product management class:
<?php /** * 抽象商品管理类 * AbProduct.class.php * @lastmodify 2015-8-17 * @author yhd */ namespace Red\Product; abstract class AbProduct{ public $errorNum; /* *返回错误信息 *@param $errorNum 错误代码 */ public function GetStatus(){ $errorNum = $this->errorNum; switch($errorNum){ case 0: $data['status'] = 0; $data['message'] = '收藏成功'; break; case 1: $data['status'] = 1; $data['message'] = '收藏失败'; break; case 2: $data['status'] = 2; $data['message'] = '已收藏'; break; case 3: $data['status'] = 3; $data['message'] = '未登陆'; break; case 4: $data['status'] = 4; $data['message'] = '缺少参数'; break; default: $data['status'] = 200; $data['message'] = '未知错误'; } return $data; }
MemberModel Member model:
<?php /** * 会员模型 * MemberModel.class.php * @copyright (C) 2014-2015 red * @license * @lastmodify 2015-8-17 * @author yhd */ namespace Red\Passport\Models; use Think\Model; use Red\ServiceInterFace; use Red\StaticService; class MemberModel extends Model implements ServiceInterFace{ protected $userId; protected $error; protected function _initialize(){ $this->userId = getUserInfo(0); } /** * 实例化本类 * @return MemberModel */ public static function getInstance() { return StaticService::getInstance(__CLASS__); } /** * 获取登录用户信息 * @param string $data 查询条件 * @return array */ public function getUser($data = '') { if(empty($data)){ return $this->where("id=".$this->userId)->find(); }else{ return $this->field($data)->where("id=".$this->userId)->find(); } } /** * 修改用户信息 * @param array $data * @param array $where 查询条件 */ public function editUserInfo($data, $where = '') { if( $this->_before_check($data) === false ){ return $this->error['msg']; } if(!empty($where) && is_array($where)){ $condition[ $where[0] ] = array('eq', $where[1]); return $this->where($condition)->save($data); } return $this->where("id=".$this->userId)->save($data); } /** * 获取用户信息 * @param string $data 用户名 * return array() */ public function checkUserInfo($str, $field = ''){ //注册类型 $info = CheckType($str); $condition[$info] = array('eq',$str); if(!empty($field)){ return $this->field($field)->where($condition)->find(); } return $this->where($condition)->find(); } /** * 获取用户信息 * @param array $data 用户名 * return array() */ public function getAccount($data){ //注册类型 $info = CheckType($data); $condition['id'] = array('eq',$this->userId); $condition[$info] = array('eq',$data); return $this->where($condition)->find(); } /** * 修改用户密码 * @param array $data['id']用户ID * @param $data['passWord']用户密码 * return true or false */ public function upUserPassById($data){ $condition['id'] = array('eq',$data['id']); $status = $this->where($condition)->save(array("password"=>md5($data['password']))); if($status){ return TRUE; }else { return FALSE; } } /** * 校验用户的账号或者密码是否正确 * @param $data['username'] 用户名 * @param $data['password'] 密码 * return true or false */ public function checkUserPasswd($data= array()){ $type = CheckType($data['username']); $condition[$type] = array('eq',$data['username']); $condition['password'] = array('eq',md5($data['password'])); return $this->where($condition)->find(); } /** * 网页登录校验token * @param token string * return bool */ public function checkToken($token){ return $this->autoCheckToken($token); } /** * 后台封号/解封 * param int $user_id */ public function changeStatus($data){ if($this->save($data)){ return true; }else{ return false; } } protected function _before_check(&$data){ if(isset($data['username']) && empty($data['username'])){ $this->error['msg'] = '请输入用户名'; return false; } if(isset($data['nickname']) && empty($data['nickname'])){ $this->error['msg'] = '请输入昵称'; return false; } if(isset($data['realname']) && empty($data['realname'])){ $this->error['msg'] = '请输入真名'; return false; } if(isset($data['email']) && empty($data['email'])){ $this->error['msg'] = '请输入邮箱'; return false; } if(isset($data['mobile']) && empty($data['mobile'])){ $this->error['msg'] = '请输入手机号码'; return false; } if(isset($data['password']) && empty($data['password'])){ $this->error['msg'] = '请输入密码'; return false; } if(isset($data['headimg']) && empty($data['headimg'])){ $this->error['msg'] = '请上传头像'; return false; } return true; } }
ProductModel Product model:
<?php /** * 商品模型 * ProductModel.class.php * @lastmodify 2015-8-17 * @author yhd */ namespace Red\Product\Models; use Think\Model; use Red\ServiceInterFace; use Red\StaticService; class ProductModel extends Model implements ServiceInterFace{ /** * 实例化本类 * @return ProductModel */ public static function getInstance() { return StaticService::getInstance(__CLASS__); } /** * 单个商品 * @param string $id * @param integer $status 状态 1:有效 2:无效 * @param integer $onsale 是否上架 1:是 2:否 * @return array 一维数组 */ public function getProOne($id, $status = 1 , $onsale = 1){ $condition['onsale'] = array('eq', $onsale); //是否上架 $condition['status'] = array('eq', $status); //状态 $condition['id'] = array('eq',$id); return $this->where($condition)->find(); } /** * 商品列表 * @param string $limit 查询条数 * @param array $data 查询条件 * @return array 二维数组 */ public function getProList($data = ''){ $condition['onsale'] = array('eq', $data['onsale']); //是否上架 $condition['status'] = array('eq', $data['status']); //状态 $condition['type'] = array('eq', $data['type']); //分类 if(isset($data['limit']) && isset($data['order']) ){ $return =$this->where($condition)->limit($data['limit'])->order($data['order'])->select(); }else{ $return =$this->where($condition)->select(); } return $return; } /** * 添加商品 * @param array $data * @return int */ public function addProduct($data){ return $this->add($data); } /** * 删除商品 * */ public function delProduct($id){ $condition['id'] = array('eq', $id); return $this->where($condition)->delete(); } /** * 修改商品 * @param string|int $id * @param array $data * @return */ public function editProdcut($id, $data){ $condition['id'] = array('eq', $id); return $this->where($condition)->save($data); } public function getProductInfo($product){ if(empty($product) || !isset($product['product_id'])){ return array(); } $info = $this->getProOne($product['product_id']); $product['name'] = $info['name']; $product['store_id'] = $info['store_id']; $product['price'] = $info['price']; $product['m_price'] = $info['m_price']; return $product; } }
ProductManage Product management class:
<?php namespace User\Controller; use Red\Product\ProductManage; class FavoriteController extends AuthController { public function index($page=1){ $limit=1; $list = ProductManage::getInstance()->getCollectList($page,$limit); $showpage = create_pager_html($list['total'],$page,$limit); $this->assign(get_defined_vars()); $this->display(); } public function cancelCollect(){ $ids = field('ids'); $return = ProductManage::getInstance()->cancelProductCollect($ids); exit(json_encode($return)); } }
functions.php paging function:
<?php /** * 分页 * @param $total 总条数 * @param $page 第几页 * @param $perpage 每页条数 * @param $url 链接地址 * @param $maxpage 最大页码 * @return string 最多页数 */ function create_pager_html($total, $page = 1, $perpage = 20, $url = '', $maxpage = null) { $totalcount = $total; if (empty($url) || !is_string($url)) { $url = array(); foreach ($_GET as $k => $v) { if ($k != 'page') { $url[] = urlencode($k) . '=' . urlencode($v); } } $url[] = 'page={page}'; $url = '?' . implode('&', $url); } if ($total <= $perpage) return ''; $total = ceil($total / $perpage); $pagecount = $total; $total = ($maxpage && $total > $maxpage) ? $maxpage : $total; $page = intval($page); if ($page < 1 || $page > $total) $page = 1; $pages = '<p class="pages"><a href="' . str_replace('{page}', $page - 1 <= 0 ? 1 : $page - 1, $url) . '" rel="external nofollow" title="上一页" class="page_start">上一页</a>'; if ($page > 4 && $page <= $total - 4) { $mini = $page - 3; $maxi = $page + 2; } elseif ($page <= 4) { $mini = 2; $maxi = $total - 2 < 7 ? $total - 2 : 7; } elseif ($page > $total - 4) { $mini = $total - 7 < 3 ? 2 : $total - 7; $maxi = $total - 2; } for ($i = 1; $i <= $total; $i++) { if ($i != $page) { $pages .= '<a class="page-num" href="' . str_replace('{page}', $i, $url) . '" rel="external nofollow" >' . $i . '</a>'; } else { $pages .= '<span class="page_cur">' . $i . '</span>'; } if ($maxi && $i >= $maxi) { $i = $total - 2; $maxi = 0; } if (($i == 2 or $total - 2 == $i) && $total > 10) { $pages .= ''; } if ($mini && $i >= 2) { $i = $mini; $mini = 0; } } $pages .= '<a href="' . str_replace('{page}', $page + 1 >= $total ? $total : $page + 1, $url) . '" rel="external nofollow" title="下一页" class="page_next">下一页</a><span class="pageOp"><span class="sum">共' . $totalcount . '条 </span><input type="text" class="pages_inp" id="pageno" value="' . $page . '" onkeydown="if(event.keyCode==13 && this.value) {window.location.href=\'' . $url . '\'.replace(/\{page\}/, this.value);return false;}"><span class="page-sum">/ ' . $total . '页 </span><input type="button" class="pages_btn" value="GO" onclick="if(document.getElementById(\'pageno\').value>0)window.location.href=\'' . $url . '\'.replace(/\{page\}/, document.getElementById(\'pageno\').value);"></span></p>'; return $pages; }
php Based on SQLite to implement Paging functionmethod
PHP Ajax implementation of no refreshPaging functionmethod
thinkPHP’s method of implementing multi-table query and paging function
The above is the detailed content of Detailed graphic explanation of thinkPHP paging function. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!