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About automated testing of Angular.Js

Release: 2018-07-02 16:03:16
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This article mainly introduces the automated testing of Angular.Js, which has certain reference value. Now I share it with everyone. Friends in need can refer to it

When the scale of the Angular project reaches a certain level , testing work is required. Why automate testing? 1. Improve output quality. 2. Reduce the pain during reconstruction. Anyway, I have refactored a lot recently and experienced a lot of pain. 3. Make it easier for new people to take over. The following article will give you a detailed introduction to the automated testing of Angular.Js. Friends in need can refer to it.

This article focuses on the testing part of ng, which mainly includes the following three aspects:

  1. Selection of framework (Karma Jasmine)

  2. Classification and selection of tests (unit test end-to-end test)

  3. How to write test cases for each module in ng

The following parts are introduced in detail.

Classification of tests

In testing, it is generally divided into unit testing and end-to-end testing. Unit testing is to ensure that development A technique used to verify the validity of a certain part of the code, end-to-end (E2E) is used when you want to ensure that a bunch of components run as expected.

Unit testing is divided into two categories: TDD (test-driven development) and BDD (behavior-driven development).

The following focuses on two development models.

TDD (Test-driven development) is the use of test cases to drive your software development.

If we want to understand TDD more deeply, we can divide it into five different stages:

  1. First, the developer writes some test methods .

  2. Secondly, developers use these tests, but it is obvious that the tests fail because the code for these functions has not been written to actually execute them.

  3. Next, the developer implements the code under test.

  4. If the developer writes good code, he will see his tests pass in the next stage.

  5. The developer can then refactor his code, add comments, and make it tidy. The developer knows that if the newly added code breaks something, the test will remind him of the failure. .

The flow chart is as follows:


The benefits of TDD:

  1. The final implementation code that can drive the system can be covered by the test code, that is, "every line of code can be tested."

  2. Test code serves as the correct guide to implement the code and eventually evolves into correct system behavior, making the entire development process more efficient.

BDD (Behavior-Driven Development) means that tests should not be written for the implementation details of the code, but for behavior. BDD tests behavior, that is, how the software should run.

  1. Compared with TDD, BDD requires us to write behavioral specifications (functional details) first before developing software. Feature details and tests look very similar, but feature details are a little more subtle. BDD takes a more detailed approach and makes it look like a sentence.

  2. BDD testing should focus on functionality rather than actual results. You often hear that BDD helps design software, rather than testing software like TDD.

Final summary: TDD’s iterative and repeated verification is the guarantee of agile development, but it does not clarify how to generate tests based on the design and ensure the quality of test cases, while BDD The concept of advocating that everyone use concise natural language to describe system behavior just makes up for the accuracy of test cases (ie, system behavior).

Test framework selection

Use karma and jasmine to perform unit testing of the ng module.

Karma: It is a JavaScript test execution process management tool based on Node.js. A powerful feature of this testing tool is that it can monitor (Watch) file changes and then execute it by itself, through the console .log displays test results.

jasmine is a behavior-driven development (BDD) testing framework that does not rely on any js framework or dom. It is a very clean and friendly API testing library.


karma is a unit test run control framework that provides different environments to run unit tests, such as chrome, firfox, phantomjs, etc. The test framework supports jasmine, mocha, qunit, yes An npm module using nodejs as the environment.

Karma was built from the ground up to remove the burden of setting up tests and focus on application logic. A browser instance will be generated to run tests on different browsers. At the same time, it can provide real-time feedback on the running of the test and provide a debug report.

Testing also relies on some Karma plug-ins, such as test coverage Karma-coverage tool, Karman-fixture tool and Karma-coffee processing tool. In addition, the front-end community provides a relatively rich set of plug-ins, which can cover common testing needs.

It is recommended to use the --save-dev parameter to install test-related npm modules, because this is related to development. Generally, to run karma, you only need the following two npm commands:

npm install karma --save-dev
npm install karma-junit-reporter --save-dev
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Then one A typical running framework usually requires a configuration file. In karma, it can be a karma.conf.js. The code inside is a nodejs style. A common example is as follows:

module.exports = function(config){
 // 下面files里的基础目录
 basePath : '../',
 // 测试环境需要加载的JS信息
 files : [
 // 是否自动监听上面文件的改变自动运行测试
 autoWatch : true,
 // 应用的测试框架
 frameworks: ['jasmine'],
 // 用什么环境测试代码,这里是chrome`
 browsers : ['Chrome'],
 // 用到的插件,比如chrome浏览器与jasmine插件
 plugins : [
 // 测试内容的输出以及导出用的模块名
 reporters: ['progress', 'junit'],
 // 设置输出测试内容文件的信息
 junitReporter : {
 outputFile: 'test_out/unit.xml',
 suite: 'unit'
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Runtime input:

karma start test/karma.conf.js
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jasmine is a testing framework for behavior-driven development. It does not rely on any js framework or dom. It is a very clean and friendly API. Test library.

The following is a specific example to illustrate test.js:

describe("A spec (with setup and tear-down)", function() {
 var foo;
 beforeEach(function() {
 foo = 0;
 foo += 1;
 afterEach(function() {
 foo = 0;
 it("is just a function, so it can contain any code", function() {
 it("can have more than one expectation", function() {
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  1. First, any test case is defined with the describe function, which has two parameters. One is used to describe the general central content of the test. The second parameter is a function in which some real test code is written

  2. It is used to define a single specific test task. There are also two Parameters, the first one is used to describe the test content, the second parameter is a function, which stores some test methods

  3. expect is mainly used to calculate the value of a variable or an expression , and then used to compare with the expected value or do some other events

  4. beforeEach and afterEach are mainly used to do something before and after executing the test task. The above example is Change the value of the variable before execution, and then reset the value of the variable after execution is complete

Start unit test

The following unit tests are written in four parts: controller, instruction, filter and service. The project address is the angular-seed (click me) project, you can download the demo and run its test cases.

The demo is a simple todo application that contains a text input box in which you can write some notes. Press the button to add new notes to the note list. Notesfactory is used to encapsulate LocalStorage to store note information. .

First introduce the testing-related components angular-mocks in angular.

Understand angular-mocks

In Angular, modules are loaded and instantiated through dependency injection, so the official angular -mocks.js testing tool to provide module definition, loading, dependency injection and other functions.

Some of the commonly used methods (mounted in the window namespace):

angular.mock.module: module is used to load existing modules and configure Module information injected by the inject method. The specific usage is as follows:

beforeEach(module(function($provide) {
 $provide.value('version', 'TEST_VER');
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This method is generally used in beforeEach to obtain the module configuration before executing the test case.

angular.mock.inject: inject is used to inject the configured ng module for calling in test cases. The specific usage is as follows:

it('should provide a version', inject(function(mode, version) {
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In fact, inject is a built-in dependency injection instance created using the angular.inject method, and the dependency processing of the modules inside is the same as that of the ordinary ng module.

Controller part

Angular module is todoApp, controller is TodoController, when the button is clicked, TodoController's createNote() The function will be called. Below is the code part of app.js.

var todoApp = angular.module('todoApp',[]);
 $scope.notes = notesFactory.get();
 $scope.createNote = function(){
 $scope.notes = notesFactory.get();
 return {
 put: function(note){ 
 localStorage.setItem('todo' + (Object.keys(localStorage).length + 1), note);
 get: function(){
 var notes = [];
 var keys = Object.keys(localStorage);
 for(var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++){
 return notes;
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A service called notesFactory is used in todoController to store and retrieve notes. When createNote() is called, this service will be used to store a piece of information in LocalStorage and then clear the current note. Therefore, when writing a test module, you should ensure that the controller is initialized and there is a certain number of notes in the scope. After calling createNote(), the number of notes should be increased by one.

The specific unit test is as follows:

describe(&#39;TodoController Test&#39;, function() {
 beforeEach(module(&#39;todoApp&#39;)); // 将会在所有的it()之前运行
 // 我们在这里不需要真正的factory。因此我们使用一个假的factory。
 var mockService = {
 notes: [&#39;note1&#39;, &#39;note2&#39;], //仅仅初始化两个项目
 get: function() {
 return this.notes;
 put: function(content) {
 // 现在是真正的东西,测试spec
 it(&#39;should return notes array with two elements initially and then add one&#39;,
 inject(function($rootScope, $controller) { //注入依赖项目
 var scope = $rootScope.$new();
 // 在创建控制器的时候,我们也要注入依赖项目
 var ctrl = $controller(&#39;TodoController&#39;, {$scope: scope, notesFactory:mockService});
 // 初始化的技术应该是2
 // 输入一个新项目
 scope.note = &#39;test3&#39;;
 // now run the function that adds a new note (the result of hitting the button in HTML)
 // 现在运行这个函数,它将会增加一个新的笔记项目
 // 期待现在的笔记数目是3
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In beforeEach, before each test case is executed, the module module("todoApp") needs to be loaded.

Since no external dependency is needed, we create a fake mockService locally instead of factory to simulate noteFactory, which contains the same functions, get() and put( ) . This fake factory loads data from the array instead of localStorage.

In it, the dependent projects $rootScope and $controller are declared, which can be automatically injected by Angular, among which $rootScope is used Get the root scope, $controller is used to create a new controller.




describe(&#39;notesFactory tests&#39;, function() {
 var factory;
 // 在所有it()函数之前运行
 beforeEach(function() {
 // 载入模块
 // 注入你的factory服务
 inject(function(notesFactory) {
 factory = notesFactory;
 var store = {
 todo1: &#39;test1&#39;,
 todo2: &#39;test2&#39;,
 todo3: &#39;test3&#39;
 spyOn(localStorage, &#39;getItem&#39;).andCallFake(function(key) {
 return store[key];
 spyOn(localStorage, &#39;setItem&#39;).andCallFake(function(key, value) {
 return store[key] = value + &#39;&#39;;
 spyOn(localStorage, &#39;clear&#39;).andCallFake(function() {
 store = {};
 spyOn(Object, &#39;keys&#39;).andCallFake(function(value) {
 var keys=[];
 for(var key in store) {
 return keys;
 // 检查是否有我们想要的函数
 it(&#39;should have a get function&#39;, function() {
 // 检查是否返回3条记录
 it(&#39;should return three todo notes initially&#39;, function() {
 var result = factory.get();
 // 检查是否添加了一条新纪录
 it(&#39;should return four todo notes after adding one more&#39;, function() {
 factory.put(&#39;Angular is awesome&#39;);
 var result = factory.get();
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 return function(input,length){
 return (input.length > length ? input.substring(0,length) : input);
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describe(&#39;filter test&#39;,function(){
 it(&#39;should truncate the input to 1o characters&#39;,inject(function(truncateFilter){
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todoApp.directive(&#39;customColor&#39;, function() {
 return {
 restrict: &#39;A&#39;,
 link: function(scope, elem, attrs) {
 elem.css({&#39;background-color&#39;: attrs.customColor});
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describe(&#39;directive tests&#39;,function(){
 it(&#39;should set background to rgb(128, 128, 128)&#39;,
 inject(function($compile,$rootScope) {
 scope = $rootScope.$new();
 // 获得一个元素
 elem = angular.element("<span custom-color=\"rgb(128, 128, 128)\">sample</span>");
 // 创建一个新的自作用域
 scope = $rootScope.$new();
 // 最后编译HTML
 // 希望元素的背景色和我们所想的一样
 expect(elem.css("background-color")).toEqual(&#39;rgb(128, 128, 128)&#39;);
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describe(&#39;my app&#39;, function() {
 beforeEach(function() {
 var oldCount = -1;
 it("entering note and performing click", function() {
 element(&#39;ul&#39;).query(function($el, done) {
 oldCount = $el.children().length;
 input(&#39;note&#39;).enter(&#39;test data&#39;);
 element(&#39;button&#39;).query(function($el, done) {
 it(&#39;should add one more element now&#39;, function() {
 expect(repeater(&#39;ul li&#39;).count()).toBe(oldCount + 1);
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The above is the detailed content of About automated testing of Angular.Js. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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