This time I will bring you an analysis of how to use bootstarp table. What are the precautions when using bootstarp table. The following is a practical case, let’s take a look.
We used the native php html5 front-to-back separation technology in a project development. The PHP interface design is like RESTful. If you don’t know RESTful, please ask Baidu. All data returned is JSON.
When it comes to paging, because the front-end page uses bootstarp for compatibility issues, we continue to try the bootstarp table plug-in for data paging
bootstarp has two configuration methods. The writing and application are similar to the old easyui UI framework, but I think easyui is really easy to use, and easyui's asynchronous tree is really powerful. Of course, there are many ready-made tree components. Because the company's front end is lacking, we write pages part-time in PHP, you know.
The following introduces the bootstarp configuration: js configuration
url: 'controller/standard.php?op=query',
method: "post", //使用post发送数据的时候 需要设置contenType不然后台无法接受数据
contentType: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8",
toolbar: '#toolbar1', // 对应你table里面的工具栏
pagination: true, //打开分页
pageSize: 10,//一页放多少个数据
showRefresh: true,//现实刷新按钮
showToggle: true,
pageList: [10, 20],//设置可以每页现实的数据量
strictSearch: true,
singleSelect: false,//单选多选
search: false,//搜索框(当前端分页时候,搜索框可以自己过滤数据,后端分页无意义)
onCheck: function(row, $element) {},
queryParams: function(params) { //向后台发送的参数都可以写这里
var temp = {
pageSize: params.limit, //页面大小
pageNumber: params.offset, //页码
op: s,
conds: data
return temp;
rowStyle: function(row, index) { //改变行样式。也可以使用cellStyle改变单元格样式
sidePagination: 'server',
columns: [{
checkbox: true
}, {
field: 'StandardNumber',
title: '标准编号'
}, {
field: 'StandardName',
title: '标准名称'
field: 'StandardLevel',
title: '标准类别'
field: 'QyStandardNumber',
title: '企标编号'
field: 'ReferStandardNumber',
title: '引用标准'
field: 'FileName',
title: '查看全文',
formatter: function(value, row, index) { //格式化你想要的数据
if(value) {
var list = [];
for(var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
if(list[i] != null) {
var str = list[i];
var conds = str.indexOf('.');
var type = str.substr(conds, str.length)
if(type == ".pdf") {
return '<img src="/static/imghw/default1.png" data-src="img/pdf.png" class="lazy" onClick="lookText(\'' + index + '\')" alt="Analysis of how to use bootstarp+table" >' + '';
} else if(type == ".txt") {
return '<img src="/static/imghw/default1.png" data-src="img/txt.png" class="lazy" onClick="lookText(\'' + index + '\')" alt="Analysis of how to use bootstarp+table" >' + '';
} else if(type == ".docx" || type == ".doc") {
return '<img src="/static/imghw/default1.png" data-src="img/doc.png" class="lazy" onClick="lookText(\'' + index + '\')" alt="Analysis of how to use bootstarp+table" >' + '';
} else if(type == ".png" || type == ".jpg") {
return '<img src="/static/imghw/default1.png" data-src="img/img.png" class="lazy" onClick="lookText(\'' + index + '\')" alt="Analysis of how to use bootstarp+table" >' + '';
} else {
return '';
field: 'IsCancel',
title: '是否作废'
rowStyle: function(value, row, index) {
if(value) {
var list = [];
for(var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
if(list[i].IsCancel == '是') {
var style = {};
style = {
css: {
'color': 'red'
return style;
} else {
var style = {};
style = {
css: {
'color': ''
return style;

Attached is the table. The above paging is background paging. The data format returned by background paging should be {total: 'Your total', rows: 'Your data'} Foreground paging only needs to return {rows: rows}
Finally, attach my json format
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 | "total" : "2" ,
"rows" : [{
"Id" : "6" ,
"StandardName" : "1994" ,
"StandardNumber" : "GB-100-1994" ,
"StandardLevel" : "" ,
"QyStandardNumber" : "" ,
"ReferStandardNumber" : "" ,
"ReferLevel" : "" ,
"ClassNumber" : "" ,
"DraftUnit" : "" ,
"PublishDate" : "" ,
"ImplementDate" : "" ,
"InputDatabaseDate" : "" ,
"IsCancel" : "否" ,
"CancelDate" : "" ,
"StructureID" : "" ,
"OldStandardNumber" : "" ,
"OldStandardName" : "" ,
"StandardMemo" : "" ,
"UseDepartment" : "" ,
"FileName" : null,
"FileContent" : null
}, {
"Id" : "4" ,
"StandardName" : "4" ,
"StandardNumber" : "4" ,
"StandardLevel" : "" ,
"QyStandardNumber" : "1" ,
"ReferStandardNumber" : "" ,
"ReferLevel" : "" ,
"ClassNumber" : "" ,
"DraftUnit" : "" ,
"PublishDate" : "" ,
"ImplementDate" : "" ,
"InputDatabaseDate" : "" ,
"IsCancel" : "是" ,
"CancelDate" : "" ,
"StructureID" : "" ,
"OldStandardNumber" : "" ,
"OldStandardName" : "" ,
"StandardMemo" : "" ,
"UseDepartment" : "" ,
"FileName" : "变电设备在线监测I2接口网络通信规-范.pdf" ,
"FileContent" : "{\"database\":\"m2018.php\",\"key\":\"4\"}"
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Here I will not introduce how to directly generate tables from html. For details, you can check the documentation or Baidu
When using bootstarp table, we sometimes involve the operation of updating a piece of data on the page or deleting a piece of data. What is deleted and updated is the specified row.
You need to get the index table below
For example The following updateRow updates the specified row
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 | $( '#std-list' ).bootstrapTable( 'updateRow' , {
index: getRowIndex( '#std-list' , row[current]),
row: {
StandardName: StandardName,
StandardLevel: StandardLevel,
QyStandardNumber: QyStandardNumber,
ReferStandardNumber: ReferStandardNumber,
UseDepartment: UseDepartment,
ReferLevel: ReferLevel,
ClassNumber: ClassNumber,
StructureId: StructureId,
DraftUnit: DraftUnit,
PublishDate: PublishDate,
InputDatabaseDate: InputDatabaseDate,
OldStandardNumber: OldStandardNumber,
OldStandardName: OldStandardName,
StandardMemo: StandardMemo,
CancelDate: CancelDate,
OldStandardNumber: OldStandardNumber,
OldStandardName: OldStandardName,
StandardMemo: StandardMemo,
IsCancel: cancellation
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I recommend using this method to get the index (subscript)
1 2 3 | function getRowIndex(sel, row) {
var data = $(sel).bootstrapTable( 'getData' );
for ( var i = 0; i <p style= "text-align: left;" ><strong>The front- end paging artifact is worth using! </strong></p><p style= "text-align: left;" > I believe you have mastered the method after reading the case in this article. For more exciting information, please pay attention to other related articles on the php Chinese website! </p><p style= "text-align: left;" >Recommended reading: </p><p style= "text-align: left;" ><a href= "" target= "_blank" >Detailed explanation of the implementation steps of PromiseA</a></p><p style= "text-align: left;" ><a href= "" target= "_blank" >Practical summary of the use of EasyCanvas drawing library in Pixeler project development</a></p>
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The above is the detailed content of Analysis of how to use bootstarp+table. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!