1, variable
1. You can use new Array ("1", "2"); to define an array.
2. You can clear variables by assigning null to them, such as:
//首先定义一个变量 var i1=10; i1=null; //此时的i1就被清除了
Be careful when defining variables in functions like this
funtion demo(){ x=10; } //而此前的代码中都没有出现x,那么这里就是定义了x,在调用demo函数以后,x就是一个全局变量了。
2. Operators == and = ==
var i="5"; var j=5; if(i==j) alert(""hello); if(i===j) alert("world");
//The above code will only pop up hello after running, because the values of i and j are equal, but the data types of i and j are not equal. So == only requires equal values, but === not only requires equal values but also requires equal data types.
Three, exception capture
try{ if() throw ""; }catch(err){ alert(throw); }
Four, event
onload web page loading event
onclick click event
onfocus cursor gathering event
onselect text box selection event
onmouseover mouse over event
onmouserout mouse out event
5, dom operation
1, introduction: When the web page is loaded, the browser will create the document object model of the page.
2. DOM operation HTML
1) js can change all HTML elements in the page
①Change the output stream: document.write(); will overwrite all the contents of the document! Use with caution!
② Obtain elements: document.getElementById();
document.getElementByTagName(); etc.
Among them, tagname and this may get many Method of each element, the obtained elements become an object array, arranged in order
document.getElementById("btn").addEventListener("click",function(){ var x=document.getElementsByName("people"); var y=x[2].value; alert(y); });
③Change the Html content: innerHTML;
④Change the attribute content: After obtaining the object.Attribute = "Attribute value" then Yes, you can also use the setAttribute() method: the first parameter is the attribute name, and the second parameter is the attribute value
The method of obtaining attribute values uses getAttribute();
Some methods of dom controlling html:
1,设置属性:如var attr=document.getElementById("demo1"); attr.setAttribute("title","dhello");//设置属性 var st=attr.getAttribute("title");//得到属性 alert(st); 2.得到子节点: var child=document.getElementsByTagName("ul")[1].childNodes; alert(child.length); 3得到父节点: var parent=document.getElementsByTagName("li")[0].parentNode; alert(parent.nodeName); 4创建元素节点: var body=document.body; var inp=document.createElement("input");//创建一个input节点 inp.type="button";//节点类型 inp.value="ann"; body.appendChild(inp);//把新的子节点添加到指定节点。(添加到末尾 ) 5创建文本节点 6删除子节点:<p id="p1"> <p id="p1">这是一个段落。</p> <p id="p2">这是另一个段落。</p> </p> var parent=document.getElementById("p1");//找到 id="p1" 的元素: var child=document.getElementById("p1");//找到 id="p1" 的 <p> 元素: parent.removeChild(child);//从父元素中删除子元素: 第二种方法:var child=document.getElementById("p1"); child.parentNode.removeChild(child); 7动态添加节点(课选择添加的位置) var p=document.getElementById("p"); var node=document.getElementById("pid"); var newnode=document.creatElement("p"); p.inserBefore(newnode,node); 要添加的 在这之前的
2) js can change all HTML attributes in the page
<title>hello world</title>
<a id="aid"/> <p id=pid>hello world!!</p>
<script></p><div class="code" style="position:relative; padding:0px; margin:0px;"><pre class="brush:js;toolbar:false;"> document.getElementById("aid").href="www.baidu.com";//改变属性值</pre><div class="contentsignin">Copy after login</div></div><p></script>
3) js can change all CSS styles in the page
4) js can react to all events in the page
5) DOM object controls HTML
6. Event handle EventListener
Event handle is an action that triggers an event. For example, onclick is the handle when it is clicked.
Event handles can be added in js, which can reduce a lot of code.
For example, the following is the traditional event triggering method
The event handle added in the js code is as follows: the processing function cannot add () brackets!
var x=document.getElementById("btn");
x.addEventListener("click",demo);//There are two parameters here, one is the handle of the event, and the latter is the function that handles the event
To delete a handle, use removeEventListener();
Seven, events
1. Event flow: The order in which events are accepted on the page. There are two orders, namely event bubbling (from inside to outside), event capture (from outside to inside).
2. Event processing:
1) HTML event processing: directly added to the HTML structure
<button onclick="demo()"><button>
2) DOM level 0 event processing: assign a function to an event handler Attribute
<button id="btn"></button> <script> var btn1=document.getElementById("btn"); btn1.onclick= function () { document.getElementById("pid").style.backgroundColor="red"; }; </script>
//Level 0 event processing Clear event processing is very simple, just assign onclick to empty. When setting, the time of the object is set to null instead of the object!
//When there are multiple handlers for the same event, the previous one will be cleared by the later event handler.
btn1.onclick= function () { document.getElementById("pid").style.backgroundColor="red";//被覆盖 }; btn1.onclick= function () { document.getElementById("pid").style.backgroundColor="blue"; };
3) DOM level 2 event processing:
true: event capture
false: event bubbling
To clear event processing, use removeEventListener();
//dom Level 2 event handlers will not be overwritten but will be parsed and executed step by step.
4) IE event handler. (Used in versions less than or equal to IE8, similar to the use of addEventListener.)
Add an event attachEvent
Delete an event detachEvent
5) It can be different according to the browser version Write different codes
if(btn.addEventListener){ btn.addEventListener(); } else{ btn.attachEventListener() }
3. Event object: An object will be generated when a dom event is triggered.
Attributes of the event object:
1) type: get the event type
document.getElementById("btn").addEventListener("click",showType); function showType(e){ alert(e.type); }
2) target: get the event target: where this event is triggered, that is, the object of this event is an html element What elements in.
document.getElementById("btn").addEventListener("click",showTarget); function showTarget(e){ alert(e.target); }
3) stopPropagation(): Prevent event bubbling: the innermost element event is triggered, but after this event occurs, the event of the upper element containing this element will also be triggered! So sometimes we don't want this to happen, which will prevent event bubbling from happening.
4) preventDefault(): Prevent event default behavior
//dom 0级事件处理
// var btn1=document.getElementById("btn");
// btn1.onclick= function () {
// document.getElementById("pid").style.backgroundColor="red";
// };
// btn1.onclick=null;
////dom 2级事件处理,处理函数不能加()括号符!
//var btn=document.getElementById("btn");
//function demo1(){
//// alert("dom 2级事件处理!");
// document.getElementById("pid").innerHTML="dom 2级事件处理!";
//function showType(e){
// alert(e.type);
//function showTarget(e){
// alert(e.target);
1)使用new object创建
people=new objet();
funtion people(name,age){ this.name=name;this.age=age}; son=new people("jess",20);//然后创建一个对象 document.getElementById("btn").addEventListener("click",creat); function people(name,age){ this.name=name; this.age=age; } function creat(){ var name1= document.getElementById("name").value; var age1=document.getElementById("age").value; son=new people(name1,age1); alert(son.name); alert(son.age); }
document.getElementById("btn").addEventListener("click",creat); function creat(){ var name= document.getElementById("name").value; if(name.match("krys")){ alert("r所在的位置是"+name.indexOf("r")); }else{ alert("sorry~you didnt have rights!") } }
document.getElementById("btn").addEventListener("click",creat); function creat(){ var name= document.getElementById("name").value; if(name.match("krys")){ alert(name); }else{ alert("sorry~you didnt have rights!") } }
replace(a,b) a是要替换掉的原来的字符或字符串,b是新的字符或字符串
document.getElementById("btn").addEventListener("click",creat); function creat(){ var name= document.getElementById("name").value; if(name.match("krys")){ alert(name.replace("krys","krys小仙女")); }else{ alert("sorry~you didnt have rights!") } }
split()分隔线,将一个字符串分隔成若干部分,如str="hello,world,welcome,to";var s=str.split(","); s[0]="hello";
var date=new Date();
var h=date.getHours();//时
var m=date.getMinutes();//分
var s=date.getSeconds();//秒
1)数组的创建:var a=["1","krys","ok"];
var a=new Array(); a[0]="hell0"; a[1]="world";
var a=new Array("hello","world","welcome");
concat()合并数组如 a=["krys"];b=["tal"];a.concat(b)=krystal;
sort()排序数组 var a=["a","c","b"];a.sort();->a b c (默认从低到高排序)
设置为降序:a.sort(funtion(a,b){return a-b;})
push()在数组末尾添加一个元素var a=["a","c","b"]; a.push("d");
reverse()翻转,对称中心点相互交换:a.reverse()= c b a ;
round()四舍五入 Math.round(2.5)=3;
random()返回0~1之间的随机数 Math.random();
九,浏览器的内置对象BOM(browser object model)
3, timer
By using js, execute the code after a set time interval instead of executing it immediately after the function is called
There are two functions
One is setInterval() -Continuously execute the specified code at an interval of the specified number of milliseconds
One is setTimeout()-execute the specified code after pausing for the specified number of milliseconds.
You can use setTimeout to implement the function of setInterval(): just call yourself in the calling function code!
You can use clearInterval(), clearTimeout() to clear this call,
4, Location object
is used to obtain the address of the current page and redirect the browser to a new page (in fact, my understanding is to parse the current address)
Properties of the Location object:
location.hostname: Returns the domain name of the web host
location.pathname: Returns the path and file name of the current page
location.port: Returns the port of the web host
location.protocol: Returns the used web protocol
location.href: Returns the url of the current page
location.assign() loads a new document, and the parameter is the path of the document to be loaded.
5, screen object
window.screen object contains information about the user's screen
screen.avaiilWidth;//Available screen height
screen.availHeight;//Available screen width
screen.height;//Screen height
screen.width;//Screen width
6, navigation object
7, pop-up window , cookie
ten, js object-oriented thinking
Related articles:
Summary of important JavaScript knowledge points 1
Important points to note about JavaScript event "event object"_javascript skills
Related videos:
JavaScript basic strengthening video tutorial
The above is the detailed content of The most systematic summary of the key points of JavaScript (excluding basic language syntax). For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!