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How to extend JS's Date processing function? Extension method of data function in js

Release: 2018-08-17 15:54:34
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JS 有自己的 时间类型 Date  —— 但是,在某些情况下 这个对象似乎 不太好用。

本文 基于 JQuery 扩展了一些  JS日期函数,包括:

> 字符串 转 Date 对象 万能函数(性能仅 10W次/s,函数有路径优化,字符串越诡异 耗时越长)

> Date 转 字符串 格式化

> 两个 Date 的差值 (返回的结果类似 C# TimeSpan 对象)


/*感谢 InkFx (C) http://www.ink-fx.com 为 以下日期函数 作出的努力 */
jQuery = window.jQuery || { };

(function($) {

    /*--数据类型转换函数 Start----------------------------------*/

    $.isArray = function(obj) {var result = false;try {result = Object.prototype.toString.apply(obj) === '[object Array]';if (result) return true;} catch(e) {}try {result = obj.constructor === Array;if (result) return true;} catch(e) {}return false;};
    $.toInt = function(obj, dft) {try {dft = (typeof dft === &#39;number&#39;) ? dft : 0;} catch(e) {dft = 0;}try {if (obj == null) return dft;if (typeof obj === &#39;number&#39;) return parseInt(obj);var match = obj.toString().toLowerCase().match(/-*[0123456789abcdefx.]+/);var str = match == null || match.length <= 0 ? null : match[0];var result = null;if (str != null && str.length >= 2 && str.substr(0, 2) == "0x") {str = str.substr(2);result = parseInt(str, 16);} else {result = parseInt(str);}if (result == null || !isFinite(result)) return dft;return result;} catch(e) {return dft;}};
    $.toFloat = function(obj, dft) {try {dft = (typeof dft === &#39;number&#39;) ? dft : 0;} catch(e) {dft = 0;}try {if (obj == null) return dft;if (typeof obj === &#39;number&#39;) return parseFloat(obj);var match = obj.toString().toLowerCase().match(/-*[0123456789abcdefx.]+/);var str = match == null || match.length <= 0 ? null : match[0];var result = null;if (str != null && str.length >= 2 && str.substr(0, 2) == "0x") {str = str.substr(2);result = parseFloat(parseInt(str, 16));} else {result = parseFloat(str);}if (result == null || !isFinite(result)) return dft;return result;} catch(e) {return dft;}};
    $.toString = function(obj, dft) {try {dft = (typeof dft === &#39;string&#39;) ? dft : &#39;&#39;;} catch(e) {dft = &#39;&#39;;}try {if (obj == null) return dft;if (typeof obj === &#39;string&#39;) return obj;return obj.toString();} catch(e) {return dft;}};
    $.toDateTime = function(obj, dft) {try {dft = (dft instanceof Date) ? dft : new Date(1900, 00, 01);} catch(e) {dft = new Date(1900, 00, 01);}try {if (obj == null) return dft;if (obj instanceof Date) return obj;var result = parseDate(obj);if (result == null) return dft;return result;} catch(e) {return dft;}};
    $.toBoolean = function(obj, dft) {try {dft = (typeof dft === &#39;boolean&#39;) ? dft : false;} catch(e) {dft = false;}try {if (obj == null) return dft;if (obj == true) return true;if (obj == false) return false;if ($.isArray(obj)) return obj.length >= 1;if (typeof obj === &#39;boolean&#39;) return obj.toString().toLowerCase() == "true";if (typeof obj === &#39;number&#39;) return parseFloat(obj) > 0;/*if (typeof obj === &#39;string&#39;) return parseFloat(obj) > 0;*/if (obj.toString().toLowerCase() == "t") return true;if (obj.toString().toLowerCase() == "true") return true;return false;} catch(e) {return dft;}};

    /*--数据类型转换函数 End------------------------------------*/

    /*--时间相关函数 Start--------------------------------------*/

    $.formatDate = function(date, fmt) {try {date = $.toDateTime(date);fmt = fmt || "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"; o = {"M+": date.getMonth() + 1,"d+": date.getDate(),"H+": date.getHours(),"h+": date.getHours() /*(date.getHours() > 12 ? (date.getHours() - 12) : date.getHours())*/,"m+": date.getMinutes(),"s+": date.getSeconds(),"q+": Math.floor((date.getMonth() + 3) / 3),"S": date.getMilliseconds(),"f+": date.getMilliseconds()};if (/(y+)/.test(fmt)) fmt = fmt.replace(RegExp.$1, (date.getFullYear() + "").substr(4 - RegExp.$1.length));for (var k in o)if (new RegExp("(" + k + ")").test(fmt)) {var padLeft = (k == "S" || k == "f+") ? "000" : "00";fmt = fmt.replace(RegExp.$1, RegExp.$1.length == 1 ? o[k] : (padLeft + o[k]).substr(("" + o[k]).length));}return fmt;} catch(e) { return ""; }};
    $.isLeapYearDate = function(date) {try {date = $.toDateTime(date);return (0 == date.getFullYear() % 4 && ((date.getFullYear() % 100 != 0) || (date.getFullYear() % 400 == 0)));} catch(e) {return false;}};

    $.addYears = function(date, num) {try {date = $.toDateTime(date);num = $.toInt(num);var year = date.getFullYear();var month = date.getMonth();var day = date.getDate();var hour = date.getHours();var minute = date.getMinutes();var second = date.getSeconds();var millisecond = date.getMilliseconds();var result = new Date(year + num, month, day, hour, minute, second, millisecond);return result;} catch(e) { return new Date(1900, 01, 01); }};
    $.addMonths = function(date, num) {try {date = $.toDateTime(date);num = $.toInt(num);var year = date.getFullYear();var month = date.getMonth();var day = date.getDate();var hour = date.getHours();var minute = date.getMinutes();var second = date.getSeconds();var millisecond = date.getMilliseconds();var addYear = (num + month) / 12;month = (num + month) % 12;var result = new Date(year + addYear, month, day, hour, minute, second, millisecond);return result;} catch(e) { return new Date(1900, 01, 01); }};
    $.addDays = function(date, num) {try {date = $.toDateTime(date);num = $.toInt(num);var result = new Date(date.valueOf() + (num * 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24));return result;} catch(e) { return new Date(1900, 01, 01); }};
    $.addHours = function(date, num) {try {date = $.toDateTime(date);num = $.toInt(num);var result = new Date(date.valueOf() + (num * 1000 * 60 * 60));return result;} catch(e) { return new Date(1900, 01, 01); }};
    $.addMinutes = function(date, num) {try {date = $.toDateTime(date);num = $.toInt(num);var result = new Date(date.valueOf() + (num * 1000 * 60));return result;} catch(e) { return new Date(1900, 01, 01); }};
    $.addSeconds = function(date, num) {try {date = $.toDateTime(date);num = $.toInt(num);var result = new Date(date.valueOf() + (num * 1000));return result;} catch(e) { return new Date(1900, 01, 01); }};
    $.addMilliseconds = function(date, num) {try {date = $.toDateTime(date);num = $.toInt(num);var result = new Date(date.valueOf() + num);return result;} catch(e) { return new Date(1900, 01, 01); }};
    $.getTimeSpan = function(date1, date2) {var timestamp = 0;if((date1 instanceof Date || date2 instanceof Date || date2 == null) || (date1 != null && date2 != null)) {date1 = $.toDateTime(date1);date2 = $.toDateTime(date2);timestamp = $.toFloat(date1 - date2);} else {timestamp = $.toInt(date1);}var temp = $.toInt(timestamp / 1000);var totalMilliSecond = timestamp;var totalSecond = timestamp / (1000);var totalMinute = timestamp / (1000 * 60);var totalHour = timestamp / (1000 * 60 * 60);var totalDay = timestamp / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24);var milliSecond = $.toInt(totalMilliSecond) % 1000;var second = $.toInt(totalSecond) % 60;var minute = $.toInt(totalMinute) % 60;var hour = $.toInt(totalHour) % 24;var day = $.toInt(totalDay);return {TimeStamp: timestamp,Days: day,Hours: hour,Minutes: minute,Seconds: second,Milliseconds: milliSecond,TotalDays: totalDay,TotalHours: totalHour,TotalMinutes: totalMinute,TotalSeconds: totalSecond,TotalMilliseconds: totalMilliSecond,valueOf: function() { return this.TimeStamp; },toString: function() { return this.Days + "." + $.padLeft(this.Hours, 2, "0") + ":" + $.padLeft(this.Minutes, 2, "0") + ":" + $.padLeft(this.Seconds, 2, "0") + "." + $.padLeft(this.Milliseconds, 3, "0"); } };}

    /*--时间相关函数 End----------------------------------------*/

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代码比较长,当时我写完之后,顺手就把 JS压缩了。


var begin = new Date();

            //执行15W次 自动识别转换:

            //i3 CPU
            //Chrome: 5秒   平均: 30000次/s
            //IE 9  : 26秒  平均: 5770次/s
            //i5 CPU
            //Chrome: 14秒 20*100000次 平均: 107000次/s
            for (var i = 0; i < 10000; i++) {
                var result1 = $.toDateTime("2017-03-19 01:43:15 123453");
                var result2 = $.toDateTime("2017-03-19T01:43:15 123453");
                var result3 = $.toDateTime("2017-03-19");
                var result4 = $.toDateTime("2017/03/19 01:43:15");
                var result5 = $.toDateTime("03/19/2017 01:43:15");
                var result6 = $.toDateTime("03/19/2017 01:43");
                var result7 = $.toDateTime("01:43:15 123453");
                var result8 = $.toDateTime("01:43:15.123453");
                var result9 = $.toDateTime("01:43:15");
                var result10 = $.toDateTime("01:43");
                var result11 = $.toDateTime("2017/03/19");
                var result12 = $.toDateTime("03/19/2017");
                var result13 = $.toDateTime("Mon Mar 20 2017 02:46:06 GMT+0800 (中国标准时间)");
                var result14 = $.toDateTime("Mon Mar 20 02:46:06 UTC+0800 2017");
                var result15 = $.toDateTime("Mon Mar 20 2017 02:46:06");
                var result16 = $.toDateTime("2017年3月19日 01时43分15秒");
                var result17 = $.toDateTime("2017年03月19日01:43:15");
                var result18 = $.toDateTime("2017年03月19日 01:43");
                var result19 = $.toDateTime("2017年03月19日");
                var result20 = $.toDateTime("1时43分15秒");

            var end = new Date();
                "计算 " + (i) + "*20次, 耗时:"
                + "<br/>" + begin.format("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss fff")
                + "<br/>" + end.format("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss fff")
                + "<br/>" + "计算结果: "
                + "<br/> $.toDateTime(\"2017-03-19 01:43:15 123453\") >> " + result1.format("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss fff")
                + "<br/> $.toDateTime(\"2017-03-19T01:43:15 123453\") >> " + result2.format("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss fff")
                + "<br/> $.toDateTime(\"2017-03-19\") >> " + result3.format("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss fff")
                + "<br/> $.toDateTime(\"2017/03/19 01:43:15\") >> " + result4.format("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss fff")
                + "<br/> $.toDateTime(\"03/19/2017 01:43:15\") >> " + result5.format("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss fff")
                + "<br/> $.toDateTime(\"03/19/2017 01:43\") >> " + result6.format("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss fff")
                + "<br/> $.toDateTime(\"01:43:15 123453\") >> " + result7.format("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss fff")
                + "<br/> $.toDateTime(\"01:43:15.123453\") >> " + result8.format("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss fff")
                + "<br/> $.toDateTime(\"01:43:15\") >> " + result9.format("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss fff")
                + "<br/> $.toDateTime(\"01:43\") >> " + result10.format("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss fff")
                + "<br/> $.toDateTime(\"2017/03/19\") >> " + result11.format("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss fff")
                + "<br/> $.toDateTime(\"03/19/2017\") >> " + result12.format("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss fff")
                + "<br/> $.toDateTime(\"Mon Mar 20 2017 02:46:06 GMT+0800 (中国标准时间)\") >> " + result13.format("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss fff")
                + "<br/> $.toDateTime(\"Mon Mar 20 02:46:06 UTC+0800 2017\") >> " + result14.format("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss fff")
                + "<br/> $.toDateTime(\"Mon Mar 20 2017 02:46:06\") >> " + result15.format("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss fff")
                + "<br/> $.toDateTime(\"2017年3月19日 01时43分15秒\") >> " + result16.format("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss fff")
                + "<br/> $.toDateTime(\"2017年03月19日01:43:15\") >> " + result17.format("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss fff")
                + "<br/> $.toDateTime(\"2017年03月19日 01:43\") >> " + result18.format("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss fff")
                + "<br/> $.toDateTime(\"2017年03月19日\") >> " + result19.format("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss fff")
                + "<br/> $.toDateTime(\"1时43分15秒\") >> " + result20.format("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss fff")
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"Mon Mar 20 2017 02:46:06 GMT+0800 (中国标准时间)"
"Mon Mar 20 02:46:06 UTC+0800 2017"
"Mon Mar 20 2017 02:46:064 
这三种,分别是 Chrome FireFox IE 的 Date 对象 toString() 的结果。
万能函数 也已经进行了反向解析支持。
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看客不禁哈哈大笑:“除非有BUG,否则这种 Date.toString() 的字符串 根本就不该出现在程序中。”

如果您觉得 这三种 字符串类型 不会出现。
—— 那我们看看 大名鼎鼎的 element-ui 库中,DatePicker 控件 是如何 闹心的:


http://element-cn.eleme.io/2.4/#/zh-CN/component/date-picker (新版已经修正了BUG)

无一例外:控件的值 不能直接获取,只能通过 change 事件取值。


var timeSpan = $.getTimeSpan("2017-03-27 21:20:05 000", "2017-03-25 10:10:10 000");
alert(timeSpan); //日期比较 是可以直接使用 > < 的
alert(timeSpan.TotalDays); //两个时间相差的天数(有小数,比如 1.5天)
alert(timeSpan.TotalHours); //两个时间相差的小时数(有小数)
alert(timeSpan.TotalMinutes); //两个时间相差的分钟数(有小数)
alert(timeSpan.TotalSeconds); //两个时间相差的秒数(有小数)
alert(timeSpan.TotalMilliseconds); //两个时间相差的毫秒数(有小数)

alert($.addYears("2017-03-27 21:20:05 123456", 5));  //在指定时间基础上,增加 5 年
alert($.addMonths("2017-03-27 21:20:05 123456", 48));  //在指定时间基础上,增加 48 月
alert($.addDays("2017-03-27 21:20:05 123456", 365));  //在指定时间基础上,增加 365 天
alert($.addHours("2017-03-27 21:20:05 123456", 48));  //在指定时间基础上,增加 48 消失
alert($.addMinutes("2017-03-27 21:20:05 123456", 120));  //在指定时间基础上,增加 120分钟
alert($.addSeconds("2017-03-27 21:20:05 123456", 480));  //在指定时间基础上,增加 480秒
alert($.addMilliseconds("2017-03-27 21:20:05 123456", 10300));  //在指定时间基础上,增加 10300毫秒
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是的, JS 的 Date 对象, 好多你需要但是 底层不提供的 函数 —— 本文 都已经提供。




The above is the detailed content of How to extend JS's Date processing function? Extension method of data function in js. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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