About the analysis of Zend HashTable in PHP source code

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This article mainly introduces the analysis of Zend HashTable in PHP source code. It has certain reference value. Now I share it with everyone. Friends in need can refer to it.

I saw this article a long time ago Article, my interest has recently shifted to PHP source code, I searched around on the Internet, and found this article address on think in code: http://www.blankyao.cn/index.php/php-zend-hashtable.html

In PHP’s Zend engine, there is a data structure that is very important. It is everywhere and is the core of PHP data storage, including various constants, variables, functions, classes, objects, etc. They are all organized using it. This data structure is HashTable.

HashTable is also called hash table or hash table in common data structure textbooks. The basic principle is relatively simple (if you are not familiar with it, please consult any data structure textbook or search online), but the implementation of PHP has its own unique features. Understanding the data storage structure of HashTable is very helpful for us when analyzing the source code of PHP, especially the implementation of the virtual machine in Zend Engine. It helps us simulate the image of a complete virtual machine in our brains. It is also the basis for the implementation of other data structures in PHP such as arrays.

The implementation of Zend HashTable combines the advantages of two data structures, doubly linked list and vector (array), and provides a very efficient data storage and query mechanism for PHP.

Let's begin!

1. The data structure of HashTable

The implementation code of HashTable in Zend Engine mainly includes the two files zend_hash.h and zend_hash.c . Zend HashTable includes two main data structures, one is the Bucket structure and the other is the HashTable structure. The Bucket structure is a container used to save data, and the HashTable structure provides a mechanism to manage all these Buckets (or bucket columns).

typedef struct bucket {
ulong h;       /* Used for numeric indexing */
uint nKeyLength;     /* key 长度 */
void *pData;      /* 指向Bucket中保存的数据的指针 */
void *pDataPtr;     /* 指针数据 */
struct bucket *pListNext;   /* 指向HashTable桶列中下一个元素 */
struct bucket *pListLast;    /* 指向HashTable桶列中前一个元素 */
struct bucket *pNext;    /* 指向具有同一个hash值的桶列的后一个元素 */
struct bucket *pLast;    /* 指向具有同一个hash值的桶列的前一个元素 */
char arKey[1];      /* 必须是最后一个成员,key名称*/
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In Zend HashTable, each data element (Bucket) has a key name (key), which is unique in the entire HashTable and cannot be repeated. The data elements in the HashTable can be uniquely determined based on the key name. There are two ways to represent key names. The first method uses the string arKey as the key name, and the length of the string is nKeyLength. Note that in the above data structure, although arKey is just a character array with a length of 1, it does not mean that the key can only be one character. In fact, Bucket is a variable-length structure. Since arKey is the last member variable of Bucket, a key with a length of nKeyLength can be determined by combining arKey with nKeyLength. This is a relatively common technique in C language programming. Another key name representation method is the index method. In this case, nKeyLength is always 0, and the long integer field h represents the key name of the data element. To put it simply, if nKeyLength=0, the key name is h; otherwise, the key name is arKey, and the length of the key name is nKeyLength.

When nKeyLength > 0, it does not mean that the h value at this time is meaningless. In fact, what it saves at this time is the hash value corresponding to arKey. No matter how the hash function is designed, conflicts are inevitable, which means that different arKeys may have the same hash value. Buckets with the same hash value are stored in the bucket column corresponding to the same index in the arBuckets array of HashTable (refer to the explanation below). This bucket column is a doubly linked list, and its forward elements and backward elements are represented by pLast and pNext respectively. The newly inserted Bucket is placed at the front of the bucket column.

In Bucket, the actual data is stored in the memory block pointed to by the pData pointer. Usually this memory block is allocated separately by the system. But there is an exception, that is, when the data saved by the Bucket is a pointer, the HashTable will not request the system to allocate space to save the pointer, but directly save the pointer to pDataPtr, and then point pData to the member of this structure. the address of. This improves efficiency and reduces memory fragmentation. From this we can see the subtleties of PHP HashTable design. If the data in the Bucket is not a pointer, pDataPtr is NULL.

All Buckets in HashTable form a doubly linked list through pListNext and pListLast. The latest inserted Bucket is placed at the end of this doubly linked list.

Note that under normal circumstances, Bucket cannot provide information about the size of the data it stores. Therefore, in the implementation of PHP, the data saved in the Bucket must have the ability to manage its own size.

typedef struct _hashtable {
uint nTableSize;
uint nTableMask;
uint nNumOfElements;
ulong nNextFreeElement;
Bucket *pInternalPointer;
Bucket *pListHead;Bucket *pListTail;
Bucket **arBuckets;
dtor_func_t pDestructor;zend_bool persistent;
unsigned char nApplyCount;zend_bool bApplyProtection; 
#if ZEND_DEBUGint inconsistent;
} HashTable;
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In the HashTable structure, nTableSize specifies the size of the HashTable, and it limits the maximum number of Buckets that can be saved in the HashTable. The larger the number, the more memory the system allocates for the HashTable. In order to improve calculation efficiency, the system automatically adjusts nTableSize to the smallest integer power of 2 that is not less than nTableSize. In other words, if you specify an nTableSize that is not an integer power of 2 when initializing the HashTable, the system will automatically adjust the value of nTableSize. That is,

nTableSize = 2ceil(log(nTableSize, 2)) or nTableSize = pow(ceil(log(nTableSize,2)))

For example, if nTableSize = is specified when initializing HashTable 11. The HashTable initializer will automatically increase nTableSize to 16.

arBuckets是HashTable的关键,HashTable初始化程序会自动申请一块内存,并将其地址赋值给arBuckets,该内存大 小正好能容纳nTableSize个指针。我们可以将arBuckets看作一个大小为nTableSize的数组,每个数组元素都是一个指针,用于指向 实际存放数据的Bucket。当然刚开始时每个指针均为NULL。

nTableMask的值永远是nTableSize – 1,引入这个字段的主要目的是为了提高计算效率,是为了快速计算Bucket键名在arBuckets数组中的索引。



pListHead, pListTail则分别表示Bucket双向链表的第一个和最后一个元素,这些数据元素通常是根据插入的顺序排列的。也可以通过各种排序函数对其进行重 新排列。pInternalPointer则用于在遍历HashTable时记录当前遍历的位置,它是一个指针,指向当前遍历到的Bucket,初始值是 pListHead。





状态值 含义
HT_IS_DESTROYING 正在删除所有的内容,包括arBuckets本身
HT_IS_DESTROYED 已删除,包括arBuckets本身
HT_CLEANING 正在清除所有的arBuckets指向的内容,但不包括arBuckets本身
HT_OK 正常状态,各种数据完全一致

typedef struct _zend_hash_key {
char *arKey;      /* hash元素key名称 */
uint nKeyLength;     /* hash 元素key长度 */
ulong h;       /* key计算出的hash值或直接指定的数值下标 */
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现在来看zend_hash_key结构就比较容易理解了。它通过arKey, nKeyLength, h三个字段唯一确定了HashTable中的一个元素。


About the analysis of Zend HashTable in PHP source code

About the analysis of Zend HashTable in PHP source code

二、 Zend HashTable的实现


1 HashTable初始化


ZEND_API int _zend_hash_init(HashTable *ht, uint nSize, hash_func_t pHashFunction, dtor_func_t pDestructor, zend_bool persistent ZEND_FILE_LINE_DC){uint i = 3;Bucket **tmp; 
if (nSize >= 0×80000000) {
/* prevent overflow */
nTableSize = 0×80000000;
} else {
while ((1U << i) < nSize) { /* 自动调整nTableSize至2的n次方 */ i++; } ht->nTableSize = 1 << i;/* i的最小值为3,因此HashTable大小最小为8 */ } 
nTableMask = ht->
nTableSize - 1;
ht->pDestructor = pDestructor;
ht->arBuckets = NULL;
ht->pListHead = NULL;
ht->pListTail = NULL;
ht->nNumOfElements = 0;
ht->nNextFreeElement = 0;ht->pInternalPointer = NULL;
ht->persistent = persistent;
ht->nApplyCount = 0;
ht->bApplyProtection = 1; 
/* 根据persistent使用不同方式分配arBuckets内存,并将其所有指针初始化为NULL*/
/* Uses ecalloc() so that Bucket* == NULL */
if (persistent) {
tmp = (Bucket **) calloc(ht->nTableSize, sizeof(Bucket *));
if (!tmp) {
return FAILURE;
ht->arBuckets = tmp;
} else {tmp = (Bucket **) ecalloc_rel(ht->nTableSize, sizeof(Bucket *));
if (tmp) {
ht->arBuckets = tmp;
return SUCCESS;
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2 增加、插入和修改元素

向HashTable中添加一个新的元素最关键的就是要确定将这个元素插入到arBuckets数组中的哪个位置。根据上面对Bucket结构键名 的解释,我们可以知道有两种方式向HashTable添加一个新的元素。第一种方法是使用字符串作为键名来插入Bucket;第二种方法是使用索引作为键 名来插入Bucket。第二种方法具体又可以分为两种情况:指定索引或不指定索引,指定索引指的是强制将Bucket插入到指定的索引位置中;不指定索引 则将Bucket插入到nNextFreeElement对应的索引位置中。这几种插入数据的方法实现比较类似,不同的只是定位Bucket的方法。



ZEND_API int _zend_hash_add_or_update(HashTable *ht, char *arKey, uint nKeyLength, void *pData, uint nDataSize, void **pDest, int flag ZEND_FILE_LINE_DC){ulong h;uint nIndex;Bucket *p; 
IS_CONSISTENT(ht);     // 调试信息输出 
if (nKeyLength <= 0) { 
#if ZEND_DEBUG ZEND_PUTS(”zend_hash_update: Can’t put in empty key\n”); 
#endif return FAILURE; } /* 使用hash函数计算arKey的hash值 */ 
h = zend_inline_hash_func(arKey, nKeyLength); 
/* 将hash值和nTableMask按位与后生成该元素在arBuckets中的索引。让它和 * nTableMask按位与是保证不会产生一个使得arBuckets越界的数组下标。 */ nIndex = h & ht->nTableMask; 
p = ht->arBuckets[nIndex];   
/* 取得相应索引对应的Bucket的指针 */ 
/* 检查对应的桶列中是否包含有数据元素(key, hash) */
while (p != NULL) {
if ((p->h == h) && (p->nKeyLength == nKeyLength)) {
if (!memcmp(p->arKey, arKey, nKeyLength)) {
if (flag & HASH_ADD) {
return FAILURE; // 对应的数据元素已存在,不能进行插入操作}
#if ZEND_DEBUGif (p->pData == pData) {
ZEND_PUTS(”Fatal error in zend_hash_update: p->pData == pData\n”);
return FAILURE;}
#endifif (ht->pDestructor) {
/* 如果数据元素存在,对原来的数据进行析构操作 */
/* 用新的数据来更新原来的数据 */
UPDATE_DATA(ht, p, pData, nDataSize);
if (pDest) {*pDest = p->pData;}HANDLE_UNBLOCK_INTERRUPTIONS();return SUCCESS;}}p = p->pNext;} /* HashTable中没有key对应的数据,新增一个Bucket */p = (Bucket *) pemalloc(sizeof(Bucket) - 1 + nKeyLength, ht->persistent);if (!p) {return FAILURE;}memcpy(p->arKey, arKey, nKeyLength);p->nKeyLength = nKeyLength;INIT_DATA(ht, p, pData, nDataSize);p->h = h;// 将Bucket加入到相应的桶列中CONNECT_TO_BUCKET_DLLIST(p, ht->arBuckets[nIndex]);if (pDest) {*pDest = p->pData;} 
ht->nNumOfElements++;// 如果HashTable已满,重新调整HashTable的大小。ZEND_HASH_IF_FULL_DO_RESIZE(ht);   /* If the Hash table is full, resize it */return SUCCESS;}
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因为这个函数是使用字符串作为键名来插入数据的,因此它首先检查nKeyLength的值是否大于0,如果不是的话就直接退出。然后计算arKey对应的 hash值h,将其与nTableMask按位与后得到一个无符号整数nIndex。这个nIndex就是将要插入的Bucket在arBuckets数 组中的索引位置。

现在已经有了arBuckets数组的一个索引,我们知道它包括的数据是一个指向Bucket的双向链表的指针。如果这个双向链表不为空的话我们首先检查 这个双向链表中是否已经包含了用字符串arKey指定的键名的Bucket,这样的Bucket如果存在,并且我们要做的操作是插入新Bucket(通过 flag标识),这时就应该报错 – 因为在HashTable中键名不可以重复。如果存在,并且是修改操作,则使用在HashTable中指定了析构函数pDestructor对原来的 pData指向的数据进行析构操作;然后将用新的数据替换原来的数据即可成功返回修改操作。
CONNECT_TO_BUCKET_DLLIST(p, ht->arBuckets[nIndex])


ZEND_API int _zend_hash_index_update_or_next_insert(HashTable *ht, ulong h, void *pData, uint nDataSize, void **pDest, int flag ZEND_FILE_LINE_DC){uint nIndex;Bucket *p; 
IS_CONSISTENT(ht); if (flag & HASH_NEXT_INSERT) {h = ht->nNextFreeElement;}nIndex = h & ht->nTableMask; 
p = ht->arBuckets[nIndex]; // 检查是否含有相应的数据while (p != NULL) {if ((p->nKeyLength == 0) && (p->h == h)) {if (flag & HASH_NEXT_INSERT || flag & HASH_ADD) {return FAILURE;}//// …… 修改Bucket数据,略//if ((long)h >= (long)ht->nNextFreeElement) {ht->nNextFreeElement = h + 1;}if (pDest) {*pDest = p->pData;}return SUCCESS;}p = p->pNext;}p = (Bucket *) pemalloc_rel(sizeof(Bucket) - 1, ht->persistent);if (!p) {return FAILURE;}p->nKeyLength = 0; /* Numeric indices are marked by making the nKeyLength == 0 */p->h = h;INIT_DATA(ht, p, pData, nDataSize);if (pDest) {*pDest = p->pData;} 
CONNECT_TO_BUCKET_DLLIST(p, ht->arBuckets[nIndex]); 
HANDLE_BLOCK_INTERRUPTIONS();ht->arBuckets[nIndex] = p;CONNECT_TO_GLOBAL_DLLIST(p, ht);HANDLE_UNBLOCK_INTERRUPTIONS(); if ((long)h >= (long)ht->nNextFreeElement) {ht->nNextFreeElement = h + 1;}ht->nNumOfElements++;ZEND_HASH_IF_FULL_DO_RESIZE(ht);return SUCCESS;}
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flag标志指明当前操作是HASH_NEXT_INSERT(不指定索引插入或修改), HASH_ADD(指定索引插入)还是HASH_UPDATE(指定索引修改)。由于这些操作的实现代码基本相同,因此统一合并成了一个函数,再用flag加以区分。

3 访问元素
4 删除元素
5 遍历元素

/* This is used to recurse elements and selectively delete certain entries
* from a hashtable. apply_func() receives the data and decides if the entry
* should be deleted or recursion should be stopped. The following three
* return codes are possible:
* ZEND_HASH_APPLY_KEEP   - continue
* ZEND_HASH_APPLY_STOP   - stop iteration
* ZEND_HASH_APPLY_REMOVE - delete the element, combineable with the former
ZEND_API void zend_hash_apply(HashTable *ht, apply_func_t apply_func TSRMLS_DC){Bucket *p; 
HASH_PROTECT_RECURSION(ht);p = ht->pListHead;while (p != NULL) {int result = apply_func(p->pData TSRMLS_CC); if (result & ZEND_HASH_APPLY_REMOVE) {p = zend_hash_apply_deleter(ht, p);} else {p = p->pListNext;}if (result & ZEND_HASH_APPLY_STOP) {break;}}HASH_UNPROTECT_RECURSION(ht);}
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因为HashTable中所有Bucket都可以通过pListHead指向的双向链表来访问,因此遍历HashTable的实现也比较简单。这里值得一 提的是对当前遍历到的Bucket的处理使用了一个apply_func_t类型的回调函数。根据实际需要,该回调函数返回下面值之一:



其主要原理是如果遍历保护标志bApplyProtection为真,则每次进入遍历函数时将nApplyCount值加1,退出遍历函数时将nApplyCount值减1。开始遍历之前如果发现nApplyCount > 3就直接报告错误信息并退出遍历。


typedef int (*apply_func_arg_t)(void *pDest,void *argument TSRMLS_DC);void zend_hash_apply_with_argument(HashTable *ht,apply_func_arg_t apply_func, void *data TSRMLS_DC); typedef int (*apply_func_args_t)(void *pDest,int num_args, va_list args, zend_hash_key *hash_key);void zend_hash_apply_with_arguments(HashTable *ht,apply_func_args_t apply_func, int numargs, …);
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The above is the detailed content of About the analysis of Zend HashTable in PHP source code. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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