This article brings you a comprehensive summary: a summary of the solutions to problems encountered during the use of vue (must read). The article introduces the understanding of this in js. It has certain reference value and is necessary. Friends can refer to it, I hope it will be helpful to you.
This article is purely a summary of some personal experience in daily practice. It is a little trick, not a brilliant technology. If it helps you, I would be honored.
This article does not involve rare API
usage methods, etc. Most of the content is based on some practices of vue. Due to suspicion of opportunism, it may bring some non-standard side effects, please use it as appropriate according to the project requirements.
This method is used on multiple pages. It will be very convenient to put it on vue.prototype
New to this vue
I did a stupid thing, because I encapsulated an asynchronous request interface post
, put it in the post.js
file, and then in each need Page introduction using asynchronous requests
import port from './xxxx/xxxx/post'
If it’s just like this, it’s nothing. We can write a page and copy it later to ensure that each page has the above statement. But what if the directory level of each file is different?
// 假设正常是这样 import port from '../xxxx/xxxx/post' // 目录加深一级,就变成这样 import port from '../../xxxx/xxxx/post' // 再加深一级的样子 import port from '../../../xxxx/xxxx/post'
Of course, at this time, we can use the alias @/xxxx/post
, but it is still necessary to quote each page.
Let’s see how convenient it is to use vue.prototype
First, you have to do it in the entry file of vue
(for projects generated by vue-cli
, the default is /src/main.js
) Set
import port from './xxxx/xxxx/post' vue.prototype.$post = post
as follows, so that we can use the
method in all vue
components (pages), just like vue
's own son
tip: When hanging the method onprototype
, it is best to add a$
prefix to avoid conflict with other variablestil again: Don’t mount too many methods to
, only mount some very frequently used
that require response data, when getting the interface data, first set
Have you ever encountered a situation like this very often? When looping the list, we need to give the list item a control display Properties, such as whether it can be deleted, whether it has been selected, etc., and the back-end interface generally does not return this kind of field, because it is purely front-end display and has nothing to do with the back-end. For example, the data given by the back-end is as follows
[ {name: 'abc', age: 18}, {name: 'def', age: 20}, {name: 'ghi', age: 22}, ]
We might as well assume that the above data is a student list
Then we need to render this list and display a check button behind each item. If the user checks, the button will be green. By default, this button is Gray, at this time, the above table does not have data that meets this rendering condition. If we add this data when the user ticks, the normal approach will not be able to respond in time.
If we first add a check mark to each item in the array when we get the data, we can solve this problem. We assume that the data we get is res. list => { item.isTicked = false })
The principle of doing this is that vue
cannot respond to non-existent attributes, so when we get the data, we first add the required attributes, and then When assigning a value to data
, when data
receives the data, this attribute already exists, so it will respond. There are of course other ways to do it. But for someone with obsessive-compulsive disorder, I still prefer this approach
Encapsulate the global asynchronous request method based on promise
I have read the source code of many projects and found that most asynchronous requests directly use methods such as axios
, as follows
axios({ method: 'post', url: '/user/12345', data: { firstName: 'Fred', lastName: 'Flintstone' } }) .then(function (response) { console.log(response); }) .catch(function (error) { console.log(error); });
If there is cross-domain, or need to be sethttp
First class, more configurations need to be added, and these configurations are basically the same for the same project. The only differences are url
and parameters. In this case, Then why don't I encapsulate it into a method?
function post (url,param) { return axios({ method: 'post', url: url, data: param ... axios 的其他配置 }) }
tip: It turns out that I used an extra layer of promise to wrap it up, which is too much for simple needs. I feel that Nuggets users @ The sun and the moon are easy.
Point out that
combined with the first point, we can use it in any vue
let param = { firstName: 'Fred', lastName: 'Flintstone' }'/user/12345',param) .then(...) .catch(...)
Is it much simpler than the original one? If your project supports async
, you can also use
let param = { firstName: 'Fred', lastName: 'Flintstone' } let res = await'/user/12345',param) console.log(res) // res 就是异步返回的数据
tip like this:await
keyword must be modified by async inUse
in the function. If you feel that sometimes, you really need the parent and child components to share a value, why not try passing a reference type over there# There are many ways to pass values between parent and child components of
##vue, so I won’t list them all here. But what we want to know today is to use the reference type of
javascript feature, and also achieves another purpose of passing value
假设有这么一个需求,父组件需要传 3 个值到子组件,然后再子组件里面改动后,需要立马再父组件上作出响应,我们通常的做法上改完以后,通过 this.$emit
我们不妨把这些要传递的数据,包再一个对象/数组 里面,然后在传给子组件
<subComponent :subData="subData"></subComponent>
data () { return { subData: { filed1: 'field1', filed2: 'field2', filed3: 'field3', filed4: 'field4', filed5: 'field5', } } }
这样,我们在子组件里面改动 subData
的内容,父组件上就能直接作出响应,无需 this.$emit
或 vuex
而且如果有其他兄弟组件的话,只要兄弟组件也有绑定这个 subData
,那么兄弟组件里面的 subData
tip: 首先,这么做我个人上感觉有点不符合规范的,如果没有特别多的数据,还是乖乖用 this.$emit
异步请求的参数在 data
有做过类似 ERP
类型的系统的同学,一定碰到过这样的一个场景,一个列表,有 N 个过滤条件,这个时候通常我们这么绑定
<input type="text" v-model="field1"> <input type="text" v-model="field2"> <input type="text" v-model="field3"> .... <input type="text" v-model="fieldn">
data () { return { field1: 'value1', field2: 'value2', field3: 'value3', ... fieldn:'valuen' } }
var param = { backend_field1: this.field1, backend_field2: this.field2, backend_field3: this.field3, ... backend_fieldn: this.fieldn },param)
<input type="text" v-model="queryParam.backend_field1"> <input type="text" v-model="queryParam.backend_field2"> <input type="text" v-model="queryParam.backend_field3"> .... <input type="text" v-model="queryParam.backend_fieldn">
"javascript data () { return { queryParam:{ backend_field1: 'value1' backend_field2: 'value2' backend_field3: 'value3' ... backend_fieldn: 'valuen' } } } " 然后提交数据的时候这样: "javascript,this.queryParam) "
是的,这样做也是有局限性的,比如你一个数据在 2 个地方共用,比如前端组件绑定的是一个数组,你需要提交给后端的是 2 个字符串(例:element ui
data () { return { field1: 'value1', // 控制xxx显示 field2: 'value2', // 页面加载状态 field3: [], // 用户列表 ... fieldn: 'valuen' // XXXXXXXX } }
<p> <p>姓名:{{}}</p> <p>性别:{{}}</p> <p>年龄:{{user1.age}}</p> ...此处省略999个字段... <p>他隔壁邻居的阿姨家小狗的名字:{{user1.petName}}</p> </p> <-- 当然,显示中我们不会傻到不用 v-for,我们假设这种情况无法用v-for --> <p> <p>姓名:{{}}</p> <p>性别:{{}}</p> <p>年龄:{{user2.age}}</p> ...此处省略999个字段... <p>他隔壁邻居的阿姨家小狗的名字:{{user2.petName}}</p> </p>
假设如下代码,在 comUserInfo.vue
<template> <p> <p>姓名:{{}}</p> <p>性别:{{}}</p> <p>年龄:{{user.age}}</p> ...此处省略999个字段... <p>他隔壁邻居的阿姨家小狗的名字:{{user.petName}}</p> </p> </template> <script > export default { props:{ user:{ type:Object, default: () => {} } } } </script>
然后原来的页面可以改成这样(省略掉导入和注册组件,假设注册的名字是 comUserInfo
<comUserInfo :user="user1"/> <comUserInfo :user="user2"/>
这样是不是清晰很多?不用看注释,都能猜的出来,这是2个用户信息模块, 这样做,还有一个好处就是出现错误的时候,你可以更容易的定位到错误的位置。
如果你只在子组件里面改变父组件的一个值,不妨试试 $emit('input')
,会直接改变 v-model
我们正常的父子组件通信是 父组件通过 props
传给子组件,子组件通过 this.$emit('eventName',value)
通知父组件绑定在 @eventName
默认会监听组件的 input
事件,而且会把子组件里面传出来的值,赋给当前绑定到 v-model
正常用法 - 父组件
<template> <subComponent :data="param" @dataChange="dataChangeHandler"></subComponent> </template> <script > export default { data () { return { param:'xxxxxx' } }, methods:{ dataChangeHandler (newParam) { this.param = newParam } } } </script>
正常用法 - 子组件
<script > export default { methods:{ updateData (newParam) { this.$emit('dataChange',newParam) } } } </script>
利用默认 input
事件 - 父组件
<template> <subComponent v-model="param"></subComponent> </template>
利用默认 input
事件 - 子组件
<script > export default { methods:{ updateData (newParam) { this.$emit('input',newParam) } } } </script>
tip: 这种方法只适用于改变单个值的情况,且子组件对父组件只需简单的传值,不需要其他附加操作(如更新列表)的情况。
补充一个 this.$emit('update:fidldName',value)
方法 (感谢掘金用户 @日月为易。
<subComponent field1.sync="param1" field2.sync="param2"></subComponent>
<script > export default { methods:{ updateData1 (newValue) { this.$emit('update:field1',newValue) }, updateData2 (newValue) { this.$emit('update:field2',newValue) } } } </script>
该方法,个人认为比较适用于 要更新的数据不能绑定在 v-model
的情况下,或者要双向通信的数据大于 1 个(1个也可以用,但我个人更推荐 input
的方式, 看个人喜好吧),但又不会很多的情况下.
放在 Vue options
不知道大家有没有这样的经历: 导入组件,然后在也页面中使用,好的,报错了,为啥?忘记注册组件了,为什么会经常忘记注册组件呢?因为正常的一个 vue
import xxx form 'xxx/xxx' export default { name: 'component-name', data () { return { // ...根据业务逻辑的复杂程度,这里省略若干行 } }, computed: { // ...根据业务逻辑的复杂程度,这里省略若干行 }, created () { // ...根据业务逻辑的复杂程度,这里省略若干行 }, mounted () { // ...根据业务逻辑的复杂程度,这里省略若干行 }, methods () { // ...根据业务逻辑的复杂程度,这里省略若干行 }, }
我不知道大家正常是把 components
后面我把 components
import xxx form 'xxx/xxx' export default { components: { xxx }, // 省略其他代码 }
看过很多代码,包括我自己之前的,在生命周期里面洋洋洒洒的写了一两百行的代码,如:把页面加载的时候,该做的事,全部写在 created
created () { // 获取用户信息 this.getUserInfo() // 获取系统信息 this.getSystemInfo() // 获取配置 this.getConfigInfo() }, methods:{ // 获取用户信息 getUserInfo () {...}, // 获取系统信息 getSystemInfo () {...}, // 获取配置 getConfigInfo () {...}, }
tip: 这个应该算是一个约定俗成的规范吧,只是觉得看的比较多这样写的,加上我自己初学的时候,也这么做了,所以写出来,希望新入坑的同学能避免这个问题
少用 watch
,如果你觉得你好多地方都需要用到 watch
,那十有八九是你对 vue
本身就是一个数据驱动的框架,数据的变动,能实时反馈到视图上去,如果你想要根据数据来控制试图,正常情况一下配合 computed
服用就能解决大部分问题了,而视图上的变动,我们一般可以通过监听 input
所以很少有需求使用到 watch
的时候,至少我最近到的十来个项目里面,是没有用过 watch
当然,并不是说 watch
是肯定没用处, vue
那么我觉得 十有八九你应该多去熟悉一下 computed
和 vue
的其他 api
ES6中全新的数字方法总结(必看)The above is the detailed content of Comprehensive summary: Summary of solving problems encountered during the use of vue (must read). For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!