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How to use PHP to implement WeChat payment function on APP

Release: 2023-04-01 17:08:01
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This article mainly introduces PHP to implement the WeChat payment function on the APP side. It is very good and has certain reference value. Friends who need it can refer to it.

I have already written about Alipay payment on the mobile APP, and I will do it again today. Make up for the mobile APP WeChat payment. I won’t go into the preliminary preparations here. You can refer to the WeChat payment development document. Be sure to read the development document carefully to avoid pitfalls. After the preparation is completed, configure the parameters and call Unified ordering interface, three steps of asynchronous callback after payment;

1. I encapsulated a payment class file, removed all redundant things, and put the configuration parameters into this payment class. You only need to modify a few parameters in the Weixinpayandroid method and you can copy and use it directly:

class Wxpayandroid
 public $config = array(
    'appid' => "", /*微信开放平台上的应用id*/
    'mch_id' => "", /*微信申请成功之后邮件中的商户id*/
    'api_key' => "", /*在微信商户平台上自己设定的api密钥 32位*/
 public $notify_url = '';
 public $out_trade_no = '';
 public $body = '';
 public $total_fee = 0;
 public $time_expire = '';
 private $WxPayHelper;
 public function Weixinpayandroid($total_fee,$tade_no)
  $this->total_fee = intval($total_fee * 100);//订单的金额 1元
  $this->out_trade_no = $tade_no;// date('YmdHis') . substr(time(), - 5) . substr(microtime(), 2, 5) . sprintf('%02d', rand(0, 99));//订单号
  $this->body = 'wxpay';//支付描述信息
  $this->time_expire = date('YmdHis', time() + 86400);//订单支付的过期时间(eg:一天过期)
  $this->notify_url = "http://www.ceshi.com/notifyandroid";//异步通知URL(更改支付状态)
  $app_response = $this->doPay(); 
  if (isset($app_response['return_code']) && $app_response['return_code'] == 'FAIL') {
   $errorCode = 100;
   $errorMsg = $app_response['return_msg'];
   $this->echoResult($errorCode, $errorMsg);
  } else {
   $errorCode = 0;
   $errorMsg = 'success';
   $responseData = array(
    'notify_url' => $this->notify_url,
    'app_response' => $app_response,
   $this->echoResult($errorCode, $errorMsg, $responseData);
 function echoResult($errorCode = 0, $errorMsg = 'success', $responseData = array())
  $arr = array(
   'errorCode' => $errorCode,
   'errorMsg' => $errorMsg,
   'responseData' => $responseData,
   exit(json_encode($arr));  //exit可以正常发送给APP json数据
  // return json_encode($arr); //在TP5中return这个json数据,APP接收到的是null,无法正常吊起微信支付
 function getVerifySign($data, $key)
  $String = $this->formatParameters($data, false);
  $String = $String . "&key=" . $key;
  $String = md5($String);
  $result = strtoupper($String);
  return $result;
 function formatParameters($paraMap, $urlencode)
  $buff = "";
  foreach ($paraMap as $k => $v) {
   if ($urlencode) {
    $v = urlencode($v);
   $buff .= $k . "=" . $v . "&";
  if (strlen($buff) > 0) {
   $reqPar = substr($buff, 0, strlen($buff) - 1);
  return $reqPar;
  * 得到签名
  * @param object $obj
  * @param string $api_key
  * @return string
 function getSign($obj, $api_key)
  foreach ($obj as $k => $v)
   $Parameters[strtolower($k)] = $v;
  $String = $this->formatBizQueryParaMap($Parameters, false);
  $String = $String."&key=".$api_key;
  $result = strtoupper(md5($String));
  return $result;
  * 获取指定长度的随机字符串
  * @param int $length
  * @return Ambigous <NULL, string>
 function getRandChar($length){
  $str = null;
  $strPol = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
  $max = strlen($strPol)-1;
  return $str;
  * 数组转xml
  * @param array $arr
  * @return string
 function arrayToXml($arr)
  $xml = "<xml>";
  foreach ($arr as $key=>$val)
    if (is_numeric($val))
  return $xml;
  * 以post方式提交xml到对应的接口url
  * @param string $xml 需要post的xml数据
  * @param string $url url
  * @param bool $useCert 是否需要证书,默认不需要
  * @param int $second url执行超时时间,默认30s
  * @throws WxPayException
 function postXmlCurl($xml, $url, $second=30, $useCert=false, $sslcert_path=&#39;&#39;, $sslkey_path=&#39;&#39;)
  $ch = curl_init();
  curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, $second);
  curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_URL, $url);
  curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, FALSE);
  if($useCert == true){
   //使用证书:cert 与 key 分别属于两个.pem文件
   curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_SSLCERT, $sslcert_path);
   curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_SSLKEY, $sslkey_path);
  curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, TRUE);
  curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $xml);
  $data = curl_exec($ch);
   return $data;
  } else {
   $error = curl_errno($ch);
   return false;
  * 获取当前服务器的IP
  * @return Ambigous <string, unknown>
 function get_client_ip()
  if (isset($_SERVER[&#39;REMOTE_ADDR&#39;])) {
   $cip = $_SERVER[&#39;REMOTE_ADDR&#39;];
  } elseif (getenv("REMOTE_ADDR")) {
   $cip = getenv("REMOTE_ADDR");
  } elseif (getenv("HTTP_CLIENT_IP")) {
   $cip = getenv("HTTP_CLIENT_IP");
  } else {
   $cip = "";
  return $cip;
  * 将数组转成uri字符串
  * @param array $paraMap
  * @param bool $urlencode
  * @return string
 function formatBizQueryParaMap($paraMap, $urlencode)
  $buff = "";
  foreach ($paraMap as $k => $v)
    $v = urlencode($v);
   $buff .= strtolower($k) . "=" . $v . "&";
  if (strlen($buff) > 0)
   $reqPar = substr($buff, 0, strlen($buff)-1);
  return $reqPar;
  * XML转数组
  * @param unknown $xml
  * @return mixed
 function xmlToArray($xml)
  $array_data = json_decode(json_encode(simplexml_load_string($xml, &#39;SimpleXMLElement&#39;, LIBXML_NOCDATA)), true);
  return $array_data;
 public function chkParam()
  if (empty($this->out_trade_no)) {
   die(&#39;out_trade_no error&#39;);
  if (empty($this->body)) {
   die(&#39;body error&#39;);
  if (empty($this->time_expire)){
   die(&#39;time_expire error&#39;);
  if (empty($this->total_fee) || !is_numeric($this->total_fee)) {
   die(&#39;total_fee error&#39;);
  if (empty($this->notify_url)) {
   die(&#39;notify_url error&#39;);
  if (!preg_match("#^http:\/\/#i", $this->notify_url)) {
   $this->notify_url = "http://" . $_SERVER[&#39;HTTP_HOST&#39;] . $this->notify_url;
  return true;
  * 生成支付(返回给APP)
  * @return boolean|mixed
 public function doPay() {
  return $this->createAppPara();
  * APP统一下单
 private function createAppPara()
  $url = "https://api.mch.weixin.qq.com/pay/unifiedorder";
  $data["appid"]  = $this->config[&#39;appid&#39;];//微信开放平台审核通过的应用APPID
  $data["body"]   = $this->body;//商品或支付单简要描述
  $data["mch_id"]  = $this->config[&#39;mch_id&#39;];//商户号
  $data["nonce_str"] = $this->getRandChar(32);//随机字符串
  $data["notify_url"] = $this->notify_url;//通知地址
  $data["out_trade_no"] = $this->out_trade_no;//商户订单号
  $data["spbill_create_ip"] = $this->get_client_ip();//终端IP
  $data["total_fee"]  = $this->total_fee;//总金额
  $data["time_expire"]  = $this->time_expire;//交易结束时间
  $data["trade_type"]  = "APP";//交易类型
  $data["sign"]    = $this->getSign($data, $this->config[&#39;api_key&#39;]);//签名
  $xml  = $this->arrayToXml($data);
  $response = $this->postXmlCurl($xml, $url);
  $responseArr = $this->xmlToArray($response);
  if(isset($responseArr["return_code"]) && $responseArr["return_code"]==&#39;SUCCESS&#39;){
   return $this->getOrder($responseArr[&#39;prepay_id&#39;]);
  return $responseArr;
  * 执行第二次签名,才能返回给客户端使用
  * @param int $prepayId:预支付交易会话标识
  * @return array
 public function getOrder($prepayId)
  $data["appid"]  = $this->config[&#39;appid&#39;];
  $data["noncestr"] = $this->getRandChar(32);
  $data["package"] = "Sign=WXPay";
  $data["partnerid"] = $this->config[&#39;mch_id&#39;];
  $data["prepayid"] = $prepayId;
  $data["timestamp"] = time();
  $data["sign"]  = $this->getSign($data, $this->config[&#39;api_key&#39;]);
  $data["packagestr"] = "Sign=WXPay";
  return $data;
  * 异步通知信息验证
  * @return boolean|mixed
 public function verifyNotify()
  $xml = isset($GLOBALS[&#39;HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA&#39;]) ? $GLOBALS[&#39;HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA&#39;] : &#39;&#39;; 
   return false;
  $wx_back = $this->xmlToArray($xml);
   return false;
  $checkSign = $this->getVerifySign($wx_back, $this->config[&#39;api_key&#39;]); 
   return $wx_back;
   return false;
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2. Create a controller to define a unified order interface and asynchronous payment after payment Callback interface:

 public function notifyandroid()
  $wxpayandroid = new \Wxpayandroid;  //实例化微信支付类
  $verify_result = $wxpayandroid->verifyNotify();
  if ($verify_result[&#39;return_code&#39;]==&#39;SUCCESS&#39; && $verify_result[&#39;result_code&#39;]==&#39;SUCCESS&#39;) {
    $out_trade_no = $verify_result[&#39;out_trade_no&#39;];
    $trade_no  = $verify_result[&#39;transaction_id&#39;];
    $trade_status = $verify_result[&#39;result_code&#39;];
    $total_fee = $verify_result[&#39;total_fee&#39;]/100;
    $pay_date  = $verify_result[&#39;time_end&#39;];
    $order = new Order();
    $ret = $order->getOrderN2($out_trade_no); //获取订单信息
    if ($total_amount==$total_fee) {
     // 验证成功 修改数据库的订单状态等 $result[&#39;out_trade_no&#39;]为订单号
 public function wxpayandroid(Request $request)
  $param = $request->param(); //接收值
  $tade_no = $param[&#39;orderCode&#39;];
  $order = new Order(); //实例化订单
  $ret = $order->getOrderN2($tade_no); //查询订单信息
  $total_fee = $ret[&#39;money&#39;]; //订单总金额
  $wxpayandroid = new \Wxpayandroid;  //实例化微信支付类
  $res = $wxpayandroid->Weixinpayandroid($total_fee,$tade_no); //调用weixinpay方法
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Encapsulate a payment class file, put the configuration parameters into the payment class, and then define the controller to create two methods, so two steps You can use the mobile APP WeChat payment.

The above is the entire content of this article. I hope it will be helpful to everyone's study. For more related content, please pay attention to the PHP Chinese website!

Related recommendations:

php How to implement WeChat enterprise account payment for individuals

PHP implements WeChat public platform enterprise account verification interface

The above is the detailed content of How to use PHP to implement WeChat payment function on APP. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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