callback function in php
Jun 28, 2018 pm 02:49 PM* 2. 2 functions that execute callbacks
* Tip: What is a callback?
* The functions we call provided by the PHP system are called direct calls, also called: direct calls
* When the PHP system calls a user-defined function, it must be called through a proxy function, which is called an indirect call, also called a callback
* This is what we learned today about call_user_func() and call_user_func_array() The proxy function
* can call our custom function instead of the system
* 1.call_user_func_array($callback, $array): Use the array parameters to execute the callback function
* 2.call_user_func($callback, $array): The first parameter is used as the callback function call
* Note: 1. Usually there is no need to write parameters in the callback, but to obtain them through other functions; 2. Parameters Passing by reference is not allowed
//1. Parameters are passed in one by one using: call_user_func()
//Single parameter
echo call_user_func(function(){ //如果匿名回调没写参数,可以通过func_get_args()获取 return '欢迎来到'.func_get_arg(0); },'php中文网'); echo '<hr>'; echo call_user_func(function($site){ return '欢迎来到'.$site; },'php中文网'); echo '<hr>';
//Multiple parameters, actual parameter amount The number of callback parameters must be consistent, and any excess will be ignored
echo call_user_func(function($site,$course){ return '欢迎来到'.$site.'学习'.$course.'课程'; },'php中文网','php'); echo '<hr>'; //支持调用类中的方法做为回调 class Demo1 { //普通方法 public function sum($a, $b) { return $a+$b; } } class Demo2 { //静态方法 public static function multi($a,$b) { return $a*$b; } }
//Call a normal method: the callback must be passed in as an array: [object, 'method name']
$obj = new Demo1; echo call_user_func([$obj,'sum'],10,15);
//php5 .4 or above, can be abbreviated:
echo call_user_func([(new Demo1()),'sum'],10,15); echo '<hr>';
//Call static method: there are two ways: string and array
//String: 'Class name::Method name'
echo call_user_func('Demo2::multi',10,15);
//Array: [class name, 'method name']
echo '<hr>'; echo call_user_func(['Demo2','multi'],20,5);
//If there is a namespace, just add the namespace string before the class name, or use the constant __NAMESPACE__
//Understand call_user_func(), then call_user_func_array() is very simple, only the parameters are different
* 2.call_user_func_array(callback, array)
* Only accept Two parameters: callback, index array, the parameters passed to the callback are all packed into the index array
* The only difference from call_user_func(array,arg1...) is that the method of passing parameters is different
* Callbacks also support: string function names, class names, arrays, anonymous functions
echo '<hr>'; echo call_user_func_array(function(){ //查看传递给回调的参数 // return print_r(func_get_args(),true); $msg = '前端开发的基础知识包括:'; //遍历参数数组 foreach (func_get_args() as $value) { $msg .= $value.','; } //去掉未尾逗号,并替换成感叹号 return rtrim($msg,',').'!'; }, ['html','css','javascript']); echo '<hr>'; class Demo3 { public function func1() { return __METHOD__.'<pre>'.print_r(func_get_args(),true).'</pre>'; } } class Demo4 { public static function func2() { return __METHOD__.'<pre>'.print_r(func_get_args(),true).'</pre>'; } }
//Methods in callback classes
echo call_user_func_array([(new Demo3),'func1'], ['php','java','c']);
//Callbacks for calling static methods:
//1. Use array parameter method
echo call_user_func_array(['Demo4','func2'], ['html','css','jQuery']);
//2. Use string parameter method
echo call_user_func_array('Demo4::func2', ['html','css','jQuery']);
//If there is a namespace, you only need to add the namespace before the class name Or __NAMESPACE__ will do
The above is the detailed content of callback function in php. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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