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Implementation method of calling Alipay payment interface in Java (code)

Release: 2018-09-07 15:47:29
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The content of this article is about Java calling the Alipay payment interface. It has certain reference value. Friends in need can refer to it. I hope it will be helpful to you.

1. Scenario: The company needs to make Alipay payment on the website.
2. API: Use the payment capability of Alipay’s open platform-instant payment interface. Alipay Open Platform Link
3. Analysis:

#1. Alipay’s documents are relatively easy to read, mainly because there are corresponding DEMOs. The DEMO I am looking at here It is the JAVA-UTF-8 version.

Implementation method of calling Alipay payment interface in Java (code)

2. Import DEMO and fill in the corresponding partner and key in com.alipay.config (obtained from the corresponding merchant backend). Run it directly to understand the payment process.

Implementation method of calling Alipay payment interface in Java (code)

3. Rewrite: I am using springmvc mybatis here. The product initiates purchase (payment via Alipay), jumps to Alipay, and Alipay calls back the payment status.

4. Implementation:

1. Initiate a purchase request for the product (use the page in the DEMO directly).

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                <a href="https://www.alipay.com/" class="logo"><img  src="img/alipay_logo.png" height="30px" alt="Implementation method of calling Alipay payment interface in Java (code)" ></a>  
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                <a href="http://open.alipay.com/platform/home.htm" class="open" target="_blank">开放平台</a>  
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                    <li><a href="https://doc.open.alipay.com/doc2/detail?treeId=62&articleId=103566&docType=1" target="_blank">在线文档</a></li>  
                    <li><a href="https://cschannel.alipay.com/portal.htm?sourceId=213" target="_blank">技术支持</a></li>  
        <div class="container blue">  
            <div class="title">支付宝即时到账(create_direct_pay_by_user)</div>  
    <div class="content">  
        <%-- <form action="${ctx}/aliPay/open" class="alipayform" method="POST" target="_blank"> --%>  
            <div class="element" style="margin-top:60px;">  
                <div class="legend">支付宝即时到账交易接口快速通道 </div>  
            <div class="element">  
                <div class="etitle">商户订单号:</div>  
                <div class="einput"><input type="text" name="WIDout_trade_no" id="out_trade_no"></div>  
                <div class="mark">注意:商户订单号(out_trade_no).必填(建议是英文字母和数字,不能含有特殊字符)</div>  
            <div class="element">  
                <div class="etitle">商品名称:</div>  
                <div class="einput"><input type="text" name="WIDsubject" id="WIDsubject" value="test商品123"></div>  
                <div class="mark">注意:产品名称(subject),必填(建议中文,英文,数字,不能含有特殊字符)</div>  
            <div class="element">  
                <div class="etitle">付款金额:</div>  
                <div class="einput"><input type="text" name="WIDtotal_fee" id="WIDtotal_fee" value="0.01"></div>  
                <div class="mark">注意:付款金额(total_fee),必填(格式如:1.00,请精确到分)</div>  
            <div class="element">  
                <div class="etitle">商品描述:</div>  
                <div class="einput"><input type="text" name="WIDbody" id="WIDbody" value="即时到账测试"></div>  
                <div class="mark">注意:商品描述(body),选填(建议中文,英文,数字,不能含有特殊字符)</div>  
            <div class="element">  
                <input type="button" class="alisubmit" id="sbumitBtn" value ="确认支付">  
    <div id="returnAli"></div>  
    <div class="footer">  
        <p class="footer-sub">  
            <a href="http://ab.alipay.com/i/index.htm" target="_blank">关于支付宝</a><span>|</span>  
            <a href="https://e.alipay.com/index.htm" target="_blank">商家中心</a><span>|</span>  
            <a href="https://job.alibaba.com/zhaopin/index.htm" target="_blank">诚征英才</a><span>|</span>  
            <a href="http://ab.alipay.com/i/lianxi.htm" target="_blank">联系我们</a><span>|</span>  
            <a href="#" id="international" target="_blank">International Business</a><span>|</span>  
            <a href="http://ab.alipay.com/i/jieshao.htm#en" target="_blank">About Alipay</a>  
            <span class="footer-date">2004-2016</span>  
            <span><a href="http://fun.alipay.com/certificate/jyxkz.htm" target="_blank">ICP证:沪B2-20150087</a></span>  
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2. After clicking to confirm the payment, request the background through ajax and put the returned html code directly into the

, the form will be automatically submitted.

$(function (){  
    $("#sbumitBtn").on(&#39;click&#39;, function(){  
            type : "post",  
            data : {  
                WIDout_trade_no : $(&#39;#out_trade_no&#39;).val(),  
                WIDsubject : $(&#39;#WIDsubject&#39;).val(),  
                WIDtotal_fee : $(&#39;#WIDtotal_fee&#39;).val(),  
                WIDbody : $(&#39;#WIDbody&#39;).val()  
            url : "${ctx}/aliPay/open",  
            success : function(data) {  
            error : function(da){  
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3. In the background controller, the alipayapi.jsp in the demo is basically used directly. It is different. What's more, the parameter transfer is defined by yourself, the return method complies with apringmvc requirements, and the order information with status of unpaid is saved according to business needs.

public ResponseEntity<HttpEntity> open(Model model, String WIDout_trade_no, String WIDsubject, String WIDtotal_fee,  
        String WIDbody) {  
    //////////////////////////////////// 请求参数//////////////////////////////////////  
    // 商户订单号,商户网站订单系统中唯一订单号,必填  
    String out_trade_no = WIDout_trade_no;  
    // 订单名称,必填  
    String subject = WIDsubject;  
    // 付款金额,必填  
    String total_fee = WIDtotal_fee;  
    // 商品描述,可空  
    String body = WIDbody;  
    // 把请求参数打包成数组  
    Map<String, String> sParaTemp = new HashMap<String, String>();  
    sParaTemp.put("service", AlipayConfig.service);  
    sParaTemp.put("partner", AlipayConfig.partner);  
    sParaTemp.put("seller_id", AlipayConfig.seller_id);  
    sParaTemp.put("_input_charset", AlipayConfig.input_charset);  
    sParaTemp.put("payment_type", AlipayConfig.payment_type);  
    sParaTemp.put("notify_url", AlipayConfig.notify_url);  
    sParaTemp.put("return_url", AlipayConfig.return_url);  
    sParaTemp.put("anti_phishing_key", AlipayConfig.anti_phishing_key);  
    sParaTemp.put("exter_invoke_ip", AlipayConfig.exter_invoke_ip);  
    sParaTemp.put("out_trade_no", out_trade_no);  
    sParaTemp.put("subject", subject);  
    sParaTemp.put("total_fee", total_fee);  
    sParaTemp.put("body", body);  
    // 其他业务参数根据在线开发文档,添加参数.文档地址:https://doc.open.alipay.com/doc2/detail.htm?spm=a219a.7629140.0.0.O9yorI&treeId=62&articleId=103740&docType=1  
    // 如sParaTemp.put("参数名","参数值");  
    // 建立请求  
    String sHtmlText = AlipaySubmit.buildRequest(sParaTemp, "get", "确认");  
    model.addAttribute("sHtmlText", sHtmlText);  
    // 保存支付记录  
    return new ResponseEntity(model, HttpStatus.OK);  
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4. Callback: The java code in notify_url.jsp in DEMO is also directly used and slightly modified and business code (modified status, etc.) is added;

public String notify(HttpServletRequest request){  
    Map<String,String> params = new HashMap<String,String>();  
    Map requestParams = request.getParameterMap();  
    for (Iterator iter = requestParams.keySet().iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {  
        String name = (String) iter.next();  
        String[] values = (String[]) requestParams.get(name);  
        String valueStr = "";  
        for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {  
            valueStr = (i == values.length - 1) ? valueStr + values[i]  
                    : valueStr + values[i] + ",";  
        //valueStr = new String(valueStr.getBytes("ISO-8859-1"), "gbk");  
        params.put(name, valueStr);  
    String out_trade_no = request.getParameter("out_trade_no");  
    String trade_no = request.getParameter("trade_no");  
    String trade_status = request.getParameter("trade_status");  
        boolean flg = false;  
        } else if (trade_status.equals("TRADE_SUCCESS")){  
            flg = hysWebMeetingAliService.changeOrderAndAliStatusSuccess(out_trade_no);  
        //out.print("success"); //请不要修改或删除  
            return "success";  
            return "fail";  
        return "fail";  
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5. return_url: page jump synchronization notification page path, which is the page where Alipay will jump back after the payment is successful. "The complete path in http:// format is required, and custom parameters such as ?id=123 cannot be added. The external network must be accessible normally." Alipay clearly stipulates that no custom parameters can be added after the page that bounces back, so some of us are It is a bit troublesome to judge the jump based on some types. I did a trick here: first move the java code in return_url.jsp directly and modify it slightly (change to springmvc method). My bounce address is IP/aliPay/returnUrl, and then new ModelAndView ("redirect:/meeting/info") to redirect to the URL we are thinking of (see point 4 of the summary below for parameter issues).

    public ModelAndView returnUrl(HttpServletRequest request){  
        ModelAndView mv = new ModelAndView("redirect:/meeting/info");  
        Map<String,String> params = new HashMap<String,String>();  
        Map requestParams = request.getParameterMap();  
        for (Iterator iter = requestParams.keySet().iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {  
            String name = (String) iter.next();  
            String[] values = (String[]) requestParams.get(name);  
            String valueStr = "";  
            for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {  
                valueStr = (i == values.length - 1) ? valueStr + values[i]  
                        : valueStr + values[i] + ",";  
            //valueStr = new String(valueStr.getBytes("ISO-8859-1"), "utf-8");  
            params.put(name, valueStr);  
        String out_trade_no = request.getParameter("out_trade_no");  
        String trade_no = request.getParameter("trade_no");  
        String trade_status = request.getParameter("trade_status");  
        <span style="color:#ff0000;">String meetingId = request.getParameter("extra_common_param");  
        mv.addObject("meetingId", meetingId);</span>  
        boolean verify_result = AlipayNotify.verify(params);  
            if(trade_status.equals("TRADE_FINISHED") || trade_status.equals("TRADE_SUCCESS")){  
//          out.println("验证成功<br />");  
//          out.println("验证失败");  
        return mv;  
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// 其他业务参数根据在线开发文档,添加参数.文档地址:https://doc.open.alipay.com/doc2/detail.htm?spm=a219a.7629140.0.0.O9yorI&treeId=62&articleId=103740&docType=1




sParaTemp.put("extra_common_param", meetingId);
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String meetingId = request.getParameter("extra_common_param");  
        mv.addObject("meetingId", meetingId);
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The above is the detailed content of Implementation method of calling Alipay payment interface in Java (code). For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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